# assimilate-packer ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/written%20in-bash-blue) A shell script to handle precomp+zpaq compression workflow. Zip archives of nearly-identical data might be almost entirely different after compression. Best compression can be had by unpacking the archives first; but naively doing so loses bit-exact archive reconstruction. By using a `precomp` pass, as well as a global deduplicating compressor, maximum storage efficiency can be achieved. - Parallel precomp scanning - Graphical extraction interface - Dependencies: `precomp`, `zpaq`, `dialog`, and GNU Parallel - Assumes Cygwin, although porting would be possible ## Usage ``` Usage: assimilate [options] Options: {no option argument} Begin interactive pack/unpack workflow --child 'arg' (Internal use only) --help Display this message --pack Immediately pack --unpack-menu Begin interactive unpack workflow ``` ## Changelog 2015-11-08: r04 - Fix an issue packing and unpacking un-`precomp`-able files - [⬇️ assimilate-packer-r04.tar.xz](dist-archive/assimilate-packer-r04.tar.xz) *(1.69 KiB)* 2015-11-08: r01 - Inital public release - [⬇️ assimilate-packer-r01.tar.xz](dist-archive/assimilate-packer-r01.tar.xz) *(1.64 KiB)*