#include <QBitmap> #include <QByteArray> #include <QColor> #include <QIODevice> #include <QImage> #include <QImageReader> #include <QMatrix> #include <QObject> #include <QPaintDevice> #include <QPaintEngine> #include <QPainter> #include <QPixmap> #include <QPoint> #include <QRect> #include <QRegion> #include <QSize> #include <QString> #include <QByteArray> #include <cstring> #include <QTransform> #include <QVariant> #include <qpixmap.h> #include "gen_qpixmap.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_DevType(const QPixmap*, intptr_t); QPaintEngine* miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_PaintEngine(const QPixmap*, intptr_t); int miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_Metric(const QPixmap*, intptr_t, int); void miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_InitPainter(const QPixmap*, intptr_t, QPainter*); QPaintDevice* miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_Redirected(const QPixmap*, intptr_t, QPoint*); QPainter* miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_SharedPainter(const QPixmap*, intptr_t); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif class MiqtVirtualQPixmap final : public QPixmap { public: MiqtVirtualQPixmap(): QPixmap() {}; MiqtVirtualQPixmap(int w, int h): QPixmap(w, h) {}; MiqtVirtualQPixmap(const QSize& param1): QPixmap(param1) {}; MiqtVirtualQPixmap(const QString& fileName): QPixmap(fileName) {}; MiqtVirtualQPixmap(const QPixmap& param1): QPixmap(param1) {}; MiqtVirtualQPixmap(const QString& fileName, const char* format): QPixmap(fileName, format) {}; MiqtVirtualQPixmap(const QString& fileName, const char* format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags): QPixmap(fileName, format, flags) {}; virtual ~MiqtVirtualQPixmap() override = default; // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__DevType = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual int devType() const override { if (handle__DevType == 0) { return QPixmap::devType(); } int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_DevType(this, handle__DevType); return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_DevType() const { return QPixmap::devType(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__PaintEngine = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const override { if (handle__PaintEngine == 0) { return QPixmap::paintEngine(); } QPaintEngine* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_PaintEngine(this, handle__PaintEngine); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QPaintEngine* virtualbase_PaintEngine() const { return QPixmap::paintEngine(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Metric = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual int metric(QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric param1) const override { if (handle__Metric == 0) { return QPixmap::metric(param1); } QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric param1_ret = param1; int sigval1 = static_cast<int>(param1_ret); int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_Metric(this, handle__Metric, sigval1); return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_Metric(int param1) const { return QPixmap::metric(static_cast<QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric>(param1)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__InitPainter = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void initPainter(QPainter* painter) const override { if (handle__InitPainter == 0) { QPixmap::initPainter(painter); return; } QPainter* sigval1 = painter; miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_InitPainter(this, handle__InitPainter, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_InitPainter(QPainter* painter) const { QPixmap::initPainter(painter); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Redirected = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QPaintDevice* redirected(QPoint* offset) const override { if (handle__Redirected == 0) { return QPixmap::redirected(offset); } QPoint* sigval1 = offset; QPaintDevice* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_Redirected(this, handle__Redirected, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QPaintDevice* virtualbase_Redirected(QPoint* offset) const { return QPixmap::redirected(offset); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__SharedPainter = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QPainter* sharedPainter() const override { if (handle__SharedPainter == 0) { return QPixmap::sharedPainter(); } QPainter* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QPixmap_SharedPainter(this, handle__SharedPainter); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QPainter* virtualbase_SharedPainter() const { return QPixmap::sharedPainter(); } }; QPixmap* QPixmap_new() { return new MiqtVirtualQPixmap(); } QPixmap* QPixmap_new2(int w, int h) { return new MiqtVirtualQPixmap(static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h)); } QPixmap* QPixmap_new3(QSize* param1) { return new MiqtVirtualQPixmap(*param1); } QPixmap* QPixmap_new4(struct miqt_string fileName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return new MiqtVirtualQPixmap(fileName_QString); } QPixmap* QPixmap_new5(QPixmap* param1) { return new MiqtVirtualQPixmap(*param1); } QPixmap* QPixmap_new6(struct miqt_string fileName, const char* format) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return new MiqtVirtualQPixmap(fileName_QString, format); } QPixmap* QPixmap_new7(struct miqt_string fileName, const char* format, int flags) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return new MiqtVirtualQPixmap(fileName_QString, format, static_cast<Qt::ImageConversionFlags>(flags)); } void QPixmap_virtbase(QPixmap* src, QPaintDevice** outptr_QPaintDevice) { *outptr_QPaintDevice = static_cast<QPaintDevice*>(src); } void QPixmap_OperatorAssign(QPixmap* self, QPixmap* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QPixmap_Swap(QPixmap* self, QPixmap* other) { self->swap(*other); } QVariant* QPixmap_ToQVariant(const QPixmap* self) { return new QVariant(self->operator QVariant()); } bool QPixmap_IsNull(const QPixmap* self) { return self->isNull(); } int QPixmap_DevType(const QPixmap* self) { return self->devType(); } int QPixmap_Width(const QPixmap* self) { return self->width(); } int QPixmap_Height(const QPixmap* self) { return self->height(); } QSize* QPixmap_Size(const QPixmap* self) { return new QSize(self->size()); } QRect* QPixmap_Rect(const QPixmap* self) { return new QRect(self->rect()); } int QPixmap_Depth(const QPixmap* self) { return self->depth(); } int QPixmap_DefaultDepth() { return QPixmap::defaultDepth(); } void QPixmap_Fill(QPixmap* self) { self->fill(); } void QPixmap_Fill2(QPixmap* self, QPaintDevice* device, QPoint* ofs) { self->fill(device, *ofs); } void QPixmap_Fill3(QPixmap* self, QPaintDevice* device, int xofs, int yofs) { self->fill(device, static_cast<int>(xofs), static_cast<int>(yofs)); } QBitmap* QPixmap_Mask(const QPixmap* self) { return new QBitmap(self->mask()); } void QPixmap_SetMask(QPixmap* self, QBitmap* mask) { self->setMask(*mask); } double QPixmap_DevicePixelRatio(const QPixmap* self) { qreal _ret = self->devicePixelRatio(); return static_cast<double>(_ret); } void QPixmap_SetDevicePixelRatio(QPixmap* self, double scaleFactor) { self->setDevicePixelRatio(static_cast<qreal>(scaleFactor)); } bool QPixmap_HasAlpha(const QPixmap* self) { return self->hasAlpha(); } bool QPixmap_HasAlphaChannel(const QPixmap* self) { return self->hasAlphaChannel(); } QBitmap* QPixmap_CreateHeuristicMask(const QPixmap* self) { return new QBitmap(self->createHeuristicMask()); } QBitmap* QPixmap_CreateMaskFromColor(const QPixmap* self, QColor* maskColor) { return new QBitmap(self->createMaskFromColor(*maskColor)); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWindow(uintptr_t param1) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWindow(static_cast<WId>(param1))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWidget(QObject* widget, QRect* rect) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWidget(widget, *rect)); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWidgetWithWidget(QObject* widget) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWidget(widget)); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Scaled(const QPixmap* self, int w, int h) { return new QPixmap(self->scaled(static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_ScaledWithQSize(const QPixmap* self, QSize* s) { return new QPixmap(self->scaled(*s)); } QPixmap* QPixmap_ScaledToWidth(const QPixmap* self, int w) { return new QPixmap(self->scaledToWidth(static_cast<int>(w))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_ScaledToHeight(const QPixmap* self, int h) { return new QPixmap(self->scaledToHeight(static_cast<int>(h))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Transformed(const QPixmap* self, QMatrix* param1) { return new QPixmap(self->transformed(*param1)); } QMatrix* QPixmap_TrueMatrix(QMatrix* m, int w, int h) { return new QMatrix(QPixmap::trueMatrix(*m, static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_TransformedWithQTransform(const QPixmap* self, QTransform* param1) { return new QPixmap(self->transformed(*param1)); } QTransform* QPixmap_TrueMatrix2(QTransform* m, int w, int h) { return new QTransform(QPixmap::trueMatrix(*m, static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h))); } QImage* QPixmap_ToImage(const QPixmap* self) { return new QImage(self->toImage()); } QPixmap* QPixmap_FromImage(QImage* image) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*image)); } QPixmap* QPixmap_FromImageReader(QImageReader* imageReader) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImageReader(imageReader)); } bool QPixmap_Load(QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string fileName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return self->load(fileName_QString); } bool QPixmap_LoadFromData(QPixmap* self, const unsigned char* buf, unsigned int lenVal) { return self->loadFromData(static_cast<const uchar*>(buf), static_cast<uint>(lenVal)); } bool QPixmap_LoadFromDataWithData(QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string data) { QByteArray data_QByteArray(data.data, data.len); return self->loadFromData(data_QByteArray); } bool QPixmap_Save(const QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string fileName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return self->save(fileName_QString); } bool QPixmap_SaveWithDevice(const QPixmap* self, QIODevice* device) { return self->save(device); } bool QPixmap_ConvertFromImage(QPixmap* self, QImage* img) { return self->convertFromImage(*img); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Copy(const QPixmap* self, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return new QPixmap(self->copy(static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(width), static_cast<int>(height))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Copy2(const QPixmap* self) { return new QPixmap(self->copy()); } void QPixmap_Scroll(QPixmap* self, int dx, int dy, int x, int y, int width, int height) { self->scroll(static_cast<int>(dx), static_cast<int>(dy), static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(width), static_cast<int>(height)); } void QPixmap_Scroll2(QPixmap* self, int dx, int dy, QRect* rect) { self->scroll(static_cast<int>(dx), static_cast<int>(dy), *rect); } long long QPixmap_CacheKey(const QPixmap* self) { qint64 _ret = self->cacheKey(); return static_cast<long long>(_ret); } bool QPixmap_IsDetached(const QPixmap* self) { return self->isDetached(); } void QPixmap_Detach(QPixmap* self) { self->detach(); } bool QPixmap_IsQBitmap(const QPixmap* self) { return self->isQBitmap(); } QPaintEngine* QPixmap_PaintEngine(const QPixmap* self) { return self->paintEngine(); } bool QPixmap_OperatorNot(const QPixmap* self) { return self->operator!(); } void QPixmap_Fill1(QPixmap* self, QColor* fillColor) { self->fill(*fillColor); } QBitmap* QPixmap_CreateHeuristicMask1(const QPixmap* self, bool clipTight) { return new QBitmap(self->createHeuristicMask(clipTight)); } QBitmap* QPixmap_CreateMaskFromColor2(const QPixmap* self, QColor* maskColor, int mode) { return new QBitmap(self->createMaskFromColor(*maskColor, static_cast<Qt::MaskMode>(mode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWindow2(uintptr_t param1, int x) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWindow(static_cast<WId>(param1), static_cast<int>(x))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWindow3(uintptr_t param1, int x, int y) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWindow(static_cast<WId>(param1), static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWindow4(uintptr_t param1, int x, int y, int w) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWindow(static_cast<WId>(param1), static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(w))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWindow5(uintptr_t param1, int x, int y, int w, int h) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWindow(static_cast<WId>(param1), static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWidget2(QObject* widget, int x) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWidget(widget, static_cast<int>(x))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWidget3(QObject* widget, int x, int y) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWidget(widget, static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWidget4(QObject* widget, int x, int y, int w) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWidget(widget, static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(w))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_GrabWidget5(QObject* widget, int x, int y, int w, int h) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::grabWidget(widget, static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Scaled3(const QPixmap* self, int w, int h, int aspectMode) { return new QPixmap(self->scaled(static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h), static_cast<Qt::AspectRatioMode>(aspectMode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Scaled4(const QPixmap* self, int w, int h, int aspectMode, int mode) { return new QPixmap(self->scaled(static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h), static_cast<Qt::AspectRatioMode>(aspectMode), static_cast<Qt::TransformationMode>(mode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Scaled2(const QPixmap* self, QSize* s, int aspectMode) { return new QPixmap(self->scaled(*s, static_cast<Qt::AspectRatioMode>(aspectMode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Scaled32(const QPixmap* self, QSize* s, int aspectMode, int mode) { return new QPixmap(self->scaled(*s, static_cast<Qt::AspectRatioMode>(aspectMode), static_cast<Qt::TransformationMode>(mode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_ScaledToWidth2(const QPixmap* self, int w, int mode) { return new QPixmap(self->scaledToWidth(static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<Qt::TransformationMode>(mode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_ScaledToHeight2(const QPixmap* self, int h, int mode) { return new QPixmap(self->scaledToHeight(static_cast<int>(h), static_cast<Qt::TransformationMode>(mode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Transformed2(const QPixmap* self, QMatrix* param1, int mode) { return new QPixmap(self->transformed(*param1, static_cast<Qt::TransformationMode>(mode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Transformed22(const QPixmap* self, QTransform* param1, int mode) { return new QPixmap(self->transformed(*param1, static_cast<Qt::TransformationMode>(mode))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_FromImage2(QImage* image, int flags) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*image, static_cast<Qt::ImageConversionFlags>(flags))); } QPixmap* QPixmap_FromImageReader2(QImageReader* imageReader, int flags) { return new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImageReader(imageReader, static_cast<Qt::ImageConversionFlags>(flags))); } bool QPixmap_Load2(QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string fileName, const char* format) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return self->load(fileName_QString, format); } bool QPixmap_Load3(QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string fileName, const char* format, int flags) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return self->load(fileName_QString, format, static_cast<Qt::ImageConversionFlags>(flags)); } bool QPixmap_LoadFromData3(QPixmap* self, const unsigned char* buf, unsigned int lenVal, const char* format) { return self->loadFromData(static_cast<const uchar*>(buf), static_cast<uint>(lenVal), format); } bool QPixmap_LoadFromData4(QPixmap* self, const unsigned char* buf, unsigned int lenVal, const char* format, int flags) { return self->loadFromData(static_cast<const uchar*>(buf), static_cast<uint>(lenVal), format, static_cast<Qt::ImageConversionFlags>(flags)); } bool QPixmap_LoadFromData2(QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string data, const char* format) { QByteArray data_QByteArray(data.data, data.len); return self->loadFromData(data_QByteArray, format); } bool QPixmap_LoadFromData32(QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string data, const char* format, int flags) { QByteArray data_QByteArray(data.data, data.len); return self->loadFromData(data_QByteArray, format, static_cast<Qt::ImageConversionFlags>(flags)); } bool QPixmap_Save2(const QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string fileName, const char* format) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return self->save(fileName_QString, format); } bool QPixmap_Save3(const QPixmap* self, struct miqt_string fileName, const char* format, int quality) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return self->save(fileName_QString, format, static_cast<int>(quality)); } bool QPixmap_Save22(const QPixmap* self, QIODevice* device, const char* format) { return self->save(device, format); } bool QPixmap_Save32(const QPixmap* self, QIODevice* device, const char* format, int quality) { return self->save(device, format, static_cast<int>(quality)); } bool QPixmap_ConvertFromImage2(QPixmap* self, QImage* img, int flags) { return self->convertFromImage(*img, static_cast<Qt::ImageConversionFlags>(flags)); } QPixmap* QPixmap_Copy1(const QPixmap* self, QRect* rect) { return new QPixmap(self->copy(*rect)); } void QPixmap_Scroll7(QPixmap* self, int dx, int dy, int x, int y, int width, int height, QRegion* exposed) { self->scroll(static_cast<int>(dx), static_cast<int>(dy), static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(width), static_cast<int>(height), exposed); } void QPixmap_Scroll4(QPixmap* self, int dx, int dy, QRect* rect, QRegion* exposed) { self->scroll(static_cast<int>(dx), static_cast<int>(dy), *rect, exposed); } bool QPixmap_override_virtual_DevType(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQPixmap* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQPixmap*>( (QPixmap*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__DevType = slot; return true; } int QPixmap_virtualbase_DevType(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQPixmap*)(self) )->virtualbase_DevType(); } bool QPixmap_override_virtual_PaintEngine(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQPixmap* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQPixmap*>( (QPixmap*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__PaintEngine = slot; return true; } QPaintEngine* QPixmap_virtualbase_PaintEngine(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQPixmap*)(self) )->virtualbase_PaintEngine(); } bool QPixmap_override_virtual_Metric(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQPixmap* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQPixmap*>( (QPixmap*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__Metric = slot; return true; } int QPixmap_virtualbase_Metric(const void* self, int param1) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQPixmap*)(self) )->virtualbase_Metric(param1); } bool QPixmap_override_virtual_InitPainter(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQPixmap* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQPixmap*>( (QPixmap*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__InitPainter = slot; return true; } void QPixmap_virtualbase_InitPainter(const void* self, QPainter* painter) { ( (const MiqtVirtualQPixmap*)(self) )->virtualbase_InitPainter(painter); } bool QPixmap_override_virtual_Redirected(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQPixmap* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQPixmap*>( (QPixmap*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__Redirected = slot; return true; } QPaintDevice* QPixmap_virtualbase_Redirected(const void* self, QPoint* offset) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQPixmap*)(self) )->virtualbase_Redirected(offset); } bool QPixmap_override_virtual_SharedPainter(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQPixmap* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQPixmap*>( (QPixmap*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__SharedPainter = slot; return true; } QPainter* QPixmap_virtualbase_SharedPainter(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQPixmap*)(self) )->virtualbase_SharedPainter(); } void QPixmap_Delete(QPixmap* self) { delete self; }