package main import ( "path/filepath" "strings" ) func InsertTypedefs(qt6 bool) { // Seed well-known typedefs pp := "qt" if qt6 { pp = "qt6" } // QString is deleted from this binding KnownTypedefs["QStringList"] = lookupResultTypedef{pp, CppTypedef{"QStringList", parseSingleTypeString("QList<QString>")}} // FIXME this isn't picked up automatically because QFile inherits QFileDevice and the name refers to its parent class KnownTypedefs["QFile::FileTime"] = lookupResultTypedef{pp, CppTypedef{"QFile::FileTime", parseSingleTypeString("QFileDevice::FileTime")}} if !qt6 { // n.b. Qt 5 only KnownTypedefs["QLineF::IntersectionType"] = lookupResultTypedef{pp, CppTypedef{"QLineF::IntersectionType", parseSingleTypeString("QLineF::IntersectType")}} } else { // Must be removed for Qt 6 } // Not sure the reason for this one KnownTypedefs["QSocketDescriptor::DescriptorType"] = lookupResultTypedef{pp, CppTypedef{"QSocketDescriptor::DescriptorType", parseSingleTypeString("QSocketNotifier::Type")}} // QFile doesn't see QFileDevice parent class enum KnownTypedefs["QFile::Permissions"] = lookupResultTypedef{pp, CppTypedef{"QFile::Permissions", parseSingleTypeString("QFileDevice::Permissions")}} KnownTypedefs["QFileDevice::Permissions"] = lookupResultTypedef{pp, CppTypedef{"QFile::Permissions", parseSingleTypeString("QFlags<QFileDevice::Permission>")}} KnownTypedefs["QIODevice::OpenMode"] = lookupResultTypedef{pp, CppTypedef{"QIODevice::OpenMode", parseSingleTypeString("QIODeviceBase::OpenMode")}} if qt6 { // Qt 6 QVariant helper types - needs investigation KnownTypedefs["QVariantHash"] = lookupResultTypedef{"qt6", CppTypedef{"QVariantHash", parseSingleTypeString("QHash<QString,QVariant>")}} KnownTypedefs["QVariantList"] = lookupResultTypedef{"qt6", CppTypedef{"QVariantList", parseSingleTypeString("QList<QVariant>")}} KnownTypedefs["QVariantMap"] = lookupResultTypedef{"qt6", CppTypedef{"QVariantMap", parseSingleTypeString("QMap<QString,QVariant>")}} // Qt 6 renamed the enum to LibraryPath, but left some uses of LibraryLocation with a typedef // We don't find the typedef - needs investigation // ONLY add this on Qt 6 builds, breaks Qt 5 KnownTypedefs["QLibraryInfo::LibraryLocation"] = lookupResultTypedef{"qt6", CppTypedef{"QLibraryInfo::LibraryLocation", parseSingleTypeString("QLibraryInfo::LibraryPath")}} // Enums // QSysInfo.h is being truncated and not finding any content KnownEnums["QSysInfo::Endian"] = lookupResultEnum{"qt6", CppEnum{ EnumName: "QSysInfo::Endian", UnderlyingType: CppParameter{ ParameterType: "int", }, }} } } func Widgets_AllowHeader(fullpath string) bool { fname := filepath.Base(fullpath) if strings.HasSuffix(fname, `_impl.h`) { return false // Not meant to be imported } fname_lc := strings.ToLower(fname) if strings.Contains(fname_lc, `opengl`) || strings.Contains(fname_lc, `vulkan`) { return false // Too hard } switch fname { case "qatomic_bootstrap.h", "qatomic_cxx11.h", "qatomic_msvc.h", "qgenericatomic.h", // Clang error "qt_windows.h", // Clang error "qmaccocoaviewcontainer_mac.h", // Needs NSView* headers. TODO allow with darwin build tag "qmacnativewidget_mac.h", // Needs NSView* headers. TODO allow with darwin build tag "qstring.h", // QString does not exist in this binding "qbytearray.h", // QByteArray does not exist in this binding "qlist.h", // QList does not exist in this binding "qvector.h", // QVector does not exist in this binding "qhash.h", // QHash does not exist in this binding "qmap.h", // QMap does not exist in this binding "qtcoreexports.h", // Nothing bindable here and has Q_CORE_EXPORT definition issues "q20algorithm.h", // Qt 6 unstable header "q20functional.h", // Qt 6 unstable header "q20iterator.h", // Qt 6 unstable header "q23functional.h", // Qt 6 unstable header "qguiapplication_platform.h", // Qt 6 - can be built for X11 but then platform-specific code fails to build on Windows "____last____": return false } return true } func ImportHeaderForClass(className string) bool { if className[0] != 'Q' { return false } // TODO this could be implict by checking if files exist in known header paths if strings.HasPrefix(className, "QPlatform") { // e.g. QPlatformPixmap, QPlatformWindow, QPlatformScreen // These classes don't have a <> version to include return false } if strings.HasPrefix(className, "Qsci") { // QScintilla - does not produce imports return false } switch className { case "QGraphicsEffectSource", // e.g. qgraphicseffect.h "QAbstractConcatenable", // qstringbuilder.h "QTextEngine", // qtextlayout.h "QText", // e.g. qtextcursor.h "QVLABaseBase", // e.g. Qt 6 qvarlengtharray.h "QAdoptSharedDataTag", // Qt 6 qshareddata.h "____last____": return false } return true } func AllowClass(className string) bool { if strings.HasSuffix(className, "Private") || strings.HasSuffix(className, "PrivateShared") { return false } if strings.Contains(className, "QPrivateSignal") { return false } if strings.HasPrefix(className, `std::`) { return false // Scintilla bindings find some of these } switch className { case "QTextStreamManipulator", // Only seems to contain garbage methods "QException", // Extends std::exception, too hard "QUnhandledException", // As above (child class) "QItemSelection", // Extends a QList<>, too hard "QXmlStreamAttributes", // Extends a QList<>, too hard "QPolygon", // Extends a QVector<QPoint> template class, too hard "QPolygonF", // Extends a QVector<QPoint> template class, too hard "QAssociativeIterator", // Qt 6. Extends a QIterator<>, too hard "QAssociativeConstIterator", // Qt 6. Extends a QIterator<>, too hard "QAssociativeIterable", // Qt 6. Extends a QIterator<>, too hard "QSequentialIterator", // Qt 6. Extends a QIterator<>, too hard "QSequentialConstIterator", // Qt 6. Extends a QIterator<>, too hard "QSequentialIterable", // Qt 6. Extends a QIterator<>, too hard "QBrushDataPointerDeleter", // Qt 6 qbrush.h. Appears in header but cannot be linked "QPropertyBindingPrivatePtr", // Qt 6 qpropertyprivate.h. Appears in header but cannot be linked "QDeferredDeleteEvent", // Qt 6. Hidden/undocumented class in Qt 6.4, moved to private header in Qt 6.7. Intended for test use only "QUntypedPropertyData::InheritsQUntypedPropertyData", // qpropertyprivate.h . Hidden/undocumented class in Qt 6.4, removed in 6.7 "____last____": return false } return true } func AllowSignal(mm CppMethod) bool { if mm.ReturnType.ParameterType != "void" { // This affects how we cast the signal function pointer for connect // It would be fixable, but, real signals always have void return types anyway return false } switch mm.MethodName { case `metaObject`, `qt_metacast`, `clone`: // Qt 6 - qcoreevent.h return false default: return true } } func AllowMethod(className string, mm CppMethod) error { for _, p := range mm.Parameters { if strings.HasSuffix(p.ParameterType, "Private") { return ErrTooComplex // Skip private type } } if strings.HasSuffix(mm.ReturnType.ParameterType, "Private") { return ErrTooComplex // Skip private type } if strings.Contains(mm.MethodName, `QGADGET`) { return ErrTooComplex // Skipping method with weird QGADGET behaviour } if mm.IsReceiverMethod() { // Non-projectable receiver pattern parameters return ErrTooComplex } if className == "QBitArray" && mm.MethodName == "operator~" { return ErrTooComplex // Present in Qt 5.15 and 6.4, missing in Qt 6.7 } if className == "QTimeZone" && (mm.MethodName == "operator==" || mm.MethodName == "operator!=") { return ErrTooComplex // Present in Qt 5.15 and 6.4, missing in Qt 6.7 } if className == "QWaveDecoder" && mm.MethodName == "setIODevice" { return ErrTooComplex // Qt 6: Present in header, but no-op method was not included in compiled library } return nil // OK, allow } // AllowType controls whether to permit binding of a method, if a method uses // this type in its parameter list or return type. // Any type not permitted by AllowClass is also not permitted by this method. func AllowType(p CppParameter, isReturnType bool) error { if p.QPairOf() { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. QGradientStop } if t, ok := p.QSetOf(); ok { if err := AllowType(t, isReturnType); err != nil { return err } } if t, ok := p.QListOf(); ok { if err := AllowType(t, isReturnType); err != nil { // e.g. QGradientStops is a QVector<> (OK) of QGradientStop (not OK) return err } // qsciscintilla.h QsciScintilla_Annotate4: no copy ctor for private type QsciStyledText // Works fine normally, but not in a list if t.ParameterType == "QsciStyledText" { return ErrTooComplex } } if kType, vType, ok := p.QMapOf(); ok { if err := AllowType(kType, isReturnType); err != nil { return err } if err := AllowType(vType, isReturnType); err != nil { return err } // Additionally, Go maps do not support []byte keys // This affects qnetwork qsslconfiguration BackendConfiguration if kType.ParameterType == "QByteArray" { return ErrTooComplex } } if p.QMultiMapOf() { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. Qt5 QNetwork qsslcertificate.h has a QMultiMap<QSsl::AlternativeNameEntryType, QString> } if !AllowClass(p.ParameterType) { return ErrTooComplex // This whole class type has been blocked, not only as a parameter/return type } if strings.Contains(p.ParameterType, "(*)") { // Function pointer. return ErrTooComplex // e.g. QAccessible_InstallFactory } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "StringResult<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. qcborstreamreader.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QScopedPointer<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. qbrush.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. qpicture.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QSharedDataPointer<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. qurlquery.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QTypedArrayData<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. qbitarray.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QGenericMatrix<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. qmatrix4x4.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QUrlTwoFlags<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. qurl.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "FillResult<") { return ErrTooComplex // Scintilla } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QBindable<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. Qt 6 qabstractanimation.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QRgbaFloat<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. Qt 6 qcolortransform.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QPointer<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. Qt 6 qevent.h . It should be possible to support this } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "EncodedData<") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. Qt 6 qstringconverter.h } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "std::") { // std::initializer e.g. qcborarray.h // std::string QByteArray->toStdString(). There are QString overloads already // std::nullptr_t Qcborstreamwriter // std::chrono::nanoseconds QDeadlineTimer_RemainingTimeAsDuration // std::seed_seq QRandom // std::exception Scintilla return ErrTooComplex } if strings.Contains(p.ParameterType, `Iterator::value_type`) { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. qcbormap } if strings.Contains(p.ParameterType, `>::iterator`) || strings.Contains(p.ParameterType, `>::const_iterator`) { // qresultstore.h tries to create a // NewQtPrivate__ResultIteratorBase2(_mapIterator QMap<int, ResultItem>__const_iterator) return ErrTooComplex } if strings.Contains(p.ParameterType, `::QPrivate`) { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. QAbstractItemModel::QPrivateSignal } if strings.Contains(p.GetQtCppType().ParameterType, `::DataPtr`) { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. QImage::data_ptr() } if strings.Contains(p.ParameterType, `::DataPointer`) { return ErrTooComplex // Qt 6 qbytearray.h. This could probably be made to work } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, `QArrayDataPointer<`) { return ErrTooComplex // Qt 6 qbytearray.h. This could probably be made to work } // Some QFoo constructors take a QFooPrivate // QIcon also returns a QIconPrivate if p.ParameterType[0] == 'Q' && strings.HasSuffix(p.ParameterType, "Private") { return ErrTooComplex } if strings.HasPrefix(p.ParameterType, "QtPrivate::") { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. Qt 6 qbindingstorage.h } // If any parameters are QString*, skip the method // QDebug constructor // QXmlStreamWriter constructor // QFile::moveToTrash // QLockFile::getLockInfo // QTextDecoder::toUnicode // QTextStream::readLineInto // QFileDialog::getOpenFileName selectedFilter* param if p.ParameterType == "QString" && p.Pointer && !isReturnType { // Out-parameters return ErrTooComplex } // QBuffer can accept a raw pointer to an internal QByteArray, but that // doesn't work when QByteArray is deleted // QDataStream if p.ParameterType == "QByteArray" && p.Pointer && !isReturnType { return ErrTooComplex } if p.ParameterType == "QFormLayout::ItemRole" && p.Pointer && !isReturnType { // Out-parameters in QFormLayout return ErrTooComplex } if p.Pointer && p.PointerCount >= 2 { // Out-parameters if p.ParameterType != "char" { return ErrTooComplex // e.g. QGraphicsItem_IsBlockedByModalPanel1 } if p.ParameterType == "char" && p.ParameterName == "xpm" { // Array parameters: // - QPixmap and QImage ctors from an xpm char*[] // TODO support these return ErrTooComplex } } switch p.ParameterType { case "QList<QVariant>", // e.g. QVariant constructor - this has a deleted copy-constructor so we can't get it over the CABI boundary by value "QPolygon", "QPolygonF", // QPolygon extends a template type "QGenericMatrix", "QMatrix3x3", // extends a template type "QLatin1String", "QStringView", // e.g. QColor constructors and QColor::SetNamedColor() overloads. These are usually optional alternatives to QString "QLatin1StringView", // Qt 6 - used in qanystringview "QUtf8StringView", // Qt 6 - used in qdebug "QStringRef", // e.g. QLocale::toLongLong and similar overloads. As above "qfloat16", // e.g. QDataStream - there is no such half-float type in C or Go "char16_t", // e.g. QChar() constructor overload, just unnecessary "char32_t", // e.g. QDebug().operator<< overload, unnecessary "wchar_t", // e.g. qstringview.h overloads, unnecessary "FILE", // e.g. qfile.h constructors "sockaddr", // Qt network Qhostaddress. Should be possible to make this work but may be platform-specific "qInternalCallback", // e.g. qnamespace.h "QGraphicsEffectSource", // e.g. used by qgraphicseffect.h, but the definition is in ???? "QXmlStreamEntityDeclarations", // e.g. qxmlstream.h. The class definition was blacklisted for ???? reason so don't allow it as a parameter either "QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations", // e.g. qxmlstream.h. As above "QXmlStreamNotationDeclarations", // e.g. qxmlstream.h. As above "QXmlStreamAttributes", // e.g. qxmlstream.h "LineLayout::ValidLevel", // .. "QtMsgType", // e.g. qdebug.h TODO Defined in qlogging.h, but omitted because it's predefined in qglobal.h, and our clangexec is too agressive "QTextStreamFunction", // e.g. qdebug.h "QFactoryInterface", // qfactoryinterface.h "QTextEngine", // used by qtextlayout.h, also blocked in ImportHeaderForClass above "QVulkanInstance", // e.g. qwindow.h. Not tackling vulkan yet "QPlatformNativeInterface", // e.g. QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface(). Private type, could probably expose as uintptr. n.b. Changes in Qt6 "QPlatformBackingStore", // e.g. qbackingstore.h, as below "QPlatformMenuBar", // e.g. qfutureinterface.h, as below "QPlatformOffscreenSurface", // e.g. qoffscreensurface.h, as below "QPlatformPixmap", // e.g. qpixmap.h. as below "QPlatformScreen", // e.g. qscreen.h. as below "QPlatformWindow", // e.g. qwindow.h, as below "QPlatformSurface", // e.g. qsurface.h. as below "QPlatformMenu", // e.g. QMenu_PlatformMenu. Defined in the QPA, could probably expose as uintptr "QPlatformMediaCaptureSession", // Qt 6 Multimedia qmediacapturesession.h "QPlatformMediaRecorder", // Qt 6 Multimedia qmediarecorder.h "QPlatformVideoSink", // Qt 6 Multimedia qvideosink.h "QTextDocument::ResourceProvider", // Qt 6 typedef for unsupported std::function<QVariant(const QUrl&)> "QTransform::Affine", // Qt 6 qtransform.h - public method returning private type "QAbstractAudioBuffer", // Qt 5 Multimedia, this is a private/internal type only "QAbstractVideoBuffer", // Works in Qt 5, but in Qt 6 Multimedia this type is used in qvideoframe.h but is not defined anywhere (it was later added in Qt 6.8) "QRhi", // Qt 6 unstable types, used in Multimedia "____last____": return ErrTooComplex } // Should be OK return nil } // LinuxWindowsCompatCheck checks if the parameter is incompatible between the // generated headers (generated on Linux) with other OSes such as Windows. // These methods will be blocked on non-Linux OSes. func LinuxWindowsCompatCheck(p CppParameter) bool { if p.GetQtCppType().ParameterType == "Q_PID" { return true // int64 on Linux, _PROCESS_INFORMATION* on Windows } if p.GetQtCppType().ParameterType == "QSocketDescriptor::DescriptorType" { return true // uintptr_t-compatible on Linux, void* on Windows } return false } func ApplyQuirks(className string, mm *CppMethod) { if className == "QArrayData" && mm.MethodName == "needsDetach" && mm.IsConst { mm.BecomesNonConstInVersion = addr("6.7") } if className == "QFileDialog" && mm.MethodName == "saveFileContent" && mm.IsStatic { // The prototype was changed from // [Qt 5 - 6.6] void QFileDialog::saveFileContent(const QByteArray &fileContent, const QString &fileNameHint = QString()) // [Qt 6.7] void QFileDialog::saveFileContent(const QByteArray &fileContent, const QString &fileNameHint, QWidget *parent = nullptr) // The 2nd parameter is no longer optional // As a compromise, make it non-optional everywhere mm.Parameters[1].Optional = false } }