#include <QByteArray> #include <QFile> #include <QFileDevice> #include <QIODevice> #include <QIODeviceBase> #include <QMetaObject> #include <QObject> #include <QString> #include <QByteArray> #include <cstring> #include <qfile.h> #include "gen_qfile.h" #include "_cgo_export.h" class MiqtVirtualQFile : public virtual QFile { public: MiqtVirtualQFile(): QFile() {}; MiqtVirtualQFile(const QString& name): QFile(name) {}; MiqtVirtualQFile(QObject* parent): QFile(parent) {}; MiqtVirtualQFile(const QString& name, QObject* parent): QFile(name, parent) {}; virtual ~MiqtVirtualQFile() = default; // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__FileName = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QString fileName() const override { if (handle__FileName == 0) { return QFile::fileName(); } struct miqt_string callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_FileName(const_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>(this), handle__FileName); QString callback_return_value_QString = QString::fromUtf8(callback_return_value.data, callback_return_value.len); return callback_return_value_QString; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method struct miqt_string virtualbase_FileName() const { QString _ret = QFile::fileName(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Open = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool open(QIODeviceBase::OpenMode flags) override { if (handle__Open == 0) { return QFile::open(flags); } QIODeviceBase::OpenMode flags_ret = flags; int sigval1 = static_cast<int>(flags_ret); bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_Open(this, handle__Open, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_Open(int flags) { return QFile::open(static_cast<QIODeviceBase::OpenMode>(flags)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Size = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual qint64 size() const override { if (handle__Size == 0) { return QFile::size(); } long long callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_Size(const_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>(this), handle__Size); return static_cast<qint64>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method long long virtualbase_Size() const { qint64 _ret = QFile::size(); return static_cast<long long>(_ret); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Resize = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool resize(qint64 sz) override { if (handle__Resize == 0) { return QFile::resize(sz); } qint64 sz_ret = sz; long long sigval1 = static_cast<long long>(sz_ret); bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_Resize(this, handle__Resize, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_Resize(long long sz) { return QFile::resize(static_cast<qint64>(sz)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Permissions = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QFileDevice::Permissions permissions() const override { if (handle__Permissions == 0) { return QFile::permissions(); } int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_Permissions(const_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>(this), handle__Permissions); return static_cast<QFileDevice::Permissions>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_Permissions() const { QFileDevice::Permissions _ret = QFile::permissions(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__SetPermissions = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool setPermissions(QFileDevice::Permissions permissionSpec) override { if (handle__SetPermissions == 0) { return QFile::setPermissions(permissionSpec); } QFileDevice::Permissions permissionSpec_ret = permissionSpec; int sigval1 = static_cast<int>(permissionSpec_ret); bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_SetPermissions(this, handle__SetPermissions, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_SetPermissions(int permissionSpec) { return QFile::setPermissions(static_cast<QFileDevice::Permissions>(permissionSpec)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Close = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void close() override { if (handle__Close == 0) { QFile::close(); return; } miqt_exec_callback_QFile_Close(this, handle__Close); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_Close() { QFile::close(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__IsSequential = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool isSequential() const override { if (handle__IsSequential == 0) { return QFile::isSequential(); } bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_IsSequential(const_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>(this), handle__IsSequential); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_IsSequential() const { return QFile::isSequential(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Pos = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual qint64 pos() const override { if (handle__Pos == 0) { return QFile::pos(); } long long callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_Pos(const_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>(this), handle__Pos); return static_cast<qint64>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method long long virtualbase_Pos() const { qint64 _ret = QFile::pos(); return static_cast<long long>(_ret); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Seek = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool seek(qint64 offset) override { if (handle__Seek == 0) { return QFile::seek(offset); } qint64 offset_ret = offset; long long sigval1 = static_cast<long long>(offset_ret); bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_Seek(this, handle__Seek, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_Seek(long long offset) { return QFile::seek(static_cast<qint64>(offset)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__AtEnd = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool atEnd() const override { if (handle__AtEnd == 0) { return QFile::atEnd(); } bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_AtEnd(const_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>(this), handle__AtEnd); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_AtEnd() const { return QFile::atEnd(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__ReadData = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual qint64 readData(char* data, qint64 maxlen) override { if (handle__ReadData == 0) { return QFile::readData(data, maxlen); } char* sigval1 = data; qint64 maxlen_ret = maxlen; long long sigval2 = static_cast<long long>(maxlen_ret); long long callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_ReadData(this, handle__ReadData, sigval1, sigval2); return static_cast<qint64>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method long long virtualbase_ReadData(char* data, long long maxlen) { qint64 _ret = QFile::readData(data, static_cast<qint64>(maxlen)); return static_cast<long long>(_ret); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__WriteData = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual qint64 writeData(const char* data, qint64 lenVal) override { if (handle__WriteData == 0) { return QFile::writeData(data, lenVal); } const char* sigval1 = (const char*) data; qint64 lenVal_ret = lenVal; long long sigval2 = static_cast<long long>(lenVal_ret); long long callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_WriteData(this, handle__WriteData, sigval1, sigval2); return static_cast<qint64>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method long long virtualbase_WriteData(const char* data, long long lenVal) { qint64 _ret = QFile::writeData(data, static_cast<qint64>(lenVal)); return static_cast<long long>(_ret); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__ReadLineData = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual qint64 readLineData(char* data, qint64 maxlen) override { if (handle__ReadLineData == 0) { return QFile::readLineData(data, maxlen); } char* sigval1 = data; qint64 maxlen_ret = maxlen; long long sigval2 = static_cast<long long>(maxlen_ret); long long callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QFile_ReadLineData(this, handle__ReadLineData, sigval1, sigval2); return static_cast<qint64>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method long long virtualbase_ReadLineData(char* data, long long maxlen) { qint64 _ret = QFile::readLineData(data, static_cast<qint64>(maxlen)); return static_cast<long long>(_ret); } }; void QFile_new(QFile** outptr_QFile, QFileDevice** outptr_QFileDevice, QIODevice** outptr_QIODevice, QObject** outptr_QObject, QIODeviceBase** outptr_QIODeviceBase) { MiqtVirtualQFile* ret = new MiqtVirtualQFile(); *outptr_QFile = ret; *outptr_QFileDevice = static_cast<QFileDevice*>(ret); *outptr_QIODevice = static_cast<QIODevice*>(ret); *outptr_QObject = static_cast<QObject*>(ret); *outptr_QIODeviceBase = static_cast<QIODeviceBase*>(ret); } void QFile_new2(struct miqt_string name, QFile** outptr_QFile, QFileDevice** outptr_QFileDevice, QIODevice** outptr_QIODevice, QObject** outptr_QObject, QIODeviceBase** outptr_QIODeviceBase) { QString name_QString = QString::fromUtf8(name.data, name.len); MiqtVirtualQFile* ret = new MiqtVirtualQFile(name_QString); *outptr_QFile = ret; *outptr_QFileDevice = static_cast<QFileDevice*>(ret); *outptr_QIODevice = static_cast<QIODevice*>(ret); *outptr_QObject = static_cast<QObject*>(ret); *outptr_QIODeviceBase = static_cast<QIODeviceBase*>(ret); } void QFile_new3(QObject* parent, QFile** outptr_QFile, QFileDevice** outptr_QFileDevice, QIODevice** outptr_QIODevice, QObject** outptr_QObject, QIODeviceBase** outptr_QIODeviceBase) { MiqtVirtualQFile* ret = new MiqtVirtualQFile(parent); *outptr_QFile = ret; *outptr_QFileDevice = static_cast<QFileDevice*>(ret); *outptr_QIODevice = static_cast<QIODevice*>(ret); *outptr_QObject = static_cast<QObject*>(ret); *outptr_QIODeviceBase = static_cast<QIODeviceBase*>(ret); } void QFile_new4(struct miqt_string name, QObject* parent, QFile** outptr_QFile, QFileDevice** outptr_QFileDevice, QIODevice** outptr_QIODevice, QObject** outptr_QObject, QIODeviceBase** outptr_QIODeviceBase) { QString name_QString = QString::fromUtf8(name.data, name.len); MiqtVirtualQFile* ret = new MiqtVirtualQFile(name_QString, parent); *outptr_QFile = ret; *outptr_QFileDevice = static_cast<QFileDevice*>(ret); *outptr_QIODevice = static_cast<QIODevice*>(ret); *outptr_QObject = static_cast<QObject*>(ret); *outptr_QIODeviceBase = static_cast<QIODeviceBase*>(ret); } QMetaObject* QFile_MetaObject(const QFile* self) { return (QMetaObject*) self->metaObject(); } void* QFile_Metacast(QFile* self, const char* param1) { return self->qt_metacast(param1); } struct miqt_string QFile_Tr(const char* s) { QString _ret = QFile::tr(s); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QFile_FileName(const QFile* self) { QString _ret = self->fileName(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QFile_SetFileName(QFile* self, struct miqt_string name) { QString name_QString = QString::fromUtf8(name.data, name.len); self->setFileName(name_QString); } struct miqt_string QFile_EncodeName(struct miqt_string fileName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); QByteArray _qb = QFile::encodeName(fileName_QString); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _qb.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _qb.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QFile_DecodeName(struct miqt_string localFileName) { QByteArray localFileName_QByteArray(localFileName.data, localFileName.len); QString _ret = QFile::decodeName(localFileName_QByteArray); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QFile_DecodeNameWithLocalFileName(const char* localFileName) { QString _ret = QFile::decodeName(localFileName); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } bool QFile_Exists(const QFile* self) { return self->exists(); } bool QFile_ExistsWithFileName(struct miqt_string fileName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return QFile::exists(fileName_QString); } struct miqt_string QFile_SymLinkTarget(const QFile* self) { QString _ret = self->symLinkTarget(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QFile_SymLinkTargetWithFileName(struct miqt_string fileName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); QString _ret = QFile::symLinkTarget(fileName_QString); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } bool QFile_Remove(QFile* self) { return self->remove(); } bool QFile_RemoveWithFileName(struct miqt_string fileName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return QFile::remove(fileName_QString); } bool QFile_MoveToTrash(QFile* self) { return self->moveToTrash(); } bool QFile_MoveToTrashWithFileName(struct miqt_string fileName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return QFile::moveToTrash(fileName_QString); } bool QFile_Rename(QFile* self, struct miqt_string newName) { QString newName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(newName.data, newName.len); return self->rename(newName_QString); } bool QFile_Rename2(struct miqt_string oldName, struct miqt_string newName) { QString oldName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(oldName.data, oldName.len); QString newName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(newName.data, newName.len); return QFile::rename(oldName_QString, newName_QString); } bool QFile_Link(QFile* self, struct miqt_string newName) { QString newName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(newName.data, newName.len); return self->link(newName_QString); } bool QFile_Link2(struct miqt_string fileName, struct miqt_string newName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); QString newName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(newName.data, newName.len); return QFile::link(fileName_QString, newName_QString); } bool QFile_Copy(QFile* self, struct miqt_string newName) { QString newName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(newName.data, newName.len); return self->copy(newName_QString); } bool QFile_Copy2(struct miqt_string fileName, struct miqt_string newName) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); QString newName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(newName.data, newName.len); return QFile::copy(fileName_QString, newName_QString); } bool QFile_Open(QFile* self, int flags) { return self->open(static_cast<QIODeviceBase::OpenMode>(flags)); } bool QFile_Open2(QFile* self, int flags, int permissions) { return self->open(static_cast<QIODeviceBase::OpenMode>(flags), static_cast<QFileDevice::Permissions>(permissions)); } bool QFile_Open4(QFile* self, int fd, int ioFlags) { return self->open(static_cast<int>(fd), static_cast<QIODeviceBase::OpenMode>(ioFlags)); } long long QFile_Size(const QFile* self) { qint64 _ret = self->size(); return static_cast<long long>(_ret); } bool QFile_Resize(QFile* self, long long sz) { return self->resize(static_cast<qint64>(sz)); } bool QFile_Resize2(struct miqt_string filename, long long sz) { QString filename_QString = QString::fromUtf8(filename.data, filename.len); return QFile::resize(filename_QString, static_cast<qint64>(sz)); } int QFile_Permissions(const QFile* self) { QFileDevice::Permissions _ret = self->permissions(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } int QFile_PermissionsWithFilename(struct miqt_string filename) { QString filename_QString = QString::fromUtf8(filename.data, filename.len); QFileDevice::Permissions _ret = QFile::permissions(filename_QString); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } bool QFile_SetPermissions(QFile* self, int permissionSpec) { return self->setPermissions(static_cast<QFileDevice::Permissions>(permissionSpec)); } bool QFile_SetPermissions2(struct miqt_string filename, int permissionSpec) { QString filename_QString = QString::fromUtf8(filename.data, filename.len); return QFile::setPermissions(filename_QString, static_cast<QFileDevice::Permissions>(permissionSpec)); } struct miqt_string QFile_Tr2(const char* s, const char* c) { QString _ret = QFile::tr(s, c); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QFile_Tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n) { QString _ret = QFile::tr(s, c, static_cast<int>(n)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } bool QFile_Open33(QFile* self, int fd, int ioFlags, int handleFlags) { return self->open(static_cast<int>(fd), static_cast<QIODeviceBase::OpenMode>(ioFlags), static_cast<QFileDevice::FileHandleFlags>(handleFlags)); } void QFile_override_virtual_FileName(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__FileName = slot; } struct miqt_string QFile_virtualbase_FileName(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_FileName(); } void QFile_override_virtual_Open(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__Open = slot; } bool QFile_virtualbase_Open(void* self, int flags) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_Open(flags); } void QFile_override_virtual_Size(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__Size = slot; } long long QFile_virtualbase_Size(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_Size(); } void QFile_override_virtual_Resize(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__Resize = slot; } bool QFile_virtualbase_Resize(void* self, long long sz) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_Resize(sz); } void QFile_override_virtual_Permissions(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__Permissions = slot; } int QFile_virtualbase_Permissions(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_Permissions(); } void QFile_override_virtual_SetPermissions(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__SetPermissions = slot; } bool QFile_virtualbase_SetPermissions(void* self, int permissionSpec) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_SetPermissions(permissionSpec); } void QFile_override_virtual_Close(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__Close = slot; } void QFile_virtualbase_Close(void* self) { ( (MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_Close(); } void QFile_override_virtual_IsSequential(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__IsSequential = slot; } bool QFile_virtualbase_IsSequential(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_IsSequential(); } void QFile_override_virtual_Pos(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__Pos = slot; } long long QFile_virtualbase_Pos(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_Pos(); } void QFile_override_virtual_Seek(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__Seek = slot; } bool QFile_virtualbase_Seek(void* self, long long offset) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_Seek(offset); } void QFile_override_virtual_AtEnd(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__AtEnd = slot; } bool QFile_virtualbase_AtEnd(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_AtEnd(); } void QFile_override_virtual_ReadData(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__ReadData = slot; } long long QFile_virtualbase_ReadData(void* self, char* data, long long maxlen) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_ReadData(data, maxlen); } void QFile_override_virtual_WriteData(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__WriteData = slot; } long long QFile_virtualbase_WriteData(void* self, const char* data, long long lenVal) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_WriteData(data, lenVal); } void QFile_override_virtual_ReadLineData(void* self, intptr_t slot) { dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( (QFile*)(self) )->handle__ReadLineData = slot; } long long QFile_virtualbase_ReadLineData(void* self, char* data, long long maxlen) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQFile*)(self) )->virtualbase_ReadLineData(data, maxlen); } void QFile_Delete(QFile* self, bool isSubclass) { if (isSubclass) { delete dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQFile*>( self ); } else { delete self; } }