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2015-11-13 05:00:14 +00:00
// ````````````````````````
var TEAM_RED = 0;
var TEAM_BLUE = 1;
var TEAM_GREEN = 2;
var TEAM_YELLOW = 3;
var SUIT_HEARTS = 3;
var SUIT_CLUBS = 1;
var SUIT_SPADES = 0;
var FACE_ACE = 12; // ace-high for numerical comparisons
var FACE_KING = 11;
var FACE_QUEEN = 10;
var FACE_JACK = 9;
var FACE_TEN = 8;
var FACE_NINE = 7;
var FACE_EIGHT = 6;
var FACE_SEVEN = 5;
var FACE_SIX = 4;
var FACE_FIVE = 3;
var FACE_FOUR = 2;
var FACE_THREE = 1;
var FACE_TWO = 0;
var deck_create = function() {
var ret = [];
for (var card_id = 0; card_id < (4*13); card_id++) {
return ret;
var deck_shuffle_inplace = function(deck) {
for (var i = 0, e = deck.length; i != e; ++i) {
var source_idx = i;
var dest_idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * deck.length);
var tmp = deck[dest_idx];
deck[dest_idx] = deck[source_idx];
deck[source_idx] = tmp;
var card_suit = function(card_id) {
return Math.floor(card_id / 13); // 0..3
var card_face = function(card_id) {
return Math.floor(card_id % 13); // 0-indexed
var card_is = function(card_id, suit, face) {
return card_suit(card_id) == suit && card_face(card_id) == face;
var card_name_face = function(face) {
switch(face) {
case FACE_ACE: return 'Ace';
case FACE_TWO: return 'Two';
case FACE_THREE: return 'Three';
case FACE_FOUR: return 'Four';
case FACE_FIVE: return 'Five';
case FACE_SIX: return 'Six';
case FACE_SEVEN: return 'Seven';
case FACE_EIGHT: return 'Eight';
case FACE_NINE: return 'Nine';
case FACE_TEN: return 'Ten';
case FACE_JACK: return 'Jack';
case FACE_QUEEN: return 'Queen';
case FACE_KING: return 'King';
var card_name_suit = function(suit) {
switch(suit) {
case SUIT_HEARTS: return 'Hearts';
case SUIT_DIAMONDS: return 'Diamonds';
case SUIT_CLUBS: return 'Clubs';
case SUIT_SPADES: return 'Spades';
var card_name = function(card_id) {
if (card_is(card_id, SUIT_SPADES, FACE_QUEEN)) {
return "** THE QUEEN OF SPADES **";
} else {
return card_name_face(card_face(card_id)) + " of " + card_name_suit(card_suit(card_id));
// ````````````````````````````
var GameState = function() {
this.moveHistory = [];
GameState.prototype.clone = function() {
var ret = new GameState();
ret.moveHistory = this.moveHistory.slice(0);
return ret;
GameState.prototype.applyMove = function(move) {
GameState.prototype.getNextPlayerID = function() {
throw new Error("Game not loaded");
GameState.prototype.evaluatePosition = function() {
// determine who's winning, even mid-round
// return { TEAM_RED: number, ... }
throw new Error("Game not loaded");
GameState.prototype.gameHasEnded = function() {
throw new Error("Game not loaded");
GameState.prototype.evaluatePositionOnBehalfOf = function(team_id) {
var team_scores = this.evaluatePosition();
// Turn the team scores into a single +/- number.
var our_score = team_scores[team_id];
var other_scores = [];
for (var tid in team_scores) {
if (tid != team_id) {
other_scores.push( team_scores[tid] );
var other_players_max = Math.max.apply(null, other_scores);
var other_players_sum = other_scores.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0);
var other_players_mean = other_players_sum / other_scores.length;
// Positive if we're winning, negative if we're losing.
// This is accurate but naive, it'd be better to return how many stddev's we're ahead/behind
return (our_score - other_players_max);
var Move = function(player_id) {
this.player_id = player_id;
// Anything else goes - 500/hearts have only a single card, but KNA could have multiple, shouldn't matter in general
var Player = function() { = []; // private
this.player_id = 0; // public
this.team_id = TEAM_RED; // public
Player.prototype.enumerateLegalMoves = function(gamestate) {
// use;
throw new Error("Game not loaded");
Player.prototype.buildMentalModelOfOtherPlayers = function(gamestate) {
throw new Error("Game not loaded");
// use gamestate.moveHistory;
// return [null (self), Player, Player, Player] with probably-wrong card information
Player.prototype.determineMove = function(gamestate, recurse_limit, score_on_behalf_of_team_id) {
var avail_moves = this.enumerateLegalMoves(gamestate);
if (! avail_moves.length) {
return null;
var nextPlayer = null;
if (recurse_limit > 0) {
nextPlayer = this.buildMentalModelOfOtherPlayers(gamestate)[ gamestate.getNextPlayerID() ];
// n.b. that took into account recursive calls should have removed cards from players' hands
var best_move = null;
var best_score = -Infinity;
for(var i = 0, e = avail_moves.length; i < e; ++i) {
var proposed_gamestate = gamestate.clone();
proposed_gamestate.applyMove( avail_moves[i] );
var move_score = proposed_gamestate.evaluatePositionOnBehalfOf(this.team_id);
if (recurse_limit > 0 && ! proposed_gamestate.gameHasEnded()) {
// depth-first search
var recurse_move_arr = nextPlayer.determineMove(proposed_gamestate, recurse_limit - 1, score_on_behalf_of_team_id);
// It's possible the game hasn't ended yet, but there would be no more moves from this player
if (recurse_move_arr != null) {
// use the score from recursion, but, we need to return our own move to get to this score
move_score = recurse_move_arr[1];
if (move_score > best_score) {
best_score = move_score;
best_move = avail_moves[i];
// The best_score determined what move *this player* would have made. But we were asked to determine
// the score on behalf of someone else
if (this.team_id != score_on_behalf_of_team_id) {
var temp_gs = gamestate.clone();
best_score = temp_gs.evaluatePositionOnBehalfOf( score_on_behalf_of_team_id ); // overwrite
return [best_move, best_score];
// ``````
Player.prototype.enumerateLegalMoves = function(gamestate) {
// use;
// HEARTS {{{
// We could play any card, with some exceptions
var play_options =; // clone
var leading = (gamestate.moveHistory.length % 4) == 0;
// If hearts aren't broken, we can't lead them
if (leading) {
var hearts_broken = false;
for(var i = 0; i < gamestate.moveHistory.length; i += 4) { // leading moves only
if ( card_suit(gamestate.moveHistory[i].card_id) == SUIT_HEARTS ) {
hearts_broken = true;
if (! hearts_broken) {
play_options = play_options.filter(function(card_id) {
return card_suit(card_id) != SUIT_HEARTS;
// No point cards on the first round
if (gamestate.moveHistory.length < 4) {
play_options = play_options.filter(function(card_id) {
return (
card_suit(card_id) != SUIT_HEARTS &&
!card_is(card_id, SUIT_SPADES, FACE_QUEEN)
// Follow suit if we can
if (! leading) {
var lead_move = gamestate.moveHistory[ Math.floor(gamestate.moveHistory.length / 4)*4 ];
var follow_suit_options = play_options.filter(function(card_id) {
return card_suit(card_id) == card_suit(lead_move.card_id)
if (follow_suit_options.length) {
play_options = follow_suit_options;
// If there were no legal moves, gotta break a rule, any card goes i guess
if (! play_options.length) {
play_options =; // clone
// Build \Move objects for return
var ret = [];
for(var i = 0; i < play_options.length; ++i) {
var move = new Move();
move.player_id = this.player_id;
move.card_id = play_options[i];
return ret;
// }}}
Player.prototype.buildMentalModelOfOtherPlayers = function(gamestate) {
var retn = hearts_create_players();
// Start out by assuming anyone could have any card
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
retn[i].cards = deck_create();
// Go through the move history...
for (var i = 0; i < gamestate.moveHistory.length; ++i) {
var played_card_id = gamestate.moveHistory[i].card_id;
var played_player_id = gamestate.moveHistory[i].player_id;
var is_lead_card = (i % 4) == 0;
if (is_lead_card) {
var last_lead_card = played_card_id;
// Once a move has been made, nobody has that card any more
for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
retn[j].cards = retn[j].cards.filter(function(card_id) {
return card_id != played_card_id;
// If this player didn't follow suit, then they were out of the lead suit
if (! is_lead_card) {
if (card_suit(played_card_id) != card_suit(last_lead_card)) {
retn[ played_player_id ].cards = retn[ played_player_id ].cards.filter(function(card_id) {
return card_suit(card_id) != card_suit(last_lead_card);
// ...and of course, we know more about our own situation
retn[ this.player_id ] = this;
// That's all we can infer
return retn;
GameState.prototype.evaluatePosition = function() {
// determine who's winning, even mid-round.
var retn = {};
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
retn[i] = 0;
// We can get an explicit score for all the completed rounds..
var completedRounds = Math.floor(this.moveHistory.length/4);
var last_winner = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < completedRounds; ++i) {
// Determine trick value
var trick_value = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
var move = this.moveHistory[i*4 + j];
if (card_suit(move.card_id) == SUIT_HEARTS) {
trick_value += 1;
} else if (card_is(move.card_id, SUIT_SPADES, FACE_QUEEN)) {
trick_value += 13;
// Determine trick winner
var lead_move = this.moveHistory[i*4 + 0];
var winning_player = lead_move.player_id;
for (var j = 1; j < 4; ++j) {
var contender_move = this.moveHistory[i*4 + j];
if (
card_suit(contender_move.card_id) == card_suit(lead_move.card_id) &&
card_face(contender_move.card_id) > card_face(lead_move.card_id)
) {
winning_player = contender_move.player_id;
// That player loses the points
retn[winning_player /* should be team id, but they're equal */] -= (trick_value * 100);
last_winner = winning_player;
// If there's an incomplete round,
// then we can see who's in the best position for the round so far
// If this was the trick-ending play, apply a penalty for whoever's in the lead - unless it's the last trick
var is_time_for_new_trick = ( (this.moveHistory.length % 4) == 0 && ! this.gameHasEnded() );
if (is_time_for_new_trick) {
retn[last_winner] -= 50;
return retn;
GameState.prototype.gameHasEnded = function() {
return this.moveHistory.length >= (4*13);
GameState.prototype.getNextPlayerID = function() {
if (this.moveHistory.length) {
if (this.moveHistory.length % 4 == 0) {
// It's a new round. Who won the last round?
var last_round_starting_move = this.moveHistory[this.moveHistory.length-4];
var winning_player_id = last_round_starting_move.player_id;
var highest_face_in_lead_suit = card_face(last_round_starting_move.card_id);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
var round_move = this.moveHistory[this.moveHistory.length-3 + i];
if (
card_suit(round_move.card_id) == card_suit(last_round_starting_move.card_id) &&
card_face(round_move.card_id) > highest_face_in_lead_suit
) {
winning_player_id = round_move.player_id;
highest_face_in_lead_suit = card_face(round_move.card_id);
return winning_player_id; // Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); // FIXME: who won the last round?
} else {
// We're mid-round, pick the next player
return (this.moveHistory[this.moveHistory.length - 1].player_id + 1) % 4; // num_players
} else {
// No moves have bene played yet, youngest player starts
return 0;
var hearts_create_players = function() {
var deck = deck_create();
var retn = [new Player(), new Player(), new Player(), new Player()];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
retn[i].cards = deck.slice( 13*i, 13*(i+1) );
retn[i].player_id = i;
retn[i].team_id = i;
return retn;
var hearts_mainloop = function() {
var players = hearts_create_players();
var gs = new GameState();
while (! gs.gameHasEnded()) {
var player_id = gs.getNextPlayerID();
var move = players[player_id].determineMove(gs, 3, players[player_id].team_id)[0];
players[player_id].cards = players[player_id].cards.filter(function(card_id) {
return card_id != move.card_id;
return gs;
// ```````````
var main = function() {
var heartsgame = hearts_mainloop();
for(var i = 0; i < heartsgame.moveHistory.length; ++i) {
var move = heartsgame.moveHistory[i];
console.log("Player "+move.player_id + ": " + card_name(move.card_id));
if (i % 4 == 3) {
var temp_gs = heartsgame.clone();
temp_gs.moveHistory = temp_gs.moveHistory.slice(0, i+1);
console.log("Scores: " + JSON.stringify(temp_gs.evaluatePosition()) + "\n");
console.log("The game ended.");