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👾 Annie is a fast, simple and clean video downloader built with Go.

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
  * [Download a video](#download-a-video)
  * [Download anything else](#download-anything-else)
  * [Download playlist](#download-playlist)
  * [Multiple inputs](#multiple-inputs)
  * [Resume a download](#resume-a-download)
  * [Cookies](#cookies)
  * [Auto retry](#auto-retry)
  * [Proxy](#proxy)
  * [Multi-Thread](#multi-thread)
  * [Short link](#short-link)
  * [Use specified Referrer](#use-specified-referrer)
  * [Specify the output path and name](#specify-the-output-path-and-name)
  * [Debug Mode](#debug-mode)
  * [Reuse extracted data](#reuse-extracted-data)
  * [Options](#options)
* [Supported Sites](#supported-sites)
* [Known issues](#known-issues)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Authors](#authors)
* [Similar projects](#similar-projects)
* [License](#license)

## Installation

### Prerequisites

The following dependencies are required and must be installed separately.

* **[FFmpeg](https://www.ffmpeg.org)**

> **Note**: FFmpeg does not affect the download, only affects the final file merge.

### Install via `go get`

To install Annie, use `go get`, or download the binary file from [Releases](https://github.com/iawia002/annie/releases) page.

$ go get github.com/iawia002/annie

### Homebrew (macOS only)

For macOS users, you can install `annie` via:

$ brew install annie

### Arch Linux

For Arch Users [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/annie) package is available.

### Void Linux

For Void linux users, you can install `annie` via:

$ xbps-install -S annie

### [Scoop](https://scoop.sh/) on Windows

$ scoop install annie

### [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/) on Windows

$ choco install annie

## Getting Started


annie [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]

### Download a video

$ annie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

 Site:      YouTube youtube.com
 Title:     Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)
 Type:      video
     [248]  -------------------
     Quality:         1080p video/webm; codecs="vp9"
     Size:            63.93 MiB (67038963 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f 248 ...

 41.88 MiB / 63.93 MiB [=================>-------------]  65.51% 4.22 MiB/s 00m05s

> Note: wrap the URL in quotation marks if it contains special characters. (thanks @tonyxyl for pointing this out)
> `$ annie 'https://...'`

The `-i` option displays all available quality of video without downloading.

$ annie -i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

 Site:      YouTube youtube.com
 Title:     Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)
 Type:      video
 Streams:   # All available quality
     [248]  -------------------
     Quality:         1080p video/webm; codecs="vp9"
     Size:            49.29 MiB (51687554 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f 248 ...

     [137]  -------------------
     Quality:         1080p video/mp4; codecs="avc1.640028"
     Size:            43.45 MiB (45564306 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f 137 ...

     [398]  -------------------
     Quality:         720p video/mp4; codecs="av01.0.05M.08"
     Size:            37.12 MiB (38926432 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f 398 ...

     [136]  -------------------
     Quality:         720p video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4d401f"
     Size:            31.34 MiB (32867324 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f 136 ...

     [247]  -------------------
     Quality:         720p video/webm; codecs="vp9"
     Size:            31.03 MiB (32536181 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f 247 ...

Use `annie -f stream "URL"` to download a specific stream listed in the output of `-i` option.

### Download anything else

If Annie is provided the URL of a specific resource, then it will be downloaded directly:

$ annie https://img9.bcyimg.com/drawer/15294/post/1799t/1f5a87801a0711e898b12b640777720f.jpg

annie doesn't support this URL right now, but it will try to download it directly

 Site:      Universal
 Title:     1f5a87801a0711e898b12b640777720f
 Type:      image/jpeg
     [default]  -------------------
     Size:            1.00 MiB (1051042 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"

 1.00 MiB / 1.00 MiB [===================================] 100.00% 1.21 MiB/s 0s

### Download playlist

The `-p` option downloads an entire playlist instead of a single video.

$ annie -i -p https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep198061

 Site:      哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
 Title:     Doctor X 第四季:第一集
 Type:      video
 Streams:   # All available quality
     [default]  -------------------
     Quality:         高清 1080P
     Size:            845.66 MiB (886738354 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"

 Site:      哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
 Title:     Doctor X 第四季:第二集
 Type:      video
 Streams:   # All available quality
     [default]  -------------------
     Quality:         高清 1080P
     Size:            930.71 MiB (975919195 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"


You can use the `-start`, `-end` or `-items` option to specify the download range of the list:

    	Playlist video to start at (default 1)
    	Playlist video to end at
    	Playlist video items to download. Separated by commas like: 1,5,6,8-10

### Multiple inputs

You can also download multiple URLs at once:

$ annie -i https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21877586 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21990740

 Site:      哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
 Title:     【莓机会了】甜到虐哭的13集单集MAD「我现在什么都不想干,更不想看14集」
 Type:      video
 Streams:   # All available quality
     [default]  -------------------
     Quality:         高清 1080P
     Size:            51.88 MiB (54403767 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"

 Site:      哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
 Title:     【莓救了】甜到虐哭!!!国家队单集MAD-当熟悉的bgm响起,眼泪从脸颊滑下
 Type:      video
 Streams:   # All available quality
     [default]  -------------------
     Quality:         高清 1080P
     Size:            77.63 MiB (81404093 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"

These URLs will be downloaded one by one.

You can also use the `-F` option to read URLs from file:

$ annie -F ~/Desktop/u.txt

 Site:      微博 weibo.com
 Title:     在Google,我们设计什么? via@阑夕
 Type:      video
     [default]  -------------------
     Size:            19.19 MiB (20118196 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"

 19.19 MiB / 19.19 MiB [=================================] 100.00% 9.69 MiB/s 1s


You can use the `-start`, `-end` or `-items` option to specify the download range of the list:

    	File line to start at (default 1)
    	File line to end at
    	File lines to download. Separated by commas like: 1,5,6,8-10

### Resume a download

<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd> interrupts a download.

A temporary `.download` file is kept in the output directory. If `annie` is ran with the same arguments, then the download progress will resume from the last session.

### Auto retry

annie will auto retry when the download failed, you can specify the retry times by `-retry` option (default is 100).

### Cookies

Cookies can be provided to `annie` with the `-c` option if they are required for accessing the video.

Cookies can be the following format or [Netscape Cookie](https://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html) format:

name=value; name2=value2; ...

Cookies can be a string or a text file, supply cookies in one of the two following ways.

As a string:

$ annie -c "name=value; name2=value2" https://www.bilibili.com/video/av20203945

As a text file:

$ annie -c cookies.txt https://www.bilibili.com/video/av20203945

### Proxy

You can set the HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy using environment variables:

$ HTTP_PROXY="" annie -i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnbch2osEeo

$ HTTP_PROXY="socks5://" annie -i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnbch2osEeo

### Multi-Thread

Use `-n` option to set the number of download threads(default is 10, only works for multiple-parts video).

> **Special Tips:** Use too many threads in **mgtv** download will cause HTTP 403 error, we recommend setting the number of threads to **1**.

### Short link
#### bilibili

You can just use `av` or `ep` number to download bilibili's video:

$ annie -i ep198381 av21877586

 Site:      哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
 Title:     狐妖小红娘:第79话 南国公主的吃货本色
 Type:      video
 Streams:   # All available quality
     [default]  -------------------
     Quality:         高清 1080P
     Size:            485.23 MiB (508798478 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"

 Site:      哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
 Title:     【莓机会了】甜到虐哭的13集单集MAD「我现在什么都不想干,更不想看14集」
 Type:      video
 Streams:   # All available quality
     [default]  -------------------
     Quality:         高清 1080P
     Size:            51.88 MiB (54403767 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"

### Use specified Referrer

A Referrer can be used for the request with the `-r` option:

$ annie -r https://www.bilibili.com/video/av20383055/ http://cn-scnc1-dx.acgvideo.com/...


### Specify the output path and name

The `-o` option sets the path, and `-O` option sets the name of the downloaded file:

$ annie -o ../ -O "hello" https://...

### Debug Mode

The `-d` option outputs network request messages:

$ annie -i -d http://www.bilibili.com/video/av20088587

URL:         http://www.bilibili.com/video/av20088587
Method:      GET
Headers:     http.Header{
    "Referer":         {"http://www.bilibili.com/video/av20088587"},
    "Accept":          {"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"},
    "Accept-Charset":  {"UTF-8,*;q=0.5"},
    "Accept-Encoding": {"gzip,deflate,sdch"},
    "Accept-Language": {"en-US,en;q=0.8"},
    "User-Agent":      {"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.146 Safari/537.36"},
Status Code: 200

URL:         https://interface.bilibili.com/v2/playurl?appkey=84956560bc028eb7&cid=32782944&otype=json&qn=116&quality=116&type=&sign=fb2e3f261fec398652f96d358517e535
Method:      GET
Headers:     http.Header{
    "Accept-Charset":  {"UTF-8,*;q=0.5"},
    "Accept-Encoding": {"gzip,deflate,sdch"},
    "Accept-Language": {"en-US,en;q=0.8"},
    "User-Agent":      {"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.146 Safari/537.36"},
    "Referer":         {"https://interface.bilibili.com/v2/playurl?appkey=84956560bc028eb7&cid=32782944&otype=json&qn=116&quality=116&type=&sign=fb2e3f261fec398652f96d358517e535"},
    "Accept":          {"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"},
Status Code: 200

 Site:      哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
 Title:     燃油动力的遥控奥迪R8跑赛道
 Type:      video
 Streams:   # All available quality
     [default]  -------------------
     Quality:         高清 1080P
     Size:            64.38 MiB (67504795 Bytes)
     # download with: annie -f default "URL"

### Reuse extracted data

The `-j` option will print the extracted data in JSON format.

$ annie -j https://www.bilibili.com/video/av20203945

    "site": "哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com",
    "title": "【2018拜年祭单品】相遇day by day",
    "type": "video",
    "streams": {
        "15": {
            "urls": [
                    "url": "...",
                    "size": 18355205,
                    "ext": "flv"
            "quality": "流畅 360P",
            "size": 18355205
        "32": {
            "urls": [
                    "url": "...",
                    "size": 40058632,
                    "ext": "flv"
            "quality": "清晰 480P",
            "size": 40058632
        "64": {
            "urls": [
                    "url": "...",
                    "size": 82691087,
                    "ext": "flv"
            "quality": "高清 720P",
            "size": 82691087
        "80": {
            "urls": [
                    "url": "...",
                    "size": 121735559,
                    "ext": "flv"
            "quality": "高清 1080P",
            "size": 121735559

### Options

  -i	Information only
  -F string
    	URLs file path
  -d	Debug mode
  -j	Print extracted data
  -v	Show version

#### Download:

  -f string
    	Select specific stream to download
  -p	Download playlist
  -n int
    	The number of download thread (only works for multiple-parts video) (default 10)
  -c string
  -r string
    	Use specified Referrer
  -cs int
    	HTTP chunk size for downloading (in MB) (default 0)

#### Network:

  -retry int
    	How many times to retry when the download failed (default 10)

#### Playlist:

  -start int
    	Playlist video to start at (default 1)
  -end int
    	Playlist video to end at
  -items string
    	Playlist video items to download. Separated by commas like: 1,5,6,8-10

#### Filesystem:

  -o string
    	Specify the output path
  -O string
    	Specify the output file name

#### Subtitle:

  -C	Download captions

#### Youku:

  -ccode string
    	Youku ccode (default "0590")
  -ckey string
    	Youku ckey (default "7B19C0AB12633B22E7FE81271162026020570708D6CC189E4924503C49D243A0DE6CD84A766832C2C99898FC5ED31F3709BB3CDD82C96492E721BDD381735026")
  -password string
    	Youku password

#### aria2:

> Note: If you use aria2 to download, you need to merge the multi-part videos yourself.

    	Use Aria2 RPC to download
  -aria2addr string
    	Aria2 Address (default "localhost:6800")
  -aria2method string
    	Aria2 Method (default "http")
  -aria2token string
    	Aria2 RPC Token

## Supported Sites

Site | URL | 🎬 Videos | 🌁 Images | 📚 Playlist | 🍪 VIP adaptation
--- | --- | ---------| -------- | -------- | --------------
抖音 | <https://www.douyin.com> | ✓ | | | |
哔哩哔哩 | <https://www.bilibili.com> | ✓ | | ✓ | ✓ |
半次元 | <https://bcy.net> | | ✓ | | |
pixivision | <https://www.pixivision.net> | | ✓ | | |
优酷 | <https://www.youku.com> | ✓ | | | ✓ |
YouTube | <https://www.youtube.com> | ✓ | | ✓ | |
爱奇艺 | <https://www.iqiyi.com> | ✓ | | | |
芒果TV | <https://www.mgtv.com> | ✓ | | | |
糖豆广场舞 | <http://www.tangdou.com> | ✓ | | ✓ | |
Tumblr | <https://www.tumblr.com> | ✓ | ✓ | | |
Vimeo | <https://vimeo.com> | ✓ | | | |
Facebook | <https://facebook.com> | ✓ | | | |
斗鱼视频 | <https://v.douyu.com> | ✓ | | | |
秒拍 | <https://www.miaopai.com> | ✓ | | | |
微博 | <https://weibo.com> | ✓ | | | |
Instagram | <https://www.instagram.com> | ✓ | ✓ | | |
Twitter | <https://twitter.com> | ✓ | | | |
腾讯视频 | <https://v.qq.com> | ✓ | | | |
网易云音乐 | <https://music.163.com> | ✓ | | | |
音悦台 | <https://yinyuetai.com> | ✓ | | | |
极客时间 | <https://time.geekbang.org> | ✓ | | | |
Pornhub | <https://pornhub.com> | ✓ | | | |
XVIDEOS | <https://xvideos.com> | ✓ | | | |
聯合新聞網 | <https://udn.com> | ✓ | | | |
TikTok | <https://www.tiktok.com> | ✓ | | | |

## Known issues

### 优酷

优酷的 `ccode` 经常变化导致 annie 不可用,如果你知道有新的可用的 `ccode`,可以直接使用 `annie -ccode ...` 而不用等待 annie 更新(当然,也欢迎你给我们提一个 Pull request 来更新默认的 `ccode`)

最好是每次下载都附带登录过的 Cookie 以避免部分 `ccode` 的问题

## Contributing

Annie is an open source project and built on the top of open-source projects. If you are interested, then you are welcome to contribute. Let's make Annie better, together. 💪

Check out the [Contributing Guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started.

Special thanks to [@Yasujizr](https://github.com/Yasujizr) who designed the amazing logo!

Thanks for [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=annie) for the wonderful IDE.

<a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=annie"><img src="static/jetbrains-variant-3.svg" /></a>

## Authors

Code with ❤️ by [iawia002](https://github.com/iawia002) and lovely [contributors](https://github.com/iawia002/annie/graphs/contributors)

## Similar projects

* [youtube-dl](https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl)
* [you-get](https://github.com/soimort/you-get)
* [ytdl](https://github.com/rylio/ytdl)

## License


Copyright (c) 2018-present, iawia002