mirror of https://github.com/mappu/miqt.git synced 2025-03-13 02:50:21 +00:00

893 lines
29 KiB
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package qt
#include "gen_qchar.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import (
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__SpecialCharacter int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__Null QChar__SpecialCharacter = 0
QChar__Tabulation QChar__SpecialCharacter = 9
QChar__LineFeed QChar__SpecialCharacter = 10
QChar__FormFeed QChar__SpecialCharacter = 12
QChar__CarriageReturn QChar__SpecialCharacter = 13
QChar__Space QChar__SpecialCharacter = 32
QChar__Nbsp QChar__SpecialCharacter = 160
QChar__SoftHyphen QChar__SpecialCharacter = 173
QChar__ReplacementCharacter QChar__SpecialCharacter = 65533
QChar__ObjectReplacementCharacter QChar__SpecialCharacter = 65532
QChar__ByteOrderMark QChar__SpecialCharacter = 65279
QChar__ByteOrderSwapped QChar__SpecialCharacter = 65534
QChar__ParagraphSeparator QChar__SpecialCharacter = 8233
QChar__LineSeparator QChar__SpecialCharacter = 8232
QChar__LastValidCodePoint QChar__SpecialCharacter = 1114111
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__Category int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__Mark_NonSpacing QChar__Category = 0
QChar__Mark_SpacingCombining QChar__Category = 1
QChar__Mark_Enclosing QChar__Category = 2
QChar__Number_DecimalDigit QChar__Category = 3
QChar__Number_Letter QChar__Category = 4
QChar__Number_Other QChar__Category = 5
QChar__Separator_Space QChar__Category = 6
QChar__Separator_Line QChar__Category = 7
QChar__Separator_Paragraph QChar__Category = 8
QChar__Other_Control QChar__Category = 9
QChar__Other_Format QChar__Category = 10
QChar__Other_Surrogate QChar__Category = 11
QChar__Other_PrivateUse QChar__Category = 12
QChar__Other_NotAssigned QChar__Category = 13
QChar__Letter_Uppercase QChar__Category = 14
QChar__Letter_Lowercase QChar__Category = 15
QChar__Letter_Titlecase QChar__Category = 16
QChar__Letter_Modifier QChar__Category = 17
QChar__Letter_Other QChar__Category = 18
QChar__Punctuation_Connector QChar__Category = 19
QChar__Punctuation_Dash QChar__Category = 20
QChar__Punctuation_Open QChar__Category = 21
QChar__Punctuation_Close QChar__Category = 22
QChar__Punctuation_InitialQuote QChar__Category = 23
QChar__Punctuation_FinalQuote QChar__Category = 24
QChar__Punctuation_Other QChar__Category = 25
QChar__Symbol_Math QChar__Category = 26
QChar__Symbol_Currency QChar__Category = 27
QChar__Symbol_Modifier QChar__Category = 28
QChar__Symbol_Other QChar__Category = 29
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__Script int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__Script_Unknown QChar__Script = 0
QChar__Script_Inherited QChar__Script = 1
QChar__Script_Common QChar__Script = 2
QChar__Script_Latin QChar__Script = 3
QChar__Script_Greek QChar__Script = 4
QChar__Script_Cyrillic QChar__Script = 5
QChar__Script_Armenian QChar__Script = 6
QChar__Script_Hebrew QChar__Script = 7
QChar__Script_Arabic QChar__Script = 8
QChar__Script_Syriac QChar__Script = 9
QChar__Script_Thaana QChar__Script = 10
QChar__Script_Devanagari QChar__Script = 11
QChar__Script_Bengali QChar__Script = 12
QChar__Script_Gurmukhi QChar__Script = 13
QChar__Script_Gujarati QChar__Script = 14
QChar__Script_Oriya QChar__Script = 15
QChar__Script_Tamil QChar__Script = 16
QChar__Script_Telugu QChar__Script = 17
QChar__Script_Kannada QChar__Script = 18
QChar__Script_Malayalam QChar__Script = 19
QChar__Script_Sinhala QChar__Script = 20
QChar__Script_Thai QChar__Script = 21
QChar__Script_Lao QChar__Script = 22
QChar__Script_Tibetan QChar__Script = 23
QChar__Script_Myanmar QChar__Script = 24
QChar__Script_Georgian QChar__Script = 25
QChar__Script_Hangul QChar__Script = 26
QChar__Script_Ethiopic QChar__Script = 27
QChar__Script_Cherokee QChar__Script = 28
QChar__Script_CanadianAboriginal QChar__Script = 29
QChar__Script_Ogham QChar__Script = 30
QChar__Script_Runic QChar__Script = 31
QChar__Script_Khmer QChar__Script = 32
QChar__Script_Mongolian QChar__Script = 33
QChar__Script_Hiragana QChar__Script = 34
QChar__Script_Katakana QChar__Script = 35
QChar__Script_Bopomofo QChar__Script = 36
QChar__Script_Han QChar__Script = 37
QChar__Script_Yi QChar__Script = 38
QChar__Script_OldItalic QChar__Script = 39
QChar__Script_Gothic QChar__Script = 40
QChar__Script_Deseret QChar__Script = 41
QChar__Script_Tagalog QChar__Script = 42
QChar__Script_Hanunoo QChar__Script = 43
QChar__Script_Buhid QChar__Script = 44
QChar__Script_Tagbanwa QChar__Script = 45
QChar__Script_Coptic QChar__Script = 46
QChar__Script_Limbu QChar__Script = 47
QChar__Script_TaiLe QChar__Script = 48
QChar__Script_LinearB QChar__Script = 49
QChar__Script_Ugaritic QChar__Script = 50
QChar__Script_Shavian QChar__Script = 51
QChar__Script_Osmanya QChar__Script = 52
QChar__Script_Cypriot QChar__Script = 53
QChar__Script_Braille QChar__Script = 54
QChar__Script_Buginese QChar__Script = 55
QChar__Script_NewTaiLue QChar__Script = 56
QChar__Script_Glagolitic QChar__Script = 57
QChar__Script_Tifinagh QChar__Script = 58
QChar__Script_SylotiNagri QChar__Script = 59
QChar__Script_OldPersian QChar__Script = 60
QChar__Script_Kharoshthi QChar__Script = 61
QChar__Script_Balinese QChar__Script = 62
QChar__Script_Cuneiform QChar__Script = 63
QChar__Script_Phoenician QChar__Script = 64
QChar__Script_PhagsPa QChar__Script = 65
QChar__Script_Nko QChar__Script = 66
QChar__Script_Sundanese QChar__Script = 67
QChar__Script_Lepcha QChar__Script = 68
QChar__Script_OlChiki QChar__Script = 69
QChar__Script_Vai QChar__Script = 70
QChar__Script_Saurashtra QChar__Script = 71
QChar__Script_KayahLi QChar__Script = 72
QChar__Script_Rejang QChar__Script = 73
QChar__Script_Lycian QChar__Script = 74
QChar__Script_Carian QChar__Script = 75
QChar__Script_Lydian QChar__Script = 76
QChar__Script_Cham QChar__Script = 77
QChar__Script_TaiTham QChar__Script = 78
QChar__Script_TaiViet QChar__Script = 79
QChar__Script_Avestan QChar__Script = 80
QChar__Script_EgyptianHieroglyphs QChar__Script = 81
QChar__Script_Samaritan QChar__Script = 82
QChar__Script_Lisu QChar__Script = 83
QChar__Script_Bamum QChar__Script = 84
QChar__Script_Javanese QChar__Script = 85
QChar__Script_MeeteiMayek QChar__Script = 86
QChar__Script_ImperialAramaic QChar__Script = 87
QChar__Script_OldSouthArabian QChar__Script = 88
QChar__Script_InscriptionalParthian QChar__Script = 89
QChar__Script_InscriptionalPahlavi QChar__Script = 90
QChar__Script_OldTurkic QChar__Script = 91
QChar__Script_Kaithi QChar__Script = 92
QChar__Script_Batak QChar__Script = 93
QChar__Script_Brahmi QChar__Script = 94
QChar__Script_Mandaic QChar__Script = 95
QChar__Script_Chakma QChar__Script = 96
QChar__Script_MeroiticCursive QChar__Script = 97
QChar__Script_MeroiticHieroglyphs QChar__Script = 98
QChar__Script_Miao QChar__Script = 99
QChar__Script_Sharada QChar__Script = 100
QChar__Script_SoraSompeng QChar__Script = 101
QChar__Script_Takri QChar__Script = 102
QChar__Script_CaucasianAlbanian QChar__Script = 103
QChar__Script_BassaVah QChar__Script = 104
QChar__Script_Duployan QChar__Script = 105
QChar__Script_Elbasan QChar__Script = 106
QChar__Script_Grantha QChar__Script = 107
QChar__Script_PahawhHmong QChar__Script = 108
QChar__Script_Khojki QChar__Script = 109
QChar__Script_LinearA QChar__Script = 110
QChar__Script_Mahajani QChar__Script = 111
QChar__Script_Manichaean QChar__Script = 112
QChar__Script_MendeKikakui QChar__Script = 113
QChar__Script_Modi QChar__Script = 114
QChar__Script_Mro QChar__Script = 115
QChar__Script_OldNorthArabian QChar__Script = 116
QChar__Script_Nabataean QChar__Script = 117
QChar__Script_Palmyrene QChar__Script = 118
QChar__Script_PauCinHau QChar__Script = 119
QChar__Script_OldPermic QChar__Script = 120
QChar__Script_PsalterPahlavi QChar__Script = 121
QChar__Script_Siddham QChar__Script = 122
QChar__Script_Khudawadi QChar__Script = 123
QChar__Script_Tirhuta QChar__Script = 124
QChar__Script_WarangCiti QChar__Script = 125
QChar__Script_Ahom QChar__Script = 126
QChar__Script_AnatolianHieroglyphs QChar__Script = 127
QChar__Script_Hatran QChar__Script = 128
QChar__Script_Multani QChar__Script = 129
QChar__Script_OldHungarian QChar__Script = 130
QChar__Script_SignWriting QChar__Script = 131
QChar__Script_Adlam QChar__Script = 132
QChar__Script_Bhaiksuki QChar__Script = 133
QChar__Script_Marchen QChar__Script = 134
QChar__Script_Newa QChar__Script = 135
QChar__Script_Osage QChar__Script = 136
QChar__Script_Tangut QChar__Script = 137
QChar__Script_MasaramGondi QChar__Script = 138
QChar__Script_Nushu QChar__Script = 139
QChar__Script_Soyombo QChar__Script = 140
QChar__Script_ZanabazarSquare QChar__Script = 141
QChar__Script_Dogra QChar__Script = 142
QChar__Script_GunjalaGondi QChar__Script = 143
QChar__Script_HanifiRohingya QChar__Script = 144
QChar__Script_Makasar QChar__Script = 145
QChar__Script_Medefaidrin QChar__Script = 146
QChar__Script_OldSogdian QChar__Script = 147
QChar__Script_Sogdian QChar__Script = 148
QChar__Script_Elymaic QChar__Script = 149
QChar__Script_Nandinagari QChar__Script = 150
QChar__Script_NyiakengPuachueHmong QChar__Script = 151
QChar__Script_Wancho QChar__Script = 152
QChar__Script_Chorasmian QChar__Script = 153
QChar__Script_DivesAkuru QChar__Script = 154
QChar__Script_KhitanSmallScript QChar__Script = 155
QChar__Script_Yezidi QChar__Script = 156
QChar__ScriptCount QChar__Script = 157
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__Direction int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__DirL QChar__Direction = 0
QChar__DirR QChar__Direction = 1
QChar__DirEN QChar__Direction = 2
QChar__DirES QChar__Direction = 3
QChar__DirET QChar__Direction = 4
QChar__DirAN QChar__Direction = 5
QChar__DirCS QChar__Direction = 6
QChar__DirB QChar__Direction = 7
QChar__DirS QChar__Direction = 8
QChar__DirWS QChar__Direction = 9
QChar__DirON QChar__Direction = 10
QChar__DirLRE QChar__Direction = 11
QChar__DirLRO QChar__Direction = 12
QChar__DirAL QChar__Direction = 13
QChar__DirRLE QChar__Direction = 14
QChar__DirRLO QChar__Direction = 15
QChar__DirPDF QChar__Direction = 16
QChar__DirNSM QChar__Direction = 17
QChar__DirBN QChar__Direction = 18
QChar__DirLRI QChar__Direction = 19
QChar__DirRLI QChar__Direction = 20
QChar__DirFSI QChar__Direction = 21
QChar__DirPDI QChar__Direction = 22
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__Decomposition int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__NoDecomposition QChar__Decomposition = 0
QChar__Canonical QChar__Decomposition = 1
QChar__Font QChar__Decomposition = 2
QChar__NoBreak QChar__Decomposition = 3
QChar__Initial QChar__Decomposition = 4
QChar__Medial QChar__Decomposition = 5
QChar__Final QChar__Decomposition = 6
QChar__Isolated QChar__Decomposition = 7
QChar__Circle QChar__Decomposition = 8
QChar__Super QChar__Decomposition = 9
QChar__Sub QChar__Decomposition = 10
QChar__Vertical QChar__Decomposition = 11
QChar__Wide QChar__Decomposition = 12
QChar__Narrow QChar__Decomposition = 13
QChar__Small QChar__Decomposition = 14
QChar__Square QChar__Decomposition = 15
QChar__Compat QChar__Decomposition = 16
QChar__Fraction QChar__Decomposition = 17
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__JoiningType int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__Joining_None QChar__JoiningType = 0
QChar__Joining_Causing QChar__JoiningType = 1
QChar__Joining_Dual QChar__JoiningType = 2
QChar__Joining_Right QChar__JoiningType = 3
QChar__Joining_Left QChar__JoiningType = 4
QChar__Joining_Transparent QChar__JoiningType = 5
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__Joining int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__OtherJoining QChar__Joining = 0
QChar__Dual QChar__Joining = 1
QChar__Right QChar__Joining = 2
QChar__Center QChar__Joining = 3
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__CombiningClass int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__Combining_BelowLeftAttached QChar__CombiningClass = 200
QChar__Combining_BelowAttached QChar__CombiningClass = 202
QChar__Combining_BelowRightAttached QChar__CombiningClass = 204
QChar__Combining_LeftAttached QChar__CombiningClass = 208
QChar__Combining_RightAttached QChar__CombiningClass = 210
QChar__Combining_AboveLeftAttached QChar__CombiningClass = 212
QChar__Combining_AboveAttached QChar__CombiningClass = 214
QChar__Combining_AboveRightAttached QChar__CombiningClass = 216
QChar__Combining_BelowLeft QChar__CombiningClass = 218
QChar__Combining_Below QChar__CombiningClass = 220
QChar__Combining_BelowRight QChar__CombiningClass = 222
QChar__Combining_Left QChar__CombiningClass = 224
QChar__Combining_Right QChar__CombiningClass = 226
QChar__Combining_AboveLeft QChar__CombiningClass = 228
QChar__Combining_Above QChar__CombiningClass = 230
QChar__Combining_AboveRight QChar__CombiningClass = 232
QChar__Combining_DoubleBelow QChar__CombiningClass = 233
QChar__Combining_DoubleAbove QChar__CombiningClass = 234
QChar__Combining_IotaSubscript QChar__CombiningClass = 240
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QChar__UnicodeVersion int
const (
2024-09-20 19:13:26 +12:00
QChar__Unicode_Unassigned QChar__UnicodeVersion = 0
QChar__Unicode_1_1 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 1
QChar__Unicode_2_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 2
QChar__Unicode_2_1_2 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 3
QChar__Unicode_3_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 4
QChar__Unicode_3_1 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 5
QChar__Unicode_3_2 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 6
QChar__Unicode_4_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 7
QChar__Unicode_4_1 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 8
QChar__Unicode_5_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 9
QChar__Unicode_5_1 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 10
QChar__Unicode_5_2 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 11
QChar__Unicode_6_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 12
QChar__Unicode_6_1 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 13
QChar__Unicode_6_2 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 14
QChar__Unicode_6_3 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 15
QChar__Unicode_7_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 16
QChar__Unicode_8_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 17
QChar__Unicode_9_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 18
QChar__Unicode_10_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 19
QChar__Unicode_11_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 20
QChar__Unicode_12_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 21
QChar__Unicode_12_1 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 22
QChar__Unicode_13_0 QChar__UnicodeVersion = 23
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
type QLatin1Char struct {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
h *C.QLatin1Char
isSubclass bool
func (this *QLatin1Char) cPointer() *C.QLatin1Char {
if this == nil {
return nil
return this.h
func (this *QLatin1Char) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
if this == nil {
return nil
return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// newQLatin1Char constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
func newQLatin1Char(h *C.QLatin1Char) *QLatin1Char {
2024-09-01 14:23:55 +12:00
if h == nil {
return nil
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
return &QLatin1Char{h: h}
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// UnsafeNewQLatin1Char constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func UnsafeNewQLatin1Char(h unsafe.Pointer) *QLatin1Char {
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
return newQLatin1Char((*C.QLatin1Char)(h))
// NewQLatin1Char constructs a new QLatin1Char object.
func NewQLatin1Char(c int8) *QLatin1Char {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQLatin1Char(C.QLatin1Char_new((C.char)(c)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQLatin1Char2 constructs a new QLatin1Char object.
func NewQLatin1Char2(param1 *QLatin1Char) *QLatin1Char {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQLatin1Char(C.QLatin1Char_new2(param1.cPointer()))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
func (this *QLatin1Char) ToLatin1() int8 {
return (int8)(C.QLatin1Char_ToLatin1(this.h))
func (this *QLatin1Char) Unicode() uint16 {
return (uint16)(C.QLatin1Char_Unicode(this.h))
// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QLatin1Char) Delete() {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
C.QLatin1Char_Delete(this.h, C.bool(this.isSubclass))
// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QLatin1Char) GoGC() {
runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QLatin1Char) {
type QChar struct {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
h *C.QChar
isSubclass bool
func (this *QChar) cPointer() *C.QChar {
if this == nil {
return nil
return this.h
func (this *QChar) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
if this == nil {
return nil
return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// newQChar constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
func newQChar(h *C.QChar) *QChar {
2024-09-01 14:23:55 +12:00
if h == nil {
return nil
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
return &QChar{h: h}
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// UnsafeNewQChar constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func UnsafeNewQChar(h unsafe.Pointer) *QChar {
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
return newQChar((*C.QChar)(h))
// NewQChar constructs a new QChar object.
func NewQChar() *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new())
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar2 constructs a new QChar object.
func NewQChar2(rc uint16) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new2((C.uint16_t)(rc)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar3 constructs a new QChar object.
func NewQChar3(c byte, r byte) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new3((C.uchar)(c), (C.uchar)(r)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar4 constructs a new QChar object.
func NewQChar4(rc int16) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new4((C.int16_t)(rc)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar5 constructs a new QChar object.
func NewQChar5(rc uint) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new5((C.uint)(rc)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar6 constructs a new QChar object.
func NewQChar6(rc int) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new6((C.int)(rc)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar7 constructs a new QChar object.
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func NewQChar7(s QChar__SpecialCharacter) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new7((C.int)(s)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar8 constructs a new QChar object.
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
func NewQChar8(ch QLatin1Char) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new8(ch.cPointer()))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar9 constructs a new QChar object.
func NewQChar9(c int8) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new9((C.char)(c)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
// NewQChar10 constructs a new QChar object.
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
func NewQChar10(c byte) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new10((C.uchar)(c)))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
// NewQChar11 constructs a new QChar object.
func NewQChar11(param1 *QChar) *QChar {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQChar(C.QChar_new11(param1.cPointer()))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func (this *QChar) Category() QChar__Category {
return (QChar__Category)(C.QChar_Category(this.h))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func (this *QChar) Direction() QChar__Direction {
return (QChar__Direction)(C.QChar_Direction(this.h))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func (this *QChar) JoiningType() QChar__JoiningType {
return (QChar__JoiningType)(C.QChar_JoiningType(this.h))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func (this *QChar) Joining() QChar__Joining {
return (QChar__Joining)(C.QChar_Joining(this.h))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
func (this *QChar) CombiningClass() byte {
return (byte)(C.QChar_CombiningClass(this.h))
func (this *QChar) MirroredChar() *QChar {
_goptr := newQChar(C.QChar_MirroredChar(this.h))
_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
return _goptr
func (this *QChar) HasMirrored() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_HasMirrored(this.h))
func (this *QChar) Decomposition() string {
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QChar_Decomposition(this.h)
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func (this *QChar) DecompositionTag() QChar__Decomposition {
return (QChar__Decomposition)(C.QChar_DecompositionTag(this.h))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
func (this *QChar) DigitValue() int {
return (int)(C.QChar_DigitValue(this.h))
func (this *QChar) ToLower() *QChar {
_goptr := newQChar(C.QChar_ToLower(this.h))
_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
return _goptr
func (this *QChar) ToUpper() *QChar {
_goptr := newQChar(C.QChar_ToUpper(this.h))
_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
return _goptr
func (this *QChar) ToTitleCase() *QChar {
_goptr := newQChar(C.QChar_ToTitleCase(this.h))
_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
return _goptr
func (this *QChar) ToCaseFolded() *QChar {
_goptr := newQChar(C.QChar_ToCaseFolded(this.h))
_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
return _goptr
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func (this *QChar) Script() QChar__Script {
return (QChar__Script)(C.QChar_Script(this.h))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func (this *QChar) UnicodeVersion() QChar__UnicodeVersion {
return (QChar__UnicodeVersion)(C.QChar_UnicodeVersion(this.h))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
func (this *QChar) ToLatin1() int8 {
return (int8)(C.QChar_ToLatin1(this.h))
func (this *QChar) Unicode() uint16 {
return (uint16)(C.QChar_Unicode(this.h))
func QChar_FromLatin1(c int8) *QChar {
_goptr := newQChar(C.QChar_FromLatin1((C.char)(c)))
_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
return _goptr
func (this *QChar) IsNull() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsNull(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsPrint() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsPrint(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsSpace() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsSpace(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsMark() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsMark(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsPunct() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsPunct(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsSymbol() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsSymbol(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsLetter() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsLetter(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsNumber() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsNumber(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsLetterOrNumber() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsLetterOrNumber(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsDigit() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsDigit(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsLower() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsLower(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsUpper() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsUpper(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsTitleCase() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsTitleCase(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsNonCharacter() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsNonCharacter(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsHighSurrogate() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsHighSurrogate(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsLowSurrogate() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsLowSurrogate(this.h))
func (this *QChar) IsSurrogate() bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsSurrogate(this.h))
func (this *QChar) Cell() byte {
return (byte)(C.QChar_Cell(this.h))
func (this *QChar) Row() byte {
return (byte)(C.QChar_Row(this.h))
func (this *QChar) SetCell(acell byte) {
C.QChar_SetCell(this.h, (C.uchar)(acell))
func (this *QChar) SetRow(arow byte) {
C.QChar_SetRow(this.h, (C.uchar)(arow))
func QChar_IsNonCharacterWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsNonCharacterWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsHighSurrogateWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsHighSurrogateWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsLowSurrogateWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsLowSurrogateWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsSurrogateWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsSurrogateWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_RequiresSurrogates(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_RequiresSurrogates((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_SurrogateToUcs4(high uint16, low uint16) uint {
return (uint)(C.QChar_SurrogateToUcs4((C.uint16_t)(high), (C.uint16_t)(low)))
func QChar_SurrogateToUcs42(high QChar, low QChar) uint {
return (uint)(C.QChar_SurrogateToUcs42(high.cPointer(), low.cPointer()))
func QChar_HighSurrogate(ucs4 uint) uint16 {
return (uint16)(C.QChar_HighSurrogate((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_LowSurrogate(ucs4 uint) uint16 {
return (uint16)(C.QChar_LowSurrogate((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func QChar_CategoryWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) QChar__Category {
return (QChar__Category)(C.QChar_CategoryWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func QChar_DirectionWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) QChar__Direction {
return (QChar__Direction)(C.QChar_DirectionWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func QChar_JoiningTypeWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) QChar__JoiningType {
return (QChar__JoiningType)(C.QChar_JoiningTypeWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func QChar_JoiningWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) QChar__Joining {
return (QChar__Joining)(C.QChar_JoiningWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
func QChar_CombiningClassWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) byte {
return (byte)(C.QChar_CombiningClassWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_MirroredCharWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) uint {
return (uint)(C.QChar_MirroredCharWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_HasMirroredWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_HasMirroredWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_DecompositionWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) string {
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QChar_DecompositionWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4))
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func QChar_DecompositionTagWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) QChar__Decomposition {
return (QChar__Decomposition)(C.QChar_DecompositionTagWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
func QChar_DigitValueWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) int {
return (int)(C.QChar_DigitValueWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_ToLowerWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) uint {
return (uint)(C.QChar_ToLowerWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_ToUpperWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) uint {
return (uint)(C.QChar_ToUpperWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_ToTitleCaseWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) uint {
return (uint)(C.QChar_ToTitleCaseWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_ToCaseFoldedWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) uint {
return (uint)(C.QChar_ToCaseFoldedWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func QChar_ScriptWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) QChar__Script {
return (QChar__Script)(C.QChar_ScriptWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func QChar_UnicodeVersionWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) QChar__UnicodeVersion {
return (QChar__UnicodeVersion)(C.QChar_UnicodeVersionWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-09-04 18:54:22 +12:00
func QChar_CurrentUnicodeVersion() QChar__UnicodeVersion {
return (QChar__UnicodeVersion)(C.QChar_CurrentUnicodeVersion())
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
func QChar_IsPrintWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsPrintWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsSpaceWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsSpaceWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsMarkWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsMarkWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsPunctWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsPunctWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsSymbolWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsSymbolWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsLetterWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsLetterWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsNumberWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsNumberWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsLetterOrNumberWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsLetterOrNumberWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsDigitWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsDigitWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsLowerWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsLowerWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsUpperWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsUpperWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
func QChar_IsTitleCaseWithUcs4(ucs4 uint) bool {
return (bool)(C.QChar_IsTitleCaseWithUcs4((C.uint)(ucs4)))
// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QChar) Delete() {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
C.QChar_Delete(this.h, C.bool(this.isSubclass))
// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QChar) GoGC() {
runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QChar) {