// miqt-rcc compiles a Qt resource XML file (*.qrc) to a binary resource file and // creates a Go stub to load it. package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "go/format" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "strings" ) func main() { // Parse arguments input := flag.String("Input", "", "Path to .qrc input file") outputGo := flag.String("OutputGo", "", "(Optional) Path to .go output file. If omitted, interred from the input file path") outputRcc := flag.String("OutputRcc", "", "(Optional) Path to .rcc output file. If omitted, inferred from the output Go file path") packageName := flag.String("Package", "main", "Package to use in generated Go files") variableName := flag.String("VariableName", "_resourceRcc", "Temporary global variable name for loading embedded data") useQt6 := flag.Bool("Qt6", false, "Use Qt 6 instead of Qt 5") flag.Parse() // Check if input file exists if _, err := os.Stat(*input); os.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Input file '%s' not found\n", *input) os.Exit(1) } // Fill in default output names, if not specified if *outputGo == "" { *outputGo = strings.TrimSuffix(*input, `.qrc`) + `.go` } if *outputRcc == "" { // Base this on the outputGo filename, not the input filename *outputRcc = strings.TrimSuffix(*outputGo, `.go`) + `.rcc` } // Compile qrc to binary resource file rccCmd := exec.Command(`rcc`, `--binary`, `-o`, *outputRcc, *input) rccCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr rccCmd.Stdout = os.Stdout err := rccCmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "rcc: %s\n", err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // Create Go file that loads the resource miqtImport := `"github.com/mappu/miqt/qt"` if *useQt6 { miqtImport = `qt "github.com/mappu/miqt/qt6"` } goSrcData := ` package ` + *packageName + ` //go:generate miqt-rcc "` + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], `" "`) + `" import ( "embed" ` + miqtImport + ` ) //go:embed ` + *outputRcc + ` var ` + *variableName + ` []byte func init() { _ = embed.FS{} qt.QResource_RegisterResourceWithRccData(& ` + *variableName + `[0]) } ` outputData, err := format.Source([]byte(goSrcData)) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = ioutil.WriteFile(*outputGo, outputData, 0644) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Writing to '%s': %s\n", *outputGo, err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } fmt.Println("RCC OK") os.Exit(0) }