
309 lines
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2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
package qscintilla
#include "gen_qscilexeridl.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import (
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
type QsciLexerIDL struct {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
h *C.QsciLexerIDL
isSubclass bool
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) cPointer() *C.QsciLexerIDL {
if this == nil {
return nil
return this.h
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
if this == nil {
return nil
return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// newQsciLexerIDL constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
func newQsciLexerIDL(h *C.QsciLexerIDL) *QsciLexerIDL {
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
if h == nil {
return nil
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
var outptr_QsciLexerCPP *C.QsciLexerCPP = nil
C.QsciLexerIDL_virtbase(h, &outptr_QsciLexerCPP)
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return &QsciLexerIDL{h: h,
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QsciLexerCPP: newQsciLexerCPP(outptr_QsciLexerCPP)}
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// UnsafeNewQsciLexerIDL constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
func UnsafeNewQsciLexerIDL(h unsafe.Pointer) *QsciLexerIDL {
return newQsciLexerIDL((*C.QsciLexerIDL)(h))
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
// NewQsciLexerIDL constructs a new QsciLexerIDL object.
func NewQsciLexerIDL() *QsciLexerIDL {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQsciLexerIDL(C.QsciLexerIDL_new())
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
// NewQsciLexerIDL2 constructs a new QsciLexerIDL object.
func NewQsciLexerIDL2(parent *qt.QObject) *QsciLexerIDL {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
ret := newQsciLexerIDL(C.QsciLexerIDL_new2((*C.QObject)(parent.UnsafePointer())))
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
ret.isSubclass = true
return ret
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject {
return qt.UnsafeNewQMetaObject(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerIDL_MetaObject(this.h)))
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer {
param1_Cstring := C.CString(param1)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(param1_Cstring))
return (unsafe.Pointer)(C.QsciLexerIDL_Metacast(this.h, param1_Cstring))
func QsciLexerIDL_Tr(s string) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerIDL_Tr(s_Cstring)
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
func QsciLexerIDL_TrUtf8(s string) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerIDL_TrUtf8(s_Cstring)
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) Language() string {
_ret := C.QsciLexerIDL_Language(this.h)
return C.GoString(_ret)
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) DefaultColor(style int) *qt.QColor {
_goptr := qt.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerIDL_DefaultColor(this.h, (C.int)(style))))
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
return _goptr
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) Keywords(set int) string {
_ret := C.QsciLexerIDL_Keywords(this.h, (C.int)(set))
return C.GoString(_ret)
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) Description(style int) string {
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerIDL_Description(this.h, (C.int)(style))
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
func QsciLexerIDL_Tr2(s string, c string) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
c_Cstring := C.CString(c)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_Cstring))
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerIDL_Tr2(s_Cstring, c_Cstring)
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
func QsciLexerIDL_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
c_Cstring := C.CString(c)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_Cstring))
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerIDL_Tr3(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (C.int)(n))
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
func QsciLexerIDL_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
c_Cstring := C.CString(c)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_Cstring))
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerIDL_TrUtf82(s_Cstring, c_Cstring)
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
func QsciLexerIDL_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
c_Cstring := C.CString(c)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_Cstring))
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerIDL_TrUtf83(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (C.int)(n))
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) callVirtualBase_SetFoldAtElse(fold bool) {
C.QsciLexerIDL_virtualbase_SetFoldAtElse(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (C.bool)(fold))
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) OnSetFoldAtElse(slot func(super func(fold bool), fold bool)) {
if !this.isSubclass {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
C.QsciLexerIDL_override_virtual_SetFoldAtElse(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
//export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetFoldAtElse
func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetFoldAtElse(self *C.QsciLexerIDL, cb C.intptr_t, fold C.bool) {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(fold bool), fold bool))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
slotval1 := (bool)(fold)
gofunc((&QsciLexerIDL{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetFoldAtElse, slotval1)
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) callVirtualBase_SetFoldComments(fold bool) {
C.QsciLexerIDL_virtualbase_SetFoldComments(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (C.bool)(fold))
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) OnSetFoldComments(slot func(super func(fold bool), fold bool)) {
if !this.isSubclass {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
C.QsciLexerIDL_override_virtual_SetFoldComments(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
//export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetFoldComments
func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetFoldComments(self *C.QsciLexerIDL, cb C.intptr_t, fold C.bool) {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(fold bool), fold bool))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
slotval1 := (bool)(fold)
gofunc((&QsciLexerIDL{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetFoldComments, slotval1)
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) callVirtualBase_SetFoldCompact(fold bool) {
C.QsciLexerIDL_virtualbase_SetFoldCompact(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (C.bool)(fold))
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) OnSetFoldCompact(slot func(super func(fold bool), fold bool)) {
if !this.isSubclass {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
C.QsciLexerIDL_override_virtual_SetFoldCompact(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
//export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetFoldCompact
func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetFoldCompact(self *C.QsciLexerIDL, cb C.intptr_t, fold C.bool) {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(fold bool), fold bool))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
slotval1 := (bool)(fold)
gofunc((&QsciLexerIDL{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetFoldCompact, slotval1)
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) callVirtualBase_SetFoldPreprocessor(fold bool) {
C.QsciLexerIDL_virtualbase_SetFoldPreprocessor(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (C.bool)(fold))
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) OnSetFoldPreprocessor(slot func(super func(fold bool), fold bool)) {
if !this.isSubclass {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
C.QsciLexerIDL_override_virtual_SetFoldPreprocessor(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
//export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetFoldPreprocessor
func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetFoldPreprocessor(self *C.QsciLexerIDL, cb C.intptr_t, fold C.bool) {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(fold bool), fold bool))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
slotval1 := (bool)(fold)
gofunc((&QsciLexerIDL{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetFoldPreprocessor, slotval1)
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) callVirtualBase_SetStylePreprocessor(style bool) {
C.QsciLexerIDL_virtualbase_SetStylePreprocessor(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (C.bool)(style))
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) OnSetStylePreprocessor(slot func(super func(style bool), style bool)) {
if !this.isSubclass {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
C.QsciLexerIDL_override_virtual_SetStylePreprocessor(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
//export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetStylePreprocessor
func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerIDL_SetStylePreprocessor(self *C.QsciLexerIDL, cb C.intptr_t, style C.bool) {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style bool), style bool))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
slotval1 := (bool)(style)
gofunc((&QsciLexerIDL{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetStylePreprocessor, slotval1)
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) Delete() {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
C.QsciLexerIDL_Delete(this.h, C.bool(this.isSubclass))
2024-10-20 17:59:23 +13:00
// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QsciLexerIDL) GoGC() {
runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QsciLexerIDL) {