# filter-recent ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/written%20in-PHP-blue) A utility to filter recent items from GNOME applications. GNOME applications keep a list of recently accessed URIs (documents, RDP sessions, ...) in the `~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel` file. Individual applications (e.g. `evince`) don't offer a level of control over this file, and if you are using GNOME applications on a non-GNOME desktop (e.g. Xfce) then other methods of removing entries are not necessarily easily available. The `filter-recent` utility allows you to remove multiple entry ranges from this file, either on-demand, or automatically as part of e.g. `.bashrc` or `.profile`. ## Usage ``` Usage: filter-recent [OPTIONS] Options: --xbel PATH Custom path to the 'recently-used.xbel' file -i Replace file on disk --no-write Do not replace file on disk (default) --stdout Display output to stdout (use with --no-write) --contains SUBSTRING Remove entries where the file path contains SUBSTRING --excise START END Remove entries visited between START and END. --help Display this message -v, --verbose Verbose Date formats: This version of 'filter-recent' uses PHP strtotime for parsing date bounds. Detailed information about the available date format support is available at the URL http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php . ``` ## Changelog 2017-05-01 1.0 - Initial public release - [⬇️ filter-recent-1.0.tar.xz](dist-archive/filter-recent-1.0.tar.xz) *(1.48 KiB)*