package qscintilla


#include "gen_qscistyle.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

import "C"

import (

type QsciStyle__TextCase int

const (
	QsciStyle__OriginalCase QsciStyle__TextCase = 0
	QsciStyle__UpperCase    QsciStyle__TextCase = 1
	QsciStyle__LowerCase    QsciStyle__TextCase = 2

type QsciStyle struct {
	h *C.QsciStyle

func (this *QsciStyle) cPointer() *C.QsciStyle {
	if this == nil {
		return nil
	return this.h

func (this *QsciStyle) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
	if this == nil {
		return nil
	return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)

// newQsciStyle constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
func newQsciStyle(h *C.QsciStyle) *QsciStyle {
	if h == nil {
		return nil

	return &QsciStyle{h: h}

// UnsafeNewQsciStyle constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func UnsafeNewQsciStyle(h unsafe.Pointer) *QsciStyle {
	return newQsciStyle((*C.QsciStyle)(h))

// NewQsciStyle constructs a new QsciStyle object.
func NewQsciStyle() *QsciStyle {

	return newQsciStyle(C.QsciStyle_new())

// NewQsciStyle2 constructs a new QsciStyle object.
func NewQsciStyle2(style int, description string, color *qt.QColor, paper *qt.QColor, font *qt.QFont) *QsciStyle {
	description_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(description)
	description_ms.len = C.size_t(len(description))

	return newQsciStyle(C.QsciStyle_new2((, description_ms, (*C.QColor)(color.UnsafePointer()), (*C.QColor)(paper.UnsafePointer()), (*C.QFont)(font.UnsafePointer())))

// NewQsciStyle3 constructs a new QsciStyle object.
func NewQsciStyle3(param1 *QsciStyle) *QsciStyle {

	return newQsciStyle(C.QsciStyle_new3(param1.cPointer()))

// NewQsciStyle4 constructs a new QsciStyle object.
func NewQsciStyle4(style int) *QsciStyle {

	return newQsciStyle(C.QsciStyle_new4((

// NewQsciStyle5 constructs a new QsciStyle object.
func NewQsciStyle5(style int, description string, color *qt.QColor, paper *qt.QColor, font *qt.QFont, eolFill bool) *QsciStyle {
	description_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(description)
	description_ms.len = C.size_t(len(description))

	return newQsciStyle(C.QsciStyle_new5((, description_ms, (*C.QColor)(color.UnsafePointer()), (*C.QColor)(paper.UnsafePointer()), (*C.QFont)(font.UnsafePointer()), (C.bool)(eolFill)))

func (this *QsciStyle) Apply(sci *QsciScintillaBase) {
	C.QsciStyle_apply(this.h, sci.cPointer())

func (this *QsciStyle) SetStyle(style int) {
	C.QsciStyle_setStyle(this.h, (

func (this *QsciStyle) Style() int {
	return (int)(C.QsciStyle_style(this.h))

func (this *QsciStyle) SetDescription(description string) {
	description_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(description)
	description_ms.len = C.size_t(len(description))
	C.QsciStyle_setDescription(this.h, description_ms)

func (this *QsciStyle) Description() string {
	var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QsciStyle_description(this.h)
	_ret := C.GoStringN(,
	return _ret

func (this *QsciStyle) SetColor(color *qt.QColor) {
	C.QsciStyle_setColor(this.h, (*C.QColor)(color.UnsafePointer()))

func (this *QsciStyle) Color() *qt.QColor {
	_goptr := qt.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciStyle_color(this.h)))
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QsciStyle) SetPaper(paper *qt.QColor) {
	C.QsciStyle_setPaper(this.h, (*C.QColor)(paper.UnsafePointer()))

func (this *QsciStyle) Paper() *qt.QColor {
	_goptr := qt.UnsafeNewQColor(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciStyle_paper(this.h)))
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QsciStyle) SetFont(font *qt.QFont) {
	C.QsciStyle_setFont(this.h, (*C.QFont)(font.UnsafePointer()))

func (this *QsciStyle) Font() *qt.QFont {
	_goptr := qt.UnsafeNewQFont(unsafe.Pointer(C.QsciStyle_font(this.h)))
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QsciStyle) SetEolFill(fill bool) {
	C.QsciStyle_setEolFill(this.h, (C.bool)(fill))

func (this *QsciStyle) EolFill() bool {
	return (bool)(C.QsciStyle_eolFill(this.h))

func (this *QsciStyle) SetTextCase(text_case QsciStyle__TextCase) {
	C.QsciStyle_setTextCase(this.h, (

func (this *QsciStyle) TextCase() QsciStyle__TextCase {
	return (QsciStyle__TextCase)(C.QsciStyle_textCase(this.h))

func (this *QsciStyle) SetVisible(visible bool) {
	C.QsciStyle_setVisible(this.h, (C.bool)(visible))

func (this *QsciStyle) Visible() bool {
	return (bool)(C.QsciStyle_visible(this.h))

func (this *QsciStyle) SetChangeable(changeable bool) {
	C.QsciStyle_setChangeable(this.h, (C.bool)(changeable))

func (this *QsciStyle) Changeable() bool {
	return (bool)(C.QsciStyle_changeable(this.h))

func (this *QsciStyle) SetHotspot(hotspot bool) {
	C.QsciStyle_setHotspot(this.h, (C.bool)(hotspot))

func (this *QsciStyle) Hotspot() bool {
	return (bool)(C.QsciStyle_hotspot(this.h))

func (this *QsciStyle) Refresh() {

// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QsciStyle) Delete() {

// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QsciStyle) GoGC() {
	runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QsciStyle) {