# godist ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/written%20in-bash-blue) A template shell script for building golang binaries for distribution. There are a number of nonobvious steps involved when building release archives for a golang binary. This template build script is intended to be copied into your own repository as a base. - Build for mulitple platforms - Archive in platform native format - Always rebuild dependencies - Strip sensitive symbol information (`ldflags '-s -w'`) - Strip sensitive path information (remove baked `$GOPATH`) - Strip sensitive user information (`tar --owner=0 --group=0`) - ISC license - "Works on my machine" (go 1.7 win64 with cygwin) ## Changelog 2017-02-11 1.2 - Fix an issue with `trimpath` if the `$GOPATH` contained a trailing slash - [⬇️ godist-1.2.zip](dist-archive/godist-1.2.zip) *(1.76 KiB)* 2016-10-08 1.1 - Use `trimpath` instead of custom stripper for removing baked `$GOPATH` - [⬇️ godist-1.1.zip](dist-archive/godist-1.1.zip) *(1.71 KiB)* 2016-05-01 1.0 - Initial public release - [⬇️ godist-1.0.zip](dist-archive/godist-1.0.zip) *(1.89 KiB)*