#include <QGlyphRun> #include <QList> #include <QPointF> #include <QRawFont> #include <QRectF> #include <qglyphrun.h> #include "gen_qglyphrun.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif QGlyphRun* QGlyphRun_new() { return new QGlyphRun(); } QGlyphRun* QGlyphRun_new2(QGlyphRun* other) { return new QGlyphRun(*other); } void QGlyphRun_OperatorAssign(QGlyphRun* self, QGlyphRun* other) { self->operator=(*other); } void QGlyphRun_Swap(QGlyphRun* self, QGlyphRun* other) { self->swap(*other); } QRawFont* QGlyphRun_RawFont(const QGlyphRun* self) { return new QRawFont(self->rawFont()); } void QGlyphRun_SetRawFont(QGlyphRun* self, QRawFont* rawFont) { self->setRawFont(*rawFont); } void QGlyphRun_SetRawData(QGlyphRun* self, const unsigned int* glyphIndexArray, QPointF* glyphPositionArray, int size) { self->setRawData(static_cast<const quint32*>(glyphIndexArray), glyphPositionArray, static_cast<int>(size)); } struct miqt_array /* of unsigned int */ QGlyphRun_GlyphIndexes(const QGlyphRun* self) { QVector<quint32> _ret = self->glyphIndexes(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory unsigned int* _arr = static_cast<unsigned int*>(malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr); return _out; } void QGlyphRun_SetGlyphIndexes(QGlyphRun* self, struct miqt_array /* of unsigned int */ glyphIndexes) { QVector<quint32> glyphIndexes_QList; glyphIndexes_QList.reserve(glyphIndexes.len); unsigned int* glyphIndexes_arr = static_cast<unsigned int*>(glyphIndexes.data); for(size_t i = 0; i < glyphIndexes.len; ++i) { glyphIndexes_QList.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(glyphIndexes_arr[i])); } self->setGlyphIndexes(glyphIndexes_QList); } struct miqt_array /* of QPointF* */ QGlyphRun_Positions(const QGlyphRun* self) { QVector<QPointF> _ret = self->positions(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory QPointF** _arr = static_cast<QPointF**>(malloc(sizeof(QPointF*) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = new QPointF(_ret[i]); } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr); return _out; } void QGlyphRun_SetPositions(QGlyphRun* self, struct miqt_array /* of QPointF* */ positions) { QVector<QPointF> positions_QList; positions_QList.reserve(positions.len); QPointF** positions_arr = static_cast<QPointF**>(positions.data); for(size_t i = 0; i < positions.len; ++i) { positions_QList.push_back(*(positions_arr[i])); } self->setPositions(positions_QList); } void QGlyphRun_Clear(QGlyphRun* self) { self->clear(); } bool QGlyphRun_OperatorEqual(const QGlyphRun* self, QGlyphRun* other) { return (*self == *other); } bool QGlyphRun_OperatorNotEqual(const QGlyphRun* self, QGlyphRun* other) { return (*self != *other); } void QGlyphRun_SetOverline(QGlyphRun* self, bool overline) { self->setOverline(overline); } bool QGlyphRun_Overline(const QGlyphRun* self) { return self->overline(); } void QGlyphRun_SetUnderline(QGlyphRun* self, bool underline) { self->setUnderline(underline); } bool QGlyphRun_Underline(const QGlyphRun* self) { return self->underline(); } void QGlyphRun_SetStrikeOut(QGlyphRun* self, bool strikeOut) { self->setStrikeOut(strikeOut); } bool QGlyphRun_StrikeOut(const QGlyphRun* self) { return self->strikeOut(); } void QGlyphRun_SetRightToLeft(QGlyphRun* self, bool on) { self->setRightToLeft(on); } bool QGlyphRun_IsRightToLeft(const QGlyphRun* self) { return self->isRightToLeft(); } void QGlyphRun_SetFlag(QGlyphRun* self, int flag) { self->setFlag(static_cast<QGlyphRun::GlyphRunFlag>(flag)); } void QGlyphRun_SetFlags(QGlyphRun* self, int flags) { self->setFlags(static_cast<QGlyphRun::GlyphRunFlags>(flags)); } int QGlyphRun_Flags(const QGlyphRun* self) { QGlyphRun::GlyphRunFlags _ret = self->flags(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QGlyphRun_SetBoundingRect(QGlyphRun* self, QRectF* boundingRect) { self->setBoundingRect(*boundingRect); } QRectF* QGlyphRun_BoundingRect(const QGlyphRun* self) { return new QRectF(self->boundingRect()); } bool QGlyphRun_IsEmpty(const QGlyphRun* self) { return self->isEmpty(); } void QGlyphRun_SetFlag2(QGlyphRun* self, int flag, bool enabled) { self->setFlag(static_cast<QGlyphRun::GlyphRunFlag>(flag), enabled); } void QGlyphRun_Delete(QGlyphRun* self, bool isSubclass) { if (isSubclass) { delete dynamic_cast<QGlyphRun*>( self ); } else { delete self; } }