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#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <QList>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QRect>
#include <QString>
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#include <QByteArray>
#include <cstring>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QWidget>
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
#include "qtreeview.h"
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
#include "gen_qtreeview.h"
extern "C" {
extern void miqt_exec_callback(void* cb, int argc, void* argv);
QTreeView* QTreeView_new() {
return new QTreeView();
QTreeView* QTreeView_new2(QWidget* parent) {
return new QTreeView(parent);
QMetaObject* QTreeView_MetaObject(QTreeView* self) {
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return (QMetaObject*) const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->metaObject();
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
void QTreeView_Tr(const char* s, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) {
QString ret = QTreeView::tr(s);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8();
*_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length());
*_out_Strlen = b.length();
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
void QTreeView_TrUtf8(const char* s, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) {
QString ret = QTreeView::trUtf8(s);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8();
*_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length());
*_out_Strlen = b.length();
void QTreeView_SetModel(QTreeView* self, QAbstractItemModel* model) {
void QTreeView_SetRootIndex(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
void QTreeView_SetSelectionModel(QTreeView* self, QItemSelectionModel* selectionModel) {
QHeaderView* QTreeView_Header(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->header();
void QTreeView_SetHeader(QTreeView* self, QHeaderView* header) {
int QTreeView_AutoExpandDelay(QTreeView* self) {
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return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->autoExpandDelay();
void QTreeView_SetAutoExpandDelay(QTreeView* self, int delay) {
int QTreeView_Indentation(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->indentation();
void QTreeView_SetIndentation(QTreeView* self, int i) {
void QTreeView_ResetIndentation(QTreeView* self) {
bool QTreeView_RootIsDecorated(QTreeView* self) {
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return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->rootIsDecorated();
void QTreeView_SetRootIsDecorated(QTreeView* self, bool show) {
bool QTreeView_UniformRowHeights(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->uniformRowHeights();
void QTreeView_SetUniformRowHeights(QTreeView* self, bool uniform) {
bool QTreeView_ItemsExpandable(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->itemsExpandable();
void QTreeView_SetItemsExpandable(QTreeView* self, bool enable) {
bool QTreeView_ExpandsOnDoubleClick(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->expandsOnDoubleClick();
void QTreeView_SetExpandsOnDoubleClick(QTreeView* self, bool enable) {
int QTreeView_ColumnViewportPosition(QTreeView* self, int column) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->columnViewportPosition(static_cast<int>(column));
int QTreeView_ColumnWidth(QTreeView* self, int column) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->columnWidth(static_cast<int>(column));
void QTreeView_SetColumnWidth(QTreeView* self, int column, int width) {
self->setColumnWidth(static_cast<int>(column), static_cast<int>(width));
int QTreeView_ColumnAt(QTreeView* self, int x) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->columnAt(static_cast<int>(x));
bool QTreeView_IsColumnHidden(QTreeView* self, int column) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->isColumnHidden(static_cast<int>(column));
void QTreeView_SetColumnHidden(QTreeView* self, int column, bool hide) {
self->setColumnHidden(static_cast<int>(column), hide);
bool QTreeView_IsHeaderHidden(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->isHeaderHidden();
void QTreeView_SetHeaderHidden(QTreeView* self, bool hide) {
bool QTreeView_IsRowHidden(QTreeView* self, int row, QModelIndex* parent) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->isRowHidden(static_cast<int>(row), *parent);
void QTreeView_SetRowHidden(QTreeView* self, int row, QModelIndex* parent, bool hide) {
self->setRowHidden(static_cast<int>(row), *parent, hide);
bool QTreeView_IsFirstColumnSpanned(QTreeView* self, int row, QModelIndex* parent) {
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return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->isFirstColumnSpanned(static_cast<int>(row), *parent);
void QTreeView_SetFirstColumnSpanned(QTreeView* self, int row, QModelIndex* parent, bool span) {
self->setFirstColumnSpanned(static_cast<int>(row), *parent, span);
bool QTreeView_IsExpanded(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->isExpanded(*index);
void QTreeView_SetExpanded(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index, bool expand) {
self->setExpanded(*index, expand);
void QTreeView_SetSortingEnabled(QTreeView* self, bool enable) {
bool QTreeView_IsSortingEnabled(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->isSortingEnabled();
void QTreeView_SetAnimated(QTreeView* self, bool enable) {
bool QTreeView_IsAnimated(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->isAnimated();
void QTreeView_SetAllColumnsShowFocus(QTreeView* self, bool enable) {
bool QTreeView_AllColumnsShowFocus(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->allColumnsShowFocus();
void QTreeView_SetWordWrap(QTreeView* self, bool on) {
bool QTreeView_WordWrap(QTreeView* self) {
2024-08-29 19:01:51 +12:00
return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->wordWrap();
void QTreeView_SetTreePosition(QTreeView* self, int logicalIndex) {
int QTreeView_TreePosition(QTreeView* self) {
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return const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->treePosition();
void QTreeView_KeyboardSearch(QTreeView* self, const char* search, size_t search_Strlen) {
QString search_QString = QString::fromUtf8(search, search_Strlen);
QRect* QTreeView_VisualRect(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
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QRect ret = const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->visualRect(*index);
// Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy
return static_cast<QRect*>(new QRect(ret));
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void QTreeView_ScrollTo(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
QModelIndex* QTreeView_IndexAt(QTreeView* self, QPoint* p) {
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QModelIndex ret = const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->indexAt(*p);
// Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy
return static_cast<QModelIndex*>(new QModelIndex(ret));
QModelIndex* QTreeView_IndexAbove(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
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QModelIndex ret = const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->indexAbove(*index);
// Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy
return static_cast<QModelIndex*>(new QModelIndex(ret));
QModelIndex* QTreeView_IndexBelow(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
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QModelIndex ret = const_cast<const QTreeView*>(self)->indexBelow(*index);
// Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy
return static_cast<QModelIndex*>(new QModelIndex(ret));
void QTreeView_DoItemsLayout(QTreeView* self) {
void QTreeView_Reset(QTreeView* self) {
void QTreeView_DataChanged(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* topLeft, QModelIndex* bottomRight) {
self->dataChanged(*topLeft, *bottomRight);
void QTreeView_SelectAll(QTreeView* self) {
void QTreeView_Expanded(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
void QTreeView_connect_Expanded(QTreeView* self, void* slot) {
QTreeView::connect(self, static_cast<void (QTreeView::*)(const QModelIndex&)>(&QTreeView::expanded), self, [=](const QModelIndex& index) {
miqt_exec_callback(slot, 0, nullptr);
void QTreeView_Collapsed(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
void QTreeView_connect_Collapsed(QTreeView* self, void* slot) {
QTreeView::connect(self, static_cast<void (QTreeView::*)(const QModelIndex&)>(&QTreeView::collapsed), self, [=](const QModelIndex& index) {
miqt_exec_callback(slot, 0, nullptr);
void QTreeView_HideColumn(QTreeView* self, int column) {
void QTreeView_ShowColumn(QTreeView* self, int column) {
void QTreeView_Expand(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
void QTreeView_Collapse(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
void QTreeView_ResizeColumnToContents(QTreeView* self, int column) {
void QTreeView_SortByColumn(QTreeView* self, int column) {
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void QTreeView_SortByColumn2(QTreeView* self, int column, uintptr_t order) {
self->sortByColumn(static_cast<int>(column), static_cast<Qt::SortOrder>(order));
void QTreeView_ExpandAll(QTreeView* self) {
void QTreeView_ExpandRecursively(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index) {
void QTreeView_CollapseAll(QTreeView* self) {
void QTreeView_ExpandToDepth(QTreeView* self, int depth) {
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void QTreeView_Tr2(const char* s, const char* c, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) {
QString ret = QTreeView::tr(s, c);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8();
*_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length());
*_out_Strlen = b.length();
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void QTreeView_Tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) {
QString ret = QTreeView::tr(s, c, static_cast<int>(n));
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8();
*_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length());
*_out_Strlen = b.length();
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void QTreeView_TrUtf82(const char* s, const char* c, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) {
QString ret = QTreeView::trUtf8(s, c);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8();
*_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length());
*_out_Strlen = b.length();
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void QTreeView_TrUtf83(const char* s, const char* c, int n, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) {
QString ret = QTreeView::trUtf8(s, c, static_cast<int>(n));
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8();
*_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length()));
memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length());
*_out_Strlen = b.length();
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void QTreeView_ScrollTo2(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index, uintptr_t hint) {
self->scrollTo(*index, static_cast<QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint>(hint));
void QTreeView_DataChanged3(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* topLeft, QModelIndex* bottomRight, int* roles, size_t roles_len) {
QVector<int> roles_QList;
for(size_t i = 0; i < roles_len; ++i) {
self->dataChanged(*topLeft, *bottomRight, roles_QList);
void QTreeView_ExpandRecursively2(QTreeView* self, QModelIndex* index, int depth) {
self->expandRecursively(*index, static_cast<int>(depth));
void QTreeView_Delete(QTreeView* self) {
delete self;