#include <QChildEvent> #include <QColor> #include <QEvent> #include <QFont> #include <QList> #include <QMetaMethod> #include <QMetaObject> #include <QObject> #include <QSettings> #include <QString> #include <QByteArray> #include <cstring> #include <QTimerEvent> #include <qscilexerpascal.h> #include "gen_qscilexerpascal.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setFoldComments(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, bool); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setFoldCompact(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, bool); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setFoldPreprocessor(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, bool); const char* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_language(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); const char* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_lexer(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); int miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_lexerId(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); const char* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_autoCompletionFillups(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_autoCompletionWordSeparators(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); const char* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_blockEnd(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int*); int miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_blockLookback(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); const char* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_blockStart(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int*); const char* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_blockStartKeyword(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int*); int miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_braceStyle(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); bool miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_caseSensitive(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); QColor* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_color(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); bool miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_eolFill(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); QFont* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_font(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); int miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_indentationGuideView(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); const char* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_keywords(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); int miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultStyle(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); struct miqt_string miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_description(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); QColor* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_paper(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); QColor* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultColorWithStyle(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); bool miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultEolFill(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); QFont* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultFontWithStyle(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); QColor* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultPaperWithStyle(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setEditor(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QsciScintilla*); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_refreshProperties(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); int miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_styleBitsNeeded(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); const char* miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_wordCharacters(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setAutoIndentStyle(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, int); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setColor(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QColor*, int); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setEolFill(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, bool, int); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setFont(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QFont*, int); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setPaper(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QColor*, int); bool miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_readProperties(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QSettings*, struct miqt_string); bool miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_writeProperties(const QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QSettings*, struct miqt_string); bool miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_event(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QEvent*); bool miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_eventFilter(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QObject*, QEvent*); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_timerEvent(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QTimerEvent*); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_childEvent(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QChildEvent*); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_customEvent(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QEvent*); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_connectNotify(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QMetaMethod*); void miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_disconnectNotify(QsciLexerPascal*, intptr_t, QMetaMethod*); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif class MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal final : public QsciLexerPascal { public: MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal(): QsciLexerPascal() {}; MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal(QObject* parent): QsciLexerPascal(parent) {}; virtual ~MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal() override = default; // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setFoldComments = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setFoldComments(bool fold) override { if (handle__setFoldComments == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setFoldComments(fold); return; } bool sigval1 = fold; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setFoldComments(this, handle__setFoldComments, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setFoldComments(bool fold) { QsciLexerPascal::setFoldComments(fold); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setFoldCompact = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setFoldCompact(bool fold) override { if (handle__setFoldCompact == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setFoldCompact(fold); return; } bool sigval1 = fold; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setFoldCompact(this, handle__setFoldCompact, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setFoldCompact(bool fold) { QsciLexerPascal::setFoldCompact(fold); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setFoldPreprocessor = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setFoldPreprocessor(bool fold) override { if (handle__setFoldPreprocessor == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setFoldPreprocessor(fold); return; } bool sigval1 = fold; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setFoldPreprocessor(this, handle__setFoldPreprocessor, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setFoldPreprocessor(bool fold) { QsciLexerPascal::setFoldPreprocessor(fold); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__language = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual const char* language() const override { if (handle__language == 0) { return nullptr; // Pure virtual, there is no base we can call } const char* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_language(this, handle__language); return callback_return_value; } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__lexer = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual const char* lexer() const override { if (handle__lexer == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::lexer(); } const char* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_lexer(this, handle__lexer); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method const char* virtualbase_lexer() const { return (const char*) QsciLexerPascal::lexer(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__lexerId = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual int lexerId() const override { if (handle__lexerId == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::lexerId(); } int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_lexerId(this, handle__lexerId); return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_lexerId() const { return QsciLexerPascal::lexerId(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__autoCompletionFillups = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual const char* autoCompletionFillups() const override { if (handle__autoCompletionFillups == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::autoCompletionFillups(); } const char* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_autoCompletionFillups(this, handle__autoCompletionFillups); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method const char* virtualbase_autoCompletionFillups() const { return (const char*) QsciLexerPascal::autoCompletionFillups(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__autoCompletionWordSeparators = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QStringList autoCompletionWordSeparators() const override { if (handle__autoCompletionWordSeparators == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::autoCompletionWordSeparators(); } struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_autoCompletionWordSeparators(this, handle__autoCompletionWordSeparators); QStringList callback_return_value_QList; callback_return_value_QList.reserve(callback_return_value.len); struct miqt_string* callback_return_value_arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(callback_return_value.data); for(size_t i = 0; i < callback_return_value.len; ++i) { QString callback_return_value_arr_i_QString = QString::fromUtf8(callback_return_value_arr[i].data, callback_return_value_arr[i].len); callback_return_value_QList.push_back(callback_return_value_arr_i_QString); } return callback_return_value_QList; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ virtualbase_autoCompletionWordSeparators() const { QStringList _ret = QsciLexerPascal::autoCompletionWordSeparators(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory struct miqt_string* _arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(malloc(sizeof(struct miqt_string) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { QString _lv_ret = _ret[i]; // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _lv_b = _lv_ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _lv_ms; _lv_ms.len = _lv_b.length(); _lv_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_lv_ms.len)); memcpy(_lv_ms.data, _lv_b.data(), _lv_ms.len); _arr[i] = _lv_ms; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr); return _out; } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__blockEnd = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual const char* blockEnd(int* style) const override { if (handle__blockEnd == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::blockEnd(style); } int* sigval1 = style; const char* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_blockEnd(this, handle__blockEnd, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method const char* virtualbase_blockEnd(int* style) const { return (const char*) QsciLexerPascal::blockEnd(static_cast<int*>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__blockLookback = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual int blockLookback() const override { if (handle__blockLookback == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::blockLookback(); } int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_blockLookback(this, handle__blockLookback); return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_blockLookback() const { return QsciLexerPascal::blockLookback(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__blockStart = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual const char* blockStart(int* style) const override { if (handle__blockStart == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::blockStart(style); } int* sigval1 = style; const char* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_blockStart(this, handle__blockStart, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method const char* virtualbase_blockStart(int* style) const { return (const char*) QsciLexerPascal::blockStart(static_cast<int*>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__blockStartKeyword = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual const char* blockStartKeyword(int* style) const override { if (handle__blockStartKeyword == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::blockStartKeyword(style); } int* sigval1 = style; const char* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_blockStartKeyword(this, handle__blockStartKeyword, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method const char* virtualbase_blockStartKeyword(int* style) const { return (const char*) QsciLexerPascal::blockStartKeyword(static_cast<int*>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__braceStyle = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual int braceStyle() const override { if (handle__braceStyle == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::braceStyle(); } int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_braceStyle(this, handle__braceStyle); return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_braceStyle() const { return QsciLexerPascal::braceStyle(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__caseSensitive = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool caseSensitive() const override { if (handle__caseSensitive == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::caseSensitive(); } bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_caseSensitive(this, handle__caseSensitive); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_caseSensitive() const { return QsciLexerPascal::caseSensitive(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__color = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QColor color(int style) const override { if (handle__color == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::color(style); } int sigval1 = style; QColor* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_color(this, handle__color, sigval1); return *callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QColor* virtualbase_color(int style) const { return new QColor(QsciLexerPascal::color(static_cast<int>(style))); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__eolFill = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool eolFill(int style) const override { if (handle__eolFill == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::eolFill(style); } int sigval1 = style; bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_eolFill(this, handle__eolFill, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_eolFill(int style) const { return QsciLexerPascal::eolFill(static_cast<int>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__font = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QFont font(int style) const override { if (handle__font == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::font(style); } int sigval1 = style; QFont* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_font(this, handle__font, sigval1); return *callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QFont* virtualbase_font(int style) const { return new QFont(QsciLexerPascal::font(static_cast<int>(style))); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__indentationGuideView = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual int indentationGuideView() const override { if (handle__indentationGuideView == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::indentationGuideView(); } int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_indentationGuideView(this, handle__indentationGuideView); return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_indentationGuideView() const { return QsciLexerPascal::indentationGuideView(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__keywords = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual const char* keywords(int set) const override { if (handle__keywords == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::keywords(set); } int sigval1 = set; const char* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_keywords(this, handle__keywords, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method const char* virtualbase_keywords(int set) const { return (const char*) QsciLexerPascal::keywords(static_cast<int>(set)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__defaultStyle = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual int defaultStyle() const override { if (handle__defaultStyle == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::defaultStyle(); } int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultStyle(this, handle__defaultStyle); return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_defaultStyle() const { return QsciLexerPascal::defaultStyle(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__description = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QString description(int style) const override { if (handle__description == 0) { return QString(); // Pure virtual, there is no base we can call } int sigval1 = style; struct miqt_string callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_description(this, handle__description, sigval1); QString callback_return_value_QString = QString::fromUtf8(callback_return_value.data, callback_return_value.len); return callback_return_value_QString; } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__paper = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QColor paper(int style) const override { if (handle__paper == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::paper(style); } int sigval1 = style; QColor* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_paper(this, handle__paper, sigval1); return *callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QColor* virtualbase_paper(int style) const { return new QColor(QsciLexerPascal::paper(static_cast<int>(style))); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__defaultColorWithStyle = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QColor defaultColor(int style) const override { if (handle__defaultColorWithStyle == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::defaultColor(style); } int sigval1 = style; QColor* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultColorWithStyle(this, handle__defaultColorWithStyle, sigval1); return *callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QColor* virtualbase_defaultColorWithStyle(int style) const { return new QColor(QsciLexerPascal::defaultColor(static_cast<int>(style))); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__defaultEolFill = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool defaultEolFill(int style) const override { if (handle__defaultEolFill == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::defaultEolFill(style); } int sigval1 = style; bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultEolFill(this, handle__defaultEolFill, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_defaultEolFill(int style) const { return QsciLexerPascal::defaultEolFill(static_cast<int>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__defaultFontWithStyle = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QFont defaultFont(int style) const override { if (handle__defaultFontWithStyle == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::defaultFont(style); } int sigval1 = style; QFont* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultFontWithStyle(this, handle__defaultFontWithStyle, sigval1); return *callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QFont* virtualbase_defaultFontWithStyle(int style) const { return new QFont(QsciLexerPascal::defaultFont(static_cast<int>(style))); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__defaultPaperWithStyle = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QColor defaultPaper(int style) const override { if (handle__defaultPaperWithStyle == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::defaultPaper(style); } int sigval1 = style; QColor* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_defaultPaperWithStyle(this, handle__defaultPaperWithStyle, sigval1); return *callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QColor* virtualbase_defaultPaperWithStyle(int style) const { return new QColor(QsciLexerPascal::defaultPaper(static_cast<int>(style))); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setEditor = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setEditor(QsciScintilla* editor) override { if (handle__setEditor == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setEditor(editor); return; } QsciScintilla* sigval1 = editor; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setEditor(this, handle__setEditor, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setEditor(QsciScintilla* editor) { QsciLexerPascal::setEditor(editor); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__refreshProperties = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void refreshProperties() override { if (handle__refreshProperties == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::refreshProperties(); return; } miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_refreshProperties(this, handle__refreshProperties); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_refreshProperties() { QsciLexerPascal::refreshProperties(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__styleBitsNeeded = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual int styleBitsNeeded() const override { if (handle__styleBitsNeeded == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::styleBitsNeeded(); } int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_styleBitsNeeded(this, handle__styleBitsNeeded); return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method int virtualbase_styleBitsNeeded() const { return QsciLexerPascal::styleBitsNeeded(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__wordCharacters = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual const char* wordCharacters() const override { if (handle__wordCharacters == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::wordCharacters(); } const char* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_wordCharacters(this, handle__wordCharacters); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method const char* virtualbase_wordCharacters() const { return (const char*) QsciLexerPascal::wordCharacters(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setAutoIndentStyle = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setAutoIndentStyle(int autoindentstyle) override { if (handle__setAutoIndentStyle == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setAutoIndentStyle(autoindentstyle); return; } int sigval1 = autoindentstyle; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setAutoIndentStyle(this, handle__setAutoIndentStyle, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setAutoIndentStyle(int autoindentstyle) { QsciLexerPascal::setAutoIndentStyle(static_cast<int>(autoindentstyle)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setColor = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setColor(const QColor& c, int style) override { if (handle__setColor == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setColor(c, style); return; } const QColor& c_ret = c; // Cast returned reference into pointer QColor* sigval1 = const_cast<QColor*>(&c_ret); int sigval2 = style; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setColor(this, handle__setColor, sigval1, sigval2); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setColor(QColor* c, int style) { QsciLexerPascal::setColor(*c, static_cast<int>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setEolFill = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setEolFill(bool eoffill, int style) override { if (handle__setEolFill == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setEolFill(eoffill, style); return; } bool sigval1 = eoffill; int sigval2 = style; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setEolFill(this, handle__setEolFill, sigval1, sigval2); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setEolFill(bool eoffill, int style) { QsciLexerPascal::setEolFill(eoffill, static_cast<int>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setFont = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setFont(const QFont& f, int style) override { if (handle__setFont == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setFont(f, style); return; } const QFont& f_ret = f; // Cast returned reference into pointer QFont* sigval1 = const_cast<QFont*>(&f_ret); int sigval2 = style; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setFont(this, handle__setFont, sigval1, sigval2); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setFont(QFont* f, int style) { QsciLexerPascal::setFont(*f, static_cast<int>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__setPaper = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void setPaper(const QColor& c, int style) override { if (handle__setPaper == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::setPaper(c, style); return; } const QColor& c_ret = c; // Cast returned reference into pointer QColor* sigval1 = const_cast<QColor*>(&c_ret); int sigval2 = style; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_setPaper(this, handle__setPaper, sigval1, sigval2); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_setPaper(QColor* c, int style) { QsciLexerPascal::setPaper(*c, static_cast<int>(style)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__readProperties = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool readProperties(QSettings& qs, const QString& prefix) override { if (handle__readProperties == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::readProperties(qs, prefix); } QSettings& qs_ret = qs; // Cast returned reference into pointer QSettings* sigval1 = &qs_ret; const QString prefix_ret = prefix; // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray prefix_b = prefix_ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string prefix_ms; prefix_ms.len = prefix_b.length(); prefix_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(prefix_ms.len)); memcpy(prefix_ms.data, prefix_b.data(), prefix_ms.len); struct miqt_string sigval2 = prefix_ms; bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_readProperties(this, handle__readProperties, sigval1, sigval2); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_readProperties(QSettings* qs, struct miqt_string prefix) { QString prefix_QString = QString::fromUtf8(prefix.data, prefix.len); return QsciLexerPascal::readProperties(*qs, prefix_QString); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__writeProperties = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool writeProperties(QSettings& qs, const QString& prefix) const override { if (handle__writeProperties == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::writeProperties(qs, prefix); } QSettings& qs_ret = qs; // Cast returned reference into pointer QSettings* sigval1 = &qs_ret; const QString prefix_ret = prefix; // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray prefix_b = prefix_ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string prefix_ms; prefix_ms.len = prefix_b.length(); prefix_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(prefix_ms.len)); memcpy(prefix_ms.data, prefix_b.data(), prefix_ms.len); struct miqt_string sigval2 = prefix_ms; bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_writeProperties(this, handle__writeProperties, sigval1, sigval2); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_writeProperties(QSettings* qs, struct miqt_string prefix) const { QString prefix_QString = QString::fromUtf8(prefix.data, prefix.len); return QsciLexerPascal::writeProperties(*qs, prefix_QString); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__event = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool event(QEvent* event) override { if (handle__event == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::event(event); } QEvent* sigval1 = event; bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_event(this, handle__event, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_event(QEvent* event) { return QsciLexerPascal::event(event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__eventFilter = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) override { if (handle__eventFilter == 0) { return QsciLexerPascal::eventFilter(watched, event); } QObject* sigval1 = watched; QEvent* sigval2 = event; bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_eventFilter(this, handle__eventFilter, sigval1, sigval2); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) { return QsciLexerPascal::eventFilter(watched, event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__timerEvent = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event) override { if (handle__timerEvent == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::timerEvent(event); return; } QTimerEvent* sigval1 = event; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_timerEvent(this, handle__timerEvent, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event) { QsciLexerPascal::timerEvent(event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__childEvent = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void childEvent(QChildEvent* event) override { if (handle__childEvent == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::childEvent(event); return; } QChildEvent* sigval1 = event; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_childEvent(this, handle__childEvent, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_childEvent(QChildEvent* event) { QsciLexerPascal::childEvent(event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__customEvent = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void customEvent(QEvent* event) override { if (handle__customEvent == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::customEvent(event); return; } QEvent* sigval1 = event; miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_customEvent(this, handle__customEvent, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_customEvent(QEvent* event) { QsciLexerPascal::customEvent(event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__connectNotify = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod& signal) override { if (handle__connectNotify == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::connectNotify(signal); return; } const QMetaMethod& signal_ret = signal; // Cast returned reference into pointer QMetaMethod* sigval1 = const_cast<QMetaMethod*>(&signal_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_connectNotify(this, handle__connectNotify, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_connectNotify(QMetaMethod* signal) { QsciLexerPascal::connectNotify(*signal); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__disconnectNotify = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod& signal) override { if (handle__disconnectNotify == 0) { QsciLexerPascal::disconnectNotify(signal); return; } const QMetaMethod& signal_ret = signal; // Cast returned reference into pointer QMetaMethod* sigval1 = const_cast<QMetaMethod*>(&signal_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QsciLexerPascal_disconnectNotify(this, handle__disconnectNotify, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_disconnectNotify(QMetaMethod* signal) { QsciLexerPascal::disconnectNotify(*signal); } }; QsciLexerPascal* QsciLexerPascal_new() { return new MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal(); } QsciLexerPascal* QsciLexerPascal_new2(QObject* parent) { return new MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal(parent); } void QsciLexerPascal_virtbase(QsciLexerPascal* src, QsciLexer** outptr_QsciLexer) { *outptr_QsciLexer = static_cast<QsciLexer*>(src); } QMetaObject* QsciLexerPascal_metaObject(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return (QMetaObject*) self->metaObject(); } void* QsciLexerPascal_metacast(QsciLexerPascal* self, const char* param1) { return self->qt_metacast(param1); } struct miqt_string QsciLexerPascal_tr(const char* s) { QString _ret = QsciLexerPascal::tr(s); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_language(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return (const char*) self->language(); } const char* QsciLexerPascal_lexer(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return (const char*) self->lexer(); } struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ QsciLexerPascal_autoCompletionWordSeparators(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { QStringList _ret = self->autoCompletionWordSeparators(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory struct miqt_string* _arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(malloc(sizeof(struct miqt_string) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { QString _lv_ret = _ret[i]; // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _lv_b = _lv_ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _lv_ms; _lv_ms.len = _lv_b.length(); _lv_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_lv_ms.len)); memcpy(_lv_ms.data, _lv_b.data(), _lv_ms.len); _arr[i] = _lv_ms; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr); return _out; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_blockEnd(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return (const char*) self->blockEnd(); } const char* QsciLexerPascal_blockStart(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return (const char*) self->blockStart(); } const char* QsciLexerPascal_blockStartKeyword(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return (const char*) self->blockStartKeyword(); } int QsciLexerPascal_braceStyle(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return self->braceStyle(); } QColor* QsciLexerPascal_defaultColor(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int style) { return new QColor(self->defaultColor(static_cast<int>(style))); } bool QsciLexerPascal_defaultEolFill(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int style) { return self->defaultEolFill(static_cast<int>(style)); } QFont* QsciLexerPascal_defaultFont(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int style) { return new QFont(self->defaultFont(static_cast<int>(style))); } QColor* QsciLexerPascal_defaultPaper(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int style) { return new QColor(self->defaultPaper(static_cast<int>(style))); } const char* QsciLexerPascal_keywords(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int set) { return (const char*) self->keywords(static_cast<int>(set)); } struct miqt_string QsciLexerPascal_description(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int style) { QString _ret = self->description(static_cast<int>(style)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QsciLexerPascal_refreshProperties(QsciLexerPascal* self) { self->refreshProperties(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_foldComments(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return self->foldComments(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_foldCompact(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return self->foldCompact(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_foldPreprocessor(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return self->foldPreprocessor(); } void QsciLexerPascal_setSmartHighlighting(QsciLexerPascal* self, bool enabled) { self->setSmartHighlighting(enabled); } bool QsciLexerPascal_smartHighlighting(const QsciLexerPascal* self) { return self->smartHighlighting(); } void QsciLexerPascal_setFoldComments(QsciLexerPascal* self, bool fold) { self->setFoldComments(fold); } void QsciLexerPascal_setFoldCompact(QsciLexerPascal* self, bool fold) { self->setFoldCompact(fold); } void QsciLexerPascal_setFoldPreprocessor(QsciLexerPascal* self, bool fold) { self->setFoldPreprocessor(fold); } struct miqt_string QsciLexerPascal_tr2(const char* s, const char* c) { QString _ret = QsciLexerPascal::tr(s, c); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QsciLexerPascal_tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n) { QString _ret = QsciLexerPascal::tr(s, c, static_cast<int>(n)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_blockEnd1(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int* style) { return (const char*) self->blockEnd(static_cast<int*>(style)); } const char* QsciLexerPascal_blockStart1(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int* style) { return (const char*) self->blockStart(static_cast<int*>(style)); } const char* QsciLexerPascal_blockStartKeyword1(const QsciLexerPascal* self, int* style) { return (const char*) self->blockStartKeyword(static_cast<int*>(style)); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setFoldComments(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setFoldComments = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setFoldComments(void* self, bool fold) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setFoldComments(fold); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setFoldCompact(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setFoldCompact = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setFoldCompact(void* self, bool fold) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setFoldCompact(fold); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setFoldPreprocessor(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setFoldPreprocessor = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setFoldPreprocessor(void* self, bool fold) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setFoldPreprocessor(fold); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_language(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__language = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_lexer(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__lexer = slot; return true; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_lexer(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_lexer(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_lexerId(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__lexerId = slot; return true; } int QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_lexerId(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_lexerId(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_autoCompletionFillups(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__autoCompletionFillups = slot; return true; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_autoCompletionFillups(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_autoCompletionFillups(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_autoCompletionWordSeparators(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__autoCompletionWordSeparators = slot; return true; } struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_autoCompletionWordSeparators(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_autoCompletionWordSeparators(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_blockEnd(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__blockEnd = slot; return true; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_blockEnd(const void* self, int* style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_blockEnd(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_blockLookback(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__blockLookback = slot; return true; } int QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_blockLookback(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_blockLookback(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_blockStart(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__blockStart = slot; return true; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_blockStart(const void* self, int* style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_blockStart(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_blockStartKeyword(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__blockStartKeyword = slot; return true; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_blockStartKeyword(const void* self, int* style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_blockStartKeyword(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_braceStyle(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__braceStyle = slot; return true; } int QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_braceStyle(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_braceStyle(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_caseSensitive(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__caseSensitive = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_caseSensitive(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_caseSensitive(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_color(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__color = slot; return true; } QColor* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_color(const void* self, int style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_color(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_eolFill(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__eolFill = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_eolFill(const void* self, int style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_eolFill(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_font(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__font = slot; return true; } QFont* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_font(const void* self, int style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_font(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_indentationGuideView(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__indentationGuideView = slot; return true; } int QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_indentationGuideView(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_indentationGuideView(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_keywords(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__keywords = slot; return true; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_keywords(const void* self, int set) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_keywords(set); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_defaultStyle(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__defaultStyle = slot; return true; } int QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_defaultStyle(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_defaultStyle(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_description(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__description = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_paper(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__paper = slot; return true; } QColor* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_paper(const void* self, int style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_paper(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_defaultColorWithStyle(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__defaultColorWithStyle = slot; return true; } QColor* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_defaultColorWithStyle(const void* self, int style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_defaultColorWithStyle(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_defaultEolFill(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__defaultEolFill = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_defaultEolFill(const void* self, int style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_defaultEolFill(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_defaultFontWithStyle(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__defaultFontWithStyle = slot; return true; } QFont* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_defaultFontWithStyle(const void* self, int style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_defaultFontWithStyle(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_defaultPaperWithStyle(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__defaultPaperWithStyle = slot; return true; } QColor* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_defaultPaperWithStyle(const void* self, int style) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_defaultPaperWithStyle(style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setEditor(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setEditor = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setEditor(void* self, QsciScintilla* editor) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setEditor(editor); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_refreshProperties(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__refreshProperties = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_refreshProperties(void* self) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_refreshProperties(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_styleBitsNeeded(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__styleBitsNeeded = slot; return true; } int QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_styleBitsNeeded(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_styleBitsNeeded(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_wordCharacters(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__wordCharacters = slot; return true; } const char* QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_wordCharacters(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_wordCharacters(); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setAutoIndentStyle(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setAutoIndentStyle = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setAutoIndentStyle(void* self, int autoindentstyle) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setAutoIndentStyle(autoindentstyle); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setColor(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setColor = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setColor(void* self, QColor* c, int style) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setColor(c, style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setEolFill(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setEolFill = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setEolFill(void* self, bool eoffill, int style) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setEolFill(eoffill, style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setFont(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setFont = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setFont(void* self, QFont* f, int style) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setFont(f, style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_setPaper(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__setPaper = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_setPaper(void* self, QColor* c, int style) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_setPaper(c, style); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_readProperties(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__readProperties = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_readProperties(void* self, QSettings* qs, struct miqt_string prefix) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_readProperties(qs, prefix); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_writeProperties(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__writeProperties = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_writeProperties(const void* self, QSettings* qs, struct miqt_string prefix) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_writeProperties(qs, prefix); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_event(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__event = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_event(void* self, QEvent* event) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_event(event); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_eventFilter(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__eventFilter = slot; return true; } bool QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_eventFilter(void* self, QObject* watched, QEvent* event) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_eventFilter(watched, event); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_timerEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__timerEvent = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_timerEvent(void* self, QTimerEvent* event) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_timerEvent(event); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_childEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__childEvent = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_childEvent(void* self, QChildEvent* event) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_childEvent(event); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_customEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__customEvent = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_customEvent(void* self, QEvent* event) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_customEvent(event); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_connectNotify(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__connectNotify = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_connectNotify(void* self, QMetaMethod* signal) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_connectNotify(signal); } bool QsciLexerPascal_override_virtual_disconnectNotify(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*>( (QsciLexerPascal*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__disconnectNotify = slot; return true; } void QsciLexerPascal_virtualbase_disconnectNotify(void* self, QMetaMethod* signal) { ( (MiqtVirtualQsciLexerPascal*)(self) )->virtualbase_disconnectNotify(signal); } void QsciLexerPascal_delete(QsciLexerPascal* self) { delete self; }