#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gen_qcameraexposure.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_flashReady(intptr_t, bool); void miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_apertureChanged(intptr_t, double); void miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_apertureRangeChanged(intptr_t); void miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_shutterSpeedChanged(intptr_t, double); void miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_shutterSpeedRangeChanged(intptr_t); void miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_isoSensitivityChanged(intptr_t, int); void miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_exposureCompensationChanged(intptr_t, double); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif void QCameraExposure_virtbase(QCameraExposure* src, QObject** outptr_QObject) { *outptr_QObject = static_cast(src); } QMetaObject* QCameraExposure_metaObject(const QCameraExposure* self) { return (QMetaObject*) self->metaObject(); } void* QCameraExposure_metacast(QCameraExposure* self, const char* param1) { return self->qt_metacast(param1); } struct miqt_string QCameraExposure_tr(const char* s) { QString _ret = QCameraExposure::tr(s); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QCameraExposure_trUtf8(const char* s) { QString _ret = QCameraExposure::trUtf8(s); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } bool QCameraExposure_isAvailable(const QCameraExposure* self) { return self->isAvailable(); } int QCameraExposure_flashMode(const QCameraExposure* self) { QCameraExposure::FlashModes _ret = self->flashMode(); return static_cast(_ret); } bool QCameraExposure_isFlashModeSupported(const QCameraExposure* self, int mode) { return self->isFlashModeSupported(static_cast(mode)); } bool QCameraExposure_isFlashReady(const QCameraExposure* self) { return self->isFlashReady(); } int QCameraExposure_exposureMode(const QCameraExposure* self) { QCameraExposure::ExposureMode _ret = self->exposureMode(); return static_cast(_ret); } bool QCameraExposure_isExposureModeSupported(const QCameraExposure* self, int mode) { return self->isExposureModeSupported(static_cast(mode)); } double QCameraExposure_exposureCompensation(const QCameraExposure* self) { qreal _ret = self->exposureCompensation(); return static_cast(_ret); } int QCameraExposure_meteringMode(const QCameraExposure* self) { QCameraExposure::MeteringMode _ret = self->meteringMode(); return static_cast(_ret); } bool QCameraExposure_isMeteringModeSupported(const QCameraExposure* self, int mode) { return self->isMeteringModeSupported(static_cast(mode)); } QPointF* QCameraExposure_spotMeteringPoint(const QCameraExposure* self) { return new QPointF(self->spotMeteringPoint()); } void QCameraExposure_setSpotMeteringPoint(QCameraExposure* self, QPointF* point) { self->setSpotMeteringPoint(*point); } int QCameraExposure_isoSensitivity(const QCameraExposure* self) { return self->isoSensitivity(); } double QCameraExposure_aperture(const QCameraExposure* self) { qreal _ret = self->aperture(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QCameraExposure_shutterSpeed(const QCameraExposure* self) { qreal _ret = self->shutterSpeed(); return static_cast(_ret); } int QCameraExposure_requestedIsoSensitivity(const QCameraExposure* self) { return self->requestedIsoSensitivity(); } double QCameraExposure_requestedAperture(const QCameraExposure* self) { qreal _ret = self->requestedAperture(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QCameraExposure_requestedShutterSpeed(const QCameraExposure* self) { qreal _ret = self->requestedShutterSpeed(); return static_cast(_ret); } struct miqt_array /* of int */ QCameraExposure_supportedIsoSensitivities(const QCameraExposure* self) { QList _ret = self->supportedIsoSensitivities(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory int* _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(int) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } struct miqt_array /* of double */ QCameraExposure_supportedApertures(const QCameraExposure* self) { QList _ret = self->supportedApertures(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory double* _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(double) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } struct miqt_array /* of double */ QCameraExposure_supportedShutterSpeeds(const QCameraExposure* self) { QList _ret = self->supportedShutterSpeeds(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory double* _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(double) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } void QCameraExposure_setFlashMode(QCameraExposure* self, int mode) { self->setFlashMode(static_cast(mode)); } void QCameraExposure_setExposureMode(QCameraExposure* self, int mode) { self->setExposureMode(static_cast(mode)); } void QCameraExposure_setMeteringMode(QCameraExposure* self, int mode) { self->setMeteringMode(static_cast(mode)); } void QCameraExposure_setExposureCompensation(QCameraExposure* self, double ev) { self->setExposureCompensation(static_cast(ev)); } void QCameraExposure_setManualIsoSensitivity(QCameraExposure* self, int iso) { self->setManualIsoSensitivity(static_cast(iso)); } void QCameraExposure_setAutoIsoSensitivity(QCameraExposure* self) { self->setAutoIsoSensitivity(); } void QCameraExposure_setManualAperture(QCameraExposure* self, double aperture) { self->setManualAperture(static_cast(aperture)); } void QCameraExposure_setAutoAperture(QCameraExposure* self) { self->setAutoAperture(); } void QCameraExposure_setManualShutterSpeed(QCameraExposure* self, double seconds) { self->setManualShutterSpeed(static_cast(seconds)); } void QCameraExposure_setAutoShutterSpeed(QCameraExposure* self) { self->setAutoShutterSpeed(); } void QCameraExposure_flashReady(QCameraExposure* self, bool param1) { self->flashReady(param1); } void QCameraExposure_connect_flashReady(QCameraExposure* self, intptr_t slot) { QCameraExposure::connect(self, static_cast(&QCameraExposure::flashReady), self, [=](bool param1) { bool sigval1 = param1; miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_flashReady(slot, sigval1); }); } void QCameraExposure_apertureChanged(QCameraExposure* self, double param1) { self->apertureChanged(static_cast(param1)); } void QCameraExposure_connect_apertureChanged(QCameraExposure* self, intptr_t slot) { QCameraExposure::connect(self, static_cast(&QCameraExposure::apertureChanged), self, [=](qreal param1) { qreal param1_ret = param1; double sigval1 = static_cast(param1_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_apertureChanged(slot, sigval1); }); } void QCameraExposure_apertureRangeChanged(QCameraExposure* self) { self->apertureRangeChanged(); } void QCameraExposure_connect_apertureRangeChanged(QCameraExposure* self, intptr_t slot) { QCameraExposure::connect(self, static_cast(&QCameraExposure::apertureRangeChanged), self, [=]() { miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_apertureRangeChanged(slot); }); } void QCameraExposure_shutterSpeedChanged(QCameraExposure* self, double speed) { self->shutterSpeedChanged(static_cast(speed)); } void QCameraExposure_connect_shutterSpeedChanged(QCameraExposure* self, intptr_t slot) { QCameraExposure::connect(self, static_cast(&QCameraExposure::shutterSpeedChanged), self, [=](qreal speed) { qreal speed_ret = speed; double sigval1 = static_cast(speed_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_shutterSpeedChanged(slot, sigval1); }); } void QCameraExposure_shutterSpeedRangeChanged(QCameraExposure* self) { self->shutterSpeedRangeChanged(); } void QCameraExposure_connect_shutterSpeedRangeChanged(QCameraExposure* self, intptr_t slot) { QCameraExposure::connect(self, static_cast(&QCameraExposure::shutterSpeedRangeChanged), self, [=]() { miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_shutterSpeedRangeChanged(slot); }); } void QCameraExposure_isoSensitivityChanged(QCameraExposure* self, int param1) { self->isoSensitivityChanged(static_cast(param1)); } void QCameraExposure_connect_isoSensitivityChanged(QCameraExposure* self, intptr_t slot) { QCameraExposure::connect(self, static_cast(&QCameraExposure::isoSensitivityChanged), self, [=](int param1) { int sigval1 = param1; miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_isoSensitivityChanged(slot, sigval1); }); } void QCameraExposure_exposureCompensationChanged(QCameraExposure* self, double param1) { self->exposureCompensationChanged(static_cast(param1)); } void QCameraExposure_connect_exposureCompensationChanged(QCameraExposure* self, intptr_t slot) { QCameraExposure::connect(self, static_cast(&QCameraExposure::exposureCompensationChanged), self, [=](qreal param1) { qreal param1_ret = param1; double sigval1 = static_cast(param1_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QCameraExposure_exposureCompensationChanged(slot, sigval1); }); } struct miqt_string QCameraExposure_tr2(const char* s, const char* c) { QString _ret = QCameraExposure::tr(s, c); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QCameraExposure_tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n) { QString _ret = QCameraExposure::tr(s, c, static_cast(n)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QCameraExposure_trUtf82(const char* s, const char* c) { QString _ret = QCameraExposure::trUtf8(s, c); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QCameraExposure_trUtf83(const char* s, const char* c, int n) { QString _ret = QCameraExposure::trUtf8(s, c, static_cast(n)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_array /* of int */ QCameraExposure_supportedIsoSensitivities1(const QCameraExposure* self, bool* continuous) { QList _ret = self->supportedIsoSensitivities(continuous); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory int* _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(int) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } struct miqt_array /* of double */ QCameraExposure_supportedApertures1(const QCameraExposure* self, bool* continuous) { QList _ret = self->supportedApertures(continuous); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory double* _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(double) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } struct miqt_array /* of double */ QCameraExposure_supportedShutterSpeeds1(const QCameraExposure* self, bool* continuous) { QList _ret = self->supportedShutterSpeeds(continuous); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory double* _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(double) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; }