#include <QAction> #include <QBackingStore> #include <QBitmap> #include <QByteArray> #include <QCursor> #include <QFont> #include <QFontInfo> #include <QFontMetrics> #include <QGraphicsEffect> #include <QGraphicsProxyWidget> #include <QIcon> #include <QKeySequence> #include <QLayout> #include <QList> #include <QLocale> #include <QMargins> #include <QMetaObject> #include <QPaintDevice> #include <QPaintEngine> #include <QPainter> #include <QPalette> #include <QPixmap> #include <QPoint> #include <QRect> #include <QRegion> #include <QScreen> #include <QSize> #include <QSizePolicy> #include <QString> #include <QByteArray> #include <cstring> #include <QStyle> #include <QVariant> #include <QWidget> #include <QWidgetData> #include <QWindow> #include <qwidget.h> #include "gen_qwidget.h" #include "_cgo_export.h" QWidgetData* QWidgetData_new(QWidgetData* param1) { return new QWidgetData(*param1); } void QWidgetData_OperatorAssign(QWidgetData* self, QWidgetData* param1) { self->operator=(*param1); } void QWidgetData_Delete(QWidgetData* self) { delete self; } QWidget* QWidget_new(QWidget* parent) { return new QWidget(parent); } QWidget* QWidget_new2() { return new QWidget(); } QWidget* QWidget_new3(QWidget* parent, int f) { return new QWidget(parent, static_cast<Qt::WindowFlags>(f)); } QMetaObject* QWidget_MetaObject(const QWidget* self) { return (QMetaObject*) self->metaObject(); } void* QWidget_Metacast(QWidget* self, const char* param1) { return self->qt_metacast(param1); } struct miqt_string QWidget_Tr(const char* s) { QString _ret = QWidget::tr(s); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QWidget_TrUtf8(const char* s) { QString _ret = QWidget::trUtf8(s); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } int QWidget_DevType(const QWidget* self) { return self->devType(); } uintptr_t QWidget_WinId(const QWidget* self) { WId _ret = self->winId(); return static_cast<uintptr_t>(_ret); } void QWidget_CreateWinId(QWidget* self) { self->createWinId(); } uintptr_t QWidget_InternalWinId(const QWidget* self) { WId _ret = self->internalWinId(); return static_cast<uintptr_t>(_ret); } uintptr_t QWidget_EffectiveWinId(const QWidget* self) { WId _ret = self->effectiveWinId(); return static_cast<uintptr_t>(_ret); } QStyle* QWidget_Style(const QWidget* self) { return self->style(); } void QWidget_SetStyle(QWidget* self, QStyle* style) { self->setStyle(style); } bool QWidget_IsTopLevel(const QWidget* self) { return self->isTopLevel(); } bool QWidget_IsWindow(const QWidget* self) { return self->isWindow(); } bool QWidget_IsModal(const QWidget* self) { return self->isModal(); } int QWidget_WindowModality(const QWidget* self) { Qt::WindowModality _ret = self->windowModality(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QWidget_SetWindowModality(QWidget* self, int windowModality) { self->setWindowModality(static_cast<Qt::WindowModality>(windowModality)); } bool QWidget_IsEnabled(const QWidget* self) { return self->isEnabled(); } bool QWidget_IsEnabledTo(const QWidget* self, QWidget* param1) { return self->isEnabledTo(param1); } bool QWidget_IsEnabledToTLW(const QWidget* self) { return self->isEnabledToTLW(); } void QWidget_SetEnabled(QWidget* self, bool enabled) { self->setEnabled(enabled); } void QWidget_SetDisabled(QWidget* self, bool disabled) { self->setDisabled(disabled); } void QWidget_SetWindowModified(QWidget* self, bool windowModified) { self->setWindowModified(windowModified); } QRect* QWidget_FrameGeometry(const QWidget* self) { return new QRect(self->frameGeometry()); } QRect* QWidget_Geometry(const QWidget* self) { const QRect& _ret = self->geometry(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QRect*>(&_ret); } QRect* QWidget_NormalGeometry(const QWidget* self) { return new QRect(self->normalGeometry()); } int QWidget_X(const QWidget* self) { return self->x(); } int QWidget_Y(const QWidget* self) { return self->y(); } QPoint* QWidget_Pos(const QWidget* self) { return new QPoint(self->pos()); } QSize* QWidget_FrameSize(const QWidget* self) { return new QSize(self->frameSize()); } QSize* QWidget_Size(const QWidget* self) { return new QSize(self->size()); } int QWidget_Width(const QWidget* self) { return self->width(); } int QWidget_Height(const QWidget* self) { return self->height(); } QRect* QWidget_Rect(const QWidget* self) { return new QRect(self->rect()); } QRect* QWidget_ChildrenRect(const QWidget* self) { return new QRect(self->childrenRect()); } QRegion* QWidget_ChildrenRegion(const QWidget* self) { return new QRegion(self->childrenRegion()); } QSize* QWidget_MinimumSize(const QWidget* self) { return new QSize(self->minimumSize()); } QSize* QWidget_MaximumSize(const QWidget* self) { return new QSize(self->maximumSize()); } int QWidget_MinimumWidth(const QWidget* self) { return self->minimumWidth(); } int QWidget_MinimumHeight(const QWidget* self) { return self->minimumHeight(); } int QWidget_MaximumWidth(const QWidget* self) { return self->maximumWidth(); } int QWidget_MaximumHeight(const QWidget* self) { return self->maximumHeight(); } void QWidget_SetMinimumSize(QWidget* self, QSize* minimumSize) { self->setMinimumSize(*minimumSize); } void QWidget_SetMinimumSize2(QWidget* self, int minw, int minh) { self->setMinimumSize(static_cast<int>(minw), static_cast<int>(minh)); } void QWidget_SetMaximumSize(QWidget* self, QSize* maximumSize) { self->setMaximumSize(*maximumSize); } void QWidget_SetMaximumSize2(QWidget* self, int maxw, int maxh) { self->setMaximumSize(static_cast<int>(maxw), static_cast<int>(maxh)); } void QWidget_SetMinimumWidth(QWidget* self, int minw) { self->setMinimumWidth(static_cast<int>(minw)); } void QWidget_SetMinimumHeight(QWidget* self, int minh) { self->setMinimumHeight(static_cast<int>(minh)); } void QWidget_SetMaximumWidth(QWidget* self, int maxw) { self->setMaximumWidth(static_cast<int>(maxw)); } void QWidget_SetMaximumHeight(QWidget* self, int maxh) { self->setMaximumHeight(static_cast<int>(maxh)); } QSize* QWidget_SizeIncrement(const QWidget* self) { return new QSize(self->sizeIncrement()); } void QWidget_SetSizeIncrement(QWidget* self, QSize* sizeIncrement) { self->setSizeIncrement(*sizeIncrement); } void QWidget_SetSizeIncrement2(QWidget* self, int w, int h) { self->setSizeIncrement(static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h)); } QSize* QWidget_BaseSize(const QWidget* self) { return new QSize(self->baseSize()); } void QWidget_SetBaseSize(QWidget* self, QSize* baseSize) { self->setBaseSize(*baseSize); } void QWidget_SetBaseSize2(QWidget* self, int basew, int baseh) { self->setBaseSize(static_cast<int>(basew), static_cast<int>(baseh)); } void QWidget_SetFixedSize(QWidget* self, QSize* fixedSize) { self->setFixedSize(*fixedSize); } void QWidget_SetFixedSize2(QWidget* self, int w, int h) { self->setFixedSize(static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h)); } void QWidget_SetFixedWidth(QWidget* self, int w) { self->setFixedWidth(static_cast<int>(w)); } void QWidget_SetFixedHeight(QWidget* self, int h) { self->setFixedHeight(static_cast<int>(h)); } QPoint* QWidget_MapToGlobal(const QWidget* self, QPoint* param1) { return new QPoint(self->mapToGlobal(*param1)); } QPoint* QWidget_MapFromGlobal(const QWidget* self, QPoint* param1) { return new QPoint(self->mapFromGlobal(*param1)); } QPoint* QWidget_MapToParent(const QWidget* self, QPoint* param1) { return new QPoint(self->mapToParent(*param1)); } QPoint* QWidget_MapFromParent(const QWidget* self, QPoint* param1) { return new QPoint(self->mapFromParent(*param1)); } QPoint* QWidget_MapTo(const QWidget* self, QWidget* param1, QPoint* param2) { return new QPoint(self->mapTo(param1, *param2)); } QPoint* QWidget_MapFrom(const QWidget* self, QWidget* param1, QPoint* param2) { return new QPoint(self->mapFrom(param1, *param2)); } QWidget* QWidget_Window(const QWidget* self) { return self->window(); } QWidget* QWidget_NativeParentWidget(const QWidget* self) { return self->nativeParentWidget(); } QWidget* QWidget_TopLevelWidget(const QWidget* self) { return self->topLevelWidget(); } QPalette* QWidget_Palette(const QWidget* self) { const QPalette& _ret = self->palette(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QPalette*>(&_ret); } void QWidget_SetPalette(QWidget* self, QPalette* palette) { self->setPalette(*palette); } void QWidget_SetBackgroundRole(QWidget* self, int backgroundRole) { self->setBackgroundRole(static_cast<QPalette::ColorRole>(backgroundRole)); } int QWidget_BackgroundRole(const QWidget* self) { QPalette::ColorRole _ret = self->backgroundRole(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QWidget_SetForegroundRole(QWidget* self, int foregroundRole) { self->setForegroundRole(static_cast<QPalette::ColorRole>(foregroundRole)); } int QWidget_ForegroundRole(const QWidget* self) { QPalette::ColorRole _ret = self->foregroundRole(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } QFont* QWidget_Font(const QWidget* self) { const QFont& _ret = self->font(); // Cast returned reference into pointer return const_cast<QFont*>(&_ret); } void QWidget_SetFont(QWidget* self, QFont* font) { self->setFont(*font); } QFontMetrics* QWidget_FontMetrics(const QWidget* self) { return new QFontMetrics(self->fontMetrics()); } QFontInfo* QWidget_FontInfo(const QWidget* self) { return new QFontInfo(self->fontInfo()); } QCursor* QWidget_Cursor(const QWidget* self) { return new QCursor(self->cursor()); } void QWidget_SetCursor(QWidget* self, QCursor* cursor) { self->setCursor(*cursor); } void QWidget_UnsetCursor(QWidget* self) { self->unsetCursor(); } void QWidget_SetMouseTracking(QWidget* self, bool enable) { self->setMouseTracking(enable); } bool QWidget_HasMouseTracking(const QWidget* self) { return self->hasMouseTracking(); } bool QWidget_UnderMouse(const QWidget* self) { return self->underMouse(); } void QWidget_SetTabletTracking(QWidget* self, bool enable) { self->setTabletTracking(enable); } bool QWidget_HasTabletTracking(const QWidget* self) { return self->hasTabletTracking(); } void QWidget_SetMask(QWidget* self, QBitmap* mask) { self->setMask(*mask); } void QWidget_SetMaskWithMask(QWidget* self, QRegion* mask) { self->setMask(*mask); } QRegion* QWidget_Mask(const QWidget* self) { return new QRegion(self->mask()); } void QWidget_ClearMask(QWidget* self) { self->clearMask(); } void QWidget_Render(QWidget* self, QPaintDevice* target) { self->render(target); } void QWidget_RenderWithPainter(QWidget* self, QPainter* painter) { self->render(painter); } QPixmap* QWidget_Grab(QWidget* self) { return new QPixmap(self->grab()); } QGraphicsEffect* QWidget_GraphicsEffect(const QWidget* self) { return self->graphicsEffect(); } void QWidget_SetGraphicsEffect(QWidget* self, QGraphicsEffect* effect) { self->setGraphicsEffect(effect); } void QWidget_GrabGesture(QWidget* self, int typeVal) { self->grabGesture(static_cast<Qt::GestureType>(typeVal)); } void QWidget_UngrabGesture(QWidget* self, int typeVal) { self->ungrabGesture(static_cast<Qt::GestureType>(typeVal)); } void QWidget_SetWindowTitle(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string windowTitle) { QString windowTitle_QString = QString::fromUtf8(windowTitle.data, windowTitle.len); self->setWindowTitle(windowTitle_QString); } void QWidget_SetStyleSheet(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string styleSheet) { QString styleSheet_QString = QString::fromUtf8(styleSheet.data, styleSheet.len); self->setStyleSheet(styleSheet_QString); } struct miqt_string QWidget_StyleSheet(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->styleSheet(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QWidget_WindowTitle(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->windowTitle(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_SetWindowIcon(QWidget* self, QIcon* icon) { self->setWindowIcon(*icon); } QIcon* QWidget_WindowIcon(const QWidget* self) { return new QIcon(self->windowIcon()); } void QWidget_SetWindowIconText(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string windowIconText) { QString windowIconText_QString = QString::fromUtf8(windowIconText.data, windowIconText.len); self->setWindowIconText(windowIconText_QString); } struct miqt_string QWidget_WindowIconText(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->windowIconText(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_SetWindowRole(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string windowRole) { QString windowRole_QString = QString::fromUtf8(windowRole.data, windowRole.len); self->setWindowRole(windowRole_QString); } struct miqt_string QWidget_WindowRole(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->windowRole(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_SetWindowFilePath(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string filePath) { QString filePath_QString = QString::fromUtf8(filePath.data, filePath.len); self->setWindowFilePath(filePath_QString); } struct miqt_string QWidget_WindowFilePath(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->windowFilePath(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_SetWindowOpacity(QWidget* self, double level) { self->setWindowOpacity(static_cast<qreal>(level)); } double QWidget_WindowOpacity(const QWidget* self) { qreal _ret = self->windowOpacity(); return static_cast<double>(_ret); } bool QWidget_IsWindowModified(const QWidget* self) { return self->isWindowModified(); } void QWidget_SetToolTip(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string toolTip) { QString toolTip_QString = QString::fromUtf8(toolTip.data, toolTip.len); self->setToolTip(toolTip_QString); } struct miqt_string QWidget_ToolTip(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->toolTip(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_SetToolTipDuration(QWidget* self, int msec) { self->setToolTipDuration(static_cast<int>(msec)); } int QWidget_ToolTipDuration(const QWidget* self) { return self->toolTipDuration(); } void QWidget_SetStatusTip(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string statusTip) { QString statusTip_QString = QString::fromUtf8(statusTip.data, statusTip.len); self->setStatusTip(statusTip_QString); } struct miqt_string QWidget_StatusTip(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->statusTip(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_SetWhatsThis(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string whatsThis) { QString whatsThis_QString = QString::fromUtf8(whatsThis.data, whatsThis.len); self->setWhatsThis(whatsThis_QString); } struct miqt_string QWidget_WhatsThis(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->whatsThis(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QWidget_AccessibleName(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->accessibleName(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_SetAccessibleName(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string name) { QString name_QString = QString::fromUtf8(name.data, name.len); self->setAccessibleName(name_QString); } struct miqt_string QWidget_AccessibleDescription(const QWidget* self) { QString _ret = self->accessibleDescription(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_SetAccessibleDescription(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string description) { QString description_QString = QString::fromUtf8(description.data, description.len); self->setAccessibleDescription(description_QString); } void QWidget_SetLayoutDirection(QWidget* self, int direction) { self->setLayoutDirection(static_cast<Qt::LayoutDirection>(direction)); } int QWidget_LayoutDirection(const QWidget* self) { Qt::LayoutDirection _ret = self->layoutDirection(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QWidget_UnsetLayoutDirection(QWidget* self) { self->unsetLayoutDirection(); } void QWidget_SetLocale(QWidget* self, QLocale* locale) { self->setLocale(*locale); } QLocale* QWidget_Locale(const QWidget* self) { return new QLocale(self->locale()); } void QWidget_UnsetLocale(QWidget* self) { self->unsetLocale(); } bool QWidget_IsRightToLeft(const QWidget* self) { return self->isRightToLeft(); } bool QWidget_IsLeftToRight(const QWidget* self) { return self->isLeftToRight(); } void QWidget_SetFocus(QWidget* self) { self->setFocus(); } bool QWidget_IsActiveWindow(const QWidget* self) { return self->isActiveWindow(); } void QWidget_ActivateWindow(QWidget* self) { self->activateWindow(); } void QWidget_ClearFocus(QWidget* self) { self->clearFocus(); } void QWidget_SetFocusWithReason(QWidget* self, int reason) { self->setFocus(static_cast<Qt::FocusReason>(reason)); } int QWidget_FocusPolicy(const QWidget* self) { Qt::FocusPolicy _ret = self->focusPolicy(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QWidget_SetFocusPolicy(QWidget* self, int policy) { self->setFocusPolicy(static_cast<Qt::FocusPolicy>(policy)); } bool QWidget_HasFocus(const QWidget* self) { return self->hasFocus(); } void QWidget_SetTabOrder(QWidget* param1, QWidget* param2) { QWidget::setTabOrder(param1, param2); } void QWidget_SetFocusProxy(QWidget* self, QWidget* focusProxy) { self->setFocusProxy(focusProxy); } QWidget* QWidget_FocusProxy(const QWidget* self) { return self->focusProxy(); } int QWidget_ContextMenuPolicy(const QWidget* self) { Qt::ContextMenuPolicy _ret = self->contextMenuPolicy(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QWidget_SetContextMenuPolicy(QWidget* self, int policy) { self->setContextMenuPolicy(static_cast<Qt::ContextMenuPolicy>(policy)); } void QWidget_GrabMouse(QWidget* self) { self->grabMouse(); } void QWidget_GrabMouseWithQCursor(QWidget* self, QCursor* param1) { self->grabMouse(*param1); } void QWidget_ReleaseMouse(QWidget* self) { self->releaseMouse(); } void QWidget_GrabKeyboard(QWidget* self) { self->grabKeyboard(); } void QWidget_ReleaseKeyboard(QWidget* self) { self->releaseKeyboard(); } int QWidget_GrabShortcut(QWidget* self, QKeySequence* key) { return self->grabShortcut(*key); } void QWidget_ReleaseShortcut(QWidget* self, int id) { self->releaseShortcut(static_cast<int>(id)); } void QWidget_SetShortcutEnabled(QWidget* self, int id) { self->setShortcutEnabled(static_cast<int>(id)); } void QWidget_SetShortcutAutoRepeat(QWidget* self, int id) { self->setShortcutAutoRepeat(static_cast<int>(id)); } QWidget* QWidget_MouseGrabber() { return QWidget::mouseGrabber(); } QWidget* QWidget_KeyboardGrabber() { return QWidget::keyboardGrabber(); } bool QWidget_UpdatesEnabled(const QWidget* self) { return self->updatesEnabled(); } void QWidget_SetUpdatesEnabled(QWidget* self, bool enable) { self->setUpdatesEnabled(enable); } QGraphicsProxyWidget* QWidget_GraphicsProxyWidget(const QWidget* self) { return self->graphicsProxyWidget(); } void QWidget_Update(QWidget* self) { self->update(); } void QWidget_Repaint(QWidget* self) { self->repaint(); } void QWidget_Update2(QWidget* self, int x, int y, int w, int h) { self->update(static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h)); } void QWidget_UpdateWithQRect(QWidget* self, QRect* param1) { self->update(*param1); } void QWidget_UpdateWithQRegion(QWidget* self, QRegion* param1) { self->update(*param1); } void QWidget_Repaint2(QWidget* self, int x, int y, int w, int h) { self->repaint(static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h)); } void QWidget_RepaintWithQRect(QWidget* self, QRect* param1) { self->repaint(*param1); } void QWidget_RepaintWithQRegion(QWidget* self, QRegion* param1) { self->repaint(*param1); } void QWidget_SetVisible(QWidget* self, bool visible) { self->setVisible(visible); } void QWidget_SetHidden(QWidget* self, bool hidden) { self->setHidden(hidden); } void QWidget_Show(QWidget* self) { self->show(); } void QWidget_Hide(QWidget* self) { self->hide(); } void QWidget_ShowMinimized(QWidget* self) { self->showMinimized(); } void QWidget_ShowMaximized(QWidget* self) { self->showMaximized(); } void QWidget_ShowFullScreen(QWidget* self) { self->showFullScreen(); } void QWidget_ShowNormal(QWidget* self) { self->showNormal(); } bool QWidget_Close(QWidget* self) { return self->close(); } void QWidget_Raise(QWidget* self) { self->raise(); } void QWidget_Lower(QWidget* self) { self->lower(); } void QWidget_StackUnder(QWidget* self, QWidget* param1) { self->stackUnder(param1); } void QWidget_Move(QWidget* self, int x, int y) { self->move(static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y)); } void QWidget_MoveWithQPoint(QWidget* self, QPoint* param1) { self->move(*param1); } void QWidget_Resize(QWidget* self, int w, int h) { self->resize(static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h)); } void QWidget_ResizeWithQSize(QWidget* self, QSize* param1) { self->resize(*param1); } void QWidget_SetGeometry(QWidget* self, int x, int y, int w, int h) { self->setGeometry(static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y), static_cast<int>(w), static_cast<int>(h)); } void QWidget_SetGeometryWithGeometry(QWidget* self, QRect* geometry) { self->setGeometry(*geometry); } struct miqt_string QWidget_SaveGeometry(const QWidget* self) { QByteArray _qb = self->saveGeometry(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _qb.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _qb.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } bool QWidget_RestoreGeometry(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string geometry) { QByteArray geometry_QByteArray(geometry.data, geometry.len); return self->restoreGeometry(geometry_QByteArray); } void QWidget_AdjustSize(QWidget* self) { self->adjustSize(); } bool QWidget_IsVisible(const QWidget* self) { return self->isVisible(); } bool QWidget_IsVisibleTo(const QWidget* self, QWidget* param1) { return self->isVisibleTo(param1); } bool QWidget_IsHidden(const QWidget* self) { return self->isHidden(); } bool QWidget_IsMinimized(const QWidget* self) { return self->isMinimized(); } bool QWidget_IsMaximized(const QWidget* self) { return self->isMaximized(); } bool QWidget_IsFullScreen(const QWidget* self) { return self->isFullScreen(); } int QWidget_WindowState(const QWidget* self) { Qt::WindowStates _ret = self->windowState(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QWidget_SetWindowState(QWidget* self, int state) { self->setWindowState(static_cast<Qt::WindowStates>(state)); } void QWidget_OverrideWindowState(QWidget* self, int state) { self->overrideWindowState(static_cast<Qt::WindowStates>(state)); } QSize* QWidget_SizeHint(const QWidget* self) { return new QSize(self->sizeHint()); } QSize* QWidget_MinimumSizeHint(const QWidget* self) { return new QSize(self->minimumSizeHint()); } QSizePolicy* QWidget_SizePolicy(const QWidget* self) { return new QSizePolicy(self->sizePolicy()); } void QWidget_SetSizePolicy(QWidget* self, QSizePolicy* sizePolicy) { self->setSizePolicy(*sizePolicy); } void QWidget_SetSizePolicy2(QWidget* self, int horizontal, int vertical) { self->setSizePolicy(static_cast<QSizePolicy::Policy>(horizontal), static_cast<QSizePolicy::Policy>(vertical)); } int QWidget_HeightForWidth(const QWidget* self, int param1) { return self->heightForWidth(static_cast<int>(param1)); } bool QWidget_HasHeightForWidth(const QWidget* self) { return self->hasHeightForWidth(); } QRegion* QWidget_VisibleRegion(const QWidget* self) { return new QRegion(self->visibleRegion()); } void QWidget_SetContentsMargins(QWidget* self, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { self->setContentsMargins(static_cast<int>(left), static_cast<int>(top), static_cast<int>(right), static_cast<int>(bottom)); } void QWidget_SetContentsMarginsWithMargins(QWidget* self, QMargins* margins) { self->setContentsMargins(*margins); } void QWidget_GetContentsMargins(const QWidget* self, int* left, int* top, int* right, int* bottom) { self->getContentsMargins(static_cast<int*>(left), static_cast<int*>(top), static_cast<int*>(right), static_cast<int*>(bottom)); } QMargins* QWidget_ContentsMargins(const QWidget* self) { return new QMargins(self->contentsMargins()); } QRect* QWidget_ContentsRect(const QWidget* self) { return new QRect(self->contentsRect()); } QLayout* QWidget_Layout(const QWidget* self) { return self->layout(); } void QWidget_SetLayout(QWidget* self, QLayout* layout) { self->setLayout(layout); } void QWidget_UpdateGeometry(QWidget* self) { self->updateGeometry(); } void QWidget_SetParent(QWidget* self, QWidget* parent) { self->setParent(parent); } void QWidget_SetParent2(QWidget* self, QWidget* parent, int f) { self->setParent(parent, static_cast<Qt::WindowFlags>(f)); } void QWidget_Scroll(QWidget* self, int dx, int dy) { self->scroll(static_cast<int>(dx), static_cast<int>(dy)); } void QWidget_Scroll2(QWidget* self, int dx, int dy, QRect* param3) { self->scroll(static_cast<int>(dx), static_cast<int>(dy), *param3); } QWidget* QWidget_FocusWidget(const QWidget* self) { return self->focusWidget(); } QWidget* QWidget_NextInFocusChain(const QWidget* self) { return self->nextInFocusChain(); } QWidget* QWidget_PreviousInFocusChain(const QWidget* self) { return self->previousInFocusChain(); } bool QWidget_AcceptDrops(const QWidget* self) { return self->acceptDrops(); } void QWidget_SetAcceptDrops(QWidget* self, bool on) { self->setAcceptDrops(on); } void QWidget_AddAction(QWidget* self, QAction* action) { self->addAction(action); } void QWidget_AddActions(QWidget* self, struct miqt_array* /* of QAction* */ actions) { QList<QAction *> actions_QList; actions_QList.reserve(actions->len); QAction** actions_arr = static_cast<QAction**>(actions->data); for(size_t i = 0; i < actions->len; ++i) { actions_QList.push_back(actions_arr[i]); } self->addActions(actions_QList); } void QWidget_InsertActions(QWidget* self, QAction* before, struct miqt_array* /* of QAction* */ actions) { QList<QAction *> actions_QList; actions_QList.reserve(actions->len); QAction** actions_arr = static_cast<QAction**>(actions->data); for(size_t i = 0; i < actions->len; ++i) { actions_QList.push_back(actions_arr[i]); } self->insertActions(before, actions_QList); } void QWidget_InsertAction(QWidget* self, QAction* before, QAction* action) { self->insertAction(before, action); } void QWidget_RemoveAction(QWidget* self, QAction* action) { self->removeAction(action); } struct miqt_array* QWidget_Actions(const QWidget* self) { QList<QAction *> _ret = self->actions(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory QAction** _arr = static_cast<QAction**>(malloc(sizeof(QAction*) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array* _out = static_cast<struct miqt_array*>(malloc(sizeof(struct miqt_array))); _out->len = _ret.length(); _out->data = static_cast<void*>(_arr); return _out; } QWidget* QWidget_ParentWidget(const QWidget* self) { return self->parentWidget(); } void QWidget_SetWindowFlags(QWidget* self, int typeVal) { self->setWindowFlags(static_cast<Qt::WindowFlags>(typeVal)); } int QWidget_WindowFlags(const QWidget* self) { Qt::WindowFlags _ret = self->windowFlags(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QWidget_SetWindowFlag(QWidget* self, int param1) { self->setWindowFlag(static_cast<Qt::WindowType>(param1)); } void QWidget_OverrideWindowFlags(QWidget* self, int typeVal) { self->overrideWindowFlags(static_cast<Qt::WindowFlags>(typeVal)); } int QWidget_WindowType(const QWidget* self) { Qt::WindowType _ret = self->windowType(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } QWidget* QWidget_Find(uintptr_t param1) { return QWidget::find(static_cast<WId>(param1)); } QWidget* QWidget_ChildAt(const QWidget* self, int x, int y) { return self->childAt(static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y)); } QWidget* QWidget_ChildAtWithQPoint(const QWidget* self, QPoint* p) { return self->childAt(*p); } void QWidget_SetAttribute(QWidget* self, int param1) { self->setAttribute(static_cast<Qt::WidgetAttribute>(param1)); } bool QWidget_TestAttribute(const QWidget* self, int param1) { return self->testAttribute(static_cast<Qt::WidgetAttribute>(param1)); } QPaintEngine* QWidget_PaintEngine(const QWidget* self) { return self->paintEngine(); } void QWidget_EnsurePolished(const QWidget* self) { self->ensurePolished(); } bool QWidget_IsAncestorOf(const QWidget* self, QWidget* child) { return self->isAncestorOf(child); } bool QWidget_AutoFillBackground(const QWidget* self) { return self->autoFillBackground(); } void QWidget_SetAutoFillBackground(QWidget* self, bool enabled) { self->setAutoFillBackground(enabled); } QBackingStore* QWidget_BackingStore(const QWidget* self) { return self->backingStore(); } QWindow* QWidget_WindowHandle(const QWidget* self) { return self->windowHandle(); } QScreen* QWidget_Screen(const QWidget* self) { return self->screen(); } QWidget* QWidget_CreateWindowContainer(QWindow* window) { return QWidget::createWindowContainer(window); } void QWidget_WindowTitleChanged(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string title) { QString title_QString = QString::fromUtf8(title.data, title.len); self->windowTitleChanged(title_QString); } void QWidget_connect_WindowTitleChanged(QWidget* self, intptr_t slot) { QWidget::connect(self, static_cast<void (QWidget::*)(const QString&)>(&QWidget::windowTitleChanged), self, [=](const QString& title) { const QString title_ret = title; // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray title_b = title_ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string title_ms; title_ms.len = title_b.length(); title_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(title_ms.len)); memcpy(title_ms.data, title_b.data(), title_ms.len); struct miqt_string sigval1 = title_ms; miqt_exec_callback_QWidget_WindowTitleChanged(slot, sigval1); }); } void QWidget_WindowIconChanged(QWidget* self, QIcon* icon) { self->windowIconChanged(*icon); } void QWidget_connect_WindowIconChanged(QWidget* self, intptr_t slot) { QWidget::connect(self, static_cast<void (QWidget::*)(const QIcon&)>(&QWidget::windowIconChanged), self, [=](const QIcon& icon) { const QIcon& icon_ret = icon; // Cast returned reference into pointer QIcon* sigval1 = const_cast<QIcon*>(&icon_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QWidget_WindowIconChanged(slot, sigval1); }); } void QWidget_WindowIconTextChanged(QWidget* self, struct miqt_string iconText) { QString iconText_QString = QString::fromUtf8(iconText.data, iconText.len); self->windowIconTextChanged(iconText_QString); } void QWidget_connect_WindowIconTextChanged(QWidget* self, intptr_t slot) { QWidget::connect(self, static_cast<void (QWidget::*)(const QString&)>(&QWidget::windowIconTextChanged), self, [=](const QString& iconText) { const QString iconText_ret = iconText; // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray iconText_b = iconText_ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string iconText_ms; iconText_ms.len = iconText_b.length(); iconText_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(iconText_ms.len)); memcpy(iconText_ms.data, iconText_b.data(), iconText_ms.len); struct miqt_string sigval1 = iconText_ms; miqt_exec_callback_QWidget_WindowIconTextChanged(slot, sigval1); }); } void QWidget_CustomContextMenuRequested(QWidget* self, QPoint* pos) { self->customContextMenuRequested(*pos); } void QWidget_connect_CustomContextMenuRequested(QWidget* self, intptr_t slot) { QWidget::connect(self, static_cast<void (QWidget::*)(const QPoint&)>(&QWidget::customContextMenuRequested), self, [=](const QPoint& pos) { const QPoint& pos_ret = pos; // Cast returned reference into pointer QPoint* sigval1 = const_cast<QPoint*>(&pos_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QWidget_CustomContextMenuRequested(slot, sigval1); }); } QVariant* QWidget_InputMethodQuery(const QWidget* self, int param1) { return new QVariant(self->inputMethodQuery(static_cast<Qt::InputMethodQuery>(param1))); } int QWidget_InputMethodHints(const QWidget* self) { Qt::InputMethodHints _ret = self->inputMethodHints(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } void QWidget_SetInputMethodHints(QWidget* self, int hints) { self->setInputMethodHints(static_cast<Qt::InputMethodHints>(hints)); } struct miqt_string QWidget_Tr2(const char* s, const char* c) { QString _ret = QWidget::tr(s, c); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QWidget_Tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n) { QString _ret = QWidget::tr(s, c, static_cast<int>(n)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QWidget_TrUtf82(const char* s, const char* c) { QString _ret = QWidget::trUtf8(s, c); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QWidget_TrUtf83(const char* s, const char* c, int n) { QString _ret = QWidget::trUtf8(s, c, static_cast<int>(n)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QWidget_Render2(QWidget* self, QPaintDevice* target, QPoint* targetOffset) { self->render(target, *targetOffset); } void QWidget_Render3(QWidget* self, QPaintDevice* target, QPoint* targetOffset, QRegion* sourceRegion) { self->render(target, *targetOffset, *sourceRegion); } void QWidget_Render4(QWidget* self, QPaintDevice* target, QPoint* targetOffset, QRegion* sourceRegion, int renderFlags) { self->render(target, *targetOffset, *sourceRegion, static_cast<QWidget::RenderFlags>(renderFlags)); } void QWidget_Render22(QWidget* self, QPainter* painter, QPoint* targetOffset) { self->render(painter, *targetOffset); } void QWidget_Render32(QWidget* self, QPainter* painter, QPoint* targetOffset, QRegion* sourceRegion) { self->render(painter, *targetOffset, *sourceRegion); } void QWidget_Render42(QWidget* self, QPainter* painter, QPoint* targetOffset, QRegion* sourceRegion, int renderFlags) { self->render(painter, *targetOffset, *sourceRegion, static_cast<QWidget::RenderFlags>(renderFlags)); } QPixmap* QWidget_Grab1(QWidget* self, QRect* rectangle) { return new QPixmap(self->grab(*rectangle)); } void QWidget_GrabGesture2(QWidget* self, int typeVal, int flags) { self->grabGesture(static_cast<Qt::GestureType>(typeVal), static_cast<Qt::GestureFlags>(flags)); } int QWidget_GrabShortcut2(QWidget* self, QKeySequence* key, int context) { return self->grabShortcut(*key, static_cast<Qt::ShortcutContext>(context)); } void QWidget_SetShortcutEnabled2(QWidget* self, int id, bool enable) { self->setShortcutEnabled(static_cast<int>(id), enable); } void QWidget_SetShortcutAutoRepeat2(QWidget* self, int id, bool enable) { self->setShortcutAutoRepeat(static_cast<int>(id), enable); } void QWidget_SetWindowFlag2(QWidget* self, int param1, bool on) { self->setWindowFlag(static_cast<Qt::WindowType>(param1), on); } void QWidget_SetAttribute2(QWidget* self, int param1, bool on) { self->setAttribute(static_cast<Qt::WidgetAttribute>(param1), on); } QWidget* QWidget_CreateWindowContainer2(QWindow* window, QWidget* parent) { return QWidget::createWindowContainer(window, parent); } QWidget* QWidget_CreateWindowContainer3(QWindow* window, QWidget* parent, int flags) { return QWidget::createWindowContainer(window, parent, static_cast<Qt::WindowFlags>(flags)); } void QWidget_Delete(QWidget* self) { delete self; }