#pragma once #ifndef MIQT_QT6_GEN_QGLYPHRUN_H #define MIQT_QT6_GEN_QGLYPHRUN_H #include <stdbool.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #include "../libmiqt/libmiqt.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus class QGlyphRun; class QPointF; class QRawFont; class QRectF; #else typedef struct QGlyphRun QGlyphRun; typedef struct QPointF QPointF; typedef struct QRawFont QRawFont; typedef struct QRectF QRectF; #endif QGlyphRun* QGlyphRun_new(); QGlyphRun* QGlyphRun_new2(QGlyphRun* other); void QGlyphRun_OperatorAssign(QGlyphRun* self, QGlyphRun* other); void QGlyphRun_Swap(QGlyphRun* self, QGlyphRun* other); QRawFont* QGlyphRun_RawFont(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetRawFont(QGlyphRun* self, QRawFont* rawFont); void QGlyphRun_SetRawData(QGlyphRun* self, const unsigned int* glyphIndexArray, QPointF* glyphPositionArray, int size); struct miqt_array /* of unsigned int */ QGlyphRun_GlyphIndexes(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetGlyphIndexes(QGlyphRun* self, struct miqt_array /* of unsigned int */ glyphIndexes); struct miqt_array /* of QPointF* */ QGlyphRun_Positions(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetPositions(QGlyphRun* self, struct miqt_array /* of QPointF* */ positions); void QGlyphRun_Clear(QGlyphRun* self); bool QGlyphRun_OperatorEqual(const QGlyphRun* self, QGlyphRun* other); bool QGlyphRun_OperatorNotEqual(const QGlyphRun* self, QGlyphRun* other); void QGlyphRun_SetOverline(QGlyphRun* self, bool overline); bool QGlyphRun_Overline(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetUnderline(QGlyphRun* self, bool underline); bool QGlyphRun_Underline(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetStrikeOut(QGlyphRun* self, bool strikeOut); bool QGlyphRun_StrikeOut(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetRightToLeft(QGlyphRun* self, bool on); bool QGlyphRun_IsRightToLeft(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetFlag(QGlyphRun* self, int flag); void QGlyphRun_SetFlags(QGlyphRun* self, int flags); int QGlyphRun_Flags(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetBoundingRect(QGlyphRun* self, QRectF* boundingRect); QRectF* QGlyphRun_BoundingRect(const QGlyphRun* self); bool QGlyphRun_IsEmpty(const QGlyphRun* self); void QGlyphRun_SetFlag2(QGlyphRun* self, int flag, bool enabled); void QGlyphRun_Delete(QGlyphRun* self); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif #endif