package pretty

import (

// Options is Pretty options
type Options struct {
	// Width is an max column width for single line arrays
	// Default is 80
	Width int
	// Prefix is a prefix for all lines
	// Default is an empty string
	Prefix string
	// Indent is the nested indentation
	// Default is two spaces
	Indent string
	// SortKeys will sort the keys alphabetically
	// Default is false
	SortKeys bool

// DefaultOptions is the default options for pretty formats.
var DefaultOptions = &Options{Width: 80, Prefix: "", Indent: "  ", SortKeys: false}

// Pretty converts the input json into a more human readable format where each
// element is on it's own line with clear indentation.
func Pretty(json []byte) []byte { return PrettyOptions(json, nil) }

// PrettyOptions is like Pretty but with customized options.
func PrettyOptions(json []byte, opts *Options) []byte {
	if opts == nil {
		opts = DefaultOptions
	buf := make([]byte, 0, len(json))
	if len(opts.Prefix) != 0 {
		buf = append(buf, opts.Prefix...)
	buf, _, _, _ = appendPrettyAny(buf, json, 0, true,
		opts.Width, opts.Prefix, opts.Indent, opts.SortKeys,
		0, 0, -1)
	if len(buf) > 0 {
		buf = append(buf, '\n')
	return buf

// Ugly removes insignificant space characters from the input json byte slice
// and returns the compacted result.
func Ugly(json []byte) []byte {
	buf := make([]byte, 0, len(json))
	return ugly(buf, json)

// UglyInPlace removes insignificant space characters from the input json
// byte slice and returns the compacted result. This method reuses the
// input json buffer to avoid allocations. Do not use the original bytes
// slice upon return.
func UglyInPlace(json []byte) []byte { return ugly(json, json) }

func ugly(dst, src []byte) []byte {
	dst = dst[:0]
	for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
		if src[i] > ' ' {
			dst = append(dst, src[i])
			if src[i] == '"' {
				for i = i + 1; i < len(src); i++ {
					dst = append(dst, src[i])
					if src[i] == '"' {
						j := i - 1
						for ; ; j-- {
							if src[j] != '\\' {
						if (j-i)%2 != 0 {
	return dst

func appendPrettyAny(buf, json []byte, i int, pretty bool, width int, prefix, indent string, sortkeys bool, tabs, nl, max int) ([]byte, int, int, bool) {
	for ; i < len(json); i++ {
		if json[i] <= ' ' {
		if json[i] == '"' {
			return appendPrettyString(buf, json, i, nl)
		if (json[i] >= '0' && json[i] <= '9') || json[i] == '-' {
			return appendPrettyNumber(buf, json, i, nl)
		if json[i] == '{' {
			return appendPrettyObject(buf, json, i, '{', '}', pretty, width, prefix, indent, sortkeys, tabs, nl, max)
		if json[i] == '[' {
			return appendPrettyObject(buf, json, i, '[', ']', pretty, width, prefix, indent, sortkeys, tabs, nl, max)
		switch json[i] {
		case 't':
			return append(buf, 't', 'r', 'u', 'e'), i + 4, nl, true
		case 'f':
			return append(buf, 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'), i + 5, nl, true
		case 'n':
			return append(buf, 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l'), i + 4, nl, true
	return buf, i, nl, true

type pair struct {
	kstart, kend int
	vstart, vend int

type byKey struct {
	sorted bool
	json   []byte
	pairs  []pair

func (arr *byKey) Len() int {
	return len(arr.pairs)
func (arr *byKey) Less(i, j int) bool {
	key1 := arr.json[arr.pairs[i].kstart+1 : arr.pairs[i].kend-1]
	key2 := arr.json[arr.pairs[j].kstart+1 : arr.pairs[j].kend-1]
	return string(key1) < string(key2)
func (arr *byKey) Swap(i, j int) {
	arr.pairs[i], arr.pairs[j] = arr.pairs[j], arr.pairs[i]
	arr.sorted = true

func appendPrettyObject(buf, json []byte, i int, open, close byte, pretty bool, width int, prefix, indent string, sortkeys bool, tabs, nl, max int) ([]byte, int, int, bool) {
	var ok bool
	if width > 0 {
		if pretty && open == '[' && max == -1 {
			// here we try to create a single line array
			max := width - (len(buf) - nl)
			if max > 3 {
				s1, s2 := len(buf), i
				buf, i, _, ok = appendPrettyObject(buf, json, i, '[', ']', false, width, prefix, "", sortkeys, 0, 0, max)
				if ok && len(buf)-s1 <= max {
					return buf, i, nl, true
				buf = buf[:s1]
				i = s2
		} else if max != -1 && open == '{' {
			return buf, i, nl, false
	buf = append(buf, open)
	var pairs []pair
	if open == '{' && sortkeys {
		pairs = make([]pair, 0, 8)
	var n int
	for ; i < len(json); i++ {
		if json[i] <= ' ' {
		if json[i] == close {
			if pretty {
				if open == '{' && sortkeys {
					buf = sortPairs(json, buf, pairs)
				if n > 0 {
					nl = len(buf)
					buf = append(buf, '\n')
				if buf[len(buf)-1] != open {
					buf = appendTabs(buf, prefix, indent, tabs)
			buf = append(buf, close)
			return buf, i + 1, nl, open != '{'
		if open == '[' || json[i] == '"' {
			if n > 0 {
				buf = append(buf, ',')
				if width != -1 && open == '[' {
					buf = append(buf, ' ')
			var p pair
			if pretty {
				nl = len(buf)
				buf = append(buf, '\n')
				if open == '{' && sortkeys {
					p.kstart = i
					p.vstart = len(buf)
				buf = appendTabs(buf, prefix, indent, tabs+1)
			if open == '{' {
				buf, i, nl, _ = appendPrettyString(buf, json, i, nl)
				if sortkeys {
					p.kend = i
				buf = append(buf, ':')
				if pretty {
					buf = append(buf, ' ')
			buf, i, nl, ok = appendPrettyAny(buf, json, i, pretty, width, prefix, indent, sortkeys, tabs+1, nl, max)
			if max != -1 && !ok {
				return buf, i, nl, false
			if pretty && open == '{' && sortkeys {
				p.vend = len(buf)
				if p.kstart > p.kend || p.vstart > p.vend {
					// bad data. disable sorting
					sortkeys = false
				} else {
					pairs = append(pairs, p)
	return buf, i, nl, open != '{'
func sortPairs(json, buf []byte, pairs []pair) []byte {
	if len(pairs) == 0 {
		return buf
	vstart := pairs[0].vstart
	vend := pairs[len(pairs)-1].vend
	arr := byKey{false, json, pairs}
	if !arr.sorted {
		return buf
	nbuf := make([]byte, 0, vend-vstart)
	for i, p := range pairs {
		nbuf = append(nbuf, buf[p.vstart:p.vend]...)
		if i < len(pairs)-1 {
			nbuf = append(nbuf, ',')
			nbuf = append(nbuf, '\n')
	return append(buf[:vstart], nbuf...)

func appendPrettyString(buf, json []byte, i, nl int) ([]byte, int, int, bool) {
	s := i
	for ; i < len(json); i++ {
		if json[i] == '"' {
			var sc int
			for j := i - 1; j > s; j-- {
				if json[j] == '\\' {
				} else {
			if sc%2 == 1 {
	return append(buf, json[s:i]...), i, nl, true

func appendPrettyNumber(buf, json []byte, i, nl int) ([]byte, int, int, bool) {
	s := i
	for ; i < len(json); i++ {
		if json[i] <= ' ' || json[i] == ',' || json[i] == ':' || json[i] == ']' || json[i] == '}' {
	return append(buf, json[s:i]...), i, nl, true

func appendTabs(buf []byte, prefix, indent string, tabs int) []byte {
	if len(prefix) != 0 {
		buf = append(buf, prefix...)
	if len(indent) == 2 && indent[0] == ' ' && indent[1] == ' ' {
		for i := 0; i < tabs; i++ {
			buf = append(buf, ' ', ' ')
	} else {
		for i := 0; i < tabs; i++ {
			buf = append(buf, indent...)
	return buf

// Style is the color style
type Style struct {
	Key, String, Number [2]string
	True, False, Null   [2]string
	Append              func(dst []byte, c byte) []byte

func hexp(p byte) byte {
	switch {
	case p < 10:
		return p + '0'
		return (p - 10) + 'a'

// TerminalStyle is for terminals
var TerminalStyle *Style

func init() {
	TerminalStyle = &Style{
		Key:    [2]string{"\x1B[94m", "\x1B[0m"},
		String: [2]string{"\x1B[92m", "\x1B[0m"},
		Number: [2]string{"\x1B[93m", "\x1B[0m"},
		True:   [2]string{"\x1B[96m", "\x1B[0m"},
		False:  [2]string{"\x1B[96m", "\x1B[0m"},
		Null:   [2]string{"\x1B[91m", "\x1B[0m"},
		Append: func(dst []byte, c byte) []byte {
			if c < ' ' && (c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != '\t' && c != '\v') {
				dst = append(dst, "\\u00"...)
				dst = append(dst, hexp((c>>4)&0xF))
				return append(dst, hexp((c)&0xF))
			return append(dst, c)

// Color will colorize the json. The style parma is used for customizing
// the colors. Passing nil to the style param will use the default
// TerminalStyle.
func Color(src []byte, style *Style) []byte {
	if style == nil {
		style = TerminalStyle
	apnd := style.Append
	if apnd == nil {
		apnd = func(dst []byte, c byte) []byte {
			return append(dst, c)
	type stackt struct {
		kind byte
		key  bool
	var dst []byte
	var stack []stackt
	for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
		if src[i] == '"' {
			key := len(stack) > 0 && stack[len(stack)-1].key
			if key {
				dst = append(dst, style.Key[0]...)
			} else {
				dst = append(dst, style.String[0]...)
			dst = apnd(dst, '"')
			for i = i + 1; i < len(src); i++ {
				dst = apnd(dst, src[i])
				if src[i] == '"' {
					j := i - 1
					for ; ; j-- {
						if src[j] != '\\' {
					if (j-i)%2 != 0 {
			if key {
				dst = append(dst, style.Key[1]...)
			} else {
				dst = append(dst, style.String[1]...)
		} else if src[i] == '{' || src[i] == '[' {
			stack = append(stack, stackt{src[i], src[i] == '{'})
			dst = apnd(dst, src[i])
		} else if (src[i] == '}' || src[i] == ']') && len(stack) > 0 {
			stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
			dst = apnd(dst, src[i])
		} else if (src[i] == ':' || src[i] == ',') && len(stack) > 0 && stack[len(stack)-1].kind == '{' {
			stack[len(stack)-1].key = !stack[len(stack)-1].key
			dst = apnd(dst, src[i])
		} else {
			var kind byte
			if (src[i] >= '0' && src[i] <= '9') || src[i] == '-' {
				kind = '0'
				dst = append(dst, style.Number[0]...)
			} else if src[i] == 't' {
				kind = 't'
				dst = append(dst, style.True[0]...)
			} else if src[i] == 'f' {
				kind = 'f'
				dst = append(dst, style.False[0]...)
			} else if src[i] == 'n' {
				kind = 'n'
				dst = append(dst, style.Null[0]...)
			} else {
				dst = apnd(dst, src[i])
			if kind != 0 {
				for ; i < len(src); i++ {
					if src[i] <= ' ' || src[i] == ',' || src[i] == ':' || src[i] == ']' || src[i] == '}' {
					dst = apnd(dst, src[i])
				if kind == '0' {
					dst = append(dst, style.Number[1]...)
				} else if kind == 't' {
					dst = append(dst, style.True[1]...)
				} else if kind == 'f' {
					dst = append(dst, style.False[1]...)
				} else if kind == 'n' {
					dst = append(dst, style.Null[1]...)
	return dst