package main import ( "fmt" "go/format" "strconv" "strings" ) func collectClassNames_Widget(u UiWidget) []string { var ret []string if u.Name != "" { ret = append(ret, u.Name+" *qt."+u.Class) } for _, w := range u.Widgets { ret = append(ret, collectClassNames_Widget(w)...) } if u.Layout != nil { ret = append(ret, u.Layout.Name+" *qt."+u.Layout.Class) for _, li := range u.Layout.Items { ret = append(ret, collectClassNames_Widget(li.Widget)...) } } for _, a := range u.Actions { ret = append(ret, a.Name+" *qt.QAction") } return ret } func generateString(s *UiString, parentClass string) string { if s.Notr || parentClass == "" { return strconv.Quote(s.Value) } return `qt.` + parentClass + `_Tr(` + strconv.Quote(s.Value) + `)` } // qwidgetName creates the T.QWidget name that MIQT needs to access the base class. func qwidgetName(name string, class string) string { if name == "" { return "nil" } if class == "QWidget" { return name // It's already the right type } return name + ".QWidget" } func generateWidget(w UiWidget, parentName string, parentClass string) (string, error) { ret := strings.Builder{} ctor, ok := constructorFunctionFor(w.Class) if !ok { return "", fmt.Errorf("No known constructor function for %q class %q", w.Name, w.Class) } ret.WriteString(` ui.` + w.Name + ` = qt.` + ctor + `(` + qwidgetName(parentName, parentClass) + `) ui.` + w.Name + `.SetObjectName(` + strconv.Quote(w.Name) + `) `) // Properties for _, prop := range w.Properties { setterFunc := `.Set` + strings.ToUpper(string(prop.Name[0])) + prop.Name[1:] if prop.Name == "geometry" { if !(prop.RectVal.X == 0 && prop.RectVal.Y == 0) { // Set all 4x properties ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + `.SetGeometry(qt.NewQRect(` + fmt.Sprintf("%d, %d, %d, %d", prop.RectVal.X, prop.RectVal.Y, prop.RectVal.Width, prop.RectVal.Height) + "))\n") } else if !(prop.RectVal.Width == 0 && prop.RectVal.Height == 0) { // Only width/height were supplied ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + `.Resize(` + fmt.Sprintf("%d, %d", prop.RectVal.Width, prop.RectVal.Height) + ")\n") } } else if prop.StringVal != nil { // "windowTitle", "title", "text" ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + setterFunc + `(` + generateString(prop.StringVal, parentClass) + ")\n") } else if prop.EnumVal != nil { // "frameShape" ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + setterFunc + `(qt.` + strings.Replace(*prop.EnumVal, `::`, `__`, -1) + ")\n") } else { ret.WriteString("/* miqt-uic: no handler for " + w.Name + " property '" + prop.Name + "' */\n") } } // Attributes for _, attr := range w.Attributes { if parentClass == "QTabWidget" && attr.Name == "title" { ret.WriteString(parentName + `.SetTabText(` + parentName + ".IndexOf(ui." + w.Name + "), " + generateString(attr.StringVal, parentClass) + ")\n") } else if w.Class == "QDockWidget" && parentClass == "QMainWindow" && attr.Name == "dockWidgetArea" { ret.WriteString(parentName + `.AddDockWidget(qt.DockWidgetArea(` + *attr.NumberVal + `), ui.` + w.Name + `)` + "\n") } else { ret.WriteString("/* miqt-uic: no handler for " + w.Name + " attribute '" + attr.Name + "' */\n") } } // TODO // w.Attributes // Layout if w.Layout != nil { ctor, ok := constructorFunctionFor(w.Layout.Class) if !ok { return "", fmt.Errorf("No known constructor function for %q class %q", w.Layout.Name, w.Layout.Class) } ret.WriteString(` ui.` + w.Layout.Name + ` = qt.` + ctor + `(` + qwidgetName("ui."+w.Name, w.Class) + `) ui.` + w.Layout.Name + `.SetObjectName(` + strconv.Quote(w.Layout.Name) + `) `) for _, child := range w.Layout.Items { // Layout items have the parent as the real QWidget parent and are // separately assigned to the layout afterwards nest, err := generateWidget(child.Widget, `ui.`+w.Name, w.Class) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf(w.Name+": %w", err) } ret.WriteString(nest) // Assign to layout switch w.Layout.Class { case `QFormLayout`: // Row and Column are always populated. rowPos := fmt.Sprintf("%d", *child.Row) var colPos string if *child.Column == 0 { colPos = `qt.QFormLayout__LabelRole` } else if *child.Column == 1 { colPos = `qt.QFormLayout__FieldRole` } else { ret.WriteString("/* miqt-uic: QFormLayout does not understand column index */\n") continue } // For QFormLayout it's SetWidget ret.WriteString(` ui.` + w.Layout.Name + `.SetWidget(` + rowPos + `, ` + colPos + `, ` + qwidgetName(`ui.`+child.Widget.Name, child.Widget.Class) + `) `) case `QGridLayout`: // For QGridLayout it's AddWidget2 // FIXME in Miqt this function has optionals, needs to be called with the correct arity // TODO support rowSpan, columnSpan ret.WriteString(` ui.` + w.Layout.Name + `.AddWidget2(` + qwidgetName(`ui.`+child.Widget.Name, child.Widget.Class) + `, ` + fmt.Sprintf("%d, %d", *child.Row, *child.Column) + `) `) case "QVBoxLayout", "QHBoxLayout": // For box layout it's AddWidget ret.WriteString(` ui.` + w.Layout.Name + `.AddWidget(` + qwidgetName(`ui.`+child.Widget.Name, child.Widget.Class) + `) `) default: ret.WriteString("/* miqt-uic: no handler for layout '" + w.Layout.Class + "' */\n") } } } // Actions for _, a := range w.Actions { ret.WriteString(` ui.` + a.Name + ` = qt.NewQAction(` + parentName + `) ui.` + a.Name + `.SetObjectName(` + strconv.Quote(a.Name) + `) `) // QActions are translated in the parent window's context if prop, ok := propertyByName(a.Properties, "text"); ok { ret.WriteString("ui." + a.Name + `.SetText(` + generateString(prop.StringVal, w.Class) + `)` + "\n") } if prop, ok := propertyByName(a.Properties, "shortcut"); ok { ret.WriteString("ui." + a.Name + `.SetShortcut(qt.NewQKeySequence2(` + generateString(prop.StringVal, w.Class) + `))` + "\n") } } // Items for itemNo, itm := range w.Items { ret.WriteString("ui." + w.Name + `.AddItem("")` + "\n") // Check for a "text" property and update the item's text // Do this as a 2nd step so that the SetItemText can be trapped for retranslateUi() // TODO Abstract for all SetItem{Foo} properties if prop, ok := propertyByName(itm.Properties, "text"); ok { ret.WriteString("ui." + w.Name + `.SetItemText(` + fmt.Sprintf("%d", itemNo) + `, ` + generateString(prop.StringVal, w.Class) + `)` + "\n") } } // Columns // TODO // w.Columns // Recurse children var ( setCentralWidget = false setMenuBar = false setStatusBar = false ) for _, child := range w.Widgets { nest, err := generateWidget(child, `ui.`+w.Name, w.Class) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf(w.Name+": %w", err) } ret.WriteString(nest) // QMainWindow CentralWidget handling // The first listed class can be the central widget. // TODO should it be the first child with a layout? But need to handle windows with no layout if w.Class == `QMainWindow` && !setCentralWidget { ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + `.SetCentralWidget(ui.` + child.Name + ") // Set central widget \n") setCentralWidget = true } // QDockWidget also has something like a central widget if w.Class == `QDockWidget` && !setCentralWidget { ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + `.SetWidget(ui.` + child.Name + ") // Set central widget \n") setCentralWidget = true } if w.Class == "QMainWindow" && child.Class == "QMenuBar" && !setMenuBar { ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + `.SetMenuBar(ui.` + child.Name + `)` + "\n") setMenuBar = true } if w.Class == "QMainWindow" && child.Class == "QStatusBar" && !setStatusBar { ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + `.SetStatusBar(ui.` + child.Name + `)` + "\n") setStatusBar = true } // QTabWidget->QTab handling if w.Class == `QTabWidget` { ret.WriteString(`ui.` + w.Name + `.AddTab(` + qwidgetName(`ui.`+child.Name, child.Class) + `, "")` + "\n") } } // AddActions // n.b. This must be *after* all children have been constructed, in case we // are adding a direct child for _, a := range w.AddActions { if a.Name == "separator" { // TODO how does Qt Designer disambiguate a real QAction with name="separator" ? ret.WriteString("ui." + w.Name + ".AddSeparator()\n") } else { // If we are a menubar, then refers to top-level QMenu instead of QAction if w.Class == "QMenuBar" { ret.WriteString("ui." + w.Name + ".AddMenu(ui." + a.Name + ")\n") } else if w.Class == "QMenu" { // QMenu has its own .AddAction() implementation that takes plain string // That's convenient, but it shadows the AddAction version that takes a QAction* // We need to use the underlying QWidget.AddAction explicitly ret.WriteString("ui." + w.Name + ".QWidget.AddAction(ui." + a.Name + ")\n") } else { ret.WriteString("ui." + w.Name + ".AddAction(ui." + a.Name + ")\n") } } } return ret.String(), nil } func generate(packageName string, goGenerateArgs string, u UiFile) ([]byte, error) { ret := strings.Builder{} ret.WriteString(`// Generated by miqt-uic. To update this file, edit the .ui file in // Qt Designer, and then run 'go generate'. // //go:` + `generate miqt-uic ` + goGenerateArgs + ` package ` + packageName + ` import ( "" ) type ` + u.Class + `Ui struct { ` + strings.Join(collectClassNames_Widget(u.Widget), "\n") + ` } // New` + u.Class + `Ui creates all Qt widget classes for ` + u.Class + `. func New` + u.Class + `Ui() *` + u.Class + `Ui { ui := &` + u.Class + `Ui{} `) nest, err := generateWidget(u.Widget, "", "") if err != nil { return nil, err } // Don't emit any of the lines that included .Tr(), move them into the // retranslateUi() function var translateFunc []string for _, line := range strings.Split(nest, "\n") { if strings.Contains(line, `_Tr(`) { translateFunc = append(translateFunc, line) } else { ret.WriteString(line + "\n") } } ret.WriteString(` ui.Retranslate() return ui } // Retranslate reapplies all text translations. func (ui *` + u.Class + `Ui) Retranslate() { ` + strings.Join(translateFunc, "\n") + ` } `) output := ret.String() formatted, err := format.Source([]byte(output)) if err != nil { // Return unformatted so it can be fixed return []byte(output), nil } return formatted, nil }