# dcwebui2 ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/written%20in-Javascript%20%28node.js%2C%20socket.io%29-blue) A web interface to an NMDC hub. Chat in real-time on your NMDC hub using a web browser. Now that websockets are reasonably mature, this deprecates the earlier [flexdc](https://code.ivysaur.me/flexdc/) (flash sockets) and [dcwebui](https://code.ivysaur.me/dcwebui/) (c++/polling) projects, but falls back to other COMET techniques for older browsers (including flashsockets, forever-iframe, and polling). This project has been superceded by [nmdc-webfrontend](https://code.ivysaur.me/nmdc-webfrontend/). ## Features - Suitable for desktop use or mobile use, with a responsive web interface and iOS-inspired theme - Nick autocompletion - Multiple tabs for PM windows - Right-click commands ## Usage 1. Get the latest version from npm: `npm install dcwebui` 2. Copy dcwebui-conf.js.sample to dcwebui-conf.js and tweak the settings. 3. Run the server with node ./dcwebui-server.js Npm project page: https://npmjs.org/package/dcwebui Tags: nmdc ## Changelog Unreleased 1.4.x - Require http/s configuration in the configuration file - Fix a cosmetic issue with the Wii U internet browser 2013-11-16 1.3.0a - Fix a cosmetic issue with Internet Explorer 2013-11-16 1.3.0 - Feature: Corner application menu - Feature: Option to toggle displaying join/part messages - Feature: UserCommand support - Enhancement: Update nmdc.js to `>=1.2.0` - Fix an issue with tab completion and scrollbars in Firefox - Fix a cosmetic issue with duplicate users appearing 2013-10-10 1.2.0 - Feature: Tab completion - Feature: Double-click nick to PM - Enhancement: Provide sample configuration file - Fix an issue with browser autocomplete on the input area - Fix an issue with nicks in the userlist - Fix a cosmetic issue with sticking to non-existing userlist tab when resizing out of the mobile responsive layout - Fix a cosmetic issue with the tab close button 2013-07-02 1.1.0c - Fix an issue with TypeError in iOS Safari 2013-05-23 1.1.0b - Feature: Support passworded nicks - Feature: Support multiple PM tab windows - Feature: Responsive userlist design - Update nmdc.js from `1.0.1a` to `*` - Fix an issue with title and CSS in Firefox 2013-03-26 1.1.0a - Feature: Redesign to use multiple tab panes 2013-03-26 1.0.0d - Initial development milestone ## Download - [⬇️ dcwebui-1.3.0.tgz](dist-archive/dcwebui-1.3.0.tgz) *(32.51 KiB)* - [⬇️ dcwebui-1.2.0.tgz](dist-archive/dcwebui-1.2.0.tgz) *(30.41 KiB)* - [⬇️ dcwebui-1.1.0b.tgz](dist-archive/dcwebui-1.1.0b.tgz) *(29.24 KiB)* - [⬇️ dcwebui-1.1.0a.tgz](dist-archive/dcwebui-1.1.0a.tgz) *(29.27 KiB)* - [⬇️ dcwebui-1.0.0b.tgz](dist-archive/dcwebui-1.0.0b.tgz) *(26.89 KiB)*