package cbor


#include "gen_qcbormap.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

import "C"

import (

type QCborMap struct {
	h          *C.QCborMap
	isSubclass bool

func (this *QCborMap) cPointer() *C.QCborMap {
	if this == nil {
		return nil
	return this.h

func (this *QCborMap) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
	if this == nil {
		return nil
	return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)

// newQCborMap constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
func newQCborMap(h *C.QCborMap) *QCborMap {
	if h == nil {
		return nil
	return &QCborMap{h: h}

// UnsafeNewQCborMap constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func UnsafeNewQCborMap(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborMap {
	if h == nil {
		return nil

	return &QCborMap{h: (*C.QCborMap)(h)}

// NewQCborMap constructs a new QCborMap object.
func NewQCborMap() *QCborMap {
	var outptr_QCborMap *C.QCborMap = nil

	ret := newQCborMap(outptr_QCborMap)
	ret.isSubclass = true
	return ret

// NewQCborMap2 constructs a new QCborMap object.
func NewQCborMap2(other *QCborMap) *QCborMap {
	var outptr_QCborMap *C.QCborMap = nil

	C.QCborMap_new2(other.cPointer(), &outptr_QCborMap)
	ret := newQCborMap(outptr_QCborMap)
	ret.isSubclass = true
	return ret

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorAssign(other *QCborMap) {
	C.QCborMap_OperatorAssign(this.h, other.cPointer())

func (this *QCborMap) Swap(other *QCborMap) {
	C.QCborMap_Swap(this.h, other.cPointer())

func (this *QCborMap) ToCborValue() *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_ToCborValue(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Size() int64 {
	return (int64)(C.QCborMap_Size(this.h))

func (this *QCborMap) IsEmpty() bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap_IsEmpty(this.h))

func (this *QCborMap) Clear() {

func (this *QCborMap) Keys() []QCborValue {
	var _ma C.struct_miqt_array = C.QCborMap_Keys(this.h)
	_ret := make([]QCborValue, int(_ma.len))
	_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QCborValue)(unsafe.Pointer( // hey ya
	for i := 0; i < int(_ma.len); i++ {
		_vv_ret := _outCast[i]
		_vv_goptr := newQCborValue(_vv_ret)
		_vv_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
		_ret[i] = *_vv_goptr
	return _ret

func (this *QCborMap) Value(key int64) *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Value(this.h, (C.longlong)(key))
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Value2(key string) *QCborValue {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Value2(this.h, key_ms)
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Value3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Value3(this.h, key.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript(key int64) *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_OperatorSubscript(this.h, (C.longlong)(key))
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript2(key string) *QCborValue {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	_ret := C.QCborMap_OperatorSubscript2(this.h, key_ms)
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_OperatorSubscript3(this.h, key.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript4(key int64) *QCborValueRef {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_OperatorSubscript4(this.h, (C.longlong)(key))
	_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript6(key string) *QCborValueRef {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	_ret := C.QCborMap_OperatorSubscript6(this.h, key_ms)
	_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript7(key *QCborValue) *QCborValueRef {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_OperatorSubscript7(this.h, key.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Take(key int64) *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Take(this.h, (C.longlong)(key))
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Take2(key string) *QCborValue {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Take2(this.h, key_ms)
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Take3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Take3(this.h, key.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Remove(key int64) {
	C.QCborMap_Remove(this.h, (C.longlong)(key))

func (this *QCborMap) Remove2(key string) {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	C.QCborMap_Remove2(this.h, key_ms)

func (this *QCborMap) Remove3(key *QCborValue) {
	C.QCborMap_Remove3(this.h, key.cPointer())

func (this *QCborMap) Contains(key int64) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap_Contains(this.h, (C.longlong)(key)))

func (this *QCborMap) Contains2(key string) bool {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap_Contains2(this.h, key_ms))

func (this *QCborMap) Contains3(key *QCborValue) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap_Contains3(this.h, key.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap) Compare(other *QCborMap) int {
	return (int)(C.QCborMap_Compare(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorEqual(other *QCborMap) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap_OperatorEqual(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborMap) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap_OperatorNotEqual(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap) OperatorLesser(other *QCborMap) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap_OperatorLesser(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap) Begin() *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Begin(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) ConstBegin() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_ConstBegin(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Begin2() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Begin2(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Cbegin() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Cbegin(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) End() *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_End(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) ConstEnd() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_ConstEnd(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) End2() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_End2(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Cend() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Cend(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Erase(it QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Erase(this.h, it.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) EraseWithIt(it QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_EraseWithIt(this.h, it.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Extract(it QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Extract(this.h, it.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) ExtractWithIt(it QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_ExtractWithIt(this.h, it.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Empty() bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap_Empty(this.h))

func (this *QCborMap) Find(key int64) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Find(this.h, (C.longlong)(key))
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Find2(key string) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Find2(this.h, key_ms)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Find3(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Find3(this.h, key.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind(key int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_ConstFind(this.h, (C.longlong)(key))
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind2(key string) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	_ret := C.QCborMap_ConstFind2(this.h, key_ms)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind3(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_ConstFind3(this.h, key.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Find4(key int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Find4(this.h, (C.longlong)(key))
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Find6(key string) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Find6(this.h, key_ms)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Find7(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Find7(this.h, key.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Insert(key int64, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Insert(this.h, (C.longlong)(key), value_.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Insert3(key string, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	key_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(key)
	key_ms.len = C.size_t(len(key))
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Insert3(this.h, key_ms, value_.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) Insert4(key *QCborValue, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_Insert4(this.h, key.cPointer(), value_.cPointer())
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) InsertWithQCborMapvalueType(v struct {
	First  QCborValue
	Second QCborValue
}) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	v_First_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QCborValue)(C.malloc(C.size_t(8)))
	v_Second_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QCborValue)(C.malloc(C.size_t(8)))
	v_First_CArray[0] = v.First.cPointer()
	v_Second_CArray[0] = v.Second.cPointer()
	v_pair := C.struct_miqt_map{
		len:    1,
		keys:   unsafe.Pointer(v_First_CArray),
		values: unsafe.Pointer(v_Second_CArray),
	_ret := C.QCborMap_InsertWithQCborMapvalueType(this.h, v_pair)
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func QCborMap_FromVariantMap(mapVal map[string]qt.QVariant) *QCborMap {
	mapVal_Keys_CArray := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(C.malloc(C.size_t(int(unsafe.Sizeof(C.struct_miqt_string{})) * len(mapVal))))
	mapVal_Values_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QVariant)(C.malloc(C.size_t(8 * len(mapVal))))
	mapVal_ctr := 0
	for mapVal_k, mapVal_v := range mapVal {
		mapVal_k_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(mapVal_k)
		mapVal_k_ms.len = C.size_t(len(mapVal_k))
		mapVal_Keys_CArray[mapVal_ctr] = mapVal_k_ms
		mapVal_Values_CArray[mapVal_ctr] = (*C.QVariant)(mapVal_v.UnsafePointer())
	mapVal_mm := C.struct_miqt_map{
		len:    C.size_t(len(mapVal)),
		keys:   unsafe.Pointer(mapVal_Keys_CArray),
		values: unsafe.Pointer(mapVal_Values_CArray),
	_ret := C.QCborMap_FromVariantMap(mapVal_mm)
	_goptr := newQCborMap(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func QCborMap_FromVariantHash(hash map[string]qt.QVariant) *QCborMap {
	hash_Keys_CArray := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(C.malloc(C.size_t(int(unsafe.Sizeof(C.struct_miqt_string{})) * len(hash))))
	hash_Values_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QVariant)(C.malloc(C.size_t(8 * len(hash))))
	hash_ctr := 0
	for hash_k, hash_v := range hash {
		hash_k_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{} = C.CString(hash_k)
		hash_k_ms.len = C.size_t(len(hash_k))
		hash_Keys_CArray[hash_ctr] = hash_k_ms
		hash_Values_CArray[hash_ctr] = (*C.QVariant)(hash_v.UnsafePointer())
	hash_mm := C.struct_miqt_map{
		len:    C.size_t(len(hash)),
		keys:   unsafe.Pointer(hash_Keys_CArray),
		values: unsafe.Pointer(hash_Values_CArray),
	_ret := C.QCborMap_FromVariantHash(hash_mm)
	_goptr := newQCborMap(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func QCborMap_FromJsonObject(o *qt.QJsonObject) *QCborMap {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_FromJsonObject((*C.QJsonObject)(o.UnsafePointer()))
	_goptr := newQCborMap(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap) ToVariantMap() map[string]qt.QVariant {
	var _mm C.struct_miqt_map = C.QCborMap_ToVariantMap(this.h)
	_ret := make(map[string]qt.QVariant, int(_mm.len))
	_Keys := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer(_mm.keys))
	_Values := (*[0xffff]*C.QVariant)(unsafe.Pointer(_mm.values))
	for i := 0; i < int(_mm.len); i++ {
		var _mapkey_ms C.struct_miqt_string = _Keys[i]
		_mapkey_ret := C.GoStringN(,
		_entry_Key := _mapkey_ret
		_mapval_ret := _Values[i]
		_mapval_goptr := qt.UnsafeNewQVariant(unsafe.Pointer(_mapval_ret))
		_mapval_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
		_entry_Value := *_mapval_goptr

		_ret[_entry_Key] = _entry_Value
	return _ret

func (this *QCborMap) ToVariantHash() map[string]qt.QVariant {
	var _mm C.struct_miqt_map = C.QCborMap_ToVariantHash(this.h)
	_ret := make(map[string]qt.QVariant, int(_mm.len))
	_Keys := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer(_mm.keys))
	_Values := (*[0xffff]*C.QVariant)(unsafe.Pointer(_mm.values))
	for i := 0; i < int(_mm.len); i++ {
		var _hashkey_ms C.struct_miqt_string = _Keys[i]
		_hashkey_ret := C.GoStringN(,
		_entry_Key := _hashkey_ret
		_hashval_ret := _Values[i]
		_hashval_goptr := qt.UnsafeNewQVariant(unsafe.Pointer(_hashval_ret))
		_hashval_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
		_entry_Value := *_hashval_goptr

		_ret[_entry_Key] = _entry_Value
	return _ret

func (this *QCborMap) ToJsonObject() *qt.QJsonObject {
	_ret := C.QCborMap_ToJsonObject(this.h)
	_goptr := qt.UnsafeNewQJsonObject(unsafe.Pointer(_ret))
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QCborMap) Delete() {
	C.QCborMap_Delete(this.h, C.bool(this.isSubclass))

// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QCborMap) GoGC() {
	runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QCborMap) {

type QCborMap__Iterator struct {
	h          *C.QCborMap__Iterator
	isSubclass bool

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) cPointer() *C.QCborMap__Iterator {
	if this == nil {
		return nil
	return this.h

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
	if this == nil {
		return nil
	return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)

// newQCborMap__Iterator constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
func newQCborMap__Iterator(h *C.QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	if h == nil {
		return nil
	return &QCborMap__Iterator{h: h}

// UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	if h == nil {
		return nil

	return &QCborMap__Iterator{h: (*C.QCborMap__Iterator)(h)}

// NewQCborMap__Iterator constructs a new QCborMap::Iterator object.
func NewQCborMap__Iterator() *QCborMap__Iterator {
	var outptr_QCborMap__Iterator *C.QCborMap__Iterator = nil

	ret := newQCborMap__Iterator(outptr_QCborMap__Iterator)
	ret.isSubclass = true
	return ret

// NewQCborMap__Iterator2 constructs a new QCborMap::Iterator object.
func NewQCborMap__Iterator2(param1 *QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	var outptr_QCborMap__Iterator *C.QCborMap__Iterator = nil

	C.QCborMap__Iterator_new2(param1.cPointer(), &outptr_QCborMap__Iterator)
	ret := newQCborMap__Iterator(outptr_QCborMap__Iterator)
	ret.isSubclass = true
	return ret

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborMap__Iterator) {
	C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorAssign(this.h, other.cPointer())

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMultiply() struct {
	First  QCborValueRef
	Second QCborValueRef
} {
	var _mm C.struct_miqt_map = C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorMultiply(this.h)
	_First_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QCborValueRef)(unsafe.Pointer(_mm.keys))
	_Second_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QCborValueRef)(unsafe.Pointer(_mm.values))
	_first_ret := _First_CArray[0]
	_first_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_first_ret)
	_first_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	_entry_First := *_first_goptr

	_second_ret := _Second_CArray[0]
	_second_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_second_ret)
	_second_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	_entry_Second := *_second_goptr

	return struct {
		First  QCborValueRef
		Second QCborValueRef
	}{First: _entry_First, Second: _entry_Second}

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueRef {
	return UnsafeNewQCborValueRef(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorMinusGreater(this.h)))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Key() *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__Iterator_Key(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Value() *QCborValueRef {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__Iterator_Value(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorEqual(this.h, o.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorNotEqual(this.h, o.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorLesser(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorLesserOrEqual(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorGreater(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorGreaterOrEqual(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(this.h, o.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(this.h, o.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorLesserWithOther(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorGreaterWithOther(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborMap__Iterator {
	return UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorPlusPlus(this.h)))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(this.h, (
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborMap__Iterator {
	return UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorMinusMinus(this.h)))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(this.h, (
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	return UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorPlusAssign(this.h, (C.ptrdiff_t)(j))))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	return UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorMinusAssign(this.h, (C.ptrdiff_t)(j))))

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorPlus(this.h, (C.ptrdiff_t)(j))
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorMinus(this.h, (C.ptrdiff_t)(j))
	_goptr := newQCborMap__Iterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborMapIterator(j QCborMap__Iterator) int64 {
	return (int64)(C.QCborMap__Iterator_OperatorMinusWithQCborMapIterator(this.h, j.cPointer()))

// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Delete() {
	C.QCborMap__Iterator_Delete(this.h, C.bool(this.isSubclass))

// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) GoGC() {
	runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QCborMap__Iterator) {

type QCborMap__ConstIterator struct {
	h          *C.QCborMap__ConstIterator
	isSubclass bool

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) cPointer() *C.QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	if this == nil {
		return nil
	return this.h

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
	if this == nil {
		return nil
	return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)

// newQCborMap__ConstIterator constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
func newQCborMap__ConstIterator(h *C.QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	if h == nil {
		return nil
	return &QCborMap__ConstIterator{h: h}

// UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	if h == nil {
		return nil

	return &QCborMap__ConstIterator{h: (*C.QCborMap__ConstIterator)(h)}

// NewQCborMap__ConstIterator constructs a new QCborMap::ConstIterator object.
func NewQCborMap__ConstIterator() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	var outptr_QCborMap__ConstIterator *C.QCborMap__ConstIterator = nil

	ret := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(outptr_QCborMap__ConstIterator)
	ret.isSubclass = true
	return ret

// NewQCborMap__ConstIterator2 constructs a new QCborMap::ConstIterator object.
func NewQCborMap__ConstIterator2(param1 *QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	var outptr_QCborMap__ConstIterator *C.QCborMap__ConstIterator = nil

	C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_new2(param1.cPointer(), &outptr_QCborMap__ConstIterator)
	ret := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(outptr_QCborMap__ConstIterator)
	ret.isSubclass = true
	return ret

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) {
	C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorAssign(this.h, other.cPointer())

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMultiply() struct {
	First  QCborValueRef
	Second QCborValueRef
} {
	var _mm C.struct_miqt_map = C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorMultiply(this.h)
	_First_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QCborValueRef)(unsafe.Pointer(_mm.keys))
	_Second_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QCborValueRef)(unsafe.Pointer(_mm.values))
	_first_ret := _First_CArray[0]
	_first_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_first_ret)
	_first_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	_entry_First := *_first_goptr

	_second_ret := _Second_CArray[0]
	_second_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_second_ret)
	_second_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	_entry_Second := *_second_goptr

	return struct {
		First  QCborValueRef
		Second QCborValueRef
	}{First: _entry_First, Second: _entry_Second}

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueRef {
	return UnsafeNewQCborValueRef(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorMinusGreater(this.h)))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Key() *QCborValue {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_Key(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborValue(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Value() *QCborValueRef {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_Value(this.h)
	_goptr := newQCborValueRef(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorEqual(this.h, o.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorNotEqual(this.h, o.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorLesser(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorLesserOrEqual(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorGreater(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorGreaterOrEqual(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(this.h, o.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(this.h, o.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorLesserWithOther(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorGreaterWithOther(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool {
	return (bool)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(this.h, other.cPointer()))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	return UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorPlusPlus(this.h)))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(this.h, (
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	return UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorMinusMinus(this.h)))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(this.h, (
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	return UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorPlusAssign(this.h, (C.ptrdiff_t)(j))))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	return UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator(unsafe.Pointer(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorMinusAssign(this.h, (C.ptrdiff_t)(j))))

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorPlus(this.h, (C.ptrdiff_t)(j))
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator {
	_ret := C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorMinus(this.h, (C.ptrdiff_t)(j))
	_goptr := newQCborMap__ConstIterator(_ret)
	_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
	return _goptr

func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborMapConstIterator(j QCborMap__ConstIterator) int64 {
	return (int64)(C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_OperatorMinusWithQCborMapConstIterator(this.h, j.cPointer()))

// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Delete() {
	C.QCborMap__ConstIterator_Delete(this.h, C.bool(this.isSubclass))

// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) GoGC() {
	runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) {