This repository has been archived on 2020-05-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

61 lines
1.5 KiB

# This script updates/rebuilds a codesite directory from a Git repository.
set -eu
main() {
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]] ; then
echo "Usage: update_git_remote DATA_DIR GIT_REMOTE_URI EXTRA_CONTENT" >&2
exit 1
local datadir="$1"
local gitremote="$2"
local extra="${3:-}"
echo "Updating ${datadir}..."
if [[ ! -d $datadir ]] ; then
mkdir $datadir
local clone=$(mktemp -d)
cd "${clone}"
git clone "${gitremote}" .
cp "${clone}/" "${datadir}/README.txt"
rm -fr "${clone}"
# Ensure LF endings
sed -i 's/\x0D$//' "${datadir}/README.txt"
# Remove all shields (codesite inserts its own)
sed -i / "${datadir}/README.txt"
# Remove top-level header (codesite inserts its own)
sed -i -re '/^#([^#])/d' "${datadir}/README.txt"
# Remove leading blank lines (since we removed the top-level header)
sed -i '/./,$!d' "${datadir}/README.txt"
# Convert headings from github-flavored markdown to codesite style (\U for Uppercase)
sed -i -re 's/^## (.+)/=\U\1=/' "${datadir}/README.txt"
# Add extra metadata so that codesite generator can link the repository
echo "" >> "${datadir}/README.txt"
echo "[git]${gitremote}[/git]" >> "${datadir}/README.txt"
# Add any extra per-repository metadata, on a line after the description
if [[ -n "${extra}" ]] ; then
sed -i 3i"${extra}" "${datadir}/README.txt"
main "$@"