package qt /* #cgo CFLAGS: -fPIC #cgo pkg-config: Qt5Widgets #include "gen_qpagedpaintdevice.h" #include <stdlib.h> */ import "C" import ( "runtime" "unsafe" ) type QPagedPaintDevice struct { h *C.QPagedPaintDevice *QPaintDevice } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) cPointer() *C.QPagedPaintDevice { if this == nil { return nil } return this.h } func newQPagedPaintDevice(h *C.QPagedPaintDevice) *QPagedPaintDevice { return &QPagedPaintDevice{h: h, QPaintDevice: newQPaintDevice_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))} } func newQPagedPaintDevice_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPagedPaintDevice { return newQPagedPaintDevice((*C.QPagedPaintDevice)(h)) } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) NewPage() bool { ret := C.QPagedPaintDevice_NewPage(this.h) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) SetPageLayout(pageLayout *QPageLayout) bool { ret := C.QPagedPaintDevice_SetPageLayout(this.h, pageLayout.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) SetPageSize(pageSize *QPageSize) bool { ret := C.QPagedPaintDevice_SetPageSize(this.h, pageSize.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) SetPageMargins(margins *QMarginsF) bool { ret := C.QPagedPaintDevice_SetPageMargins(this.h, margins.cPointer()) return (bool)(ret) } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) PageLayout() *QPageLayout { ret := C.QPagedPaintDevice_PageLayout(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQPageLayout(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QPageLayout) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) SetPageSizeMM(size *QSizeF) { C.QPagedPaintDevice_SetPageSizeMM(this.h, size.cPointer()) } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) PageSizeMM() *QSizeF { ret := C.QPagedPaintDevice_PageSizeMM(this.h) // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer ret1 := newQSizeF(ret) runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QSizeF) { ret2.Delete() runtime.KeepAlive(ret2.h) }) return ret1 } func (this *QPagedPaintDevice) Delete() { C.QPagedPaintDevice_Delete(this.h) }