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332 lines
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#include "gen_qpicture.h"
#include "qpicture.h"
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QIODevice>
#include <QList>
#include <QPaintEngine>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPicture>
#include <QPictureIO>
#include <QRect>
#include <QString>
extern "C" {
extern void miqt_exec_callback(void* cb, int argc, void* argv);
QPicture* QPicture_new() {
return new QPicture();
QPicture* QPicture_new2(QPicture* param1) {
return new QPicture(*param1);
QPicture* QPicture_new3(int formatVersion) {
return new QPicture(static_cast<int>(formatVersion));
bool QPicture_IsNull(QPicture* self) {
return self->isNull();
int QPicture_DevType(QPicture* self) {
return self->devType();
unsigned int QPicture_Size(QPicture* self) {
return self->size();
char* QPicture_Data(QPicture* self) {
return (char*) self->data();
void QPicture_SetData(QPicture* self, char* data, unsigned int size) {
self->setData(data, static_cast<uint>(size));
bool QPicture_Play(QPicture* self, QPainter* p) {
return self->play(p);
bool QPicture_Load(QPicture* self, QIODevice* dev) {
return self->load(dev);
bool QPicture_LoadWithFileName(QPicture* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen) {
QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen);
return self->load(fileName_QString);
bool QPicture_Save(QPicture* self, QIODevice* dev) {
return self->save(dev);
bool QPicture_SaveWithFileName(QPicture* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen) {
QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen);
return self->save(fileName_QString);
QRect* QPicture_BoundingRect(QPicture* self) {
QRect ret = self->boundingRect();
// Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy
return static_cast<QRect*>(new QRect(ret));
void QPicture_SetBoundingRect(QPicture* self, QRect* r) {
void QPicture_OperatorAssign(QPicture* self, QPicture* p) {
void QPicture_Swap(QPicture* self, QPicture* other) {
void QPicture_Detach(QPicture* self) {
bool QPicture_IsDetached(QPicture* self) {
return self->isDetached();
char* QPicture_PictureFormat(const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen) {
QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen);
return (char*) QPicture::pictureFormat(fileName_QString);
void QPicture_InputFormats(QByteArray*** _out, size_t* _out_len) {
QList<QByteArray> ret = QPicture::inputFormats();
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory of copy-constructed pointers
QByteArray** __out = static_cast<QByteArray**>(malloc(sizeof(QByteArray**) * ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
__out[i] = new QByteArray(ret[i]);
*_out = __out;
*_out_len = ret.length();
void QPicture_OutputFormats(QByteArray*** _out, size_t* _out_len) {
QList<QByteArray> ret = QPicture::outputFormats();
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory of copy-constructed pointers
QByteArray** __out = static_cast<QByteArray**>(malloc(sizeof(QByteArray**) * ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
__out[i] = new QByteArray(ret[i]);
*_out = __out;
*_out_len = ret.length();
void QPicture_InputFormatList(char*** _out, int** _out_Lengths, size_t* _out_len) {
QList<QString> ret = QPicture::inputFormatList();
// Convert QStringList from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
char** __out = static_cast<char**>(malloc(sizeof(char*) * ret.length()));
int* __out_Lengths = static_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeof(int) * ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret[i].toUtf8();
__out[i] = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(__out[i], b.data(), b.length());
__out_Lengths[i] = b.length();
*_out = __out;
*_out_Lengths = __out_Lengths;
*_out_len = ret.length();
void QPicture_OutputFormatList(char*** _out, int** _out_Lengths, size_t* _out_len) {
QList<QString> ret = QPicture::outputFormatList();
// Convert QStringList from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
char** __out = static_cast<char**>(malloc(sizeof(char*) * ret.length()));
int* __out_Lengths = static_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeof(int) * ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret[i].toUtf8();
__out[i] = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(__out[i], b.data(), b.length());
__out_Lengths[i] = b.length();
*_out = __out;
*_out_Lengths = __out_Lengths;
*_out_len = ret.length();
QPaintEngine* QPicture_PaintEngine(QPicture* self) {
return self->paintEngine();
bool QPicture_Load2(QPicture* self, QIODevice* dev, char* format) {
return self->load(dev, format);
bool QPicture_Load22(QPicture* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen, char* format) {
QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen);
return self->load(fileName_QString, format);
bool QPicture_Save2(QPicture* self, QIODevice* dev, char* format) {
return self->save(dev, format);
bool QPicture_Save22(QPicture* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen, char* format) {
QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen);
return self->save(fileName_QString, format);
void QPicture_Delete(QPicture* self) {
delete self;
QPictureIO* QPictureIO_new() {
return new QPictureIO();
QPictureIO* QPictureIO_new2(QIODevice* ioDevice, char* format) {
return new QPictureIO(ioDevice, format);
QPictureIO* QPictureIO_new3(const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen, char* format) {
QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen);
return new QPictureIO(fileName_QString, format);
QPicture* QPictureIO_Picture(QPictureIO* self) {
const QPicture& ret = self->picture();
// Cast returned reference into pointer
return const_cast<QPicture*>(&ret);
int QPictureIO_Status(QPictureIO* self) {
return self->status();
char* QPictureIO_Format(QPictureIO* self) {
return (char*) self->format();
QIODevice* QPictureIO_IoDevice(QPictureIO* self) {
return self->ioDevice();
void QPictureIO_FileName(QPictureIO* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) {
QString ret = self->fileName();
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8();
*_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length());
*_out_Strlen = b.length();
int QPictureIO_Quality(QPictureIO* self) {
return self->quality();
void QPictureIO_Description(QPictureIO* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) {
QString ret = self->description();
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8();
*_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length());
*_out_Strlen = b.length();
char* QPictureIO_Parameters(QPictureIO* self) {
return (char*) self->parameters();
float QPictureIO_Gamma(QPictureIO* self) {
return self->gamma();
void QPictureIO_SetPicture(QPictureIO* self, QPicture* picture) {
void QPictureIO_SetStatus(QPictureIO* self, int status) {
void QPictureIO_SetFormat(QPictureIO* self, char* format) {
void QPictureIO_SetIODevice(QPictureIO* self, QIODevice* iODevice) {
void QPictureIO_SetFileName(QPictureIO* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen) {
QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen);
void QPictureIO_SetQuality(QPictureIO* self, int quality) {
void QPictureIO_SetDescription(QPictureIO* self, const char* description, size_t description_Strlen) {
QString description_QString = QString::fromUtf8(description, description_Strlen);
void QPictureIO_SetParameters(QPictureIO* self, char* parameters) {
void QPictureIO_SetGamma(QPictureIO* self, float gamma) {
bool QPictureIO_Read(QPictureIO* self) {
return self->read();
bool QPictureIO_Write(QPictureIO* self) {
return self->write();
QByteArray* QPictureIO_PictureFormat(const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen) {
QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen);
QByteArray ret = QPictureIO::pictureFormat(fileName_QString);
// Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy
return static_cast<QByteArray*>(new QByteArray(ret));
QByteArray* QPictureIO_PictureFormatWithQIODevice(QIODevice* param1) {
QByteArray ret = QPictureIO::pictureFormat(param1);
// Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy
return static_cast<QByteArray*>(new QByteArray(ret));
void QPictureIO_InputFormats(QByteArray*** _out, size_t* _out_len) {
QList<QByteArray> ret = QPictureIO::inputFormats();
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory of copy-constructed pointers
QByteArray** __out = static_cast<QByteArray**>(malloc(sizeof(QByteArray**) * ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
__out[i] = new QByteArray(ret[i]);
*_out = __out;
*_out_len = ret.length();
void QPictureIO_OutputFormats(QByteArray*** _out, size_t* _out_len) {
QList<QByteArray> ret = QPictureIO::outputFormats();
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory of copy-constructed pointers
QByteArray** __out = static_cast<QByteArray**>(malloc(sizeof(QByteArray**) * ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
__out[i] = new QByteArray(ret[i]);
*_out = __out;
*_out_len = ret.length();
void QPictureIO_Delete(QPictureIO* self) {
delete self;