package qt /* #cgo CFLAGS: -fPIC #cgo pkg-config: Qt5Widgets #include "gen_qgraphicsitem.h" #include <stdlib.h> */ import "C" import ( "runtime" "runtime/cgo" "unsafe" ) type QGraphicsItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsItem } func (this *QGraphicsItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsItem(h *C.QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsItem { return &QGraphicsItem{h: h} } func newQGraphicsItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsItem { return newQGraphicsItem((*C.QGraphicsItem)(h)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Scene() *QGraphicsScene { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Scene(this.h) return newQGraphicsScene_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ParentItem() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ParentItem(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) TopLevelItem() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_TopLevelItem(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ParentObject() *QGraphicsObject { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ParentObject(this.h) return newQGraphicsObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ParentWidget() *QGraphicsWidget { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ParentWidget(this.h) return newQGraphicsWidget_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) TopLevelWidget() *QGraphicsWidget { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_TopLevelWidget(this.h) return newQGraphicsWidget_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Window() *QGraphicsWidget { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Window(this.h) return newQGraphicsWidget_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Panel() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Panel(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetParentItem(parent *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetParentItem(this.h, parent.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ChildItems() []*QGraphicsItem { var _out **C.QGraphicsItem = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsItem_ChildItems(this.h, &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsItem, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsItem)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsItem(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsWidget() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsWidget(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsWindow() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsWindow(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsPanel() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsPanel(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ToGraphicsObject() *QGraphicsObject { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ToGraphicsObject(this.h) return newQGraphicsObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ToGraphicsObject2() *QGraphicsObject { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ToGraphicsObject2(this.h) return newQGraphicsObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Group() *QGraphicsItemGroup { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Group(this.h) return newQGraphicsItemGroup_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetGroup(group *QGraphicsItemGroup) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetGroup(this.h, group.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ToolTip() string { var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsItem_ToolTip(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetToolTip(toolTip string) { toolTip_Cstring := C.CString(toolTip) defer C.QGraphicsItem_SetToolTip(this.h, toolTip_Cstring, C.ulong(len(toolTip))) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Cursor() *QCursor { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Cursor(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQCursor(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QCursor) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetCursor(cursor *QCursor) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetCursor(this.h, cursor.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) HasCursor() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_HasCursor(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) UnsetCursor() { C.QGraphicsItem_UnsetCursor(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsVisible() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsVisible(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsVisibleTo(parent *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsVisibleTo(this.h, parent.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetVisible(visible bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetVisible(this.h, (C.bool)(visible)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Hide() { C.QGraphicsItem_Hide(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Show() { C.QGraphicsItem_Show(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsEnabled() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsEnabled(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetEnabled(enabled bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetEnabled(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsSelected() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsSelected(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetSelected(selected bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetSelected(this.h, (C.bool)(selected)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) AcceptDrops() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_AcceptDrops(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetAcceptDrops(on bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetAcceptDrops(this.h, (C.bool)(on)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Opacity() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Opacity(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) EffectiveOpacity() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_EffectiveOpacity(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetOpacity(opacity float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetOpacity(this.h, (C.double)(opacity)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) GraphicsEffect() *QGraphicsEffect { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_GraphicsEffect(this.h) return newQGraphicsEffect_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetGraphicsEffect(effect *QGraphicsEffect) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetGraphicsEffect(this.h, effect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) AcceptHoverEvents() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_AcceptHoverEvents(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetAcceptHoverEvents(enabled bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetAcceptHoverEvents(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) AcceptTouchEvents() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_AcceptTouchEvents(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetAcceptTouchEvents(enabled bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetAcceptTouchEvents(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) FiltersChildEvents() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_FiltersChildEvents(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetFiltersChildEvents(enabled bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetFiltersChildEvents(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) HandlesChildEvents() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_HandlesChildEvents(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetHandlesChildEvents(enabled bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetHandlesChildEvents(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsActive() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsActive(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetActive(active bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetActive(this.h, (C.bool)(active)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) HasFocus() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_HasFocus(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ClearFocus() { C.QGraphicsItem_ClearFocus(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) FocusProxy() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_FocusProxy(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetFocusProxy(item *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetFocusProxy(this.h, item.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) FocusItem() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_FocusItem(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) FocusScopeItem() *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_FocusScopeItem(this.h) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) GrabMouse() { C.QGraphicsItem_GrabMouse(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) UngrabMouse() { C.QGraphicsItem_UngrabMouse(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) GrabKeyboard() { C.QGraphicsItem_GrabKeyboard(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) UngrabKeyboard() { C.QGraphicsItem_UngrabKeyboard(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Pos() *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Pos(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) X() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_X(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetX(x float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetX(this.h, (C.double)(x)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Y() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Y(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetY(y float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetY(this.h, (C.double)(y)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ScenePos() *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ScenePos(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetPos(pos *QPointF) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetPos(this.h, pos.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetPos2(x float64, y float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetPos2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MoveBy(dx float64, dy float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_MoveBy(this.h, (C.double)(dx), (C.double)(dy)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) EnsureVisible() { C.QGraphicsItem_EnsureVisible(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) EnsureVisible2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_EnsureVisible2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Matrix() *QMatrix { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Matrix(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQMatrix(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QMatrix) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SceneMatrix() *QMatrix { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_SceneMatrix(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQMatrix(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QMatrix) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetMatrix(matrix *QMatrix) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetMatrix(this.h, matrix.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ResetMatrix() { C.QGraphicsItem_ResetMatrix(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Transform() *QTransform { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Transform(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQTransform(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QTransform) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SceneTransform() *QTransform { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_SceneTransform(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQTransform(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QTransform) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) DeviceTransform(viewportTransform *QTransform) *QTransform { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_DeviceTransform(this.h, viewportTransform.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQTransform(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QTransform) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ItemTransform(other *QGraphicsItem) *QTransform { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ItemTransform(this.h, other.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQTransform(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QTransform) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetTransform(matrix *QTransform) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetTransform(this.h, matrix.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ResetTransform() { C.QGraphicsItem_ResetTransform(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetRotation(angle float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetRotation(this.h, (C.double)(angle)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Rotation() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Rotation(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetScale(scale float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetScale(this.h, (C.double)(scale)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Scale() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Scale(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Transformations() []*QGraphicsTransform { var _out **C.QGraphicsTransform = nil var _out_len C.size_t = 0 C.QGraphicsItem_Transformations(this.h, &_out, &_out_len) ret := make([]*QGraphicsTransform, int(_out_len)) _outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsTransform)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ { ret[i] = newQGraphicsTransform(_outCast[i]) } return ret } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetTransformations(transformations []*QGraphicsTransform) { // For the C ABI, malloc a C array of raw pointers transformations_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsTransform)(C.malloc(C.ulong(8 * len(transformations)))) defer for i := range transformations { transformations_CArray[i] = transformations[i].cPointer() } C.QGraphicsItem_SetTransformations(this.h, &transformations_CArray[0], C.ulong(len(transformations))) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) TransformOriginPoint() *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_TransformOriginPoint(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetTransformOriginPoint(origin *QPointF) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetTransformOriginPoint(this.h, origin.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetTransformOriginPoint2(ax float64, ay float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetTransformOriginPoint2(this.h, (C.double)(ax), (C.double)(ay)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Advance(phase int) { C.QGraphicsItem_Advance(this.h, ( } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ZValue() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ZValue(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetZValue(z float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetZValue(this.h, (C.double)(z)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) StackBefore(sibling *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItem_StackBefore(this.h, sibling.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ChildrenBoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ChildrenBoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SceneBoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_SceneBoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsClipped() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsClipped(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ClipPath() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ClipPath(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsObscured() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsObscured(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsObscured2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsObscured2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) BoundingRegion(itemToDeviceTransform *QTransform) *QRegion { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_BoundingRegion(this.h, itemToDeviceTransform.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRegion(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRegion) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) BoundingRegionGranularity() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_BoundingRegionGranularity(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetBoundingRegionGranularity(granularity float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetBoundingRegionGranularity(this.h, (C.double)(granularity)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Update() { C.QGraphicsItem_Update(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Update2(x float64, y float64, width float64, height float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_Update2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(width), (C.double)(height)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Scroll(dx float64, dy float64) { C.QGraphicsItem_Scroll(this.h, (C.double)(dx), (C.double)(dy)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToItem(item *QGraphicsItem, point *QPointF) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToItem(this.h, item.cPointer(), point.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToParent(point *QPointF) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToParent(this.h, point.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToScene(point *QPointF) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToScene(this.h, point.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectToItem(item *QGraphicsItem, rect *QRectF) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectToItem(this.h, item.cPointer(), rect.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectToParent(rect *QRectF) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectToParent(this.h, rect.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectToScene(rect *QRectF) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectToScene(this.h, rect.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToItem2(item *QGraphicsItem, path *QPainterPath) *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToItem2(this.h, item.cPointer(), path.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToParentWithPath(path *QPainterPath) *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToParentWithPath(this.h, path.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToSceneWithPath(path *QPainterPath) *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToSceneWithPath(this.h, path.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromItem(item *QGraphicsItem, point *QPointF) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromItem(this.h, item.cPointer(), point.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromParent(point *QPointF) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromParent(this.h, point.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromScene(point *QPointF) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromScene(this.h, point.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectFromItem(item *QGraphicsItem, rect *QRectF) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectFromItem(this.h, item.cPointer(), rect.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectFromParent(rect *QRectF) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectFromParent(this.h, rect.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectFromScene(rect *QRectF) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectFromScene(this.h, rect.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromItem2(item *QGraphicsItem, path *QPainterPath) *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromItem2(this.h, item.cPointer(), path.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromParentWithPath(path *QPainterPath) *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromParentWithPath(this.h, path.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromSceneWithPath(path *QPainterPath) *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromSceneWithPath(this.h, path.cPointer()) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToItem3(item *QGraphicsItem, x float64, y float64) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToItem3(this.h, item.cPointer(), (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToParent2(x float64, y float64) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToParent2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapToScene2(x float64, y float64) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapToScene2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectToItem2(item *QGraphicsItem, x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectToItem2(this.h, item.cPointer(), (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectToParent2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectToParent2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectToScene2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectToScene2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromItem3(item *QGraphicsItem, x float64, y float64) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromItem3(this.h, item.cPointer(), (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromParent2(x float64, y float64) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromParent2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapFromScene2(x float64, y float64) *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapFromScene2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectFromItem2(item *QGraphicsItem, x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectFromItem2(this.h, item.cPointer(), (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectFromParent2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectFromParent2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) MapRectFromScene2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_MapRectFromScene2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsAncestorOf(child *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsAncestorOf(this.h, child.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) CommonAncestorItem(other *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsItem { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_CommonAncestorItem(this.h, other.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsUnderMouse() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsUnderMouse(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Data(key int) *QVariant { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Data(this.h, ( // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQVariant(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QVariant) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetData(key int, value *QVariant) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetData(this.h, (, value.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) InstallSceneEventFilter(filterItem *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItem_InstallSceneEventFilter(this.h, filterItem.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) RemoveSceneEventFilter(filterItem *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItem_RemoveSceneEventFilter(this.h, filterItem.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) EnsureVisible1(rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsItem_EnsureVisible1(this.h, rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) EnsureVisible22(rect *QRectF, xmargin int) { C.QGraphicsItem_EnsureVisible22(this.h, rect.cPointer(), ( } func (this *QGraphicsItem) EnsureVisible3(rect *QRectF, xmargin int, ymargin int) { C.QGraphicsItem_EnsureVisible3(this.h, rect.cPointer(), (, ( } func (this *QGraphicsItem) EnsureVisible5(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, xmargin int) { C.QGraphicsItem_EnsureVisible5(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), ( } func (this *QGraphicsItem) EnsureVisible6(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, xmargin int, ymargin int) { C.QGraphicsItem_EnsureVisible6(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), (, ( } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetMatrix2(matrix *QMatrix, combine bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetMatrix2(this.h, matrix.cPointer(), (C.bool)(combine)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) ItemTransform2(other *QGraphicsItem, ok *bool) *QTransform { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_ItemTransform2(this.h, other.cPointer(), (*C.bool)(unsafe.Pointer(ok))) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQTransform(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QTransform) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItem) SetTransform2(matrix *QTransform, combine bool) { C.QGraphicsItem_SetTransform2(this.h, matrix.cPointer(), (C.bool)(combine)) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) IsObscured1(rect *QRectF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItem_IsObscured1(this.h, rect.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Paint3(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsItem_Paint3(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Update1(rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsItem_Update1(this.h, rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Scroll3(dx float64, dy float64, rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsItem_Scroll3(this.h, (C.double)(dx), (C.double)(dy), rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsObject struct { h *C.QGraphicsObject *QObject *QGraphicsItem } func (this *QGraphicsObject) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsObject { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsObject(h *C.QGraphicsObject) *QGraphicsObject { return &QGraphicsObject{h: h, QObject: newQObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(h)), QGraphicsItem: newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsObject_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsObject { return newQGraphicsObject((*C.QGraphicsObject)(h)) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) MetaObject() *QMetaObject { ret := C.QGraphicsObject_MetaObject(this.h) return newQMetaObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func QGraphicsObject_Tr(s string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsObject_Tr(s_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsObject_TrUtf8(s string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsObject_TrUtf8(s_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsObject) ParentChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_ParentChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnParentChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_ParentChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OpacityChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_OpacityChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnOpacityChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_OpacityChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) VisibleChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_VisibleChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnVisibleChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_VisibleChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) EnabledChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_EnabledChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnEnabledChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_EnabledChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) XChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_XChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnXChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_XChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) YChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_YChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnYChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_YChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) ZChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_ZChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnZChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_ZChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) RotationChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_RotationChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnRotationChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_RotationChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) ScaleChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_ScaleChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnScaleChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_ScaleChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) ChildrenChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_ChildrenChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnChildrenChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_ChildrenChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) WidthChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_WidthChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnWidthChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_WidthChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) HeightChanged() { C.QGraphicsObject_HeightChanged(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsObject) OnHeightChanged(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsObject_connect_HeightChanged(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func QGraphicsObject_Tr2(s string, c string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsObject_Tr2(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsObject_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsObject_Tr3(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsObject_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsObject_TrUtf82(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsObject_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsObject_TrUtf83(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsObject) Delete() { C.QGraphicsObject_Delete(this.h) } type QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem struct { h *C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem *QGraphicsItem } func (this *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) cPointer() *C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem(h *C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem { return &QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem{h: h, QGraphicsItem: newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem { return newQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem((*C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem)(h)) } func (this *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) Pen() *QPen { ret := C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_Pen(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPen(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPen) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) SetPen(pen *QPen) { C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_SetPen(this.h, pen.cPointer()) } func (this *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) Brush() *QBrush { ret := C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_Brush(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQBrush(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QBrush) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) SetBrush(brush *QBrush) { C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_SetBrush(this.h, brush.cPointer()) } func (this *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem) Delete() { C.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsPathItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsPathItem *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsPathItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsPathItem(h *C.QGraphicsPathItem) *QGraphicsPathItem { return &QGraphicsPathItem{h: h, QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: newQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsPathItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsPathItem { return newQGraphicsPathItem((*C.QGraphicsPathItem)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsPathItem constructs a new QGraphicsPathItem object. func NewQGraphicsPathItem() *QGraphicsPathItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_new() return newQGraphicsPathItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsPathItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsPathItem object. func NewQGraphicsPathItem2(path *QPainterPath) *QGraphicsPathItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_new2(path.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPathItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsPathItem3 constructs a new QGraphicsPathItem object. func NewQGraphicsPathItem3(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsPathItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_new3(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPathItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsPathItem4 constructs a new QGraphicsPathItem object. func NewQGraphicsPathItem4(path *QPainterPath, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsPathItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_new4(path.cPointer(), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPathItem(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) Path() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_Path(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) SetPath(path *QPainterPath) { C.QGraphicsPathItem_SetPath(this.h, path.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsPathItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsPathItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) Paint3(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsPathItem_Paint3(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsPathItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsPathItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsRectItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsRectItem *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsRectItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsRectItem(h *C.QGraphicsRectItem) *QGraphicsRectItem { return &QGraphicsRectItem{h: h, QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: newQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsRectItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsRectItem { return newQGraphicsRectItem((*C.QGraphicsRectItem)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsRectItem constructs a new QGraphicsRectItem object. func NewQGraphicsRectItem() *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_new() return newQGraphicsRectItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsRectItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsRectItem object. func NewQGraphicsRectItem2(rect *QRectF) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_new2(rect.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsRectItem3 constructs a new QGraphicsRectItem object. func NewQGraphicsRectItem3(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_new3((C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) return newQGraphicsRectItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsRectItem4 constructs a new QGraphicsRectItem object. func NewQGraphicsRectItem4(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_new4(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsRectItem5 constructs a new QGraphicsRectItem object. func NewQGraphicsRectItem5(rect *QRectF, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_new5(rect.cPointer(), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsRectItem6 constructs a new QGraphicsRectItem object. func NewQGraphicsRectItem6(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsRectItem { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_new6((C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsRectItem(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) Rect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_Rect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) SetRect(rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsRectItem_SetRect(this.h, rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) SetRect2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) { C.QGraphicsRectItem_SetRect2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsRectItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsRectItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) Paint3(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsRectItem_Paint3(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsRectItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsRectItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsEllipseItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsEllipseItem *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsEllipseItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsEllipseItem(h *C.QGraphicsEllipseItem) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { return &QGraphicsEllipseItem{h: h, QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: newQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsEllipseItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { return newQGraphicsEllipseItem((*C.QGraphicsEllipseItem)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsEllipseItem constructs a new QGraphicsEllipseItem object. func NewQGraphicsEllipseItem() *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_new() return newQGraphicsEllipseItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsEllipseItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsEllipseItem object. func NewQGraphicsEllipseItem2(rect *QRectF) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_new2(rect.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsEllipseItem3 constructs a new QGraphicsEllipseItem object. func NewQGraphicsEllipseItem3(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_new3((C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsEllipseItem4 constructs a new QGraphicsEllipseItem object. func NewQGraphicsEllipseItem4(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_new4(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsEllipseItem5 constructs a new QGraphicsEllipseItem object. func NewQGraphicsEllipseItem5(rect *QRectF, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_new5(rect.cPointer(), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsEllipseItem6 constructs a new QGraphicsEllipseItem object. func NewQGraphicsEllipseItem6(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsEllipseItem { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_new6((C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsEllipseItem(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) Rect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_Rect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) SetRect(rect *QRectF) { C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_SetRect(this.h, rect.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) SetRect2(x float64, y float64, w float64, h float64) { C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_SetRect2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y), (C.double)(w), (C.double)(h)) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) StartAngle() int { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_StartAngle(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) SetStartAngle(angle int) { C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_SetStartAngle(this.h, ( } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) SpanAngle() int { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_SpanAngle(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) SetSpanAngle(angle int) { C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_SetSpanAngle(this.h, ( } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) Paint3(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_Paint3(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsEllipseItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsEllipseItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsPolygonItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsPolygonItem *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsPolygonItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsPolygonItem(h *C.QGraphicsPolygonItem) *QGraphicsPolygonItem { return &QGraphicsPolygonItem{h: h, QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: newQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsPolygonItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsPolygonItem { return newQGraphicsPolygonItem((*C.QGraphicsPolygonItem)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsPolygonItem constructs a new QGraphicsPolygonItem object. func NewQGraphicsPolygonItem() *QGraphicsPolygonItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_new() return newQGraphicsPolygonItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsPolygonItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsPolygonItem object. func NewQGraphicsPolygonItem2(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsPolygonItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_new2(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPolygonItem(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) Paint3(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_Paint3(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsPolygonItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsPolygonItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsLineItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsLineItem *QGraphicsItem } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsLineItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsLineItem(h *C.QGraphicsLineItem) *QGraphicsLineItem { return &QGraphicsLineItem{h: h, QGraphicsItem: newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsLineItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsLineItem { return newQGraphicsLineItem((*C.QGraphicsLineItem)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsLineItem constructs a new QGraphicsLineItem object. func NewQGraphicsLineItem() *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_new() return newQGraphicsLineItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsLineItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsLineItem object. func NewQGraphicsLineItem2(line *QLineF) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_new2(line.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsLineItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsLineItem3 constructs a new QGraphicsLineItem object. func NewQGraphicsLineItem3(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_new3((C.double)(x1), (C.double)(y1), (C.double)(x2), (C.double)(y2)) return newQGraphicsLineItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsLineItem4 constructs a new QGraphicsLineItem object. func NewQGraphicsLineItem4(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_new4(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsLineItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsLineItem5 constructs a new QGraphicsLineItem object. func NewQGraphicsLineItem5(line *QLineF, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_new5(line.cPointer(), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsLineItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsLineItem6 constructs a new QGraphicsLineItem object. func NewQGraphicsLineItem6(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsLineItem { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_new6((C.double)(x1), (C.double)(y1), (C.double)(x2), (C.double)(y2), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsLineItem(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) Pen() *QPen { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_Pen(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPen(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPen) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) SetPen(pen *QPen) { C.QGraphicsLineItem_SetPen(this.h, pen.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) Line() *QLineF { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_Line(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQLineF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QLineF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) SetLine(line *QLineF) { C.QGraphicsLineItem_SetLine(this.h, line.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) SetLine2(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64) { C.QGraphicsLineItem_SetLine2(this.h, (C.double)(x1), (C.double)(y1), (C.double)(x2), (C.double)(y2)) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsLineItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsLineItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) Paint3(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsLineItem_Paint3(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsLineItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsLineItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsPixmapItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsPixmapItem *QGraphicsItem } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsPixmapItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsPixmapItem(h *C.QGraphicsPixmapItem) *QGraphicsPixmapItem { return &QGraphicsPixmapItem{h: h, QGraphicsItem: newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsPixmapItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsPixmapItem { return newQGraphicsPixmapItem((*C.QGraphicsPixmapItem)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsPixmapItem constructs a new QGraphicsPixmapItem object. func NewQGraphicsPixmapItem() *QGraphicsPixmapItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_new() return newQGraphicsPixmapItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsPixmapItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsPixmapItem object. func NewQGraphicsPixmapItem2(pixmap *QPixmap) *QGraphicsPixmapItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_new2(pixmap.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPixmapItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsPixmapItem3 constructs a new QGraphicsPixmapItem object. func NewQGraphicsPixmapItem3(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsPixmapItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_new3(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPixmapItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsPixmapItem4 constructs a new QGraphicsPixmapItem object. func NewQGraphicsPixmapItem4(pixmap *QPixmap, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsPixmapItem { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_new4(pixmap.cPointer(), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsPixmapItem(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) Pixmap() *QPixmap { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_Pixmap(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPixmap(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPixmap) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) SetPixmap(pixmap *QPixmap) { C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_SetPixmap(this.h, pixmap.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) Offset() *QPointF { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_Offset(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPointF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPointF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) SetOffset(offset *QPointF) { C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_SetOffset(this.h, offset.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) SetOffset2(x float64, y float64) { C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_SetOffset2(this.h, (C.double)(x), (C.double)(y)) } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsPixmapItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsPixmapItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsTextItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsTextItem *QGraphicsObject } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsTextItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsTextItem(h *C.QGraphicsTextItem) *QGraphicsTextItem { return &QGraphicsTextItem{h: h, QGraphicsObject: newQGraphicsObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsTextItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsTextItem { return newQGraphicsTextItem((*C.QGraphicsTextItem)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsTextItem constructs a new QGraphicsTextItem object. func NewQGraphicsTextItem() *QGraphicsTextItem { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_new() return newQGraphicsTextItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsTextItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsTextItem object. func NewQGraphicsTextItem2(text string) *QGraphicsTextItem { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_new2(text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text))) return newQGraphicsTextItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsTextItem3 constructs a new QGraphicsTextItem object. func NewQGraphicsTextItem3(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsTextItem { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_new3(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsTextItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsTextItem4 constructs a new QGraphicsTextItem object. func NewQGraphicsTextItem4(text string, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsTextItem { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_new4(text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsTextItem(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) MetaObject() *QMetaObject { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_MetaObject(this.h) return newQMetaObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func QGraphicsTextItem_Tr(s string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsTextItem_Tr(s_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsTextItem_TrUtf8(s string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsTextItem_TrUtf8(s_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) ToHtml() string { var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsTextItem_ToHtml(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetHtml(html string) { html_Cstring := C.CString(html) defer C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetHtml(this.h, html_Cstring, C.ulong(len(html))) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) ToPlainText() string { var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsTextItem_ToPlainText(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetPlainText(text string) { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetPlainText(this.h, text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text))) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) Font() *QFont { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_Font(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQFont(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QFont) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetFont(font *QFont) { C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetFont(this.h, font.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetDefaultTextColor(c *QColor) { C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetDefaultTextColor(this.h, c.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) DefaultTextColor() *QColor { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_DefaultTextColor(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQColor(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QColor) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsTextItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetTextWidth(width float64) { C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetTextWidth(this.h, (C.double)(width)) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) TextWidth() float64 { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_TextWidth(this.h) return (float64)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) AdjustSize() { C.QGraphicsTextItem_AdjustSize(this.h) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetDocument(document *QTextDocument) { C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetDocument(this.h, document.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) Document() *QTextDocument { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_Document(this.h) return newQTextDocument_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret)) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetTabChangesFocus(b bool) { C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetTabChangesFocus(this.h, (C.bool)(b)) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) TabChangesFocus() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_TabChangesFocus(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetOpenExternalLinks(open bool) { C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetOpenExternalLinks(this.h, (C.bool)(open)) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) OpenExternalLinks() bool { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_OpenExternalLinks(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) SetTextCursor(cursor *QTextCursor) { C.QGraphicsTextItem_SetTextCursor(this.h, cursor.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) TextCursor() *QTextCursor { ret := C.QGraphicsTextItem_TextCursor(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQTextCursor(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QTextCursor) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) LinkActivated(param1 string) { param1_Cstring := C.CString(param1) defer C.QGraphicsTextItem_LinkActivated(this.h, param1_Cstring, C.ulong(len(param1))) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) OnLinkActivated(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsTextItem_connect_LinkActivated(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) LinkHovered(param1 string) { param1_Cstring := C.CString(param1) defer C.QGraphicsTextItem_LinkHovered(this.h, param1_Cstring, C.ulong(len(param1))) } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) OnLinkHovered(slot func()) { var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc, args *C.void) { slot() } C.QGraphicsTextItem_connect_LinkHovered(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper)))) } func QGraphicsTextItem_Tr2(s string, c string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsTextItem_Tr2(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsTextItem_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsTextItem_Tr3(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsTextItem_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsTextItem_TrUtf82(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func QGraphicsTextItem_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string { s_Cstring := C.CString(s) defer c_Cstring := C.CString(c) defer var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsTextItem_TrUtf83(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsTextItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsTextItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsSimpleTextItem struct { h *C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem(h *C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { return &QGraphicsSimpleTextItem{h: h, QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: newQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { return newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem((*C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsSimpleTextItem constructs a new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem object. func NewQGraphicsSimpleTextItem() *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_new() return newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsSimpleTextItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem object. func NewQGraphicsSimpleTextItem2(text string) *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_new2(text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text))) return newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsSimpleTextItem3 constructs a new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem object. func NewQGraphicsSimpleTextItem3(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_new3(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem(ret) } // NewQGraphicsSimpleTextItem4 constructs a new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem object. func NewQGraphicsSimpleTextItem4(text string, parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_new4(text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)), parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsSimpleTextItem(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) SetText(text string) { text_Cstring := C.CString(text) defer C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_SetText(this.h, text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text))) } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) Text() string { var _out *C.char = nil var _out_Strlen = 0 C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_Text(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen) ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen) return ret } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) SetFont(font *QFont) { C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_SetFont(this.h, font.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) Font() *QFont { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_Font(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQFont(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QFont) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) Shape() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_Shape(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) Contains(point *QPointF) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_Contains(this.h, point.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsSimpleTextItem) Delete() { C.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem_Delete(this.h) } type QGraphicsItemGroup struct { h *C.QGraphicsItemGroup *QGraphicsItem } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) cPointer() *C.QGraphicsItemGroup { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQGraphicsItemGroup(h *C.QGraphicsItemGroup) *QGraphicsItemGroup { return &QGraphicsItemGroup{h: h, QGraphicsItem: newQGraphicsItem_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQGraphicsItemGroup_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsItemGroup { return newQGraphicsItemGroup((*C.QGraphicsItemGroup)(h)) } // NewQGraphicsItemGroup constructs a new QGraphicsItemGroup object. func NewQGraphicsItemGroup() *QGraphicsItemGroup { ret := C.QGraphicsItemGroup_new() return newQGraphicsItemGroup(ret) } // NewQGraphicsItemGroup2 constructs a new QGraphicsItemGroup object. func NewQGraphicsItemGroup2(parent *QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsItemGroup { ret := C.QGraphicsItemGroup_new2(parent.cPointer()) return newQGraphicsItemGroup(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) AddToGroup(item *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItemGroup_AddToGroup(this.h, item.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) RemoveFromGroup(item *QGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItemGroup_RemoveFromGroup(this.h, item.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) BoundingRect() *QRectF { ret := C.QGraphicsItemGroup_BoundingRect(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQRectF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRectF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) Paint(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem) { C.QGraphicsItemGroup_Paint(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) IsObscuredBy(item *QGraphicsItem) bool { ret := C.QGraphicsItemGroup_IsObscuredBy(this.h, item.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) OpaqueArea() *QPainterPath { ret := C.QGraphicsItemGroup_OpaqueArea(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPainterPath(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPainterPath) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) Type() int { ret := C.QGraphicsItemGroup_Type(this.h) return (int)(ret) } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) Paint3(painter *QPainter, option *QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *QWidget) { C.QGraphicsItemGroup_Paint3(this.h, painter.cPointer(), option.cPointer(), widget.cPointer()) } func (this *QGraphicsItemGroup) Delete() { C.QGraphicsItemGroup_Delete(this.h) }