package qscintilla6 /* #include "gen_qscilexerbatch.h" #include */ import "C" import ( "" "runtime" "runtime/cgo" "unsafe" ) type QsciLexerBatch__ int const ( QsciLexerBatch__Default QsciLexerBatch__ = 0 QsciLexerBatch__Comment QsciLexerBatch__ = 1 QsciLexerBatch__Keyword QsciLexerBatch__ = 2 QsciLexerBatch__Label QsciLexerBatch__ = 3 QsciLexerBatch__HideCommandChar QsciLexerBatch__ = 4 QsciLexerBatch__ExternalCommand QsciLexerBatch__ = 5 QsciLexerBatch__Variable QsciLexerBatch__ = 6 QsciLexerBatch__Operator QsciLexerBatch__ = 7 ) type QsciLexerBatch struct { h *C.QsciLexerBatch *QsciLexer } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) cPointer() *C.QsciLexerBatch { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer { if this == nil { return nil } return unsafe.Pointer(this.h) } // newQsciLexerBatch constructs the type using only CGO pointers. func newQsciLexerBatch(h *C.QsciLexerBatch) *QsciLexerBatch { if h == nil { return nil } var outptr_QsciLexer *C.QsciLexer = nil C.QsciLexerBatch_virtbase(h, &outptr_QsciLexer) return &QsciLexerBatch{h: h, QsciLexer: newQsciLexer(outptr_QsciLexer)} } // UnsafeNewQsciLexerBatch constructs the type using only unsafe pointers. func UnsafeNewQsciLexerBatch(h unsafe.Pointer) *QsciLexerBatch { return newQsciLexerBatch((*C.QsciLexerBatch)(h)) } // NewQsciLexerBatch constructs a new QsciLexerBatch object. func NewQsciLexerBatch() *QsciLexerBatch { return newQsciLexerBatch(C.QsciLexerBatch_new()) } // NewQsciLexerBatch2 constructs a new QsciLexerBatch object. func NewQsciLexerBatch2(parent *qt6.QObject) *QsciLexerBatch { return newQsciLexerBatch(C.QsciLexerBatch_new2((*C.QObject)(parent.UnsafePointer()))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject { return qt6.UnsafeNewQMetaObject(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_MetaObject(this.h))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer { param1_Cstring := C.CString(param1) defer return (unsafe.Pointer)(C.QsciLexerBatch_Metacast(this.h, param1_Cstring)) } func QsciLexerBatch_Tr(s string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerBatch_Tr(s_Cstring) _ret := C.GoStringN(, return _ret } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) Language() string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_Language(this.h) return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) Lexer() string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_Lexer(this.h) return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) WordCharacters() string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_WordCharacters(this.h) return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) CaseSensitive() bool { return (bool)(C.QsciLexerBatch_CaseSensitive(this.h)) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) DefaultColor(style int) *qt6.QColor { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_DefaultColor(this.h, ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) DefaultEolFill(style int) bool { return (bool)(C.QsciLexerBatch_DefaultEolFill(this.h, ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) DefaultFont(style int) *qt6.QFont { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQFont(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_DefaultFont(this.h, ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) DefaultPaper(style int) *qt6.QColor { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_DefaultPaper(this.h, ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) Keywords(set int) string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_Keywords(this.h, ( return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) Description(style int) string { var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerBatch_Description(this.h, ( _ret := C.GoStringN(, return _ret } func QsciLexerBatch_Tr2(s string, c string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerBatch_Tr2(s_Cstring, c_Cstring) _ret := C.GoStringN(, return _ret } func QsciLexerBatch_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciLexerBatch_Tr3(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, ( _ret := C.GoStringN(, return _ret } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnLanguage(slot func() string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_Language(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Language func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Language(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) *C.const_char { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func() string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc() virtualReturn_Cstring := C.CString(virtualReturn) defer return virtualReturn_Cstring } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_Lexer() string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_Lexer(unsafe.Pointer(this.h)) return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnLexer(slot func(super func() string) string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_Lexer(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Lexer func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Lexer(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) *C.const_char { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() string) string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_Lexer) virtualReturn_Cstring := C.CString(virtualReturn) defer return virtualReturn_Cstring } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_LexerId() int { return (int)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_LexerId(unsafe.Pointer(this.h))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnLexerId(slot func(super func() int) int) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_LexerId(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_LexerId func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_LexerId(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() int) int) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_LexerId) return ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_AutoCompletionFillups() string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_AutoCompletionFillups(unsafe.Pointer(this.h)) return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnAutoCompletionFillups(slot func(super func() string) string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_AutoCompletionFillups(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_AutoCompletionFillups func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_AutoCompletionFillups(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) *C.const_char { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() string) string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_AutoCompletionFillups) virtualReturn_Cstring := C.CString(virtualReturn) defer return virtualReturn_Cstring } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_AutoCompletionWordSeparators() []string { var _ma C.struct_miqt_array = C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_AutoCompletionWordSeparators(unsafe.Pointer(this.h)) _ret := make([]string, int(_ma.len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer( // hey ya for i := 0; i < int(_ma.len); i++ { var _lv_ms C.struct_miqt_string = _outCast[i] _lv_ret := C.GoStringN(, _ret[i] = _lv_ret } return _ret } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnAutoCompletionWordSeparators(slot func(super func() []string) []string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_AutoCompletionWordSeparators(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_AutoCompletionWordSeparators func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_AutoCompletionWordSeparators(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) C.struct_miqt_array { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() []string) []string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_AutoCompletionWordSeparators) virtualReturn_CArray := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(C.malloc(C.size_t(int(unsafe.Sizeof(C.struct_miqt_string{})) * len(virtualReturn)))) defer for i := range virtualReturn { virtualReturn_i_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(virtualReturn[i]) virtualReturn_i_ms.len = C.size_t(len(virtualReturn[i])) defer virtualReturn_CArray[i] = virtualReturn_i_ms } virtualReturn_ma := C.struct_miqt_array{len: C.size_t(len(virtualReturn)), data: unsafe.Pointer(virtualReturn_CArray)} return virtualReturn_ma } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_BlockEnd(style *int) string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_BlockEnd(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (* return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnBlockEnd(slot func(super func(style *int) string, style *int) string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_BlockEnd(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BlockEnd func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BlockEnd(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style * *C.const_char { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style *int) string, style *int) string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(style)) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_BlockEnd, slotval1) virtualReturn_Cstring := C.CString(virtualReturn) defer return virtualReturn_Cstring } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_BlockLookback() int { return (int)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_BlockLookback(unsafe.Pointer(this.h))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnBlockLookback(slot func(super func() int) int) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_BlockLookback(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BlockLookback func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BlockLookback(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() int) int) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_BlockLookback) return ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_BlockStart(style *int) string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_BlockStart(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (* return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnBlockStart(slot func(super func(style *int) string, style *int) string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_BlockStart(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BlockStart func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BlockStart(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style * *C.const_char { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style *int) string, style *int) string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(style)) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_BlockStart, slotval1) virtualReturn_Cstring := C.CString(virtualReturn) defer return virtualReturn_Cstring } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_BlockStartKeyword(style *int) string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_BlockStartKeyword(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (* return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnBlockStartKeyword(slot func(super func(style *int) string, style *int) string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_BlockStartKeyword(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BlockStartKeyword func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BlockStartKeyword(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style * *C.const_char { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style *int) string, style *int) string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(style)) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_BlockStartKeyword, slotval1) virtualReturn_Cstring := C.CString(virtualReturn) defer return virtualReturn_Cstring } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_BraceStyle() int { return (int)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_BraceStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnBraceStyle(slot func(super func() int) int) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_BraceStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BraceStyle func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_BraceStyle(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() int) int) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_BraceStyle) return ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_CaseSensitive() bool { return (bool)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_CaseSensitive(unsafe.Pointer(this.h))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnCaseSensitive(slot func(super func() bool) bool) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_CaseSensitive(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_CaseSensitive func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_CaseSensitive(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) C.bool { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() bool) bool) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_CaseSensitive) return (C.bool)(virtualReturn) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_Color(style int) *qt6.QColor { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_Color(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnColor(slot func(super func(style int) *qt6.QColor, style int) *qt6.QColor) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_Color(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Color func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Color(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style *C.QColor { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style int) *qt6.QColor, style int) *qt6.QColor) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_Color, slotval1) return (*C.QColor)(virtualReturn.UnsafePointer()) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_EolFill(style int) bool { return (bool)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_EolFill(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnEolFill(slot func(super func(style int) bool, style int) bool) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_EolFill(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_EolFill func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_EolFill(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style C.bool { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style int) bool, style int) bool) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_EolFill, slotval1) return (C.bool)(virtualReturn) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_Font(style int) *qt6.QFont { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQFont(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_Font(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnFont(slot func(super func(style int) *qt6.QFont, style int) *qt6.QFont) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_Font(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Font func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Font(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style *C.QFont { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style int) *qt6.QFont, style int) *qt6.QFont) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_Font, slotval1) return (*C.QFont)(virtualReturn.UnsafePointer()) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_IndentationGuideView() int { return (int)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_IndentationGuideView(unsafe.Pointer(this.h))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnIndentationGuideView(slot func(super func() int) int) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_IndentationGuideView(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_IndentationGuideView func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_IndentationGuideView(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() int) int) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_IndentationGuideView) return ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_Keywords(set int) string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_Keywords(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnKeywords(slot func(super func(set int) string, set int) string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_Keywords(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Keywords func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Keywords(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, set *C.const_char { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(set int) string, set int) string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(set) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_Keywords, slotval1) virtualReturn_Cstring := C.CString(virtualReturn) defer return virtualReturn_Cstring } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_DefaultStyle() int { return (int)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_DefaultStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnDefaultStyle(slot func(super func() int) int) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_DefaultStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultStyle func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultStyle(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() int) int) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_DefaultStyle) return ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnDescription(slot func(style int) string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_Description(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Description func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Description(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style C.struct_miqt_string { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(style int) string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc(slotval1) virtualReturn_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(virtualReturn) virtualReturn_ms.len = C.size_t(len(virtualReturn)) defer return virtualReturn_ms } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_Paper(style int) *qt6.QColor { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_Paper(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnPaper(slot func(super func(style int) *qt6.QColor, style int) *qt6.QColor) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_Paper(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Paper func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_Paper(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style *C.QColor { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style int) *qt6.QColor, style int) *qt6.QColor) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_Paper, slotval1) return (*C.QColor)(virtualReturn.UnsafePointer()) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_DefaultColorWithStyle(style int) *qt6.QColor { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_DefaultColorWithStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnDefaultColorWithStyle(slot func(super func(style int) *qt6.QColor, style int) *qt6.QColor) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_DefaultColorWithStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultColorWithStyle func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultColorWithStyle(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style *C.QColor { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style int) *qt6.QColor, style int) *qt6.QColor) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_DefaultColorWithStyle, slotval1) return (*C.QColor)(virtualReturn.UnsafePointer()) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_DefaultEolFill(style int) bool { return (bool)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_DefaultEolFill(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnDefaultEolFill(slot func(super func(style int) bool, style int) bool) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_DefaultEolFill(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultEolFill func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultEolFill(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style C.bool { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style int) bool, style int) bool) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_DefaultEolFill, slotval1) return (C.bool)(virtualReturn) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_DefaultFontWithStyle(style int) *qt6.QFont { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQFont(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_DefaultFontWithStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnDefaultFontWithStyle(slot func(super func(style int) *qt6.QFont, style int) *qt6.QFont) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_DefaultFontWithStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultFontWithStyle func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultFontWithStyle(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style *C.QFont { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style int) *qt6.QFont, style int) *qt6.QFont) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_DefaultFontWithStyle, slotval1) return (*C.QFont)(virtualReturn.UnsafePointer()) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_DefaultPaperWithStyle(style int) *qt6.QColor { _goptr := qt6.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_DefaultPaperWithStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( _goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer return _goptr } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnDefaultPaperWithStyle(slot func(super func(style int) *qt6.QColor, style int) *qt6.QColor) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_DefaultPaperWithStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultPaperWithStyle func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_DefaultPaperWithStyle(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, style *C.QColor { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(style int) *qt6.QColor, style int) *qt6.QColor) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(style) virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_DefaultPaperWithStyle, slotval1) return (*C.QColor)(virtualReturn.UnsafePointer()) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_SetEditor(editor *QsciScintilla) { C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_SetEditor(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), editor.cPointer()) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnSetEditor(slot func(super func(editor *QsciScintilla), editor *QsciScintilla)) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_SetEditor(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetEditor func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetEditor(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, editor *C.QsciScintilla) { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(editor *QsciScintilla), editor *QsciScintilla)) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := newQsciScintilla(editor) gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetEditor, slotval1) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_RefreshProperties() { C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_RefreshProperties(unsafe.Pointer(this.h)) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnRefreshProperties(slot func(super func())) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_RefreshProperties(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_RefreshProperties func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_RefreshProperties(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func())) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_RefreshProperties) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_StyleBitsNeeded() int { return (int)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_StyleBitsNeeded(unsafe.Pointer(this.h))) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnStyleBitsNeeded(slot func(super func() int) int) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_StyleBitsNeeded(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_StyleBitsNeeded func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_StyleBitsNeeded(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() int) int) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_StyleBitsNeeded) return ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_WordCharacters() string { _ret := C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_WordCharacters(unsafe.Pointer(this.h)) return C.GoString(_ret) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnWordCharacters(slot func(super func() string) string) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_WordCharacters(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_WordCharacters func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_WordCharacters(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t) *C.const_char { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() string) string) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_WordCharacters) virtualReturn_Cstring := C.CString(virtualReturn) defer return virtualReturn_Cstring } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_SetAutoIndentStyle(autoindentstyle int) { C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_SetAutoIndentStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnSetAutoIndentStyle(slot func(super func(autoindentstyle int), autoindentstyle int)) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_SetAutoIndentStyle(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetAutoIndentStyle func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetAutoIndentStyle(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, autoindentstyle { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(autoindentstyle int), autoindentstyle int)) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (int)(autoindentstyle) gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetAutoIndentStyle, slotval1) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_SetColor(c *qt6.QColor, style int) { C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_SetColor(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (*C.QColor)(c.UnsafePointer()), ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnSetColor(slot func(super func(c *qt6.QColor, style int), c *qt6.QColor, style int)) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_SetColor(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetColor func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetColor(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, c *C.QColor, style { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(c *qt6.QColor, style int), c *qt6.QColor, style int)) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := qt6.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(c)) slotval2 := (int)(style) gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetColor, slotval1, slotval2) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_SetEolFill(eoffill bool, style int) { C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_SetEolFill(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (C.bool)(eoffill), ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnSetEolFill(slot func(super func(eoffill bool, style int), eoffill bool, style int)) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_SetEolFill(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetEolFill func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetEolFill(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, eoffill C.bool, style { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(eoffill bool, style int), eoffill bool, style int)) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := (bool)(eoffill) slotval2 := (int)(style) gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetEolFill, slotval1, slotval2) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_SetFont(f *qt6.QFont, style int) { C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_SetFont(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (*C.QFont)(f.UnsafePointer()), ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnSetFont(slot func(super func(f *qt6.QFont, style int), f *qt6.QFont, style int)) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_SetFont(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetFont func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetFont(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, f *C.QFont, style { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(f *qt6.QFont, style int), f *qt6.QFont, style int)) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := qt6.UnsafeNewQFont(unsafe.Pointer(f)) slotval2 := (int)(style) gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetFont, slotval1, slotval2) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_SetPaper(c *qt6.QColor, style int) { C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_SetPaper(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (*C.QColor)(c.UnsafePointer()), ( } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnSetPaper(slot func(super func(c *qt6.QColor, style int), c *qt6.QColor, style int)) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_SetPaper(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetPaper func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_SetPaper(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, c *C.QColor, style { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(c *qt6.QColor, style int), c *qt6.QColor, style int)) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := qt6.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(c)) slotval2 := (int)(style) gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetPaper, slotval1, slotval2) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_ReadProperties(qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool { prefix_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(prefix) prefix_ms.len = C.size_t(len(prefix)) defer return (bool)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_ReadProperties(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (*C.QSettings)(qs.UnsafePointer()), prefix_ms)) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnReadProperties(slot func(super func(qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool, qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_ReadProperties(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_ReadProperties func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_ReadProperties(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, qs *C.QSettings, prefix C.struct_miqt_string) C.bool { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool, qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := qt6.UnsafeNewQSettings(unsafe.Pointer(qs)) var prefix_ms C.struct_miqt_string = prefix prefix_ret := C.GoStringN(, slotval2 := prefix_ret virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_ReadProperties, slotval1, slotval2) return (C.bool)(virtualReturn) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) callVirtualBase_WriteProperties(qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool { prefix_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(prefix) prefix_ms.len = C.size_t(len(prefix)) defer return (bool)(C.QsciLexerBatch_virtualbase_WriteProperties(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (*C.QSettings)(qs.UnsafePointer()), prefix_ms)) } func (this *QsciLexerBatch) OnWriteProperties(slot func(super func(qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool, qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool) { ok := C.QsciLexerBatch_override_virtual_WriteProperties(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot))) if !ok { panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types") } } //export miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_WriteProperties func miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerBatch_WriteProperties(self *C.QsciLexerBatch, cb C.intptr_t, qs *C.QSettings, prefix C.struct_miqt_string) C.bool { gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool, qs *qt6.QSettings, prefix string) bool) if !ok { panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)") } // Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters slotval1 := qt6.UnsafeNewQSettings(unsafe.Pointer(qs)) var prefix_ms C.struct_miqt_string = prefix prefix_ret := C.GoStringN(, slotval2 := prefix_ret virtualReturn := gofunc((&QsciLexerBatch{h: self}).callVirtualBase_WriteProperties, slotval1, slotval2) return (C.bool)(virtualReturn) } // Delete this object from C++ memory. func (this *QsciLexerBatch) Delete() { C.QsciLexerBatch_Delete(this.h) } // GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted // from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory. func (this *QsciLexerBatch) GoGC() { runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QsciLexerBatch) { this.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(this.h) }) }