{ /* Timezone (IANA tz format) */ "Timezone": "Etc/UTC", /* Number of lines per page */ "LinesPerPage": 100, /* A list of objects describing each independent log source */ "Logs": [ /* Create one object for each independent log source */ { /* Display name for this log source */ "Description": "my-log-source", /* Alternative URL names for this source (the first is preferred) */ "Slugs": [], /* A list of objects describing where files for this source can be found */ "FileLocation": [ /* Create one object for each time-based file location */ { /* * The full path to the log file. * Date formatting reference: http://strftime.org/ */ "LogFilePath": "/path/to/my-log-source/%Y-%m.log", /* * The first month for which this path is valid. * Months are 1-based (1=January, 12=December) */ "StartMonth": { "Year": 2010, "Month": 2 }, /* * The last month for which this is valid. * Set `"EndMonth": null` to refer to the current month. */ "EndMonth": { "Year": 2015, "Month": 7 } } ] } ] }