# Imgur Rescue Project In April 2023 the website imgur.com [announced](https://help.imgur.com/hc/en-us/articles/14415587638029/) it may delete old data/images that are rarely accessed and were uploaded without an account. This repository contains public versions of internal scripts used to extract imgur.com links from `yatwiki` and `archive`; download the images and metadata; and convert them to a `contented` database for ongoing read-only hosting. The following tools are available: - `archive-scrape`: extract imgur links from an [`archive`](https://code.ivysaur.me/archive) installation. - `yatwiki-scrape`: extract imgur links from a [`yatwiki`](https://code.ivysaur.me/yatwiki) installation. - `collect`: download imgur links and metadata, recursively following albums, with soft caching. - `irp2bolt`: convert the resulting imgur links and metadata into a Bolt database for use with [`contented`](https://code.ivysaur.me/contented).