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2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
class CProject {
private $dir;
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
public $projname;
public $shortdesc = '(no description)';
public $subtag = '';
public $lastupdate = 0;
public $numreleases = 0;
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
private $longdesc = '';
private $prefix_html = '';
private $images = array();
private $downloads = array();
private $downloads_hashes = array();
public $downloads_section_was_replaced = false;
public $lifespan = 0;
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
public $tags = array();
public $homeimage = null;
public function __construct($dirname, $projname) {
$this->dir = BASEDIR.'data/'.$dirname.'/';
$this->projname = $projname;
$matches = [];
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
// Identify resources in folder
$ls = scandir($this->dir);
$found_real_lastupdate = false;
foreach($ls as $file) {
if ($file[0] == '.') {
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
if ($file == 'README.txt') {
$this->longdesc = file_get_contents($this->dir.'README.txt');
$this->longdesc = str_replace("\r", "", $this->longdesc); // filter windows CR
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
// Guess 'last update' time
if (preg_match('~\n(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)~', $this->longdesc, $matches)) {
// Use first date entry (assumed to be a CHANGELOG)
$this->lastupdate = strtotime($matches[1]);
$found_real_lastupdate = true;
// Find number of releases
preg_match_all('~\n(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)~', $this->longdesc, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$this->numreleases = count($matches);
// Find support lifespan (newest minus youngest)
$eldest = time();
$newest = 0;
foreach($matches as $match) {
$stamp = strtotime($match[1]);
$eldest = min($stamp, $eldest);
$newest = max($stamp, $newest);
$this->lifespan = floor(max(0, $newest - $eldest) / 3600); // could divide by 86400 but it doesn't matter
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
// Find 'written in'
if (preg_match('~Written in ([^\\n]+)~', $this->longdesc, $matches)) {
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
$this->subtag = rtrim($matches[1], ' .');
// Find tags
if (preg_match('~Tags: ([^\\n]+)~', $this->longdesc, $matches)) {
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
$this->tags = array_map('trim', explode(',', $matches[1]));
// Extract short description
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
$parts = explode("\n", $this->longdesc);
$this->shortdesc = array_shift($parts);
$this->shortdesc[0] = strtolower($this->shortdesc[0]); // cosmetic lowercase
// Filters for longdesc
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
$prefix_html = '';
$this->longdesc = preg_replace_callback('~\nWritten in ([^\\n]+)~ms', function($matches) use (&$prefix_html) {
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
$prefix_html .= (
(SHIELDS_PREFIX ? mkshield('build', 'success', 'brightgreen').'&nbsp;' : '').
mkshield('written in', rtrim($matches[1], '.'), 'blue')
return '';
}, $this->longdesc);
while(strpos($this->longdesc, "\n\n\n") !== false) {
$this->longdesc = str_replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n", $this->longdesc);
$this->longdesc = rtrim($this->longdesc, "\n");
$this->prefix_html = $prefix_html;
if (! $found_real_lastupdate) {
$this->lastupdate = max(
// filectime($this->dir.$file),
($file == 'README.txt' ? filectime($this->dir.$file) : filemtime($this->dir.$file)) // Don't count README updates
if (is_image($file)) {
$this->images[] = $file;
} else {
$this->downloads[] = $file;
$this->downloads = array_reverse($this->downloads);
for($i = 0, $e = count($this->downloads); $i !== $e; ++$i) {
$this->downloads_hashes[] = (
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
public function genHomeImage() {
if (count($this->images)) {
$this->homeimage = mkthumbnail(
null, // raw handle
protected function filterLongDescArea() {
// If *all* downloads can be assigned to a changelog release entry,
// then move the files
// A release entry is marked by any string following the date field.
preg_match_all('~^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d):? (.+?)\n[\s\t]*\n~ms', $this->longdesc, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
do {
// Ensure changelog exists
if (! count($matches)) {
// Find all tags
$known_tags = [];
foreach($matches as $i => $match) {
$tag = trim(explode("\n", $match[2])[0]);
$known_tags[$tag] = $i;
// Ensure all release entries have tags
if (count($matches) != count($known_tags)) {
error_log("[".$this->projname."] not all release entries have tags\n");
// Ensure all downloads can be assigned to tags
$found_idx = [];
foreach($this->downloads as $idx => $filename) {
foreach(array_keys($known_tags) as $tagname) {
if (stripos($filename, $tagname) !== false) {
$found_idx[$filename] = true;
if (count($found_idx) != count($this->downloads)) {
error_log("[".$this->projname."] not all downloads have matching tags");
// Make HTML modifications
foreach($known_tags as $tag_name => $tag_idx) {
$find = rtrim($matches[$tag_idx][0]);
$this->longdesc = str_replace(
$this->longdesc = text2html($this->longdesc);
foreach($known_tags as $tag_name => $tag_idx) {
$this->longdesc = str_replace('${{TAG_'.$tag_idx.'}}', $this->renderDownloadsBlock(false, $tag_name), $this->longdesc);
// Skip displaying the global downloads area
// This flag also indicates that the content has been pre-HTMLified
$this->downloads_section_was_replaced = true;
error_log("[".$this->projname."] successful upgrade\n");
} while(false);
public function numDownloads() {
return count($this->downloads);
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
public function write() {
// Generate image thumbnails
foreach($this->images as $idx => $image) {
$outfile = BASEDIR.'wwwroot/img/'.$this->projname.'_'.$idx;
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
copy($this->dir.$image, $outfile.'.'.str_ext($image));
mkthumbnail($outfile.'.'.str_ext($image), $outfile.'_thumb.jpg', PAGE_THUMB_W, PAGE_THUMB_H);
// Copy downloads to wwwroot
foreach($this->downloads as $idx => $filename) {
$cmkdir = @mkdir( BASEDIR.'wwwroot/srv/'.$this->downloads_hashes[$idx] );
if (! $cmkdir) {
"WARNING: Couldn't create directory ".$this->downloads_hashes[$idx].
" for file '${filename}'".
" in project '".$this->projname."'!\n"
// Generate index page
$idxfile = template($this->projname.' | '.SITE_TITLE, ob_get_clean());
file_put_contents(BASEDIR.'wwwroot/'.$this->projname.'.html', $idxfile);
public function getClassAttr() {
if (count($this->tags)) {
return 'taggedWith-'.implode(' taggedWith-', $this->tags);
} else {
return '';
public function renderDownloadsBlock($include_header=false, $filter='') {
$render_downloads = [];
if (strlen($filter)) {
foreach($this->downloads as $idx => $filename) {
if (stripos($filename, $filter) !== false) {
$render_downloads[$idx] = $filename;
} else {
$render_downloads = $this->downloads;
if (! count($render_downloads)) {
<?php if ($include_header) { ?>
<?php } ?>
<ul class="<?=$include_header ? 'downloads-large' : 'downloads-small' ?>">
<?php foreach($render_downloads as $idx => $filename) { ?>
<a href="srv/<?=hesc($this->downloads_hashes[$idx])?>/<?=hesc(rawurlencode($filename))?>"><?=hesc($filename)?></a>
<?php } ?>
return ob_get_clean();
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
public function index() {
$longdesc_html = $this->downloads_section_was_replaced ? $this->longdesc : text2html($this->longdesc);
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
<h2><?=hesc(str_replace('_', ' ', $this->projname))?></h2>
<div class="projinfo">
<div class="projbody projbody_<?=(count($this->images) ? 'half' : 'full')?>w">
<?php if (strlen($this->prefix_html)) { ?>
<p style="margin-top:0;"><?=$this->prefix_html?></p>
<?php } ?>
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
<?php if (! $this->downloads_section_was_replaced) { ?>
<?=$this->renderDownloadsBlock(true, '')?>
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
<?php } ?>
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
<?php if (count($this->images)) { ?>
<div class="projimg">
<?php foreach($this->images as $idx => $origname) { ?>
<a href="img/<?=hesc(urlencode($this->projname))?>_<?=$idx?>.<?=str_ext($origname)?>"><img src="img/<?=hesc(urlencode($this->projname))?>_<?=$idx?>_thumb.jpg" class="thumbimage"></a>
2016-04-18 19:04:52 +12:00
<?php } ?>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<?php } ?>