#include "gen_qeasingcurve.h"
#include "qeasingcurve.h"

#include <QEasingCurve>
#include <QList>
#include <QPointF>

extern "C" {
    extern void miqt_exec_callback(void* cb, int argc, void* argv);

QEasingCurve* QEasingCurve_new(QEasingCurve* other) {
	return new QEasingCurve(*other);

void QEasingCurve_OperatorAssign(QEasingCurve* self, QEasingCurve* other) {

void QEasingCurve_Swap(QEasingCurve* self, QEasingCurve* other) {

bool QEasingCurve_OperatorEqual(QEasingCurve* self, QEasingCurve* other) {
	return self->operator==(*other);

bool QEasingCurve_OperatorNotEqual(QEasingCurve* self, QEasingCurve* other) {
	return self->operator!=(*other);

double QEasingCurve_Amplitude(QEasingCurve* self) {
	return self->amplitude();

void QEasingCurve_SetAmplitude(QEasingCurve* self, double amplitude) {

double QEasingCurve_Period(QEasingCurve* self) {
	return self->period();

void QEasingCurve_SetPeriod(QEasingCurve* self, double period) {

double QEasingCurve_Overshoot(QEasingCurve* self) {
	return self->overshoot();

void QEasingCurve_SetOvershoot(QEasingCurve* self, double overshoot) {

void QEasingCurve_AddCubicBezierSegment(QEasingCurve* self, QPointF* c1, QPointF* c2, QPointF* endPoint) {
	self->addCubicBezierSegment(*c1, *c2, *endPoint);

void QEasingCurve_AddTCBSegment(QEasingCurve* self, QPointF* nextPoint, double t, double c, double b) {
	self->addTCBSegment(*nextPoint, static_cast<qreal>(t), static_cast<qreal>(c), static_cast<qreal>(b));

void QEasingCurve_ToCubicSpline(QEasingCurve* self, QPointF*** _out, size_t* _out_len) {
	QVector<QPointF> ret = self->toCubicSpline();
	// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory of copy-constructed pointers
	QPointF** __out = static_cast<QPointF**>(malloc(sizeof(QPointF**) * ret.length()));
	for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
		__out[i] = new QPointF(ret[i]);
	*_out = __out;
	*_out_len = ret.length();

double QEasingCurve_ValueForProgress(QEasingCurve* self, double progress) {
	return self->valueForProgress(static_cast<qreal>(progress));

void QEasingCurve_Delete(QEasingCurve* self) {
	delete self;