package qt /* #include "gen_qelapsedtimer.h" #include <stdlib.h> */ import "C" import ( "runtime" "unsafe" ) type QElapsedTimer__ClockType int const ( QElapsedTimer__SystemTime QElapsedTimer__ClockType = 0 QElapsedTimer__MonotonicClock QElapsedTimer__ClockType = 1 QElapsedTimer__TickCounter QElapsedTimer__ClockType = 2 QElapsedTimer__MachAbsoluteTime QElapsedTimer__ClockType = 3 QElapsedTimer__PerformanceCounter QElapsedTimer__ClockType = 4 ) type QElapsedTimer struct { h *C.QElapsedTimer } func (this *QElapsedTimer) cPointer() *C.QElapsedTimer { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func (this *QElapsedTimer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer { if this == nil { return nil } return unsafe.Pointer(this.h) } // newQElapsedTimer constructs the type using only CGO pointers. func newQElapsedTimer(h *C.QElapsedTimer) *QElapsedTimer { if h == nil { return nil } return &QElapsedTimer{h: h} } // UnsafeNewQElapsedTimer constructs the type using only unsafe pointers. func UnsafeNewQElapsedTimer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QElapsedTimer { return newQElapsedTimer((*C.QElapsedTimer)(h)) } // NewQElapsedTimer constructs a new QElapsedTimer object. func NewQElapsedTimer() *QElapsedTimer { return newQElapsedTimer(C.QElapsedTimer_new()) } func QElapsedTimer_ClockType() QElapsedTimer__ClockType { return (QElapsedTimer__ClockType)(C.QElapsedTimer_clockType()) } func QElapsedTimer_IsMonotonic() bool { return (bool)(C.QElapsedTimer_isMonotonic()) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) Start() { C.QElapsedTimer_start(this.h) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) Restart() int64 { return (int64)(C.QElapsedTimer_restart(this.h)) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) Invalidate() { C.QElapsedTimer_invalidate(this.h) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) IsValid() bool { return (bool)(C.QElapsedTimer_isValid(this.h)) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) NsecsElapsed() int64 { return (int64)(C.QElapsedTimer_nsecsElapsed(this.h)) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) Elapsed() int64 { return (int64)(C.QElapsedTimer_elapsed(this.h)) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) HasExpired(timeout int64) bool { return (bool)(C.QElapsedTimer_hasExpired(this.h, (C.longlong)(timeout))) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) MsecsSinceReference() int64 { return (int64)(C.QElapsedTimer_msecsSinceReference(this.h)) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) MsecsTo(other *QElapsedTimer) int64 { return (int64)(C.QElapsedTimer_msecsTo(this.h, other.cPointer())) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) SecsTo(other *QElapsedTimer) int64 { return (int64)(C.QElapsedTimer_secsTo(this.h, other.cPointer())) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) OperatorEqual(other *QElapsedTimer) bool { return (bool)(C.QElapsedTimer_operatorEqual(this.h, other.cPointer())) } func (this *QElapsedTimer) OperatorNotEqual(other *QElapsedTimer) bool { return (bool)(C.QElapsedTimer_operatorNotEqual(this.h, other.cPointer())) } // Delete this object from C++ memory. func (this *QElapsedTimer) Delete() { C.QElapsedTimer_delete(this.h) } // GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted // from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory. func (this *QElapsedTimer) GoGC() { runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QElapsedTimer) { this.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(this.h) }) }