#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qimage.h" #include "gen_qimage.h" extern "C" { extern void miqt_exec_callback(void* cb, int argc, void* argv); } QImage* QImage_new() { return new QImage(); } QImage* QImage_new2(QSize* size, uintptr_t format) { return new QImage(*size, static_cast(format)); } QImage* QImage_new3(int width, int height, uintptr_t format) { return new QImage(static_cast(width), static_cast(height), static_cast(format)); } QImage* QImage_new4(unsigned char* data, int width, int height, uintptr_t format) { return new QImage(static_cast(data), static_cast(width), static_cast(height), static_cast(format)); } QImage* QImage_new5(const unsigned char* data, int width, int height, uintptr_t format) { return new QImage(static_cast(data), static_cast(width), static_cast(height), static_cast(format)); } QImage* QImage_new6(unsigned char* data, int width, int height, int bytesPerLine, uintptr_t format) { return new QImage(static_cast(data), static_cast(width), static_cast(height), static_cast(bytesPerLine), static_cast(format)); } QImage* QImage_new7(const unsigned char* data, int width, int height, int bytesPerLine, uintptr_t format) { return new QImage(static_cast(data), static_cast(width), static_cast(height), static_cast(bytesPerLine), static_cast(format)); } QImage* QImage_new8(const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen); return new QImage(fileName_QString); } QImage* QImage_new9(QImage* param1) { return new QImage(*param1); } QImage* QImage_new10(const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen, const char* format) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen); return new QImage(fileName_QString, format); } void QImage_OperatorAssign(QImage* self, QImage* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QImage_Swap(QImage* self, QImage* other) { self->swap(*other); } bool QImage_IsNull(const QImage* self) { return self->isNull(); } int QImage_DevType(const QImage* self) { return self->devType(); } bool QImage_OperatorEqual(const QImage* self, QImage* param1) { return self->operator==(*param1); } bool QImage_OperatorNotEqual(const QImage* self, QImage* param1) { return self->operator!=(*param1); } void QImage_Detach(QImage* self) { self->detach(); } bool QImage_IsDetached(const QImage* self) { return self->isDetached(); } QImage* QImage_Copy(const QImage* self) { QImage ret = self->copy(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Copy2(const QImage* self, int x, int y, int w, int h) { QImage ret = self->copy(static_cast(x), static_cast(y), static_cast(w), static_cast(h)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } uintptr_t QImage_Format(const QImage* self) { QImage::Format ret = self->format(); return static_cast(ret); } QImage* QImage_ConvertToFormat(const QImage* self, uintptr_t f) { QImage ret = self->convertToFormat(static_cast(f)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ConvertToFormat2(const QImage* self, uintptr_t f, unsigned int* colorTable, size_t colorTable_len) { QVector colorTable_QList; colorTable_QList.reserve(colorTable_len); for(size_t i = 0; i < colorTable_len; ++i) { colorTable_QList.push_back(colorTable[i]); } QImage ret = self->convertToFormat(static_cast(f), colorTable_QList); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } bool QImage_ReinterpretAsFormat(QImage* self, uintptr_t f) { return self->reinterpretAsFormat(static_cast(f)); } void QImage_ConvertTo(QImage* self, uintptr_t f) { self->convertTo(static_cast(f)); } int QImage_Width(const QImage* self) { return self->width(); } int QImage_Height(const QImage* self) { return self->height(); } QSize* QImage_Size(const QImage* self) { QSize ret = self->size(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QSize(ret)); } QRect* QImage_Rect(const QImage* self) { QRect ret = self->rect(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QRect(ret)); } int QImage_Depth(const QImage* self) { return self->depth(); } int QImage_ColorCount(const QImage* self) { return self->colorCount(); } int QImage_BitPlaneCount(const QImage* self) { return self->bitPlaneCount(); } unsigned int QImage_Color(const QImage* self, int i) { return self->color(static_cast(i)); } void QImage_SetColor(QImage* self, int i, unsigned int c) { self->setColor(static_cast(i), static_cast(c)); } void QImage_SetColorCount(QImage* self, int colorCount) { self->setColorCount(static_cast(colorCount)); } bool QImage_AllGray(const QImage* self) { return self->allGray(); } bool QImage_IsGrayscale(const QImage* self) { return self->isGrayscale(); } unsigned char* QImage_Bits(QImage* self) { return self->bits(); } const unsigned char* QImage_Bits2(const QImage* self) { return (const unsigned char*) self->bits(); } const unsigned char* QImage_ConstBits(const QImage* self) { return (const unsigned char*) self->constBits(); } int QImage_ByteCount(const QImage* self) { return self->byteCount(); } size_t QImage_SizeInBytes(const QImage* self) { return self->sizeInBytes(); } unsigned char* QImage_ScanLine(QImage* self, int param1) { return self->scanLine(static_cast(param1)); } const unsigned char* QImage_ScanLineWithInt(const QImage* self, int param1) { return (const unsigned char*) self->scanLine(static_cast(param1)); } const unsigned char* QImage_ConstScanLine(const QImage* self, int param1) { return (const unsigned char*) self->constScanLine(static_cast(param1)); } int QImage_BytesPerLine(const QImage* self) { return self->bytesPerLine(); } bool QImage_Valid(const QImage* self, int x, int y) { return self->valid(static_cast(x), static_cast(y)); } bool QImage_ValidWithPt(const QImage* self, QPoint* pt) { return self->valid(*pt); } int QImage_PixelIndex(const QImage* self, int x, int y) { return self->pixelIndex(static_cast(x), static_cast(y)); } int QImage_PixelIndexWithPt(const QImage* self, QPoint* pt) { return self->pixelIndex(*pt); } unsigned int QImage_Pixel(const QImage* self, int x, int y) { return self->pixel(static_cast(x), static_cast(y)); } unsigned int QImage_PixelWithPt(const QImage* self, QPoint* pt) { return self->pixel(*pt); } void QImage_SetPixel(QImage* self, int x, int y, unsigned int index_or_rgb) { self->setPixel(static_cast(x), static_cast(y), static_cast(index_or_rgb)); } void QImage_SetPixel2(QImage* self, QPoint* pt, unsigned int index_or_rgb) { self->setPixel(*pt, static_cast(index_or_rgb)); } QColor* QImage_PixelColor(const QImage* self, int x, int y) { QColor ret = self->pixelColor(static_cast(x), static_cast(y)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QColor(ret)); } QColor* QImage_PixelColorWithPt(const QImage* self, QPoint* pt) { QColor ret = self->pixelColor(*pt); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QColor(ret)); } void QImage_SetPixelColor(QImage* self, int x, int y, QColor* c) { self->setPixelColor(static_cast(x), static_cast(y), *c); } void QImage_SetPixelColor2(QImage* self, QPoint* pt, QColor* c) { self->setPixelColor(*pt, *c); } void QImage_ColorTable(const QImage* self, unsigned int** _out, size_t* _out_len) { QVector ret = self->colorTable(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory unsigned int* __out = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { __out[i] = ret[i]; } *_out = __out; *_out_len = ret.length(); } void QImage_SetColorTable(QImage* self, unsigned int* colors, size_t colors_len) { QVector colors_QList; colors_QList.reserve(colors_len); for(size_t i = 0; i < colors_len; ++i) { colors_QList.push_back(colors[i]); } self->setColorTable(colors_QList); } double QImage_DevicePixelRatio(const QImage* self) { return self->devicePixelRatio(); } void QImage_SetDevicePixelRatio(QImage* self, double scaleFactor) { self->setDevicePixelRatio(static_cast(scaleFactor)); } void QImage_Fill(QImage* self, unsigned int pixel) { self->fill(static_cast(pixel)); } void QImage_FillWithColor(QImage* self, QColor* color) { self->fill(*color); } void QImage_Fill2(QImage* self, uintptr_t color) { self->fill(static_cast(color)); } bool QImage_HasAlphaChannel(const QImage* self) { return self->hasAlphaChannel(); } void QImage_SetAlphaChannel(QImage* self, QImage* alphaChannel) { self->setAlphaChannel(*alphaChannel); } QImage* QImage_AlphaChannel(const QImage* self) { QImage ret = self->alphaChannel(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_CreateAlphaMask(const QImage* self) { QImage ret = self->createAlphaMask(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_CreateHeuristicMask(const QImage* self) { QImage ret = self->createHeuristicMask(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_CreateMaskFromColor(const QImage* self, unsigned int color) { QImage ret = self->createMaskFromColor(static_cast(color)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Scaled(const QImage* self, int w, int h) { QImage ret = self->scaled(static_cast(w), static_cast(h)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ScaledWithQSize(const QImage* self, QSize* s) { QImage ret = self->scaled(*s); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ScaledToWidth(const QImage* self, int w) { QImage ret = self->scaledToWidth(static_cast(w)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ScaledToHeight(const QImage* self, int h) { QImage ret = self->scaledToHeight(static_cast(h)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Transformed(const QImage* self, QMatrix* matrix) { QImage ret = self->transformed(*matrix); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QMatrix* QImage_TrueMatrix(QMatrix* param1, int w, int h) { QMatrix ret = QImage::trueMatrix(*param1, static_cast(w), static_cast(h)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QMatrix(ret)); } QImage* QImage_TransformedWithMatrix(const QImage* self, QTransform* matrix) { QImage ret = self->transformed(*matrix); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QTransform* QImage_TrueMatrix2(QTransform* param1, int w, int h) { QTransform ret = QImage::trueMatrix(*param1, static_cast(w), static_cast(h)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QTransform(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Mirrored(const QImage* self) { QImage ret = self->mirrored(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_RgbSwapped(const QImage* self) { QImage ret = self->rgbSwapped(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } void QImage_InvertPixels(QImage* self) { self->invertPixels(); } QColorSpace* QImage_ColorSpace(const QImage* self) { QColorSpace ret = self->colorSpace(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QColorSpace(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ConvertedToColorSpace(const QImage* self, QColorSpace* param1) { QImage ret = self->convertedToColorSpace(*param1); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } void QImage_ConvertToColorSpace(QImage* self, QColorSpace* param1) { self->convertToColorSpace(*param1); } void QImage_SetColorSpace(QImage* self, QColorSpace* colorSpace) { self->setColorSpace(*colorSpace); } void QImage_ApplyColorTransform(QImage* self, QColorTransform* transform) { self->applyColorTransform(*transform); } bool QImage_Load(QImage* self, QIODevice* device, const char* format) { return self->load(device, format); } bool QImage_LoadWithFileName(QImage* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen); return self->load(fileName_QString); } bool QImage_LoadFromData(QImage* self, const unsigned char* buf, int lenVal) { return self->loadFromData(static_cast(buf), static_cast(lenVal)); } bool QImage_LoadFromDataWithData(QImage* self, QByteArray* data) { return self->loadFromData(*data); } bool QImage_Save(const QImage* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen); return self->save(fileName_QString); } bool QImage_SaveWithDevice(const QImage* self, QIODevice* device) { return self->save(device); } QImage* QImage_FromData(const unsigned char* data, int size) { QImage ret = QImage::fromData(static_cast(data), static_cast(size)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_FromDataWithData(QByteArray* data) { QImage ret = QImage::fromData(*data); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } long long QImage_CacheKey(const QImage* self) { return self->cacheKey(); } QPaintEngine* QImage_PaintEngine(const QImage* self) { return self->paintEngine(); } int QImage_DotsPerMeterX(const QImage* self) { return self->dotsPerMeterX(); } int QImage_DotsPerMeterY(const QImage* self) { return self->dotsPerMeterY(); } void QImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(QImage* self, int dotsPerMeterX) { self->setDotsPerMeterX(static_cast(dotsPerMeterX)); } void QImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(QImage* self, int dotsPerMeterY) { self->setDotsPerMeterY(static_cast(dotsPerMeterY)); } QPoint* QImage_Offset(const QImage* self) { QPoint ret = self->offset(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QPoint(ret)); } void QImage_SetOffset(QImage* self, QPoint* offset) { self->setOffset(*offset); } void QImage_TextKeys(const QImage* self, char*** _out, int** _out_Lengths, size_t* _out_len) { QStringList ret = self->textKeys(); // Convert QStringList from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory char** __out = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(char*) * ret.length())); int* __out_Lengths = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(int) * ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret[i].toUtf8(); __out[i] = static_cast(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(__out[i], b.data(), b.length()); __out_Lengths[i] = b.length(); } *_out = __out; *_out_Lengths = __out_Lengths; *_out_len = ret.length(); } void QImage_Text(const QImage* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) { QString ret = self->text(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8(); *_out = static_cast(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length()); *_out_Strlen = b.length(); } void QImage_SetText(QImage* self, const char* key, size_t key_Strlen, const char* value, size_t value_Strlen) { QString key_QString = QString::fromUtf8(key, key_Strlen); QString value_QString = QString::fromUtf8(value, value_Strlen); self->setText(key_QString, value_QString); } QPixelFormat* QImage_PixelFormat(const QImage* self) { QPixelFormat ret = self->pixelFormat(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QPixelFormat(ret)); } QPixelFormat* QImage_ToPixelFormat(uintptr_t format) { QPixelFormat ret = QImage::toPixelFormat(static_cast(format)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QPixelFormat(ret)); } uintptr_t QImage_ToImageFormat(QPixelFormat* format) { QImage::Format ret = QImage::toImageFormat(*format); return static_cast(ret); } QImage* QImage_Copy1(const QImage* self, QRect* rect) { QImage ret = self->copy(*rect); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ConvertToFormat22(const QImage* self, uintptr_t f, int flags) { QImage ret = self->convertToFormat(static_cast(f), static_cast(flags)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ConvertToFormat3(const QImage* self, uintptr_t f, unsigned int* colorTable, size_t colorTable_len, int flags) { QVector colorTable_QList; colorTable_QList.reserve(colorTable_len); for(size_t i = 0; i < colorTable_len; ++i) { colorTable_QList.push_back(colorTable[i]); } QImage ret = self->convertToFormat(static_cast(f), colorTable_QList, static_cast(flags)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } void QImage_ConvertTo2(QImage* self, uintptr_t f, int flags) { self->convertTo(static_cast(f), static_cast(flags)); } QImage* QImage_CreateAlphaMask1(const QImage* self, int flags) { QImage ret = self->createAlphaMask(static_cast(flags)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_CreateHeuristicMask1(const QImage* self, bool clipTight) { QImage ret = self->createHeuristicMask(clipTight); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_CreateMaskFromColor2(const QImage* self, unsigned int color, uintptr_t mode) { QImage ret = self->createMaskFromColor(static_cast(color), static_cast(mode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Scaled3(const QImage* self, int w, int h, uintptr_t aspectMode) { QImage ret = self->scaled(static_cast(w), static_cast(h), static_cast(aspectMode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Scaled4(const QImage* self, int w, int h, uintptr_t aspectMode, uintptr_t mode) { QImage ret = self->scaled(static_cast(w), static_cast(h), static_cast(aspectMode), static_cast(mode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Scaled2(const QImage* self, QSize* s, uintptr_t aspectMode) { QImage ret = self->scaled(*s, static_cast(aspectMode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Scaled32(const QImage* self, QSize* s, uintptr_t aspectMode, uintptr_t mode) { QImage ret = self->scaled(*s, static_cast(aspectMode), static_cast(mode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ScaledToWidth2(const QImage* self, int w, uintptr_t mode) { QImage ret = self->scaledToWidth(static_cast(w), static_cast(mode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_ScaledToHeight2(const QImage* self, int h, uintptr_t mode) { QImage ret = self->scaledToHeight(static_cast(h), static_cast(mode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Transformed2(const QImage* self, QMatrix* matrix, uintptr_t mode) { QImage ret = self->transformed(*matrix, static_cast(mode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Transformed22(const QImage* self, QTransform* matrix, uintptr_t mode) { QImage ret = self->transformed(*matrix, static_cast(mode)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Mirrored1(const QImage* self, bool horizontally) { QImage ret = self->mirrored(horizontally); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_Mirrored2(const QImage* self, bool horizontally, bool vertically) { QImage ret = self->mirrored(horizontally, vertically); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } void QImage_InvertPixels1(QImage* self, uintptr_t param1) { self->invertPixels(static_cast(param1)); } bool QImage_Load2(QImage* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen, const char* format) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen); return self->load(fileName_QString, format); } bool QImage_LoadFromData3(QImage* self, const unsigned char* buf, int lenVal, const char* format) { return self->loadFromData(static_cast(buf), static_cast(lenVal), format); } bool QImage_LoadFromData2(QImage* self, QByteArray* data, const char* aformat) { return self->loadFromData(*data, aformat); } bool QImage_Save2(const QImage* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen, const char* format) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen); return self->save(fileName_QString, format); } bool QImage_Save3(const QImage* self, const char* fileName, size_t fileName_Strlen, const char* format, int quality) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName, fileName_Strlen); return self->save(fileName_QString, format, static_cast(quality)); } bool QImage_Save22(const QImage* self, QIODevice* device, const char* format) { return self->save(device, format); } bool QImage_Save32(const QImage* self, QIODevice* device, const char* format, int quality) { return self->save(device, format, static_cast(quality)); } QImage* QImage_FromData3(const unsigned char* data, int size, const char* format) { QImage ret = QImage::fromData(static_cast(data), static_cast(size), format); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } QImage* QImage_FromData2(QByteArray* data, const char* format) { QImage ret = QImage::fromData(*data, format); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast(new QImage(ret)); } void QImage_Text1(const QImage* self, const char* key, size_t key_Strlen, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) { QString key_QString = QString::fromUtf8(key, key_Strlen); QString ret = self->text(key_QString); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8(); *_out = static_cast(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length()); *_out_Strlen = b.length(); } void QImage_Delete(QImage* self) { delete self; }