#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gen_qrawfont.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif QRawFont* QRawFont_new() { return new QRawFont(); } QRawFont* QRawFont_new2(struct miqt_string fileName, double pixelSize) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return new QRawFont(fileName_QString, static_cast(pixelSize)); } QRawFont* QRawFont_new3(struct miqt_string fontData, double pixelSize) { QByteArray fontData_QByteArray(fontData.data, fontData.len); return new QRawFont(fontData_QByteArray, static_cast(pixelSize)); } QRawFont* QRawFont_new4(QRawFont* other) { return new QRawFont(*other); } QRawFont* QRawFont_new5(struct miqt_string fileName, double pixelSize, int hintingPreference) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); return new QRawFont(fileName_QString, static_cast(pixelSize), static_cast(hintingPreference)); } QRawFont* QRawFont_new6(struct miqt_string fontData, double pixelSize, int hintingPreference) { QByteArray fontData_QByteArray(fontData.data, fontData.len); return new QRawFont(fontData_QByteArray, static_cast(pixelSize), static_cast(hintingPreference)); } void QRawFont_operatorAssign(QRawFont* self, QRawFont* other) { self->operator=(*other); } void QRawFont_swap(QRawFont* self, QRawFont* other) { self->swap(*other); } bool QRawFont_isValid(const QRawFont* self) { return self->isValid(); } bool QRawFont_operatorEqual(const QRawFont* self, QRawFont* other) { return (*self == *other); } bool QRawFont_operatorNotEqual(const QRawFont* self, QRawFont* other) { return (*self != *other); } struct miqt_string QRawFont_familyName(const QRawFont* self) { QString _ret = self->familyName(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QRawFont_styleName(const QRawFont* self) { QString _ret = self->styleName(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } int QRawFont_style(const QRawFont* self) { QFont::Style _ret = self->style(); return static_cast(_ret); } int QRawFont_weight(const QRawFont* self) { return self->weight(); } struct miqt_array /* of unsigned int */ QRawFont_glyphIndexesForString(const QRawFont* self, struct miqt_string text) { QString text_QString = QString::fromUtf8(text.data, text.len); QList _ret = self->glyphIndexesForString(text_QString); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory unsigned int* _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = _ret[i]; } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } struct miqt_array /* of QPointF* */ QRawFont_advancesForGlyphIndexes(const QRawFont* self, struct miqt_array /* of unsigned int */ glyphIndexes) { QList glyphIndexes_QList; glyphIndexes_QList.reserve(glyphIndexes.len); unsigned int* glyphIndexes_arr = static_cast(glyphIndexes.data); for(size_t i = 0; i < glyphIndexes.len; ++i) { glyphIndexes_QList.push_back(static_cast(glyphIndexes_arr[i])); } QList _ret = self->advancesForGlyphIndexes(glyphIndexes_QList); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory QPointF** _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(QPointF*) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = new QPointF(_ret[i]); } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } struct miqt_array /* of QPointF* */ QRawFont_advancesForGlyphIndexes2(const QRawFont* self, struct miqt_array /* of unsigned int */ glyphIndexes, int layoutFlags) { QList glyphIndexes_QList; glyphIndexes_QList.reserve(glyphIndexes.len); unsigned int* glyphIndexes_arr = static_cast(glyphIndexes.data); for(size_t i = 0; i < glyphIndexes.len; ++i) { glyphIndexes_QList.push_back(static_cast(glyphIndexes_arr[i])); } QList _ret = self->advancesForGlyphIndexes(glyphIndexes_QList, static_cast(layoutFlags)); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory QPointF** _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(QPointF*) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { _arr[i] = new QPointF(_ret[i]); } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } bool QRawFont_glyphIndexesForChars(const QRawFont* self, QChar* chars, int numChars, unsigned int* glyphIndexes, int* numGlyphs) { return self->glyphIndexesForChars(chars, static_cast(numChars), static_cast(glyphIndexes), static_cast(numGlyphs)); } bool QRawFont_advancesForGlyphIndexes3(const QRawFont* self, const unsigned int* glyphIndexes, QPointF* advances, int numGlyphs) { return self->advancesForGlyphIndexes(static_cast(glyphIndexes), advances, static_cast(numGlyphs)); } bool QRawFont_advancesForGlyphIndexes4(const QRawFont* self, const unsigned int* glyphIndexes, QPointF* advances, int numGlyphs, int layoutFlags) { return self->advancesForGlyphIndexes(static_cast(glyphIndexes), advances, static_cast(numGlyphs), static_cast(layoutFlags)); } QImage* QRawFont_alphaMapForGlyph(const QRawFont* self, unsigned int glyphIndex) { return new QImage(self->alphaMapForGlyph(static_cast(glyphIndex))); } QPainterPath* QRawFont_pathForGlyph(const QRawFont* self, unsigned int glyphIndex) { return new QPainterPath(self->pathForGlyph(static_cast(glyphIndex))); } QRectF* QRawFont_boundingRect(const QRawFont* self, unsigned int glyphIndex) { return new QRectF(self->boundingRect(static_cast(glyphIndex))); } void QRawFont_setPixelSize(QRawFont* self, double pixelSize) { self->setPixelSize(static_cast(pixelSize)); } double QRawFont_pixelSize(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->pixelSize(); return static_cast(_ret); } int QRawFont_hintingPreference(const QRawFont* self) { QFont::HintingPreference _ret = self->hintingPreference(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_ascent(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->ascent(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_capHeight(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->capHeight(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_descent(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->descent(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_leading(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->leading(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_xHeight(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->xHeight(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_averageCharWidth(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->averageCharWidth(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_maxCharWidth(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->maxCharWidth(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_lineThickness(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->lineThickness(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_underlinePosition(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->underlinePosition(); return static_cast(_ret); } double QRawFont_unitsPerEm(const QRawFont* self) { qreal _ret = self->unitsPerEm(); return static_cast(_ret); } void QRawFont_loadFromFile(QRawFont* self, struct miqt_string fileName, double pixelSize, int hintingPreference) { QString fileName_QString = QString::fromUtf8(fileName.data, fileName.len); self->loadFromFile(fileName_QString, static_cast(pixelSize), static_cast(hintingPreference)); } void QRawFont_loadFromData(QRawFont* self, struct miqt_string fontData, double pixelSize, int hintingPreference) { QByteArray fontData_QByteArray(fontData.data, fontData.len); self->loadFromData(fontData_QByteArray, static_cast(pixelSize), static_cast(hintingPreference)); } bool QRawFont_supportsCharacter(const QRawFont* self, unsigned int ucs4) { return self->supportsCharacter(static_cast(ucs4)); } bool QRawFont_supportsCharacterWithCharacter(const QRawFont* self, QChar* character) { return self->supportsCharacter(*character); } struct miqt_array /* of int */ QRawFont_supportedWritingSystems(const QRawFont* self) { QList _ret = self->supportedWritingSystems(); // Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory int* _arr = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(int) * _ret.length())); for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) { QFontDatabase::WritingSystem _lv_ret = _ret[i]; _arr[i] = static_cast(_lv_ret); } struct miqt_array _out; _out.len = _ret.length(); _out.data = static_cast(_arr); return _out; } struct miqt_string QRawFont_fontTable(const QRawFont* self, const char* tagName) { QByteArray _qb = self->fontTable(tagName); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _qb.length(); _ms.data = static_cast(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _qb.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } QRawFont* QRawFont_fromFont(QFont* font) { return new QRawFont(QRawFont::fromFont(*font)); } QImage* QRawFont_alphaMapForGlyph2(const QRawFont* self, unsigned int glyphIndex, int antialiasingType) { return new QImage(self->alphaMapForGlyph(static_cast(glyphIndex), static_cast(antialiasingType))); } QImage* QRawFont_alphaMapForGlyph3(const QRawFont* self, unsigned int glyphIndex, int antialiasingType, QTransform* transform) { return new QImage(self->alphaMapForGlyph(static_cast(glyphIndex), static_cast(antialiasingType), *transform)); } QRawFont* QRawFont_fromFont2(QFont* font, int writingSystem) { return new QRawFont(QRawFont::fromFont(*font, static_cast(writingSystem))); } void QRawFont_delete(QRawFont* self) { delete self; }