#pragma once #ifndef MIQT_QT_GEN_QACTION_H #define MIQT_QT_GEN_QACTION_H #include #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #include "../libmiqt/libmiqt.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus class QAction; class QActionGroup; class QChildEvent; class QEvent; class QFont; class QGraphicsWidget; class QIcon; class QKeySequence; class QMenu; class QMetaMethod; class QMetaObject; class QObject; class QTimerEvent; class QVariant; class QWidget; #else typedef struct QAction QAction; typedef struct QActionGroup QActionGroup; typedef struct QChildEvent QChildEvent; typedef struct QEvent QEvent; typedef struct QFont QFont; typedef struct QGraphicsWidget QGraphicsWidget; typedef struct QIcon QIcon; typedef struct QKeySequence QKeySequence; typedef struct QMenu QMenu; typedef struct QMetaMethod QMetaMethod; typedef struct QMetaObject QMetaObject; typedef struct QObject QObject; typedef struct QTimerEvent QTimerEvent; typedef struct QVariant QVariant; typedef struct QWidget QWidget; #endif QAction* QAction_new(); QAction* QAction_new2(struct miqt_string text); QAction* QAction_new3(QIcon* icon, struct miqt_string text); QAction* QAction_new4(QObject* parent); QAction* QAction_new5(struct miqt_string text, QObject* parent); QAction* QAction_new6(QIcon* icon, struct miqt_string text, QObject* parent); void QAction_virtbase(QAction* src, QObject** outptr_QObject); QMetaObject* QAction_metaObject(const QAction* self); void* QAction_metacast(QAction* self, const char* param1); struct miqt_string QAction_tr(const char* s); struct miqt_string QAction_trUtf8(const char* s); void QAction_setActionGroup(QAction* self, QActionGroup* group); QActionGroup* QAction_actionGroup(const QAction* self); void QAction_setIcon(QAction* self, QIcon* icon); QIcon* QAction_icon(const QAction* self); void QAction_setText(QAction* self, struct miqt_string text); struct miqt_string QAction_text(const QAction* self); void QAction_setIconText(QAction* self, struct miqt_string text); struct miqt_string QAction_iconText(const QAction* self); void QAction_setToolTip(QAction* self, struct miqt_string tip); struct miqt_string QAction_toolTip(const QAction* self); void QAction_setStatusTip(QAction* self, struct miqt_string statusTip); struct miqt_string QAction_statusTip(const QAction* self); void QAction_setWhatsThis(QAction* self, struct miqt_string what); struct miqt_string QAction_whatsThis(const QAction* self); void QAction_setPriority(QAction* self, int priority); int QAction_priority(const QAction* self); QMenu* QAction_menu(const QAction* self); void QAction_setMenu(QAction* self, QMenu* menu); void QAction_setSeparator(QAction* self, bool b); bool QAction_isSeparator(const QAction* self); void QAction_setShortcut(QAction* self, QKeySequence* shortcut); QKeySequence* QAction_shortcut(const QAction* self); void QAction_setShortcuts(QAction* self, struct miqt_array /* of QKeySequence* */ shortcuts); void QAction_setShortcutsWithShortcuts(QAction* self, int shortcuts); struct miqt_array /* of QKeySequence* */ QAction_shortcuts(const QAction* self); void QAction_setShortcutContext(QAction* self, int context); int QAction_shortcutContext(const QAction* self); void QAction_setAutoRepeat(QAction* self, bool autoRepeat); bool QAction_autoRepeat(const QAction* self); void QAction_setFont(QAction* self, QFont* font); QFont* QAction_font(const QAction* self); void QAction_setCheckable(QAction* self, bool checkable); bool QAction_isCheckable(const QAction* self); QVariant* QAction_data(const QAction* self); void QAction_setData(QAction* self, QVariant* var); bool QAction_isChecked(const QAction* self); bool QAction_isEnabled(const QAction* self); bool QAction_isVisible(const QAction* self); void QAction_activate(QAction* self, int event); bool QAction_showStatusText(QAction* self); void QAction_setMenuRole(QAction* self, int menuRole); int QAction_menuRole(const QAction* self); void QAction_setIconVisibleInMenu(QAction* self, bool visible); bool QAction_isIconVisibleInMenu(const QAction* self); void QAction_setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu(QAction* self, bool show); bool QAction_isShortcutVisibleInContextMenu(const QAction* self); QWidget* QAction_parentWidget(const QAction* self); struct miqt_array /* of QWidget* */ QAction_associatedWidgets(const QAction* self); struct miqt_array /* of QGraphicsWidget* */ QAction_associatedGraphicsWidgets(const QAction* self); bool QAction_event(QAction* self, QEvent* param1); void QAction_trigger(QAction* self); void QAction_hover(QAction* self); void QAction_setChecked(QAction* self, bool checked); void QAction_toggle(QAction* self); void QAction_setEnabled(QAction* self, bool enabled); void QAction_setDisabled(QAction* self, bool b); void QAction_setVisible(QAction* self, bool visible); void QAction_changed(QAction* self); void QAction_connect_changed(QAction* self, intptr_t slot); void QAction_triggered(QAction* self); void QAction_connect_triggered(QAction* self, intptr_t slot); void QAction_hovered(QAction* self); void QAction_connect_hovered(QAction* self, intptr_t slot); void QAction_toggled(QAction* self, bool param1); void QAction_connect_toggled(QAction* self, intptr_t slot); struct miqt_string QAction_tr2(const char* s, const char* c); struct miqt_string QAction_tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n); struct miqt_string QAction_trUtf82(const char* s, const char* c); struct miqt_string QAction_trUtf83(const char* s, const char* c, int n); bool QAction_showStatusText1(QAction* self, QWidget* widget); void QAction_triggered1(QAction* self, bool checked); void QAction_connect_triggered1(QAction* self, intptr_t slot); bool QAction_override_virtual_event(void* self, intptr_t slot); bool QAction_virtualbase_event(void* self, QEvent* param1); bool QAction_override_virtual_eventFilter(void* self, intptr_t slot); bool QAction_virtualbase_eventFilter(void* self, QObject* watched, QEvent* event); bool QAction_override_virtual_timerEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot); void QAction_virtualbase_timerEvent(void* self, QTimerEvent* event); bool QAction_override_virtual_childEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot); void QAction_virtualbase_childEvent(void* self, QChildEvent* event); bool QAction_override_virtual_customEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot); void QAction_virtualbase_customEvent(void* self, QEvent* event); bool QAction_override_virtual_connectNotify(void* self, intptr_t slot); void QAction_virtualbase_connectNotify(void* self, QMetaMethod* signal); bool QAction_override_virtual_disconnectNotify(void* self, intptr_t slot); void QAction_virtualbase_disconnectNotify(void* self, QMetaMethod* signal); void QAction_delete(QAction* self); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif #endif