2024-11-17 19:21:37 +13:00
# pragma once
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# include <stdbool.h>
# include <stddef.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
2024-10-16 18:07:56 +13:00
# include "../libmiqt/libmiqt.h"
2024-09-15 10:29:05 +12:00
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
# endif
# ifdef __cplusplus
class QIODevice ;
class QTextCodec ;
class QXmlStreamAttribute ;
class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration ;
class QXmlStreamEntityResolver ;
class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration ;
class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration ;
class QXmlStreamReader ;
class QXmlStreamStringRef ;
class QXmlStreamWriter ;
# else
typedef struct QIODevice QIODevice ;
typedef struct QTextCodec QTextCodec ;
typedef struct QXmlStreamAttribute QXmlStreamAttribute ;
typedef struct QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration ;
typedef struct QXmlStreamEntityResolver QXmlStreamEntityResolver ;
typedef struct QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration ;
typedef struct QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration ;
typedef struct QXmlStreamReader QXmlStreamReader ;
typedef struct QXmlStreamStringRef QXmlStreamStringRef ;
typedef struct QXmlStreamWriter QXmlStreamWriter ;
# endif
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QXmlStreamStringRef * QXmlStreamStringRef_new ( ) ;
QXmlStreamStringRef * QXmlStreamStringRef_new2 ( struct miqt_string aString ) ;
QXmlStreamStringRef * QXmlStreamStringRef_new3 ( QXmlStreamStringRef * other ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QXmlStreamStringRef_operatorAssign ( QXmlStreamStringRef * self , QXmlStreamStringRef * other ) ;
void QXmlStreamStringRef_swap ( QXmlStreamStringRef * self , QXmlStreamStringRef * other ) ;
void QXmlStreamStringRef_clear ( QXmlStreamStringRef * self ) ;
struct miqt_string QXmlStreamStringRef_string ( const QXmlStreamStringRef * self ) ;
int QXmlStreamStringRef_position ( const QXmlStreamStringRef * self ) ;
int QXmlStreamStringRef_size ( const QXmlStreamStringRef * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamStringRef_delete ( QXmlStreamStringRef * self ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QXmlStreamAttribute * QXmlStreamAttribute_new ( ) ;
QXmlStreamAttribute * QXmlStreamAttribute_new2 ( struct miqt_string qualifiedName , struct miqt_string value ) ;
QXmlStreamAttribute * QXmlStreamAttribute_new3 ( struct miqt_string namespaceUri , struct miqt_string name , struct miqt_string value ) ;
QXmlStreamAttribute * QXmlStreamAttribute_new4 ( QXmlStreamAttribute * param1 ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QXmlStreamAttribute_operatorAssign ( QXmlStreamAttribute * self , QXmlStreamAttribute * param1 ) ;
bool QXmlStreamAttribute_isDefault ( const QXmlStreamAttribute * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamAttribute_operatorEqual ( const QXmlStreamAttribute * self , QXmlStreamAttribute * other ) ;
bool QXmlStreamAttribute_operatorNotEqual ( const QXmlStreamAttribute * self , QXmlStreamAttribute * other ) ;
void QXmlStreamAttribute_delete ( QXmlStreamAttribute * self ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration_new ( ) ;
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration_new2 ( struct miqt_string prefix , struct miqt_string namespaceUri ) ;
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration_new3 ( QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * param1 ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration_operatorAssign ( QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * param1 ) ;
bool QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration_operatorEqual ( const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * other ) ;
bool QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration_operatorNotEqual ( const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * other ) ;
void QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration_delete ( QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * self ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration_new ( ) ;
QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration_new2 ( QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * param1 ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration_operatorAssign ( QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * param1 ) ;
bool QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration_operatorEqual ( const QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * other ) ;
bool QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration_operatorNotEqual ( const QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * other ) ;
void QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration_delete ( QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration * self ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration_new ( ) ;
QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration_new2 ( QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * param1 ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration_operatorAssign ( QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * param1 ) ;
bool QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration_operatorEqual ( const QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * other ) ;
bool QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration_operatorNotEqual ( const QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * self , QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * other ) ;
void QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration_delete ( QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration * self ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
struct miqt_string QXmlStreamEntityResolver_resolveEntity ( QXmlStreamEntityResolver * self , struct miqt_string publicId , struct miqt_string systemId ) ;
struct miqt_string QXmlStreamEntityResolver_resolveUndeclaredEntity ( QXmlStreamEntityResolver * self , struct miqt_string name ) ;
void QXmlStreamEntityResolver_delete ( QXmlStreamEntityResolver * self ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QXmlStreamReader * QXmlStreamReader_new ( ) ;
QXmlStreamReader * QXmlStreamReader_new2 ( QIODevice * device ) ;
QXmlStreamReader * QXmlStreamReader_new3 ( struct miqt_string data ) ;
QXmlStreamReader * QXmlStreamReader_new4 ( struct miqt_string data ) ;
QXmlStreamReader * QXmlStreamReader_new5 ( const char * data ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QXmlStreamReader_setDevice ( QXmlStreamReader * self , QIODevice * device ) ;
QIODevice * QXmlStreamReader_device ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_addData ( QXmlStreamReader * self , struct miqt_string data ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_addDataWithData ( QXmlStreamReader * self , struct miqt_string data ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_addData2 ( QXmlStreamReader * self , const char * data ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_clear ( QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_atEnd ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
int QXmlStreamReader_readNext ( QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_readNextStartElement ( QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_skipCurrentElement ( QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
int QXmlStreamReader_tokenType ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
struct miqt_string QXmlStreamReader_tokenString ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_setNamespaceProcessing ( QXmlStreamReader * self , bool namespaceProcessing ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_namespaceProcessing ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isStartDocument ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isEndDocument ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isStartElement ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isEndElement ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isCharacters ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isWhitespace ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isCDATA ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isComment ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isDTD ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isEntityReference ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isProcessingInstruction ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_isStandaloneDocument ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
long long QXmlStreamReader_lineNumber ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
long long QXmlStreamReader_columnNumber ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
long long QXmlStreamReader_characterOffset ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
struct miqt_string QXmlStreamReader_readElementText ( QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
struct miqt_array /* of QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration* */ QXmlStreamReader_namespaceDeclarations ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_addExtraNamespaceDeclaration ( QXmlStreamReader * self , QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration * extraNamespaceDeclaraction ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_addExtraNamespaceDeclarations ( QXmlStreamReader * self , struct miqt_array /* of QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration* */ extraNamespaceDeclaractions ) ;
struct miqt_array /* of QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration* */ QXmlStreamReader_notationDeclarations ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
struct miqt_array /* of QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration* */ QXmlStreamReader_entityDeclarations ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
int QXmlStreamReader_entityExpansionLimit ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_setEntityExpansionLimit ( QXmlStreamReader * self , int limit ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_raiseError ( QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
struct miqt_string QXmlStreamReader_errorString ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
int QXmlStreamReader_error ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
bool QXmlStreamReader_hasError ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_setEntityResolver ( QXmlStreamReader * self , QXmlStreamEntityResolver * resolver ) ;
QXmlStreamEntityResolver * QXmlStreamReader_entityResolver ( const QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
struct miqt_string QXmlStreamReader_readElementText1 ( QXmlStreamReader * self , int behaviour ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_raiseError1 ( QXmlStreamReader * self , struct miqt_string message ) ;
void QXmlStreamReader_delete ( QXmlStreamReader * self ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
2024-12-07 17:15:57 +13:00
QXmlStreamWriter * QXmlStreamWriter_new ( ) ;
QXmlStreamWriter * QXmlStreamWriter_new2 ( QIODevice * device ) ;
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
void QXmlStreamWriter_setDevice ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , QIODevice * device ) ;
QIODevice * QXmlStreamWriter_device ( const QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_setCodec ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , QTextCodec * codec ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_setCodecWithCodecName ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , const char * codecName ) ;
QTextCodec * QXmlStreamWriter_codec ( const QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_setAutoFormatting ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , bool autoFormatting ) ;
bool QXmlStreamWriter_autoFormatting ( const QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_setAutoFormattingIndent ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , int spacesOrTabs ) ;
int QXmlStreamWriter_autoFormattingIndent ( const QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeAttribute ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string qualifiedName , struct miqt_string value ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeAttribute2 ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string namespaceUri , struct miqt_string name , struct miqt_string value ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeAttributeWithAttribute ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , QXmlStreamAttribute * attribute ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeCDATA ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string text ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeCharacters ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string text ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeComment ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string text ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeDTD ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string dtd ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeEmptyElement ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string qualifiedName ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeEmptyElement2 ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string namespaceUri , struct miqt_string name ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeTextElement ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string qualifiedName , struct miqt_string text ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeTextElement2 ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string namespaceUri , struct miqt_string name , struct miqt_string text ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeEndDocument ( QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeEndElement ( QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeEntityReference ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string name ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeNamespace ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string namespaceUri ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeDefaultNamespace ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string namespaceUri ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeProcessingInstruction ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string target ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeStartDocument ( QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeStartDocumentWithVersion ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string version ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeStartDocument2 ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string version , bool standalone ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeStartElement ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string qualifiedName ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeStartElement2 ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string namespaceUri , struct miqt_string name ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeCurrentToken ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , QXmlStreamReader * reader ) ;
bool QXmlStreamWriter_hasError ( const QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeNamespace2 ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string namespaceUri , struct miqt_string prefix ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_writeProcessingInstruction2 ( QXmlStreamWriter * self , struct miqt_string target , struct miqt_string data ) ;
void QXmlStreamWriter_delete ( QXmlStreamWriter * self ) ;
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern C */
2025-02-01 13:45:16 +13:00
# endif
2024-08-25 16:08:24 +12:00
# endif