package tiger import ( "fmt" "io" "strings" "testing" "unsafe" ) type Test struct { out string in string } var golden = []Test{ {"3293ac630c13f0245f92bbb1766e16167a4e58492dde73f3", ""}, {"77befbef2e7ef8ab2ec8f93bf587a7fc613e247f5f247809", "a"}, {"2aab1484e8c158f2bfb8c5ff41b57a525129131c957b5f93", "abc"}, {"d981f8cb78201a950dcf3048751e441c517fca1aa55a29f6", "message digest"}, {"1714a472eee57d30040412bfcc55032a0b11602ff37beee9", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}, {"0f7bf9a19b9c58f2b7610df7e84f0ac3a71c631e7b53f78e", "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq"}, {"8dcea680a17583ee502ba38a3c368651890ffbccdc49a8cc", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"}, {"1c14795529fd9f207a958f84c52f11e887fa0cabdfd91bfd", "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"}, {"cdf0990c5c6b6b0bddd63a75ed20e2d448bf44e15fde0df4", strings.Repeat("A", 1024)}, {"89292aee0f82842abc080c57b3aadd9ca84d66bf0cae77aa", strings.Repeat("A", 1025)}, } func TestGolden(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(golden); i++ { g := golden[i] c := New() buf := make([]byte, len( for j := 0; j < 7; j++ { if j < 2 { io.WriteString(c, } else if j == 2 { io.WriteString(c,[0:len(]) c.Sum(nil) io.WriteString(c,[len(]) } else if j > 2 { // test unaligned write buf = buf[1:] copy(buf, c.Write(buf[:len(]) } s := fmt.Sprintf("%x", c.Sum(nil)) if s != g.out { t.Fatalf("tiger[%d](%s) = %s want %s", j,, s, g.out) } c.Reset() } } } type WriteTest struct { out int in string } var writeTestVectors = []WriteTest{ {0, ""}, {1, "A"}, {2, "AA"}, {10, strings.Repeat("A", 10)}, {1024, strings.Repeat("A", 1024)}, {1025, strings.Repeat("A", 1025)}, {0, ""}, } func TestWriteReturnsCorrectSize(t *testing.T) { c := New() for i := 0; i < len(writeTestVectors); i++ { v := writeTestVectors[i] b := []byte( length, err := c.Write(b[:len(]) if length != v.out { t.Fatalf("Write() = %d want %d", length, v.out) } if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Write(%s) failed.", } } } func ExampleNew() { h := New() io.WriteString(h, "It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight") io.WriteString(h, "Rising up to the challenge of our rival!") fmt.Printf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) // Output: a7bbad36cc17918e399ae8ee893e4595e4d24e1639fe822c } func ExampleNew2() { h := New2() io.WriteString(h, "It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight") io.WriteString(h, "Rising up to the challenge of our rival!") fmt.Printf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) // Output: c86695c2a639506682de2c12c2d23b61a12db78ea1ee1001 } var bench = New() var buf = make([]byte, 8192+1) var sum = make([]byte, bench.Size()) func benchmarkSize(b *testing.B, size int, unaligned bool) { b.SetBytes(int64(size)) buf := buf if unaligned { if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))&(unsafe.Alignof(uint32(0))-1) == 0 { buf = buf[1:] } } b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { bench.Reset() bench.Write(buf[:size]) bench.Sum(sum[:0]) } } func BenchmarkHash8Bytes(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSize(b, 8, false) } func BenchmarkHash1K(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSize(b, 1024, false) } func BenchmarkHash8K(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSize(b, 8192, false) } func BenchmarkHash8BytesUnaligned(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSize(b, 8, true) } func BenchmarkHash1KUnaligned(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSize(b, 1024, true) } func BenchmarkHash8KUnaligned(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSize(b, 8192, true) }