2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# include <QAbstractItemModel>
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
# include <QAbstractProxyModel>
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
# include <QByteArray>
# include <QChildEvent>
2025-02-06 15:05:01 +13:00
# include <QDataStream>
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
# include <QEvent>
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# include <QIdentityProxyModel>
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
# include <QItemSelection>
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
# include <QList>
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
# include <QMap>
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
# include <QMetaMethod>
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# include <QMetaObject>
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
# include <QMimeData>
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# include <QModelIndex>
# include <QObject>
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
# include <QSize>
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# include <QString>
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
# include <QByteArray>
# include <cstring>
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
# include <QTimerEvent>
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
# include <QVariant>
2024-10-16 18:07:56 +13:00
# include <qidentityproxymodel.h>
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
# include "gen_qidentityproxymodel.h"
2024-12-11 19:55:47 +13:00
2025-01-07 11:30:33 +01:00
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
# endif
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_columnCount ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
QModelIndex * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_index ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int , QModelIndex * ) ;
QModelIndex * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mapFromSource ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
QModelIndex * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mapToSource ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
QModelIndex * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_parent ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
int miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_rowCount ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
QVariant * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_headerData ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int , int ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_dropMimeData ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QMimeData * , int , int , int , QModelIndex * ) ;
QModelIndex * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_sibling ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int , QModelIndex * ) ;
QItemSelection * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mapSelectionFromSource ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QItemSelection * ) ;
QItemSelection * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mapSelectionToSource ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QItemSelection * ) ;
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_match ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * , int , QVariant * , int , int ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_setSourceModel ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QAbstractItemModel * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_insertColumns ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int , QModelIndex * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_insertRows ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int , QModelIndex * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_removeColumns ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int , QModelIndex * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_removeRows ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int , QModelIndex * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_moveRows ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * , int , int , QModelIndex * , int ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_moveColumns ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * , int , int , QModelIndex * , int ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_submit ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_revert ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t ) ;
QVariant * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_data ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * , int ) ;
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_itemData ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
int miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_flags ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_setData ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * , QVariant * , int ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_setItemData ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * , struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_setHeaderData ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int , QVariant * , int ) ;
QModelIndex * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_buddy ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_canFetchMore ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_fetchMore ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_sort ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , int , int ) ;
QSize * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_span ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_hasChildren ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QModelIndex * ) ;
QMimeData * miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mimeData ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_canDropMimeData ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QMimeData * , int , int , int , QModelIndex * ) ;
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mimeTypes ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t ) ;
int miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_supportedDragActions ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t ) ;
int miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_supportedDropActions ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t ) ;
struct miqt_map /* of int to struct miqt_string */ miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_roleNames ( const QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_event ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QEvent * ) ;
bool miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_eventFilter ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QObject * , QEvent * ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_timerEvent ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QTimerEvent * ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_childEvent ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QChildEvent * ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_customEvent ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QEvent * ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_connectNotify ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QMetaMethod * ) ;
void miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_disconnectNotify ( QIdentityProxyModel * , intptr_t , QMetaMethod * ) ;
2025-01-07 11:30:33 +01:00
# ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern C */
2024-12-11 19:55:47 +13:00
# endif
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-01-18 17:42:41 +13:00
class MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel final : public QIdentityProxyModel {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
public :
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel ( ) : QIdentityProxyModel ( ) { } ;
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel ( QObject * parent ) : QIdentityProxyModel ( parent ) { } ;
2025-01-18 17:42:41 +13:00
virtual ~ MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel ( ) override = default ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__columnCount = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual int columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__columnCount = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : columnCount ( parent ) ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_columnCount ( this , handle__columnCount , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return static_cast < int > ( callback_return_value ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_columnCount ( const void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__index = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex index ( int row , int column , const QModelIndex & parent ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__index = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : index ( row , column , parent ) ;
int sigval1 = row ;
int sigval2 = column ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval3 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_index ( this , handle__index , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_index ( const void * self , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__mapFromSource = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex mapFromSource ( const QModelIndex & sourceIndex ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__mapFromSource = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : mapFromSource ( sourceIndex ) ;
const QModelIndex & sourceIndex_ret = sourceIndex ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & sourceIndex_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mapFromSource ( this , handle__mapFromSource , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mapFromSource ( const void * self , QModelIndex * sourceIndex ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__mapToSource = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex mapToSource ( const QModelIndex & proxyIndex ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__mapToSource = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : mapToSource ( proxyIndex ) ;
const QModelIndex & proxyIndex_ret = proxyIndex ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & proxyIndex_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mapToSource ( this , handle__mapToSource , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mapToSource ( const void * self , QModelIndex * proxyIndex ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__parent = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex parent ( const QModelIndex & child ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__parent = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : parent ( child ) ;
const QModelIndex & child_ret = child ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & child_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_parent ( this , handle__parent , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_parent ( const void * self , QModelIndex * child ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__rowCount = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual int rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__rowCount = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : rowCount ( parent ) ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_rowCount ( this , handle__rowCount , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return static_cast < int > ( callback_return_value ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_rowCount ( const void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__headerData = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QVariant headerData ( int section , Qt : : Orientation orientation , int role ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__headerData = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : headerData ( section , orientation , role ) ;
int sigval1 = section ;
Qt : : Orientation orientation_ret = orientation ;
int sigval2 = static_cast < int > ( orientation_ret ) ;
int sigval3 = role ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QVariant * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_headerData ( this , handle__headerData , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QVariant * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_headerData ( const void * self , int section , int orientation , int role ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__dropMimeData = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool dropMimeData ( const QMimeData * data , Qt : : DropAction action , int row , int column , const QModelIndex & parent ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__dropMimeData = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : dropMimeData ( data , action , row , column , parent ) ;
QMimeData * sigval1 = ( QMimeData * ) data ;
Qt : : DropAction action_ret = action ;
int sigval2 = static_cast < int > ( action_ret ) ;
int sigval3 = row ;
int sigval4 = column ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval5 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_dropMimeData ( this , handle__dropMimeData , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 , sigval4 , sigval5 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_dropMimeData ( void * self , QMimeData * data , int action , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__sibling = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex sibling ( int row , int column , const QModelIndex & idx ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__sibling = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : sibling ( row , column , idx ) ;
int sigval1 = row ;
int sigval2 = column ;
const QModelIndex & idx_ret = idx ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval3 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & idx_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_sibling ( this , handle__sibling , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_sibling ( const void * self , int row , int column , QModelIndex * idx ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__mapSelectionFromSource = 0 ;
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QItemSelection mapSelectionFromSource ( const QItemSelection & selection ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__mapSelectionFromSource = = 0 ) {
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : mapSelectionFromSource ( selection ) ;
const QItemSelection & selection_ret = selection ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QItemSelection * sigval1 = const_cast < QItemSelection * > ( & selection_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QItemSelection * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mapSelectionFromSource ( this , handle__mapSelectionFromSource , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QItemSelection * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mapSelectionFromSource ( const void * self , QItemSelection * selection ) ;
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__mapSelectionToSource = 0 ;
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QItemSelection mapSelectionToSource ( const QItemSelection & selection ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__mapSelectionToSource = = 0 ) {
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : mapSelectionToSource ( selection ) ;
const QItemSelection & selection_ret = selection ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QItemSelection * sigval1 = const_cast < QItemSelection * > ( & selection_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QItemSelection * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mapSelectionToSource ( this , handle__mapSelectionToSource , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QItemSelection * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mapSelectionToSource ( const void * self , QItemSelection * selection ) ;
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__match = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndexList match ( const QModelIndex & start , int role , const QVariant & value , int hits , Qt : : MatchFlags flags ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__match = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : match ( start , role , value , hits , flags ) ;
const QModelIndex & start_ret = start ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & start_ret ) ;
int sigval2 = role ;
const QVariant & value_ret = value ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QVariant * sigval3 = const_cast < QVariant * > ( & value_ret ) ;
int sigval4 = hits ;
Qt : : MatchFlags flags_ret = flags ;
int sigval5 = static_cast < int > ( flags_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_match ( this , handle__match , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 , sigval4 , sigval5 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
QModelIndexList callback_return_value_QList ;
callback_return_value_QList . reserve ( callback_return_value . len ) ;
QModelIndex * * callback_return_value_arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( callback_return_value . data ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < callback_return_value . len ; + + i ) {
callback_return_value_QList . push_back ( * ( callback_return_value_arr [ i ] ) ) ;
return callback_return_value_QList ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_match ( const void * self , QModelIndex * start , int role , QVariant * value , int hits , int flags ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__setSourceModel = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void setSourceModel ( QAbstractItemModel * sourceModel ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__setSourceModel = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : setSourceModel ( sourceModel ) ;
return ;
QAbstractItemModel * sigval1 = sourceModel ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_setSourceModel ( this , handle__setSourceModel , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_setSourceModel ( void * self , QAbstractItemModel * sourceModel ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__insertColumns = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool insertColumns ( int column , int count , const QModelIndex & parent ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__insertColumns = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : insertColumns ( column , count , parent ) ;
int sigval1 = column ;
int sigval2 = count ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval3 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_insertColumns ( this , handle__insertColumns , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_insertColumns ( void * self , int column , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__insertRows = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool insertRows ( int row , int count , const QModelIndex & parent ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__insertRows = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : insertRows ( row , count , parent ) ;
int sigval1 = row ;
int sigval2 = count ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval3 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_insertRows ( this , handle__insertRows , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_insertRows ( void * self , int row , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__removeColumns = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool removeColumns ( int column , int count , const QModelIndex & parent ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__removeColumns = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : removeColumns ( column , count , parent ) ;
int sigval1 = column ;
int sigval2 = count ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval3 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_removeColumns ( this , handle__removeColumns , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_removeColumns ( void * self , int column , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__removeRows = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool removeRows ( int row , int count , const QModelIndex & parent ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__removeRows = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : removeRows ( row , count , parent ) ;
int sigval1 = row ;
int sigval2 = count ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval3 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_removeRows ( this , handle__removeRows , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_removeRows ( void * self , int row , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__moveRows = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool moveRows ( const QModelIndex & sourceParent , int sourceRow , int count , const QModelIndex & destinationParent , int destinationChild ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__moveRows = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : moveRows ( sourceParent , sourceRow , count , destinationParent , destinationChild ) ;
const QModelIndex & sourceParent_ret = sourceParent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & sourceParent_ret ) ;
int sigval2 = sourceRow ;
int sigval3 = count ;
const QModelIndex & destinationParent_ret = destinationParent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval4 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & destinationParent_ret ) ;
int sigval5 = destinationChild ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_moveRows ( this , handle__moveRows , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 , sigval4 , sigval5 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_moveRows ( void * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceRow , int count , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationChild ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__moveColumns = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool moveColumns ( const QModelIndex & sourceParent , int sourceColumn , int count , const QModelIndex & destinationParent , int destinationChild ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__moveColumns = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : moveColumns ( sourceParent , sourceColumn , count , destinationParent , destinationChild ) ;
const QModelIndex & sourceParent_ret = sourceParent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & sourceParent_ret ) ;
int sigval2 = sourceColumn ;
int sigval3 = count ;
const QModelIndex & destinationParent_ret = destinationParent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval4 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & destinationParent_ret ) ;
int sigval5 = destinationChild ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_moveColumns ( this , handle__moveColumns , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 , sigval4 , sigval5 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_moveColumns ( void * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceColumn , int count , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationChild ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__submit = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool submit ( ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__submit = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : submit ( ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_submit ( this , handle__submit ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_submit ( void * self ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__revert = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void revert ( ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__revert = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : revert ( ) ;
return ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_revert ( this , handle__revert ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_revert ( void * self ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__data = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QVariant data ( const QModelIndex & proxyIndex , int role ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__data = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : data ( proxyIndex , role ) ;
const QModelIndex & proxyIndex_ret = proxyIndex ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & proxyIndex_ret ) ;
int sigval2 = role ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QVariant * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_data ( this , handle__data , sigval1 , sigval2 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QVariant * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_data ( const void * self , QModelIndex * proxyIndex , int role ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__itemData = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QMap < int , QVariant > itemData ( const QModelIndex & index ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__itemData = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : itemData ( index ) ;
const QModelIndex & index_ret = index ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & index_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_itemData ( this , handle__itemData , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
QMap < int , QVariant > callback_return_value_QMap ;
int * callback_return_value_karr = static_cast < int * > ( callback_return_value . keys ) ;
QVariant * * callback_return_value_varr = static_cast < QVariant * * > ( callback_return_value . values ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < callback_return_value . len ; + + i ) {
callback_return_value_QMap [ static_cast < int > ( callback_return_value_karr [ i ] ) ] = * ( callback_return_value_varr [ i ] ) ;
return callback_return_value_QMap ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_itemData ( const void * self , QModelIndex * index ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__flags = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual Qt : : ItemFlags flags ( const QModelIndex & index ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__flags = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : flags ( index ) ;
const QModelIndex & index_ret = index ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & index_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_flags ( this , handle__flags , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return static_cast < Qt : : ItemFlags > ( callback_return_value ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_flags ( const void * self , QModelIndex * index ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__setData = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool setData ( const QModelIndex & index , const QVariant & value , int role ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__setData = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : setData ( index , value , role ) ;
const QModelIndex & index_ret = index ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & index_ret ) ;
const QVariant & value_ret = value ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QVariant * sigval2 = const_cast < QVariant * > ( & value_ret ) ;
int sigval3 = role ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_setData ( this , handle__setData , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_setData ( void * self , QModelIndex * index , QVariant * value , int role ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__setItemData = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool setItemData ( const QModelIndex & index , const QMap < int , QVariant > & roles ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__setItemData = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : setItemData ( index , roles ) ;
const QModelIndex & index_ret = index ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & index_ret ) ;
const QMap < int , QVariant > & roles_ret = roles ;
// Convert QMap<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
int * roles_karr = static_cast < int * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( int ) * roles_ret . size ( ) ) ) ;
QVariant * * roles_varr = static_cast < QVariant * * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( QVariant * ) * roles_ret . size ( ) ) ) ;
int roles_ctr = 0 ;
for ( auto roles_itr = roles_ret . keyValueBegin ( ) ; roles_itr ! = roles_ret . keyValueEnd ( ) ; + + roles_itr ) {
roles_karr [ roles_ctr ] = roles_itr - > first ;
roles_varr [ roles_ctr ] = new QVariant ( roles_itr - > second ) ;
roles_ctr + + ;
struct miqt_map roles_out ;
roles_out . len = roles_ret . size ( ) ;
roles_out . keys = static_cast < void * > ( roles_karr ) ;
roles_out . values = static_cast < void * > ( roles_varr ) ;
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ sigval2 = roles_out ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_setItemData ( this , handle__setItemData , sigval1 , sigval2 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_setItemData ( void * self , QModelIndex * index , struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ roles ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__setHeaderData = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool setHeaderData ( int section , Qt : : Orientation orientation , const QVariant & value , int role ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__setHeaderData = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : setHeaderData ( section , orientation , value , role ) ;
int sigval1 = section ;
Qt : : Orientation orientation_ret = orientation ;
int sigval2 = static_cast < int > ( orientation_ret ) ;
const QVariant & value_ret = value ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QVariant * sigval3 = const_cast < QVariant * > ( & value_ret ) ;
int sigval4 = role ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_setHeaderData ( this , handle__setHeaderData , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 , sigval4 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_setHeaderData ( void * self , int section , int orientation , QVariant * value , int role ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__buddy = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex buddy ( const QModelIndex & index ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__buddy = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : buddy ( index ) ;
const QModelIndex & index_ret = index ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & index_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_buddy ( this , handle__buddy , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_buddy ( const void * self , QModelIndex * index ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__canFetchMore = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool canFetchMore ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__canFetchMore = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : canFetchMore ( parent ) ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_canFetchMore ( this , handle__canFetchMore , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_canFetchMore ( const void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__fetchMore = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void fetchMore ( const QModelIndex & parent ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__fetchMore = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : fetchMore ( parent ) ;
return ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_fetchMore ( this , handle__fetchMore , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_fetchMore ( void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__sort = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void sort ( int column , Qt : : SortOrder order ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__sort = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : sort ( column , order ) ;
return ;
int sigval1 = column ;
Qt : : SortOrder order_ret = order ;
int sigval2 = static_cast < int > ( order_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_sort ( this , handle__sort , sigval1 , sigval2 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_sort ( void * self , int column , int order ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__span = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QSize span ( const QModelIndex & index ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__span = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : span ( index ) ;
const QModelIndex & index_ret = index ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & index_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QSize * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_span ( this , handle__span , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return * callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QSize * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_span ( const void * self , QModelIndex * index ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__hasChildren = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool hasChildren ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__hasChildren = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : hasChildren ( parent ) ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval1 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_hasChildren ( this , handle__hasChildren , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_hasChildren ( const void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__mimeData = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QMimeData * mimeData ( const QModelIndexList & indexes ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__mimeData = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : mimeData ( indexes ) ;
const QModelIndexList & indexes_ret = indexes ;
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
QModelIndex * * indexes_arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( QModelIndex * ) * indexes_ret . length ( ) ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 , e = indexes_ret . length ( ) ; i < e ; + + i ) {
indexes_arr [ i ] = new QModelIndex ( indexes_ret [ i ] ) ;
struct miqt_array indexes_out ;
indexes_out . len = indexes_ret . length ( ) ;
indexes_out . data = static_cast < void * > ( indexes_arr ) ;
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ sigval1 = indexes_out ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QMimeData * callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mimeData ( this , handle__mimeData , sigval1 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend QMimeData * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mimeData ( const void * self , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ indexes ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__canDropMimeData = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool canDropMimeData ( const QMimeData * data , Qt : : DropAction action , int row , int column , const QModelIndex & parent ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__canDropMimeData = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : canDropMimeData ( data , action , row , column , parent ) ;
QMimeData * sigval1 = ( QMimeData * ) data ;
Qt : : DropAction action_ret = action ;
int sigval2 = static_cast < int > ( action_ret ) ;
int sigval3 = row ;
int sigval4 = column ;
const QModelIndex & parent_ret = parent ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex * sigval5 = const_cast < QModelIndex * > ( & parent_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_canDropMimeData ( this , handle__canDropMimeData , sigval1 , sigval2 , sigval3 , sigval4 , sigval5 ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_canDropMimeData ( const void * self , QMimeData * data , int action , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__mimeTypes = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QStringList mimeTypes ( ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__mimeTypes = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : mimeTypes ( ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_mimeTypes ( this , handle__mimeTypes ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
QStringList callback_return_value_QList ;
callback_return_value_QList . reserve ( callback_return_value . len ) ;
struct miqt_string * callback_return_value_arr = static_cast < struct miqt_string * > ( callback_return_value . data ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < callback_return_value . len ; + + i ) {
QString callback_return_value_arr_i_QString = QString : : fromUtf8 ( callback_return_value_arr [ i ] . data , callback_return_value_arr [ i ] . len ) ;
callback_return_value_QList . push_back ( callback_return_value_arr_i_QString ) ;
return callback_return_value_QList ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mimeTypes ( const void * self ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__supportedDragActions = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual Qt : : DropActions supportedDragActions ( ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__supportedDragActions = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : supportedDragActions ( ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_supportedDragActions ( this , handle__supportedDragActions ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return static_cast < Qt : : DropActions > ( callback_return_value ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_supportedDragActions ( const void * self ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__supportedDropActions = 0 ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual Qt : : DropActions supportedDropActions ( ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__supportedDropActions = = 0 ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : supportedDropActions ( ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_supportedDropActions ( this , handle__supportedDropActions ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return static_cast < Qt : : DropActions > ( callback_return_value ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_supportedDropActions ( const void * self ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__roleNames = 0 ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QHash < int , QByteArray > roleNames ( ) const override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__roleNames = = 0 ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : roleNames ( ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_map /* of int to struct miqt_string */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_roleNames ( this , handle__roleNames ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
QHash < int , QByteArray > callback_return_value_QMap ;
callback_return_value_QMap . reserve ( callback_return_value . len ) ;
int * callback_return_value_karr = static_cast < int * > ( callback_return_value . keys ) ;
struct miqt_string * callback_return_value_varr = static_cast < struct miqt_string * > ( callback_return_value . values ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < callback_return_value . len ; + + i ) {
QByteArray callback_return_value_varr_i_QByteArray ( callback_return_value_varr [ i ] . data , callback_return_value_varr [ i ] . len ) ;
callback_return_value_QMap [ static_cast < int > ( callback_return_value_karr [ i ] ) ] = callback_return_value_varr_i_QByteArray ;
return callback_return_value_QMap ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend struct miqt_map /* of int to struct miqt_string */ QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_roleNames ( const void * self ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__event = 0 ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool event ( QEvent * event ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__event = = 0 ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : event ( event ) ;
QEvent * sigval1 = event ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_event ( this , handle__event , sigval1 ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_event ( void * self , QEvent * event ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__eventFilter = 0 ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool eventFilter ( QObject * watched , QEvent * event ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__eventFilter = = 0 ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return QIdentityProxyModel : : eventFilter ( watched , event ) ;
QObject * sigval1 = watched ;
QEvent * sigval2 = event ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_eventFilter ( this , handle__eventFilter , sigval1 , sigval2 ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return callback_return_value ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_eventFilter ( void * self , QObject * watched , QEvent * event ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__timerEvent = 0 ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * event ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__timerEvent = = 0 ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : timerEvent ( event ) ;
return ;
QTimerEvent * sigval1 = event ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_timerEvent ( this , handle__timerEvent , sigval1 ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_timerEvent ( void * self , QTimerEvent * event ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__childEvent = 0 ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void childEvent ( QChildEvent * event ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__childEvent = = 0 ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : childEvent ( event ) ;
return ;
QChildEvent * sigval1 = event ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_childEvent ( this , handle__childEvent , sigval1 ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_childEvent ( void * self , QChildEvent * event ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__customEvent = 0 ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void customEvent ( QEvent * event ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__customEvent = = 0 ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : customEvent ( event ) ;
return ;
QEvent * sigval1 = event ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_customEvent ( this , handle__customEvent , sigval1 ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_customEvent ( void * self , QEvent * event ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__connectNotify = 0 ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void connectNotify ( const QMetaMethod & signal ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__connectNotify = = 0 ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : connectNotify ( signal ) ;
return ;
const QMetaMethod & signal_ret = signal ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QMetaMethod * sigval1 = const_cast < QMetaMethod * > ( & signal_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_connectNotify ( this , handle__connectNotify , sigval1 ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_connectNotify ( void * self , QMetaMethod * signal ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
intptr_t handle__disconnectNotify = 0 ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void disconnectNotify ( const QMetaMethod & signal ) override {
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
if ( handle__disconnectNotify = = 0 ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel : : disconnectNotify ( signal ) ;
return ;
const QMetaMethod & signal_ret = signal ;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QMetaMethod * sigval1 = const_cast < QMetaMethod * > ( & signal_ret ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
miqt_exec_callback_QIdentityProxyModel_disconnectNotify ( this , handle__disconnectNotify , sigval1 ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_disconnectNotify ( void * self , QMetaMethod * signal ) ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-06 15:05:01 +13:00
// Wrappers to allow calling protected methods:
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_resetInternalData ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_createIndex ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self , int row , int column ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_encodeData ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ indexes , QDataStream * stream ) ;
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_decodeData ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent , QDataStream * stream ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginInsertRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * parent , int first , int last ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endInsertRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginRemoveRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * parent , int first , int last ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endRemoveRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginMoveRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceFirst , int sourceLast , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationRow ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endMoveRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginInsertColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * parent , int first , int last ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endInsertColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginRemoveColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * parent , int first , int last ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endRemoveColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginMoveColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceFirst , int sourceLast , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationColumn ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endMoveColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginResetModel ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endResetModel ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_changePersistentIndex ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * from , QModelIndex * to ) ;
friend void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_changePersistentIndexList ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ from , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ to ) ;
friend struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_persistentIndexList ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self ) ;
friend QObject * QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_sender ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self ) ;
friend int QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_senderSignalIndex ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self ) ;
friend int QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_receivers ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self , const char * signal ) ;
friend bool QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_isSignalConnected ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self , QMetaMethod * signal ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
} ;
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel * QIdentityProxyModel_new ( ) {
return new MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel ( ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QIdentityProxyModel * QIdentityProxyModel_new2 ( QObject * parent ) {
return new MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel ( parent ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtbase ( QIdentityProxyModel * src , QAbstractProxyModel * * outptr_QAbstractProxyModel ) {
* outptr_QAbstractProxyModel = static_cast < QAbstractProxyModel * > ( src ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QMetaObject * QIdentityProxyModel_metaObject ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self ) {
2024-09-11 17:41:09 +12:00
return ( QMetaObject * ) self - > metaObject ( ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void * QIdentityProxyModel_metacast ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , const char * param1 ) {
2024-09-21 10:32:57 +12:00
return self - > qt_metacast ( param1 ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_string QIdentityProxyModel_tr ( const char * s ) {
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QString _ret = QIdentityProxyModel : : tr ( s ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QByteArray _b = _ret . toUtf8 ( ) ;
2024-10-19 12:53:33 +13:00
struct miqt_string _ms ;
_ms . len = _b . length ( ) ;
_ms . data = static_cast < char * > ( malloc ( _ms . len ) ) ;
memcpy ( _ms . data , _b . data ( ) , _ms . len ) ;
return _ms ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_string QIdentityProxyModel_trUtf8 ( const char * s ) {
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QString _ret = QIdentityProxyModel : : trUtf8 ( s ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QByteArray _b = _ret . toUtf8 ( ) ;
2024-10-19 12:53:33 +13:00
struct miqt_string _ms ;
_ms . len = _b . length ( ) ;
_ms . data = static_cast < char * > ( malloc ( _ms . len ) ) ;
memcpy ( _ms . data , _b . data ( ) , _ms . len ) ;
return _ms ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int QIdentityProxyModel_columnCount ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return self - > columnCount ( * parent ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_index ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return new QModelIndex ( self - > index ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) , * parent ) ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_mapFromSource ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , QModelIndex * sourceIndex ) {
2024-09-17 18:29:11 +12:00
return new QModelIndex ( self - > mapFromSource ( * sourceIndex ) ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_mapToSource ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , QModelIndex * proxyIndex ) {
2024-09-17 18:29:11 +12:00
return new QModelIndex ( self - > mapToSource ( * proxyIndex ) ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_parent ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , QModelIndex * child ) {
2024-09-17 18:29:11 +12:00
return new QModelIndex ( self - > parent ( * child ) ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int QIdentityProxyModel_rowCount ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return self - > rowCount ( * parent ) ;
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QVariant * QIdentityProxyModel_headerData ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , int section , int orientation , int role ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return new QVariant ( self - > headerData ( static_cast < int > ( section ) , static_cast < Qt : : Orientation > ( orientation ) , static_cast < int > ( role ) ) ) ;
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_dropMimeData ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , QMimeData * data , int action , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return self - > dropMimeData ( data , static_cast < Qt : : DropAction > ( action ) , static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) , * parent ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_sibling ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , int row , int column , QModelIndex * idx ) {
2024-09-17 18:29:11 +12:00
return new QModelIndex ( self - > sibling ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) , * idx ) ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QItemSelection * QIdentityProxyModel_mapSelectionFromSource ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , QItemSelection * selection ) {
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
return new QItemSelection ( self - > mapSelectionFromSource ( * selection ) ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QItemSelection * QIdentityProxyModel_mapSelectionToSource ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , QItemSelection * selection ) {
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
return new QItemSelection ( self - > mapSelectionToSource ( * selection ) ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ QIdentityProxyModel_match ( const QIdentityProxyModel * self , QModelIndex * start , int role , QVariant * value , int hits , int flags ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
QModelIndexList _ret = self - > match ( * start , static_cast < int > ( role ) , * value , static_cast < int > ( hits ) , static_cast < Qt : : MatchFlags > ( flags ) ) ;
2024-09-17 18:29:11 +12:00
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
QModelIndex * * _arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( QModelIndex * ) * _ret . length ( ) ) ) ;
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
for ( size_t i = 0 , e = _ret . length ( ) ; i < e ; + + i ) {
_arr [ i ] = new QModelIndex ( _ret [ i ] ) ;
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2024-11-04 20:18:27 +13:00
struct miqt_array _out ;
_out . len = _ret . length ( ) ;
_out . data = static_cast < void * > ( _arr ) ;
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
return _out ;
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_setSourceModel ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , QAbstractItemModel * sourceModel ) {
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
self - > setSourceModel ( sourceModel ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_insertColumns ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , int column , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return self - > insertColumns ( static_cast < int > ( column ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * parent ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_insertRows ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , int row , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return self - > insertRows ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * parent ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_removeColumns ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , int column , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return self - > removeColumns ( static_cast < int > ( column ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * parent ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_removeRows ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , int row , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
return self - > removeRows ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * parent ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_moveRows ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceRow , int count , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationChild ) {
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
return self - > moveRows ( * sourceParent , static_cast < int > ( sourceRow ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * destinationParent , static_cast < int > ( destinationChild ) ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_moveColumns ( QIdentityProxyModel * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceColumn , int count , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationChild ) {
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
return self - > moveColumns ( * sourceParent , static_cast < int > ( sourceColumn ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * destinationParent , static_cast < int > ( destinationChild ) ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_string QIdentityProxyModel_tr2 ( const char * s , const char * c ) {
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QString _ret = QIdentityProxyModel : : tr ( s , c ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QByteArray _b = _ret . toUtf8 ( ) ;
2024-10-19 12:53:33 +13:00
struct miqt_string _ms ;
_ms . len = _b . length ( ) ;
_ms . data = static_cast < char * > ( malloc ( _ms . len ) ) ;
memcpy ( _ms . data , _b . data ( ) , _ms . len ) ;
return _ms ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_string QIdentityProxyModel_tr3 ( const char * s , const char * c , int n ) {
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QString _ret = QIdentityProxyModel : : tr ( s , c , static_cast < int > ( n ) ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QByteArray _b = _ret . toUtf8 ( ) ;
2024-10-19 12:53:33 +13:00
struct miqt_string _ms ;
_ms . len = _b . length ( ) ;
_ms . data = static_cast < char * > ( malloc ( _ms . len ) ) ;
memcpy ( _ms . data , _b . data ( ) , _ms . len ) ;
return _ms ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_string QIdentityProxyModel_trUtf82 ( const char * s , const char * c ) {
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QString _ret = QIdentityProxyModel : : trUtf8 ( s , c ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QByteArray _b = _ret . toUtf8 ( ) ;
2024-10-19 12:53:33 +13:00
struct miqt_string _ms ;
_ms . len = _b . length ( ) ;
_ms . data = static_cast < char * > ( malloc ( _ms . len ) ) ;
memcpy ( _ms . data , _b . data ( ) , _ms . len ) ;
return _ms ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_string QIdentityProxyModel_trUtf83 ( const char * s , const char * c , int n ) {
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QString _ret = QIdentityProxyModel : : trUtf8 ( s , c , static_cast < int > ( n ) ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
QByteArray _b = _ret . toUtf8 ( ) ;
2024-10-19 12:53:33 +13:00
struct miqt_string _ms ;
_ms . len = _b . length ( ) ;
_ms . data = static_cast < char * > ( malloc ( _ms . len ) ) ;
memcpy ( _ms . data , _b . data ( ) , _ms . len ) ;
return _ms ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_columnCount ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__columnCount = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_columnCount ( const void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : columnCount ( * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_index ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__index = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_index ( const void * self , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QModelIndex ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : index ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) , * parent ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_mapFromSource ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__mapFromSource = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mapFromSource ( const void * self , QModelIndex * sourceIndex ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QModelIndex ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : mapFromSource ( * sourceIndex ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_mapToSource ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__mapToSource = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mapToSource ( const void * self , QModelIndex * proxyIndex ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QModelIndex ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : mapToSource ( * proxyIndex ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_parent ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__parent = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_parent ( const void * self , QModelIndex * child ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QModelIndex ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : parent ( * child ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_rowCount ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__rowCount = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_rowCount ( const void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : rowCount ( * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_headerData ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__headerData = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QVariant * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_headerData ( const void * self , int section , int orientation , int role ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QVariant ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : headerData ( static_cast < int > ( section ) , static_cast < Qt : : Orientation > ( orientation ) , static_cast < int > ( role ) ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_dropMimeData ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__dropMimeData = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_dropMimeData ( void * self , QMimeData * data , int action , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : dropMimeData ( data , static_cast < Qt : : DropAction > ( action ) , static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) , * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_sibling ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__sibling = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_sibling ( const void * self , int row , int column , QModelIndex * idx ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QModelIndex ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : sibling ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) , * idx ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_mapSelectionFromSource ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__mapSelectionFromSource = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QItemSelection * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mapSelectionFromSource ( const void * self , QItemSelection * selection ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QItemSelection ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : mapSelectionFromSource ( * selection ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_mapSelectionToSource ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__mapSelectionToSource = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QItemSelection * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mapSelectionToSource ( const void * self , QItemSelection * selection ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QItemSelection ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : mapSelectionToSource ( * selection ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-23 19:34:52 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_match ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__match = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_match ( const void * self , QModelIndex * start , int role , QVariant * value , int hits , int flags ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
QModelIndexList _ret = ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : match ( * start , static_cast < int > ( role ) , * value , static_cast < int > ( hits ) , static_cast < Qt : : MatchFlags > ( flags ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
QModelIndex * * _arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( QModelIndex * ) * _ret . length ( ) ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 , e = _ret . length ( ) ; i < e ; + + i ) {
_arr [ i ] = new QModelIndex ( _ret [ i ] ) ;
struct miqt_array _out ;
_out . len = _ret . length ( ) ;
_out . data = static_cast < void * > ( _arr ) ;
return _out ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_setSourceModel ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__setSourceModel = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_setSourceModel ( void * self , QAbstractItemModel * sourceModel ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : setSourceModel ( sourceModel ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_insertColumns ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__insertColumns = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_insertColumns ( void * self , int column , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : insertColumns ( static_cast < int > ( column ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_insertRows ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__insertRows = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_insertRows ( void * self , int row , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : insertRows ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_removeColumns ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__removeColumns = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_removeColumns ( void * self , int column , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : removeColumns ( static_cast < int > ( column ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_removeRows ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__removeRows = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_removeRows ( void * self , int row , int count , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : removeRows ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_moveRows ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__moveRows = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_moveRows ( void * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceRow , int count , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationChild ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : moveRows ( * sourceParent , static_cast < int > ( sourceRow ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * destinationParent , static_cast < int > ( destinationChild ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_moveColumns ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__moveColumns = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_moveColumns ( void * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceColumn , int count , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationChild ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : moveColumns ( * sourceParent , static_cast < int > ( sourceColumn ) , static_cast < int > ( count ) , * destinationParent , static_cast < int > ( destinationChild ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_submit ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__submit = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_submit ( void * self ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : submit ( ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_revert ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__revert = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_revert ( void * self ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : revert ( ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_data ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__data = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QVariant * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_data ( const void * self , QModelIndex * proxyIndex , int role ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QVariant ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : data ( * proxyIndex , static_cast < int > ( role ) ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_itemData ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__itemData = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_itemData ( const void * self , QModelIndex * index ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
QMap < int , QVariant > _ret = ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : itemData ( * index ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
// Convert QMap<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
int * _karr = static_cast < int * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( int ) * _ret . size ( ) ) ) ;
QVariant * * _varr = static_cast < QVariant * * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( QVariant * ) * _ret . size ( ) ) ) ;
int _ctr = 0 ;
for ( auto _itr = _ret . keyValueBegin ( ) ; _itr ! = _ret . keyValueEnd ( ) ; + + _itr ) {
_karr [ _ctr ] = _itr - > first ;
_varr [ _ctr ] = new QVariant ( _itr - > second ) ;
_ctr + + ;
struct miqt_map _out ;
_out . len = _ret . size ( ) ;
_out . keys = static_cast < void * > ( _karr ) ;
_out . values = static_cast < void * > ( _varr ) ;
return _out ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_flags ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__flags = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_flags ( const void * self , QModelIndex * index ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
Qt : : ItemFlags _ret = ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : flags ( * index ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
return static_cast < int > ( _ret ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_setData ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__setData = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_setData ( void * self , QModelIndex * index , QVariant * value , int role ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : setData ( * index , * value , static_cast < int > ( role ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_setItemData ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__setItemData = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_setItemData ( void * self , QModelIndex * index , struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ roles ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
QMap < int , QVariant > roles_QMap ;
int * roles_karr = static_cast < int * > ( roles . keys ) ;
QVariant * * roles_varr = static_cast < QVariant * * > ( roles . values ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < roles . len ; + + i ) {
roles_QMap [ static_cast < int > ( roles_karr [ i ] ) ] = * ( roles_varr [ i ] ) ;
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : setItemData ( * index , roles_QMap ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_setHeaderData ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__setHeaderData = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_setHeaderData ( void * self , int section , int orientation , QVariant * value , int role ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : setHeaderData ( static_cast < int > ( section ) , static_cast < Qt : : Orientation > ( orientation ) , * value , static_cast < int > ( role ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_buddy ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__buddy = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_buddy ( const void * self , QModelIndex * index ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QModelIndex ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : buddy ( * index ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_canFetchMore ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__canFetchMore = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_canFetchMore ( const void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : canFetchMore ( * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_fetchMore ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__fetchMore = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_fetchMore ( void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : fetchMore ( * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_sort ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__sort = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_sort ( void * self , int column , int order ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : sort ( static_cast < int > ( column ) , static_cast < Qt : : SortOrder > ( order ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_span ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__span = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QSize * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_span ( const void * self , QModelIndex * index ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return new QSize ( ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : span ( * index ) ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_hasChildren ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__hasChildren = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_hasChildren ( const void * self , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : hasChildren ( * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_mimeData ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__mimeData = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
QMimeData * QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mimeData ( const void * self , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ indexes ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
QModelIndexList indexes_QList ;
indexes_QList . reserve ( indexes . len ) ;
QModelIndex * * indexes_arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( indexes . data ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < indexes . len ; + + i ) {
indexes_QList . push_back ( * ( indexes_arr [ i ] ) ) ;
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : mimeData ( indexes_QList ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_canDropMimeData ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__canDropMimeData = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_canDropMimeData ( const void * self , QMimeData * data , int action , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : canDropMimeData ( data , static_cast < Qt : : DropAction > ( action ) , static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) , * parent ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_mimeTypes ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__mimeTypes = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_mimeTypes ( const void * self ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
QStringList _ret = ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : mimeTypes ( ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
struct miqt_string * _arr = static_cast < struct miqt_string * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( struct miqt_string ) * _ret . length ( ) ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 , e = _ret . length ( ) ; i < e ; + + i ) {
QString _lv_ret = _ret [ i ] ;
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _lv_b = _lv_ret . toUtf8 ( ) ;
struct miqt_string _lv_ms ;
_lv_ms . len = _lv_b . length ( ) ;
_lv_ms . data = static_cast < char * > ( malloc ( _lv_ms . len ) ) ;
memcpy ( _lv_ms . data , _lv_b . data ( ) , _lv_ms . len ) ;
_arr [ i ] = _lv_ms ;
struct miqt_array _out ;
_out . len = _ret . length ( ) ;
_out . data = static_cast < void * > ( _arr ) ;
return _out ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_supportedDragActions ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__supportedDragActions = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_supportedDragActions ( const void * self ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
Qt : : DropActions _ret = ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : supportedDragActions ( ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
return static_cast < int > ( _ret ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_supportedDropActions ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__supportedDropActions = slot ;
2025-01-18 17:57:48 +13:00
return true ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
int QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_supportedDropActions ( const void * self ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
Qt : : DropActions _ret = ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : supportedDropActions ( ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
return static_cast < int > ( _ret ) ;
2024-11-19 19:29:06 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_roleNames ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__roleNames = slot ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return true ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_map /* of int to struct miqt_string */ QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_roleNames ( const void * self ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
QHash < int , QByteArray > _ret = ( ( const MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : roleNames ( ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
// Convert QMap<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
int * _karr = static_cast < int * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( int ) * _ret . size ( ) ) ) ;
struct miqt_string * _varr = static_cast < struct miqt_string * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( struct miqt_string ) * _ret . size ( ) ) ) ;
int _ctr = 0 ;
for ( auto _itr = _ret . keyValueBegin ( ) ; _itr ! = _ret . keyValueEnd ( ) ; + + _itr ) {
_karr [ _ctr ] = _itr - > first ;
QByteArray _hashval_qb = _itr - > second ;
struct miqt_string _hashval_ms ;
_hashval_ms . len = _hashval_qb . length ( ) ;
_hashval_ms . data = static_cast < char * > ( malloc ( _hashval_ms . len ) ) ;
memcpy ( _hashval_ms . data , _hashval_qb . data ( ) , _hashval_ms . len ) ;
_varr [ _ctr ] = _hashval_ms ;
_ctr + + ;
struct miqt_map _out ;
_out . len = _ret . size ( ) ;
_out . keys = static_cast < void * > ( _karr ) ;
_out . values = static_cast < void * > ( _varr ) ;
return _out ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_event ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__event = slot ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return true ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_event ( void * self , QEvent * event ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : event ( event ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_eventFilter ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__eventFilter = slot ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return true ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_eventFilter ( void * self , QObject * watched , QEvent * event ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
return ( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : eventFilter ( watched , event ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_timerEvent ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__timerEvent = slot ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return true ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_timerEvent ( void * self , QTimerEvent * event ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : timerEvent ( event ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_childEvent ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__childEvent = slot ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return true ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_childEvent ( void * self , QChildEvent * event ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : childEvent ( event ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_customEvent ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__customEvent = slot ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return true ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_customEvent ( void * self , QEvent * event ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : customEvent ( event ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_connectNotify ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__connectNotify = slot ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return true ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_connectNotify ( void * self , QMetaMethod * signal ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : connectNotify ( * signal ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
bool QIdentityProxyModel_override_virtual_disconnectNotify ( void * self , intptr_t slot ) {
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
return false ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
self_cast - > handle__disconnectNotify = slot ;
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
return true ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_virtualbase_disconnectNotify ( void * self , QMetaMethod * signal ) {
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-02-15 14:34:18 +13:00
( ( MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) - > QIdentityProxyModel : : disconnectNotify ( * signal ) ;
2025-02-08 13:52:43 +13:00
2025-01-19 16:39:11 +13:00
2025-02-06 15:05:01 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_resetInternalData ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > resetInternalData ( ) ;
QModelIndex * QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_createIndex ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self , int row , int column ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return nullptr ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
return new QModelIndex ( self_cast - > createIndex ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) ) ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_encodeData ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ indexes , QDataStream * stream ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
QModelIndexList indexes_QList ;
indexes_QList . reserve ( indexes . len ) ;
QModelIndex * * indexes_arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( indexes . data ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < indexes . len ; + + i ) {
indexes_QList . push_back ( * ( indexes_arr [ i ] ) ) ;
self_cast - > encodeData ( indexes_QList , * stream ) ;
bool QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_decodeData ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , int row , int column , QModelIndex * parent , QDataStream * stream ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return false ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
return self_cast - > decodeData ( static_cast < int > ( row ) , static_cast < int > ( column ) , * parent , * stream ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginInsertRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * parent , int first , int last ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > beginInsertRows ( * parent , static_cast < int > ( first ) , static_cast < int > ( last ) ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endInsertRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > endInsertRows ( ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginRemoveRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * parent , int first , int last ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > beginRemoveRows ( * parent , static_cast < int > ( first ) , static_cast < int > ( last ) ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endRemoveRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > endRemoveRows ( ) ;
bool QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginMoveRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceFirst , int sourceLast , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationRow ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return false ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
return self_cast - > beginMoveRows ( * sourceParent , static_cast < int > ( sourceFirst ) , static_cast < int > ( sourceLast ) , * destinationParent , static_cast < int > ( destinationRow ) ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endMoveRows ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > endMoveRows ( ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginInsertColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * parent , int first , int last ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > beginInsertColumns ( * parent , static_cast < int > ( first ) , static_cast < int > ( last ) ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endInsertColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > endInsertColumns ( ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginRemoveColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * parent , int first , int last ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > beginRemoveColumns ( * parent , static_cast < int > ( first ) , static_cast < int > ( last ) ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endRemoveColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > endRemoveColumns ( ) ;
bool QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginMoveColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * sourceParent , int sourceFirst , int sourceLast , QModelIndex * destinationParent , int destinationColumn ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return false ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
return self_cast - > beginMoveColumns ( * sourceParent , static_cast < int > ( sourceFirst ) , static_cast < int > ( sourceLast ) , * destinationParent , static_cast < int > ( destinationColumn ) ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endMoveColumns ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > endMoveColumns ( ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_beginResetModel ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > beginResetModel ( ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_endResetModel ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > endResetModel ( ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_changePersistentIndex ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , QModelIndex * from , QModelIndex * to ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
self_cast - > changePersistentIndex ( * from , * to ) ;
void QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_changePersistentIndexList ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , void * self , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ from , struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ to ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
QModelIndexList from_QList ;
from_QList . reserve ( from . len ) ;
QModelIndex * * from_arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( from . data ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < from . len ; + + i ) {
from_QList . push_back ( * ( from_arr [ i ] ) ) ;
QModelIndexList to_QList ;
to_QList . reserve ( to . len ) ;
QModelIndex * * to_arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( to . data ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < to . len ; + + i ) {
to_QList . push_back ( * ( to_arr [ i ] ) ) ;
self_cast - > changePersistentIndexList ( from_QList , to_QList ) ;
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_persistentIndexList ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return ( struct miqt_array ) { } ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
QModelIndexList _ret = self_cast - > persistentIndexList ( ) ;
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
QModelIndex * * _arr = static_cast < QModelIndex * * > ( malloc ( sizeof ( QModelIndex * ) * _ret . length ( ) ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 , e = _ret . length ( ) ; i < e ; + + i ) {
_arr [ i ] = new QModelIndex ( _ret [ i ] ) ;
struct miqt_array _out ;
_out . len = _ret . length ( ) ;
_out . data = static_cast < void * > ( _arr ) ;
return _out ;
QObject * QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_sender ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return nullptr ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
return self_cast - > sender ( ) ;
int QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_senderSignalIndex ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return 0 ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
return self_cast - > senderSignalIndex ( ) ;
int QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_receivers ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self , const char * signal ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return 0 ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
return self_cast - > receivers ( signal ) ;
bool QIdentityProxyModel_protectedbase_isSignalConnected ( bool * _dynamic_cast_ok , const void * self , QMetaMethod * signal ) {
MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * self_cast = dynamic_cast < MiqtVirtualQIdentityProxyModel * > ( ( QIdentityProxyModel * ) ( self ) ) ;
if ( self_cast = = nullptr ) {
* _dynamic_cast_ok = false ;
return false ;
* _dynamic_cast_ok = true ;
return self_cast - > isSignalConnected ( * signal ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QIdentityProxyModel_delete ( QIdentityProxyModel * self ) {
2025-01-18 17:42:41 +13:00
delete self ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00