
79 lines
2.8 KiB

package main
import (
func main() {
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
var (
listenAddr = flag.String("listen", "", "IP/Port to bind server")
dataDir = flag.String("data", cwd, "Directory for stored content")
dbPath = flag.String("db", "contented.db", "Path for metadata database")
appTitle = flag.String("title", "contented", "Title used in web interface")
maxUploadMb = flag.Int("max", 8, "Maximum size of uploaded files in MiB (set zero for unlimited)")
maxUploadSpeed = flag.Int("speed", 0, "Maximum upload speed in bytes/sec (set zero for unlimited)")
trustXForwardedFor = flag.Bool("trustXForwardedFor", false, "Trust X-Forwarded-For reverse proxy headers")
enableHomepage = flag.Bool("enableHomepage", true, "Enable homepage (disable for embedded use only)")
enableUpload = flag.Bool("enableUpload", true, "Enable uploads (disable for read-only mode)")
diskFilesWorldReadable = flag.Bool("diskFilesWorldReadable", false, "Save files as 0644 instead of 0600")
maxConcurrentThumbs = flag.Int("concurrentthumbs", contented.DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_THUMBS, "Simultaneous thumbnail generation")
s3Host = flag.String("s3hostname", "", "S3 Server hostname")
s3AccessKey = flag.String("s3access", "", "S3 Access key")
s3SecretKey = flag.String("s3secret", "", "S3 Secret key")
s3Bucket = flag.String("s3bucket", "", "S3 Bucket")
s3Prefix = flag.String("s3prefix", "", "S3 object prefix")
opts := contented.ServerOptions{
DBPath: *dbPath,
BandwidthLimit: int64(*maxUploadSpeed),
TrustXForwardedFor: *trustXForwardedFor,
EnableHomepage: *enableHomepage,
EnableUpload: *enableUpload,
DiskFilesWorldReadable: *diskFilesWorldReadable,
MaxConcurrentThumbs: *maxConcurrentThumbs,
ServerPublicProperties: contented.ServerPublicProperties{
AppTitle: *appTitle,
MaxUploadBytes: int64(*maxUploadMb) * 1024 * 1024,
if len(*s3AccessKey) > 0 {
opts.StorageType = contented.STORAGE_S3
opts.DataS3Options.Hostname = *s3Host
opts.DataS3Options.AccessKey = *s3AccessKey
opts.DataS3Options.SecretKey = *s3SecretKey
opts.DataS3Options.Bucket = *s3Bucket
opts.DataS3Options.Prefix = *s3Prefix
} else if len(*dataDir) > 0 {
opts.StorageType = contented.STORAGE_LOCAL
opts.DataDirectory = *dataDir
} else {
log.Println("Please specify either the -data or -s3__ options.")
svr, err := contented.NewServer(&opts)
if err != nil {
err = http.ListenAndServe(*listenAddr, svr)
if err != nil {