package qt /* #cgo CFLAGS: -fPIC #cgo pkg-config: Qt5Widgets #include "gen_qgraphicsscene.h" #include */ import "C" import ( "runtime" "runtime/cgo" "unsafe" ) type QGraphicsScene struct { h *C.QGraphicsScene *QObject } func (this *QGraphicsScene) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsScene { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsScene(h *C.QGraphicsScene) *QGraphicsScene { return &QGraphicsScene{h: h, QObject: newQObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsScene_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsScene { return newQGraphicsScene((*C.QGraphicsScene)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsScene constructs a new QGraphicsScene object. func NewQGraphicsScene() *QGraphicsScene { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_new() return newQGraphicsScene(ret) } // NewQGraphicsScene2 constructs a new QGraphicsScene object. func NewQGraphicsScene2(sceneRect *QRectF) *QGraphicsScene { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_new2(sceneRect.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsScene(ret) } // NewQGraphicsScene3 constructs a new QGraphicsScene object. func NewQGraphicsScene3(x float64, y float64, width float64, height float64) *QGraphicsScene { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_new3((C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(width), (C.double)(height)) return newQGraphicsScene(ret) } // NewQGraphicsScene4 constructs a new QGraphicsScene object. func NewQGraphicsScene4(parent *QObject) *QGraphicsScene { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_new4(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsScene(ret) } // NewQGraphicsScene5 constructs a new QGraphicsScene object. func NewQGraphicsScene5(sceneRect *QRectF, parent *QObject) *QGraphicsScene { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_new5(sceneRect.cPointer(), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsScene(ret) } // NewQGraphicsScene6 constructs a new QGraphicsScene object. func NewQGraphicsScene6(x float64, y float64, width float64, height float64, parent *QObject) *QGraphicsScene { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_new6((C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(width), (C.double)(height), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsScene(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) MetaObject() *QMetaObject { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_MetaObject(this.h) return newQMetaObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func QGraphicsScene_Tr(s string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Tr(s_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsScene_TrUtf8(s string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_TrUtf8(s_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SceneRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_SceneRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Width() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_Width(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Height() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_Height(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSceneRect(rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSceneRect(this.h, rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSceneRect2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSceneRect2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Render(painter *QPainter) { C.QGraphicsScene_Render(this.h, painter.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ItemIndexMethod() uintptr { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_ItemIndexMethod(this.h) return (uintptr)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetItemIndexMethod(method uintptr) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetItemIndexMethod(this.h, (C.uintptr_t)(method)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) IsSortCacheEnabled() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_IsSortCacheEnabled(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSortCacheEnabled(enabled bool) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSortCacheEnabled(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) BspTreeDepth() int { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_BspTreeDepth(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetBspTreeDepth(depth int) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetBspTreeDepth(this.h, ( } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ItemsBoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_ItemsBoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items() []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items(this.h, &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ItemsWithPos(pos *QPointF) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_ItemsWithPos(this.h, pos.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ItemsWithRect(rect *QRectF) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_ItemsWithRect(this.h, rect.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ItemsWithPath(path *QPainterPath) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_ItemsWithPath(this.h, path.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) CollidingItems(item *QGraphicsItem) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_CollidingItems(this.h, item.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ItemAt(pos *QPointF, deviceTransform *QTransform) *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_ItemAt(this.h, pos.cPointer(), deviceTransform.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, mode uintptr, order uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), (C.uintptr_t)(order), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ItemAt2(x float64, y float64, deviceTransform *QTransform) *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_ItemAt2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), deviceTransform.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SelectedItems() []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_SelectedItems(this.h, &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SelectionArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_SelectionArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSelectionArea(path *QPainterPath, deviceTransform *QTransform) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSelectionArea(this.h, path.cPointer(), deviceTransform.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSelectionAreaWithPath(path *QPainterPath) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSelectionAreaWithPath(this.h, path.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSelectionArea2(path *QPainterPath, selectionOperation uintptr) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSelectionArea2(this.h, path.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(selectionOperation)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) CreateItemGroup(items []*QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsItemGroup { // For the C ABI, malloc a C array of raw pointers items_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(C.malloc(C.ulong(8 * len(items)))) defer for i := range items { items_CArray[i] = items[i].cPointer() } ret := C.QGraphicsScene_CreateItemGroup(this.h, &items_CArray[0], C.ulong(len(items))) return newQGraphicsItemGroup_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) DestroyItemGroup(group *QGraphicsItemGroup) { C.QGraphicsScene_DestroyItemGroup(this.h, group.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddItem(item *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsScene_AddItem(this.h, item.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddEllipse(rect *QRectF) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddEllipse(this.h, rect.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddLine(line *QLineF) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddLine(this.h, line.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsLineItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddPath(path *QPainterPath) *QGraphicsPathItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddPath(this.h, path.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPathItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddPixmap(pixmap *QPixmap) *QGraphicsPixmapItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddPixmap(this.h, pixmap.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPixmapItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddRect(rect *QRectF) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddRect(this.h, rect.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddText(text string) *QGraphicsTextItem { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddText(this.h, text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text))) return newQGraphicsTextItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddSimpleText(text string) *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddSimpleText(this.h, text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text))) return newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddWidget(widget *QWidget) *QGraphicsProxyWidget { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddWidget(this.h, widget.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsProxyWidget_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddEllipse2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddEllipse2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddLine2(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddLine2(this.h, (C.double)(x1), (C.double)(y1), (C.double)(x2), (C.double)(y2)) return newQGraphicsLineItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddRect2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddRect2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) return newQGraphicsRectItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) RemoveItem(item *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsScene_RemoveItem(this.h, item.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) FocusItem() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_FocusItem(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetFocusItem(item *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetFocusItem(this.h, item.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) HasFocus() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_HasFocus(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetFocus() { C.QGraphicsScene_SetFocus(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ClearFocus() { C.QGraphicsScene_ClearFocus(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetStickyFocus(enabled bool) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetStickyFocus(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) StickyFocus() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_StickyFocus(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) MouseGrabberItem() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_MouseGrabberItem(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) BackgroundBrush() *QBrush { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_BackgroundBrush(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQBrush(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QBrush) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetBackgroundBrush(brush *QBrush) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetBackgroundBrush(this.h, brush.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ForegroundBrush() *QBrush { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_ForegroundBrush(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQBrush(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QBrush) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetForegroundBrush(brush *QBrush) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetForegroundBrush(this.h, brush.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) InputMethodQuery(query uintptr) *QVariant { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_InputMethodQuery(this.h, (C.uintptr_t)(query)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQVariant(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QVariant) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Views() []*QGraphicsView { var _out **C.QGraphicsView = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Views(this.h, &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsView, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsView)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsView(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Update(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) { C.QGraphicsScene_Update(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Invalidate(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) { C.QGraphicsScene_Invalidate(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Style() *QStyle { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_Style(this.h) return newQStyle_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetStyle(style *QStyle) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetStyle(this.h, style.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Font() *QFont { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_Font(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQFont(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QFont) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetFont(font *QFont) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetFont(this.h, font.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Palette() *QPalette { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_Palette(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPalette(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPalette) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetPalette(palette *QPalette) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetPalette(this.h, palette.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) IsActive() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_IsActive(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ActivePanel() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_ActivePanel(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetActivePanel(item *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetActivePanel(this.h, item.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ActiveWindow() *QGraphicsWidget { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_ActiveWindow(this.h) return newQGraphicsWidget_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetActiveWindow(widget *QGraphicsWidget) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetActiveWindow(this.h, widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SendEvent(item *QGraphicsItem, event *QEvent) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_SendEvent(this.h, item.cPointer(), event.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) MinimumRenderSize() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_MinimumRenderSize(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetMinimumRenderSize(minSize float64) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetMinimumRenderSize(this.h, (C.double)(minSize)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) FocusOnTouch() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_FocusOnTouch(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetFocusOnTouch(enabled bool) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetFocusOnTouch(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Update2() { C.QGraphicsScene_Update2(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Invalidate2() { C.QGraphicsScene_Invalidate2(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Advance() { C.QGraphicsScene_Advance(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) ClearSelection() { C.QGraphicsScene_ClearSelection(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Clear() { C.QGraphicsScene_Clear(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Changed(region []QRectF) { // For the C ABI, malloc a C array of raw pointers region_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QRectF)(C.malloc(C.ulong(8 * len(region)))) defer for i := range region { region_CArray[i] = region[i].cPointer() } C.QGraphicsScene_Changed(this.h, ®ion_CArray[0], C.ulong(len(region))) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) OnChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsScene_connect_Changed(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SceneRectChanged(rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsScene_SceneRectChanged(this.h, rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) OnSceneRectChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsScene_connect_SceneRectChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SelectionChanged() { C.QGraphicsScene_SelectionChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) OnSelectionChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsScene_connect_SelectionChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) FocusItemChanged(newFocus *QGraphicsItem, oldFocus *QGraphicsItem, reason uintptr) { C.QGraphicsScene_FocusItemChanged(this.h, newFocus.cPointer(), oldFocus.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(reason)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) OnFocusItemChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsScene_connect_FocusItemChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func QGraphicsScene_Tr2(s string, c string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Tr2(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsScene_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Tr3(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsScene_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_TrUtf82(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsScene_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_TrUtf83(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Render2(painter *QPainter, target *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsScene_Render2(this.h, painter.cPointer(), target.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Render3(painter *QPainter, target *QRectF, source *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsScene_Render3(this.h, painter.cPointer(), target.cPointer(), source.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Render4(painter *QPainter, target *QRectF, source *QRectF, aspectRatioMode uintptr) { C.QGraphicsScene_Render4(this.h, painter.cPointer(), target.cPointer(), source.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(aspectRatioMode)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items1(order uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items1(this.h, (C.uintptr_t)(order), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items22(pos *QPointF, mode uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items22(this.h, pos.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items3(pos *QPointF, mode uintptr, order uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items3(this.h, pos.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), (C.uintptr_t)(order), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items4(pos *QPointF, mode uintptr, order uintptr, deviceTransform *QTransform) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items4(this.h, pos.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), (C.uintptr_t)(order), deviceTransform.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items23(rect *QRectF, mode uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items23(this.h, rect.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items32(rect *QRectF, mode uintptr, order uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items32(this.h, rect.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), (C.uintptr_t)(order), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items42(rect *QRectF, mode uintptr, order uintptr, deviceTransform *QTransform) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items42(this.h, rect.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), (C.uintptr_t)(order), deviceTransform.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items25(path *QPainterPath, mode uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items25(this.h, path.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items34(path *QPainterPath, mode uintptr, order uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items34(this.h, path.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), (C.uintptr_t)(order), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items44(path *QPainterPath, mode uintptr, order uintptr, deviceTransform *QTransform) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items44(this.h, path.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), (C.uintptr_t)(order), deviceTransform.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) CollidingItems2(item *QGraphicsItem, mode uintptr) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_CollidingItems2(this.h, item.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Items7(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, mode uintptr, order uintptr, deviceTransform *QTransform) []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsScene_Items7(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), (C.uintptr_t)(order), deviceTransform.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSelectionArea22(path *QPainterPath, mode uintptr) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSelectionArea22(this.h, path.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSelectionArea3(path *QPainterPath, mode uintptr, deviceTransform *QTransform) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSelectionArea3(this.h, path.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), deviceTransform.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSelectionArea32(path *QPainterPath, selectionOperation uintptr, mode uintptr) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSelectionArea32(this.h, path.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(selectionOperation), (C.uintptr_t)(mode)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetSelectionArea4(path *QPainterPath, selectionOperation uintptr, mode uintptr, deviceTransform *QTransform) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetSelectionArea4(this.h, path.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(selectionOperation), (C.uintptr_t)(mode), deviceTransform.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddEllipse22(rect *QRectF, pen *QPen) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddEllipse22(this.h, rect.cPointer(), pen.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddEllipse3(rect *QRectF, pen *QPen, brush *QBrush) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddEllipse3(this.h, rect.cPointer(), pen.cPointer(), brush.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddLine22(line *QLineF, pen *QPen) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddLine22(this.h, line.cPointer(), pen.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsLineItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddPath2(path *QPainterPath, pen *QPen) *QGraphicsPathItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddPath2(this.h, path.cPointer(), pen.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPathItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddPath3(path *QPainterPath, pen *QPen, brush *QBrush) *QGraphicsPathItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddPath3(this.h, path.cPointer(), pen.cPointer(), brush.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPathItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddRect22(rect *QRectF, pen *QPen) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddRect22(this.h, rect.cPointer(), pen.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddRect3(rect *QRectF, pen *QPen, brush *QBrush) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddRect3(this.h, rect.cPointer(), pen.cPointer(), brush.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddText2(text string, font *QFont) *QGraphicsTextItem { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddText2(this.h, text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)), font.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsTextItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddSimpleText2(text string, font *QFont) *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddSimpleText2(this.h, text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)), font.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddWidget2(widget *QWidget, wFlags int) *QGraphicsProxyWidget { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddWidget2(this.h, widget.cPointer(), ( return newQGraphicsProxyWidget_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddEllipse5(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, pen *QPen) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddEllipse5(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), pen.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddEllipse6(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, pen *QPen, brush *QBrush) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddEllipse6(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), pen.cPointer(), brush.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddLine5(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64, pen *QPen) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddLine5(this.h, (C.double)(x1), (C.double)(y1), (C.double)(x2), (C.double)(y2), pen.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsLineItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddRect5(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, pen *QPen) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddRect5(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), pen.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) AddRect6(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, pen *QPen, brush *QBrush) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsScene_AddRect6(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), pen.cPointer(), brush.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetFocusItem2(item *QGraphicsItem, focusReason uintptr) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetFocusItem2(this.h, item.cPointer(), (C.uintptr_t)(focusReason)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) SetFocus1(focusReason uintptr) { C.QGraphicsScene_SetFocus1(this.h, (C.uintptr_t)(focusReason)) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Invalidate5(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, layers int) { C.QGraphicsScene_Invalidate5(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), ( } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Update1(rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsScene_Update1(this.h, rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Invalidate1(rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsScene_Invalidate1(this.h, rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Invalidate22(rect *QRectF, layers int) { C.QGraphicsScene_Invalidate22(this.h, rect.cPointer(), ( } func (this *QGraphicsScene) Delete() { C.QGraphicsScene_Delete(this.h) }