#include "gen_qevent.h" #include "qevent.h" #include <QAction> #include <QActionEvent> #include <QApplicationStateChangeEvent> #include <QCloseEvent> #include <QContextMenuEvent> #include <QDragEnterEvent> #include <QDragLeaveEvent> #include <QDragMoveEvent> #include <QDropEvent> #include <QEnterEvent> #include <QExposeEvent> #include <QFileOpenEvent> #include <QFocusEvent> #include <QHelpEvent> #include <QHideEvent> #include <QHoverEvent> #include <QIconDragEvent> #include <QInputEvent> #include <QInputMethodEvent> #include <QInputMethodQueryEvent> #include <QKeyEvent> #include <QKeySequence> #include <QMimeData> #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QMoveEvent> #include <QNativeGestureEvent> #include <QObject> #include <QPaintEvent> #include <QPoint> #include <QPointF> #include <QPointingDeviceUniqueId> #include <QRect> #include <QRectF> #include <QRegion> #include <QResizeEvent> #include <QScreen> #include <QScreenOrientationChangeEvent> #include <QScrollEvent> #include <QScrollPrepareEvent> #include <QShortcutEvent> #include <QShowEvent> #include <QSize> #include <QSizeF> #include <QStatusTipEvent> #include <QString> #include <QTabletEvent> #include <QToolBarChangeEvent> #include <QTouchDevice> #include <QTouchEvent> #include <QUrl> #include <QWhatsThisClickedEvent> #include <QWheelEvent> #include <QWindow> #include <QWindowStateChangeEvent> extern "C" { extern void miqt_exec_callback(void* cb, int argc, void* argv); } QInputEvent* QInputEvent_new(QInputEvent* param1) { return new QInputEvent(*param1); } unsigned long QInputEvent_Timestamp(QInputEvent* self) { return self->timestamp(); } void QInputEvent_SetTimestamp(QInputEvent* self, unsigned long atimestamp) { self->setTimestamp(static_cast<ulong>(atimestamp)); } void QInputEvent_Delete(QInputEvent* self) { delete self; } QEnterEvent* QEnterEvent_new(QPointF* localPos, QPointF* windowPos, QPointF* screenPos) { return new QEnterEvent(*localPos, *windowPos, *screenPos); } QEnterEvent* QEnterEvent_new2(QEnterEvent* param1) { return new QEnterEvent(*param1); } QPoint* QEnterEvent_Pos(QEnterEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->pos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPoint* QEnterEvent_GlobalPos(QEnterEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->globalPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } int QEnterEvent_X(QEnterEvent* self) { return self->x(); } int QEnterEvent_Y(QEnterEvent* self) { return self->y(); } int QEnterEvent_GlobalX(QEnterEvent* self) { return self->globalX(); } int QEnterEvent_GlobalY(QEnterEvent* self) { return self->globalY(); } QPointF* QEnterEvent_LocalPos(QEnterEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->localPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QEnterEvent_WindowPos(QEnterEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->windowPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QEnterEvent_ScreenPos(QEnterEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->screenPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } void QEnterEvent_Delete(QEnterEvent* self) { delete self; } QMouseEvent* QMouseEvent_new(QMouseEvent* param1) { return new QMouseEvent(*param1); } QPoint* QMouseEvent_Pos(QMouseEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->pos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPoint* QMouseEvent_GlobalPos(QMouseEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->globalPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } int QMouseEvent_X(QMouseEvent* self) { return self->x(); } int QMouseEvent_Y(QMouseEvent* self) { return self->y(); } int QMouseEvent_GlobalX(QMouseEvent* self) { return self->globalX(); } int QMouseEvent_GlobalY(QMouseEvent* self) { return self->globalY(); } QPointF* QMouseEvent_LocalPos(QMouseEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->localPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QMouseEvent_WindowPos(QMouseEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->windowPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QMouseEvent_ScreenPos(QMouseEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->screenPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } void QMouseEvent_SetLocalPos(QMouseEvent* self, QPointF* localPosition) { self->setLocalPos(*localPosition); } void QMouseEvent_Delete(QMouseEvent* self) { delete self; } QHoverEvent* QHoverEvent_new(QHoverEvent* param1) { return new QHoverEvent(*param1); } QPoint* QHoverEvent_Pos(QHoverEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->pos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPoint* QHoverEvent_OldPos(QHoverEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->oldPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPointF* QHoverEvent_PosF(QHoverEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->posF(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QHoverEvent_OldPosF(QHoverEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->oldPosF(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } void QHoverEvent_Delete(QHoverEvent* self) { delete self; } QWheelEvent* QWheelEvent_new(QWheelEvent* param1) { return new QWheelEvent(*param1); } QPoint* QWheelEvent_PixelDelta(QWheelEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->pixelDelta(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPoint* QWheelEvent_AngleDelta(QWheelEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->angleDelta(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } int QWheelEvent_Delta(QWheelEvent* self) { return self->delta(); } QPoint* QWheelEvent_Pos(QWheelEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->pos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPoint* QWheelEvent_GlobalPos(QWheelEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->globalPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } int QWheelEvent_X(QWheelEvent* self) { return self->x(); } int QWheelEvent_Y(QWheelEvent* self) { return self->y(); } int QWheelEvent_GlobalX(QWheelEvent* self) { return self->globalX(); } int QWheelEvent_GlobalY(QWheelEvent* self) { return self->globalY(); } QPointF* QWheelEvent_PosF(QWheelEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->posF(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QWheelEvent_GlobalPosF(QWheelEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->globalPosF(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QWheelEvent_Position(QWheelEvent* self) { QPointF ret = self->position(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPointF*>(new QPointF(ret)); } QPointF* QWheelEvent_GlobalPosition(QWheelEvent* self) { QPointF ret = self->globalPosition(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPointF*>(new QPointF(ret)); } bool QWheelEvent_Inverted(QWheelEvent* self) { return self->inverted(); } void QWheelEvent_Delete(QWheelEvent* self) { delete self; } QTabletEvent* QTabletEvent_new(QTabletEvent* param1) { return new QTabletEvent(*param1); } QPoint* QTabletEvent_Pos(QTabletEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->pos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPoint* QTabletEvent_GlobalPos(QTabletEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->globalPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPointF* QTabletEvent_PosF(QTabletEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->posF(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QTabletEvent_GlobalPosF(QTabletEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->globalPosF(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } int QTabletEvent_X(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->x(); } int QTabletEvent_Y(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->y(); } int QTabletEvent_GlobalX(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->globalX(); } int QTabletEvent_GlobalY(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->globalY(); } double QTabletEvent_HiResGlobalX(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->hiResGlobalX(); } double QTabletEvent_HiResGlobalY(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->hiResGlobalY(); } int64_t QTabletEvent_UniqueId(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->uniqueId(); } double QTabletEvent_Pressure(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->pressure(); } int QTabletEvent_Z(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->z(); } double QTabletEvent_TangentialPressure(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->tangentialPressure(); } double QTabletEvent_Rotation(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->rotation(); } int QTabletEvent_XTilt(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->xTilt(); } int QTabletEvent_YTilt(QTabletEvent* self) { return self->yTilt(); } void QTabletEvent_Delete(QTabletEvent* self) { delete self; } QNativeGestureEvent* QNativeGestureEvent_new(QNativeGestureEvent* param1) { return new QNativeGestureEvent(*param1); } double QNativeGestureEvent_Value(QNativeGestureEvent* self) { return self->value(); } QPoint* QNativeGestureEvent_Pos(QNativeGestureEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->pos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPoint* QNativeGestureEvent_GlobalPos(QNativeGestureEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->globalPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPointF* QNativeGestureEvent_LocalPos(QNativeGestureEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->localPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QNativeGestureEvent_WindowPos(QNativeGestureEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->windowPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QPointF* QNativeGestureEvent_ScreenPos(QNativeGestureEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->screenPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } QTouchDevice* QNativeGestureEvent_Device(QNativeGestureEvent* self) { return (QTouchDevice*) self->device(); } void QNativeGestureEvent_Delete(QNativeGestureEvent* self) { delete self; } QKeyEvent* QKeyEvent_new(QKeyEvent* param1) { return new QKeyEvent(*param1); } int QKeyEvent_Key(QKeyEvent* self) { return self->key(); } void QKeyEvent_Text(QKeyEvent* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) { QString ret = self->text(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8(); *_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length()); *_out_Strlen = b.length(); } bool QKeyEvent_IsAutoRepeat(QKeyEvent* self) { return self->isAutoRepeat(); } int QKeyEvent_Count(QKeyEvent* self) { return self->count(); } uint32_t QKeyEvent_NativeScanCode(QKeyEvent* self) { return self->nativeScanCode(); } uint32_t QKeyEvent_NativeVirtualKey(QKeyEvent* self) { return self->nativeVirtualKey(); } uint32_t QKeyEvent_NativeModifiers(QKeyEvent* self) { return self->nativeModifiers(); } void QKeyEvent_Delete(QKeyEvent* self) { delete self; } QFocusEvent* QFocusEvent_new(QFocusEvent* param1) { return new QFocusEvent(*param1); } bool QFocusEvent_GotFocus(QFocusEvent* self) { return self->gotFocus(); } bool QFocusEvent_LostFocus(QFocusEvent* self) { return self->lostFocus(); } void QFocusEvent_Delete(QFocusEvent* self) { delete self; } QPaintEvent* QPaintEvent_new(QRegion* paintRegion) { return new QPaintEvent(*paintRegion); } QPaintEvent* QPaintEvent_new2(QRect* paintRect) { return new QPaintEvent(*paintRect); } QPaintEvent* QPaintEvent_new3(QPaintEvent* param1) { return new QPaintEvent(*param1); } QRect* QPaintEvent_Rect(QPaintEvent* self) { const QRect& ret = self->rect(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QRect*>(&ret); } QRegion* QPaintEvent_Region(QPaintEvent* self) { const QRegion& ret = self->region(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QRegion*>(&ret); } void QPaintEvent_Delete(QPaintEvent* self) { delete self; } QMoveEvent* QMoveEvent_new(QPoint* pos, QPoint* oldPos) { return new QMoveEvent(*pos, *oldPos); } QMoveEvent* QMoveEvent_new2(QMoveEvent* param1) { return new QMoveEvent(*param1); } QPoint* QMoveEvent_Pos(QMoveEvent* self) { const QPoint& ret = self->pos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPoint*>(&ret); } QPoint* QMoveEvent_OldPos(QMoveEvent* self) { const QPoint& ret = self->oldPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPoint*>(&ret); } void QMoveEvent_Delete(QMoveEvent* self) { delete self; } QExposeEvent* QExposeEvent_new(QRegion* rgn) { return new QExposeEvent(*rgn); } QExposeEvent* QExposeEvent_new2(QExposeEvent* param1) { return new QExposeEvent(*param1); } QRegion* QExposeEvent_Region(QExposeEvent* self) { const QRegion& ret = self->region(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QRegion*>(&ret); } void QExposeEvent_Delete(QExposeEvent* self) { delete self; } QPlatformSurfaceEvent* QPlatformSurfaceEvent_new(QPlatformSurfaceEvent* param1) { return new QPlatformSurfaceEvent(*param1); } void QPlatformSurfaceEvent_Delete(QPlatformSurfaceEvent* self) { delete self; } QResizeEvent* QResizeEvent_new(QSize* size, QSize* oldSize) { return new QResizeEvent(*size, *oldSize); } QResizeEvent* QResizeEvent_new2(QResizeEvent* param1) { return new QResizeEvent(*param1); } QSize* QResizeEvent_Size(QResizeEvent* self) { const QSize& ret = self->size(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QSize*>(&ret); } QSize* QResizeEvent_OldSize(QResizeEvent* self) { const QSize& ret = self->oldSize(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QSize*>(&ret); } void QResizeEvent_Delete(QResizeEvent* self) { delete self; } QCloseEvent* QCloseEvent_new() { return new QCloseEvent(); } QCloseEvent* QCloseEvent_new2(QCloseEvent* param1) { return new QCloseEvent(*param1); } void QCloseEvent_OperatorAssign(QCloseEvent* self, QCloseEvent* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QCloseEvent_Delete(QCloseEvent* self) { delete self; } QIconDragEvent* QIconDragEvent_new() { return new QIconDragEvent(); } QIconDragEvent* QIconDragEvent_new2(QIconDragEvent* param1) { return new QIconDragEvent(*param1); } void QIconDragEvent_OperatorAssign(QIconDragEvent* self, QIconDragEvent* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QIconDragEvent_Delete(QIconDragEvent* self) { delete self; } QShowEvent* QShowEvent_new() { return new QShowEvent(); } QShowEvent* QShowEvent_new2(QShowEvent* param1) { return new QShowEvent(*param1); } void QShowEvent_OperatorAssign(QShowEvent* self, QShowEvent* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QShowEvent_Delete(QShowEvent* self) { delete self; } QHideEvent* QHideEvent_new() { return new QHideEvent(); } QHideEvent* QHideEvent_new2(QHideEvent* param1) { return new QHideEvent(*param1); } void QHideEvent_OperatorAssign(QHideEvent* self, QHideEvent* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QHideEvent_Delete(QHideEvent* self) { delete self; } QContextMenuEvent* QContextMenuEvent_new(QContextMenuEvent* param1) { return new QContextMenuEvent(*param1); } int QContextMenuEvent_X(QContextMenuEvent* self) { return self->x(); } int QContextMenuEvent_Y(QContextMenuEvent* self) { return self->y(); } int QContextMenuEvent_GlobalX(QContextMenuEvent* self) { return self->globalX(); } int QContextMenuEvent_GlobalY(QContextMenuEvent* self) { return self->globalY(); } QPoint* QContextMenuEvent_Pos(QContextMenuEvent* self) { const QPoint& ret = self->pos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPoint*>(&ret); } QPoint* QContextMenuEvent_GlobalPos(QContextMenuEvent* self) { const QPoint& ret = self->globalPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPoint*>(&ret); } void QContextMenuEvent_Delete(QContextMenuEvent* self) { delete self; } QInputMethodEvent* QInputMethodEvent_new() { return new QInputMethodEvent(); } QInputMethodEvent* QInputMethodEvent_new2(QInputMethodEvent* other) { return new QInputMethodEvent(*other); } void QInputMethodEvent_SetCommitString(QInputMethodEvent* self, const char* commitString, size_t commitString_Strlen) { QString commitString_QString = QString::fromUtf8(commitString, commitString_Strlen); self->setCommitString(commitString_QString); } void QInputMethodEvent_PreeditString(QInputMethodEvent* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) { const QString ret = self->preeditString(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8(); *_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length()); *_out_Strlen = b.length(); } void QInputMethodEvent_CommitString(QInputMethodEvent* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) { const QString ret = self->commitString(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8(); *_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length()); *_out_Strlen = b.length(); } int QInputMethodEvent_ReplacementStart(QInputMethodEvent* self) { return self->replacementStart(); } int QInputMethodEvent_ReplacementLength(QInputMethodEvent* self) { return self->replacementLength(); } void QInputMethodEvent_SetCommitString2(QInputMethodEvent* self, const char* commitString, size_t commitString_Strlen, int replaceFrom) { QString commitString_QString = QString::fromUtf8(commitString, commitString_Strlen); self->setCommitString(commitString_QString, static_cast<int>(replaceFrom)); } void QInputMethodEvent_SetCommitString3(QInputMethodEvent* self, const char* commitString, size_t commitString_Strlen, int replaceFrom, int replaceLength) { QString commitString_QString = QString::fromUtf8(commitString, commitString_Strlen); self->setCommitString(commitString_QString, static_cast<int>(replaceFrom), static_cast<int>(replaceLength)); } void QInputMethodEvent_Delete(QInputMethodEvent* self) { delete self; } QInputMethodQueryEvent* QInputMethodQueryEvent_new(QInputMethodQueryEvent* param1) { return new QInputMethodQueryEvent(*param1); } void QInputMethodQueryEvent_Delete(QInputMethodQueryEvent* self) { delete self; } QDropEvent* QDropEvent_new(QDropEvent* param1) { return new QDropEvent(*param1); } QPoint* QDropEvent_Pos(QDropEvent* self) { QPoint ret = self->pos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPoint*>(new QPoint(ret)); } QPointF* QDropEvent_PosF(QDropEvent* self) { const QPointF& ret = self->posF(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPointF*>(&ret); } void QDropEvent_AcceptProposedAction(QDropEvent* self) { self->acceptProposedAction(); } QObject* QDropEvent_Source(QDropEvent* self) { return self->source(); } QMimeData* QDropEvent_MimeData(QDropEvent* self) { return (QMimeData*) self->mimeData(); } void QDropEvent_Delete(QDropEvent* self) { delete self; } QDragMoveEvent* QDragMoveEvent_new(QDragMoveEvent* param1) { return new QDragMoveEvent(*param1); } QRect* QDragMoveEvent_AnswerRect(QDragMoveEvent* self) { QRect ret = self->answerRect(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QRect*>(new QRect(ret)); } void QDragMoveEvent_Accept(QDragMoveEvent* self) { self->accept(); } void QDragMoveEvent_Ignore(QDragMoveEvent* self) { self->ignore(); } void QDragMoveEvent_AcceptWithQRect(QDragMoveEvent* self, QRect* r) { self->accept(*r); } void QDragMoveEvent_IgnoreWithQRect(QDragMoveEvent* self, QRect* r) { self->ignore(*r); } void QDragMoveEvent_Delete(QDragMoveEvent* self) { delete self; } QDragEnterEvent* QDragEnterEvent_new(QDragEnterEvent* param1) { return new QDragEnterEvent(*param1); } void QDragEnterEvent_OperatorAssign(QDragEnterEvent* self, QDragEnterEvent* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QDragEnterEvent_Delete(QDragEnterEvent* self) { delete self; } QDragLeaveEvent* QDragLeaveEvent_new() { return new QDragLeaveEvent(); } QDragLeaveEvent* QDragLeaveEvent_new2(QDragLeaveEvent* param1) { return new QDragLeaveEvent(*param1); } void QDragLeaveEvent_OperatorAssign(QDragLeaveEvent* self, QDragLeaveEvent* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QDragLeaveEvent_Delete(QDragLeaveEvent* self) { delete self; } QHelpEvent* QHelpEvent_new(QHelpEvent* param1) { return new QHelpEvent(*param1); } int QHelpEvent_X(QHelpEvent* self) { return self->x(); } int QHelpEvent_Y(QHelpEvent* self) { return self->y(); } int QHelpEvent_GlobalX(QHelpEvent* self) { return self->globalX(); } int QHelpEvent_GlobalY(QHelpEvent* self) { return self->globalY(); } QPoint* QHelpEvent_Pos(QHelpEvent* self) { const QPoint& ret = self->pos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPoint*>(&ret); } QPoint* QHelpEvent_GlobalPos(QHelpEvent* self) { const QPoint& ret = self->globalPos(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPoint*>(&ret); } void QHelpEvent_Delete(QHelpEvent* self) { delete self; } QStatusTipEvent* QStatusTipEvent_new(const char* tip, size_t tip_Strlen) { QString tip_QString = QString::fromUtf8(tip, tip_Strlen); return new QStatusTipEvent(tip_QString); } QStatusTipEvent* QStatusTipEvent_new2(QStatusTipEvent* param1) { return new QStatusTipEvent(*param1); } void QStatusTipEvent_Tip(QStatusTipEvent* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) { QString ret = self->tip(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8(); *_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length()); *_out_Strlen = b.length(); } void QStatusTipEvent_Delete(QStatusTipEvent* self) { delete self; } QWhatsThisClickedEvent* QWhatsThisClickedEvent_new(const char* href, size_t href_Strlen) { QString href_QString = QString::fromUtf8(href, href_Strlen); return new QWhatsThisClickedEvent(href_QString); } QWhatsThisClickedEvent* QWhatsThisClickedEvent_new2(QWhatsThisClickedEvent* param1) { return new QWhatsThisClickedEvent(*param1); } void QWhatsThisClickedEvent_Href(QWhatsThisClickedEvent* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) { QString ret = self->href(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8(); *_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length()); *_out_Strlen = b.length(); } void QWhatsThisClickedEvent_Delete(QWhatsThisClickedEvent* self) { delete self; } QActionEvent* QActionEvent_new(int typeVal, QAction* action) { return new QActionEvent(static_cast<int>(typeVal), action); } QActionEvent* QActionEvent_new2(QActionEvent* param1) { return new QActionEvent(*param1); } QActionEvent* QActionEvent_new3(int typeVal, QAction* action, QAction* before) { return new QActionEvent(static_cast<int>(typeVal), action, before); } QAction* QActionEvent_Action(QActionEvent* self) { return self->action(); } QAction* QActionEvent_Before(QActionEvent* self) { return self->before(); } void QActionEvent_OperatorAssign(QActionEvent* self, QActionEvent* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QActionEvent_Delete(QActionEvent* self) { delete self; } QFileOpenEvent* QFileOpenEvent_new(const char* file, size_t file_Strlen) { QString file_QString = QString::fromUtf8(file, file_Strlen); return new QFileOpenEvent(file_QString); } QFileOpenEvent* QFileOpenEvent_new2(QUrl* url) { return new QFileOpenEvent(*url); } QFileOpenEvent* QFileOpenEvent_new3(QFileOpenEvent* param1) { return new QFileOpenEvent(*param1); } void QFileOpenEvent_File(QFileOpenEvent* self, char** _out, int* _out_Strlen) { QString ret = self->file(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray b = ret.toUtf8(); *_out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(b.length())); memcpy(*_out, b.data(), b.length()); *_out_Strlen = b.length(); } QUrl* QFileOpenEvent_Url(QFileOpenEvent* self) { QUrl ret = self->url(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QUrl*>(new QUrl(ret)); } void QFileOpenEvent_Delete(QFileOpenEvent* self) { delete self; } QToolBarChangeEvent* QToolBarChangeEvent_new(bool t) { return new QToolBarChangeEvent(t); } QToolBarChangeEvent* QToolBarChangeEvent_new2(QToolBarChangeEvent* param1) { return new QToolBarChangeEvent(*param1); } bool QToolBarChangeEvent_Toggle(QToolBarChangeEvent* self) { return self->toggle(); } void QToolBarChangeEvent_Delete(QToolBarChangeEvent* self) { delete self; } QShortcutEvent* QShortcutEvent_new(QKeySequence* key, int id) { return new QShortcutEvent(*key, static_cast<int>(id)); } QShortcutEvent* QShortcutEvent_new2(QShortcutEvent* param1) { return new QShortcutEvent(*param1); } QShortcutEvent* QShortcutEvent_new3(QKeySequence* key, int id, bool ambiguous) { return new QShortcutEvent(*key, static_cast<int>(id), ambiguous); } QKeySequence* QShortcutEvent_Key(QShortcutEvent* self) { const QKeySequence& ret = self->key(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QKeySequence*>(&ret); } int QShortcutEvent_ShortcutId(QShortcutEvent* self) { return self->shortcutId(); } bool QShortcutEvent_IsAmbiguous(QShortcutEvent* self) { return self->isAmbiguous(); } void QShortcutEvent_Delete(QShortcutEvent* self) { delete self; } QWindowStateChangeEvent* QWindowStateChangeEvent_new(QWindowStateChangeEvent* param1) { return new QWindowStateChangeEvent(*param1); } bool QWindowStateChangeEvent_IsOverride(QWindowStateChangeEvent* self) { return self->isOverride(); } void QWindowStateChangeEvent_Delete(QWindowStateChangeEvent* self) { delete self; } QPointingDeviceUniqueId* QPointingDeviceUniqueId_new() { return new QPointingDeviceUniqueId(); } QPointingDeviceUniqueId* QPointingDeviceUniqueId_new2(QPointingDeviceUniqueId* param1) { return new QPointingDeviceUniqueId(*param1); } QPointingDeviceUniqueId* QPointingDeviceUniqueId_FromNumericId(int64_t id) { QPointingDeviceUniqueId ret = QPointingDeviceUniqueId::fromNumericId((qint64)(id)); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPointingDeviceUniqueId*>(new QPointingDeviceUniqueId(ret)); } bool QPointingDeviceUniqueId_IsValid(QPointingDeviceUniqueId* self) { return self->isValid(); } int64_t QPointingDeviceUniqueId_NumericId(QPointingDeviceUniqueId* self) { return self->numericId(); } void QPointingDeviceUniqueId_Delete(QPointingDeviceUniqueId* self) { delete self; } QTouchEvent* QTouchEvent_new(QTouchEvent* param1) { return new QTouchEvent(*param1); } QWindow* QTouchEvent_Window(QTouchEvent* self) { return self->window(); } QObject* QTouchEvent_Target(QTouchEvent* self) { return self->target(); } QTouchDevice* QTouchEvent_Device(QTouchEvent* self) { return self->device(); } void QTouchEvent_SetWindow(QTouchEvent* self, QWindow* awindow) { self->setWindow(awindow); } void QTouchEvent_SetTarget(QTouchEvent* self, QObject* atarget) { self->setTarget(atarget); } void QTouchEvent_SetDevice(QTouchEvent* self, QTouchDevice* adevice) { self->setDevice(adevice); } void QTouchEvent_Delete(QTouchEvent* self) { delete self; } QScrollPrepareEvent* QScrollPrepareEvent_new(QPointF* startPos) { return new QScrollPrepareEvent(*startPos); } QScrollPrepareEvent* QScrollPrepareEvent_new2(QScrollPrepareEvent* param1) { return new QScrollPrepareEvent(*param1); } QPointF* QScrollPrepareEvent_StartPos(QScrollPrepareEvent* self) { QPointF ret = self->startPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPointF*>(new QPointF(ret)); } QSizeF* QScrollPrepareEvent_ViewportSize(QScrollPrepareEvent* self) { QSizeF ret = self->viewportSize(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QSizeF*>(new QSizeF(ret)); } QRectF* QScrollPrepareEvent_ContentPosRange(QScrollPrepareEvent* self) { QRectF ret = self->contentPosRange(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QRectF*>(new QRectF(ret)); } QPointF* QScrollPrepareEvent_ContentPos(QScrollPrepareEvent* self) { QPointF ret = self->contentPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPointF*>(new QPointF(ret)); } void QScrollPrepareEvent_SetViewportSize(QScrollPrepareEvent* self, QSizeF* size) { self->setViewportSize(*size); } void QScrollPrepareEvent_SetContentPosRange(QScrollPrepareEvent* self, QRectF* rect) { self->setContentPosRange(*rect); } void QScrollPrepareEvent_SetContentPos(QScrollPrepareEvent* self, QPointF* pos) { self->setContentPos(*pos); } void QScrollPrepareEvent_Delete(QScrollPrepareEvent* self) { delete self; } QScrollEvent* QScrollEvent_new(QScrollEvent* param1) { return new QScrollEvent(*param1); } QPointF* QScrollEvent_ContentPos(QScrollEvent* self) { QPointF ret = self->contentPos(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPointF*>(new QPointF(ret)); } QPointF* QScrollEvent_OvershootDistance(QScrollEvent* self) { QPointF ret = self->overshootDistance(); // Copy-construct value returned type into heap-allocated copy return static_cast<QPointF*>(new QPointF(ret)); } void QScrollEvent_Delete(QScrollEvent* self) { delete self; } QScreenOrientationChangeEvent* QScreenOrientationChangeEvent_new(QScreenOrientationChangeEvent* param1) { return new QScreenOrientationChangeEvent(*param1); } QScreen* QScreenOrientationChangeEvent_Screen(QScreenOrientationChangeEvent* self) { return self->screen(); } void QScreenOrientationChangeEvent_Delete(QScreenOrientationChangeEvent* self) { delete self; } QApplicationStateChangeEvent* QApplicationStateChangeEvent_new(QApplicationStateChangeEvent* param1) { return new QApplicationStateChangeEvent(*param1); } void QApplicationStateChangeEvent_Delete(QApplicationStateChangeEvent* self) { delete self; }