#ifndef GEN_QIMAGE_H #define GEN_QIMAGE_H #include #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #include "../libmiqt/libmiqt.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus class QByteArray; class QColor; class QColorSpace; class QColorTransform; class QIODevice; class QImage; class QMatrix; class QPaintEngine; class QPixelFormat; class QPoint; class QRect; class QSize; class QTransform; #else typedef struct QByteArray QByteArray; typedef struct QColor QColor; typedef struct QColorSpace QColorSpace; typedef struct QColorTransform QColorTransform; typedef struct QIODevice QIODevice; typedef struct QImage QImage; typedef struct QMatrix QMatrix; typedef struct QPaintEngine QPaintEngine; typedef struct QPixelFormat QPixelFormat; typedef struct QPoint QPoint; typedef struct QRect QRect; typedef struct QSize QSize; typedef struct QTransform QTransform; #endif QImage* QImage_new(); QImage* QImage_new2(QSize* size, int format); QImage* QImage_new3(int width, int height, int format); QImage* QImage_new4(unsigned char* data, int width, int height, int format); QImage* QImage_new5(const unsigned char* data, int width, int height, int format); QImage* QImage_new6(unsigned char* data, int width, int height, int bytesPerLine, int format); QImage* QImage_new7(const unsigned char* data, int width, int height, int bytesPerLine, int format); QImage* QImage_new8(struct miqt_string* fileName); QImage* QImage_new9(QImage* param1); QImage* QImage_new10(struct miqt_string* fileName, const char* format); void QImage_OperatorAssign(QImage* self, QImage* param1); void QImage_Swap(QImage* self, QImage* other); bool QImage_IsNull(const QImage* self); int QImage_DevType(const QImage* self); bool QImage_OperatorEqual(const QImage* self, QImage* param1); bool QImage_OperatorNotEqual(const QImage* self, QImage* param1); void QImage_Detach(QImage* self); bool QImage_IsDetached(const QImage* self); QImage* QImage_Copy(const QImage* self); QImage* QImage_Copy2(const QImage* self, int x, int y, int w, int h); int QImage_Format(const QImage* self); QImage* QImage_ConvertToFormat(const QImage* self, int f); QImage* QImage_ConvertToFormat2(const QImage* self, int f, struct miqt_array* /* of unsigned int */ colorTable); bool QImage_ReinterpretAsFormat(QImage* self, int f); void QImage_ConvertTo(QImage* self, int f); int QImage_Width(const QImage* self); int QImage_Height(const QImage* self); QSize* QImage_Size(const QImage* self); QRect* QImage_Rect(const QImage* self); int QImage_Depth(const QImage* self); int QImage_ColorCount(const QImage* self); int QImage_BitPlaneCount(const QImage* self); unsigned int QImage_Color(const QImage* self, int i); void QImage_SetColor(QImage* self, int i, unsigned int c); void QImage_SetColorCount(QImage* self, int colorCount); bool QImage_AllGray(const QImage* self); bool QImage_IsGrayscale(const QImage* self); unsigned char* QImage_Bits(QImage* self); const unsigned char* QImage_Bits2(const QImage* self); const unsigned char* QImage_ConstBits(const QImage* self); int QImage_ByteCount(const QImage* self); ptrdiff_t QImage_SizeInBytes(const QImage* self); unsigned char* QImage_ScanLine(QImage* self, int param1); const unsigned char* QImage_ScanLineWithInt(const QImage* self, int param1); const unsigned char* QImage_ConstScanLine(const QImage* self, int param1); int QImage_BytesPerLine(const QImage* self); bool QImage_Valid(const QImage* self, int x, int y); bool QImage_ValidWithPt(const QImage* self, QPoint* pt); int QImage_PixelIndex(const QImage* self, int x, int y); int QImage_PixelIndexWithPt(const QImage* self, QPoint* pt); unsigned int QImage_Pixel(const QImage* self, int x, int y); unsigned int QImage_PixelWithPt(const QImage* self, QPoint* pt); void QImage_SetPixel(QImage* self, int x, int y, unsigned int index_or_rgb); void QImage_SetPixel2(QImage* self, QPoint* pt, unsigned int index_or_rgb); QColor* QImage_PixelColor(const QImage* self, int x, int y); QColor* QImage_PixelColorWithPt(const QImage* self, QPoint* pt); void QImage_SetPixelColor(QImage* self, int x, int y, QColor* c); void QImage_SetPixelColor2(QImage* self, QPoint* pt, QColor* c); struct miqt_array* QImage_ColorTable(const QImage* self); void QImage_SetColorTable(QImage* self, struct miqt_array* /* of unsigned int */ colors); double QImage_DevicePixelRatio(const QImage* self); void QImage_SetDevicePixelRatio(QImage* self, double scaleFactor); void QImage_Fill(QImage* self, unsigned int pixel); void QImage_FillWithColor(QImage* self, QColor* color); void QImage_Fill2(QImage* self, int color); bool QImage_HasAlphaChannel(const QImage* self); void QImage_SetAlphaChannel(QImage* self, QImage* alphaChannel); QImage* QImage_AlphaChannel(const QImage* self); QImage* QImage_CreateAlphaMask(const QImage* self); QImage* QImage_CreateHeuristicMask(const QImage* self); QImage* QImage_CreateMaskFromColor(const QImage* self, unsigned int color); QImage* QImage_Scaled(const QImage* self, int w, int h); QImage* QImage_ScaledWithQSize(const QImage* self, QSize* s); QImage* QImage_ScaledToWidth(const QImage* self, int w); QImage* QImage_ScaledToHeight(const QImage* self, int h); QImage* QImage_Transformed(const QImage* self, QMatrix* matrix); QMatrix* QImage_TrueMatrix(QMatrix* param1, int w, int h); QImage* QImage_TransformedWithMatrix(const QImage* self, QTransform* matrix); QTransform* QImage_TrueMatrix2(QTransform* param1, int w, int h); QImage* QImage_Mirrored(const QImage* self); QImage* QImage_RgbSwapped(const QImage* self); void QImage_InvertPixels(QImage* self); QColorSpace* QImage_ColorSpace(const QImage* self); QImage* QImage_ConvertedToColorSpace(const QImage* self, QColorSpace* param1); void QImage_ConvertToColorSpace(QImage* self, QColorSpace* param1); void QImage_SetColorSpace(QImage* self, QColorSpace* colorSpace); void QImage_ApplyColorTransform(QImage* self, QColorTransform* transform); bool QImage_Load(QImage* self, QIODevice* device, const char* format); bool QImage_LoadWithFileName(QImage* self, struct miqt_string* fileName); bool QImage_LoadFromData(QImage* self, const unsigned char* buf, int lenVal); bool QImage_LoadFromDataWithData(QImage* self, QByteArray* data); bool QImage_Save(const QImage* self, struct miqt_string* fileName); bool QImage_SaveWithDevice(const QImage* self, QIODevice* device); QImage* QImage_FromData(const unsigned char* data, int size); QImage* QImage_FromDataWithData(QByteArray* data); long long QImage_CacheKey(const QImage* self); QPaintEngine* QImage_PaintEngine(const QImage* self); int QImage_DotsPerMeterX(const QImage* self); int QImage_DotsPerMeterY(const QImage* self); void QImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(QImage* self, int dotsPerMeterX); void QImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(QImage* self, int dotsPerMeterY); QPoint* QImage_Offset(const QImage* self); void QImage_SetOffset(QImage* self, QPoint* offset); struct miqt_array* QImage_TextKeys(const QImage* self); struct miqt_string* QImage_Text(const QImage* self); void QImage_SetText(QImage* self, struct miqt_string* key, struct miqt_string* value); QPixelFormat* QImage_PixelFormat(const QImage* self); QPixelFormat* QImage_ToPixelFormat(int format); int QImage_ToImageFormat(QPixelFormat* format); QImage* QImage_Copy1(const QImage* self, QRect* rect); QImage* QImage_ConvertToFormat22(const QImage* self, int f, int flags); QImage* QImage_ConvertToFormat3(const QImage* self, int f, struct miqt_array* /* of unsigned int */ colorTable, int flags); void QImage_ConvertTo2(QImage* self, int f, int flags); QImage* QImage_CreateAlphaMask1(const QImage* self, int flags); QImage* QImage_CreateHeuristicMask1(const QImage* self, bool clipTight); QImage* QImage_CreateMaskFromColor2(const QImage* self, unsigned int color, int mode); QImage* QImage_Scaled3(const QImage* self, int w, int h, int aspectMode); QImage* QImage_Scaled4(const QImage* self, int w, int h, int aspectMode, int mode); QImage* QImage_Scaled2(const QImage* self, QSize* s, int aspectMode); QImage* QImage_Scaled32(const QImage* self, QSize* s, int aspectMode, int mode); QImage* QImage_ScaledToWidth2(const QImage* self, int w, int mode); QImage* QImage_ScaledToHeight2(const QImage* self, int h, int mode); QImage* QImage_Transformed2(const QImage* self, QMatrix* matrix, int mode); QImage* QImage_Transformed22(const QImage* self, QTransform* matrix, int mode); QImage* QImage_Mirrored1(const QImage* self, bool horizontally); QImage* QImage_Mirrored2(const QImage* self, bool horizontally, bool vertically); void QImage_InvertPixels1(QImage* self, int param1); bool QImage_Load2(QImage* self, struct miqt_string* fileName, const char* format); bool QImage_LoadFromData3(QImage* self, const unsigned char* buf, int lenVal, const char* format); bool QImage_LoadFromData2(QImage* self, QByteArray* data, const char* aformat); bool QImage_Save2(const QImage* self, struct miqt_string* fileName, const char* format); bool QImage_Save3(const QImage* self, struct miqt_string* fileName, const char* format, int quality); bool QImage_Save22(const QImage* self, QIODevice* device, const char* format); bool QImage_Save32(const QImage* self, QIODevice* device, const char* format, int quality); QImage* QImage_FromData3(const unsigned char* data, int size, const char* format); QImage* QImage_FromData2(QByteArray* data, const char* format); struct miqt_string* QImage_Text1(const QImage* self, struct miqt_string* key); void QImage_Delete(QImage* self); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif #endif