#include <QChildEvent> #include <QEvent> #include <QHostAddress> #include <QMetaMethod> #include <QMetaObject> #include <QNetworkProxy> #include <QObject> #include <QString> #include <QByteArray> #include <cstring> #include <QTcpServer> #include <QTcpSocket> #include <QTimerEvent> #include <qtcpserver.h> #include "gen_qtcpserver.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_NewConnection(intptr_t); void miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_AcceptError(intptr_t, int); bool miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_HasPendingConnections(void*, intptr_t); QTcpSocket* miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_NextPendingConnection(void*, intptr_t); void miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_IncomingConnection(void*, intptr_t, intptr_t); bool miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_Event(void*, intptr_t, QEvent*); bool miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_EventFilter(void*, intptr_t, QObject*, QEvent*); void miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_TimerEvent(void*, intptr_t, QTimerEvent*); void miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_ChildEvent(void*, intptr_t, QChildEvent*); void miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_CustomEvent(void*, intptr_t, QEvent*); void miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_ConnectNotify(void*, intptr_t, QMetaMethod*); void miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_DisconnectNotify(void*, intptr_t, QMetaMethod*); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern C */ #endif class MiqtVirtualQTcpServer final : public QTcpServer { public: MiqtVirtualQTcpServer(): QTcpServer() {}; MiqtVirtualQTcpServer(QObject* parent): QTcpServer(parent) {}; virtual ~MiqtVirtualQTcpServer() override = default; // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__HasPendingConnections = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool hasPendingConnections() const override { if (handle__HasPendingConnections == 0) { return QTcpServer::hasPendingConnections(); } bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_HasPendingConnections(const_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>(this), handle__HasPendingConnections); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_HasPendingConnections() const { return QTcpServer::hasPendingConnections(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__NextPendingConnection = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual QTcpSocket* nextPendingConnection() override { if (handle__NextPendingConnection == 0) { return QTcpServer::nextPendingConnection(); } QTcpSocket* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_NextPendingConnection(this, handle__NextPendingConnection); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method QTcpSocket* virtualbase_NextPendingConnection() { return QTcpServer::nextPendingConnection(); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__IncomingConnection = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void incomingConnection(qintptr handle) override { if (handle__IncomingConnection == 0) { QTcpServer::incomingConnection(handle); return; } qintptr handle_ret = handle; intptr_t sigval1 = (intptr_t)(handle_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_IncomingConnection(this, handle__IncomingConnection, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_IncomingConnection(intptr_t handle) { QTcpServer::incomingConnection((qintptr)(handle)); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__Event = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool event(QEvent* event) override { if (handle__Event == 0) { return QTcpServer::event(event); } QEvent* sigval1 = event; bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_Event(this, handle__Event, sigval1); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_Event(QEvent* event) { return QTcpServer::event(event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__EventFilter = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual bool eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) override { if (handle__EventFilter == 0) { return QTcpServer::eventFilter(watched, event); } QObject* sigval1 = watched; QEvent* sigval2 = event; bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_EventFilter(this, handle__EventFilter, sigval1, sigval2); return callback_return_value; } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method bool virtualbase_EventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) { return QTcpServer::eventFilter(watched, event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__TimerEvent = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event) override { if (handle__TimerEvent == 0) { QTcpServer::timerEvent(event); return; } QTimerEvent* sigval1 = event; miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_TimerEvent(this, handle__TimerEvent, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_TimerEvent(QTimerEvent* event) { QTcpServer::timerEvent(event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__ChildEvent = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void childEvent(QChildEvent* event) override { if (handle__ChildEvent == 0) { QTcpServer::childEvent(event); return; } QChildEvent* sigval1 = event; miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_ChildEvent(this, handle__ChildEvent, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_ChildEvent(QChildEvent* event) { QTcpServer::childEvent(event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__CustomEvent = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void customEvent(QEvent* event) override { if (handle__CustomEvent == 0) { QTcpServer::customEvent(event); return; } QEvent* sigval1 = event; miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_CustomEvent(this, handle__CustomEvent, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_CustomEvent(QEvent* event) { QTcpServer::customEvent(event); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__ConnectNotify = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod& signal) override { if (handle__ConnectNotify == 0) { QTcpServer::connectNotify(signal); return; } const QMetaMethod& signal_ret = signal; // Cast returned reference into pointer QMetaMethod* sigval1 = const_cast<QMetaMethod*>(&signal_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_ConnectNotify(this, handle__ConnectNotify, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_ConnectNotify(QMetaMethod* signal) { QTcpServer::connectNotify(*signal); } // cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation intptr_t handle__DisconnectNotify = 0; // Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation virtual void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod& signal) override { if (handle__DisconnectNotify == 0) { QTcpServer::disconnectNotify(signal); return; } const QMetaMethod& signal_ret = signal; // Cast returned reference into pointer QMetaMethod* sigval1 = const_cast<QMetaMethod*>(&signal_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_DisconnectNotify(this, handle__DisconnectNotify, sigval1); } // Wrapper to allow calling protected method void virtualbase_DisconnectNotify(QMetaMethod* signal) { QTcpServer::disconnectNotify(*signal); } }; QTcpServer* QTcpServer_new() { return new MiqtVirtualQTcpServer(); } QTcpServer* QTcpServer_new2(QObject* parent) { return new MiqtVirtualQTcpServer(parent); } void QTcpServer_virtbase(QTcpServer* src, QObject** outptr_QObject) { *outptr_QObject = static_cast<QObject*>(src); } QMetaObject* QTcpServer_MetaObject(const QTcpServer* self) { return (QMetaObject*) self->metaObject(); } void* QTcpServer_Metacast(QTcpServer* self, const char* param1) { return self->qt_metacast(param1); } struct miqt_string QTcpServer_Tr(const char* s) { QString _ret = QTcpServer::tr(s); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QTcpServer_TrUtf8(const char* s) { QString _ret = QTcpServer::trUtf8(s); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } bool QTcpServer_Listen(QTcpServer* self) { return self->listen(); } void QTcpServer_Close(QTcpServer* self) { self->close(); } bool QTcpServer_IsListening(const QTcpServer* self) { return self->isListening(); } void QTcpServer_SetMaxPendingConnections(QTcpServer* self, int numConnections) { self->setMaxPendingConnections(static_cast<int>(numConnections)); } int QTcpServer_MaxPendingConnections(const QTcpServer* self) { return self->maxPendingConnections(); } uint16_t QTcpServer_ServerPort(const QTcpServer* self) { quint16 _ret = self->serverPort(); return static_cast<uint16_t>(_ret); } QHostAddress* QTcpServer_ServerAddress(const QTcpServer* self) { return new QHostAddress(self->serverAddress()); } intptr_t QTcpServer_SocketDescriptor(const QTcpServer* self) { qintptr _ret = self->socketDescriptor(); return (intptr_t)(_ret); } bool QTcpServer_SetSocketDescriptor(QTcpServer* self, intptr_t socketDescriptor) { return self->setSocketDescriptor((qintptr)(socketDescriptor)); } bool QTcpServer_WaitForNewConnection(QTcpServer* self) { return self->waitForNewConnection(); } bool QTcpServer_HasPendingConnections(const QTcpServer* self) { return self->hasPendingConnections(); } QTcpSocket* QTcpServer_NextPendingConnection(QTcpServer* self) { return self->nextPendingConnection(); } int QTcpServer_ServerError(const QTcpServer* self) { QAbstractSocket::SocketError _ret = self->serverError(); return static_cast<int>(_ret); } struct miqt_string QTcpServer_ErrorString(const QTcpServer* self) { QString _ret = self->errorString(); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } void QTcpServer_PauseAccepting(QTcpServer* self) { self->pauseAccepting(); } void QTcpServer_ResumeAccepting(QTcpServer* self) { self->resumeAccepting(); } void QTcpServer_SetProxy(QTcpServer* self, QNetworkProxy* networkProxy) { self->setProxy(*networkProxy); } QNetworkProxy* QTcpServer_Proxy(const QTcpServer* self) { return new QNetworkProxy(self->proxy()); } void QTcpServer_NewConnection(QTcpServer* self) { self->newConnection(); } void QTcpServer_connect_NewConnection(QTcpServer* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer::connect(self, static_cast<void (QTcpServer::*)()>(&QTcpServer::newConnection), self, [=]() { miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_NewConnection(slot); }); } void QTcpServer_AcceptError(QTcpServer* self, int socketError) { self->acceptError(static_cast<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>(socketError)); } void QTcpServer_connect_AcceptError(QTcpServer* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer::connect(self, static_cast<void (QTcpServer::*)(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)>(&QTcpServer::acceptError), self, [=](QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError) { QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError_ret = socketError; int sigval1 = static_cast<int>(socketError_ret); miqt_exec_callback_QTcpServer_AcceptError(slot, sigval1); }); } struct miqt_string QTcpServer_Tr2(const char* s, const char* c) { QString _ret = QTcpServer::tr(s, c); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QTcpServer_Tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n) { QString _ret = QTcpServer::tr(s, c, static_cast<int>(n)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QTcpServer_TrUtf82(const char* s, const char* c) { QString _ret = QTcpServer::trUtf8(s, c); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } struct miqt_string QTcpServer_TrUtf83(const char* s, const char* c, int n) { QString _ret = QTcpServer::trUtf8(s, c, static_cast<int>(n)); // Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8(); struct miqt_string _ms; _ms.len = _b.length(); _ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len)); memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len); return _ms; } bool QTcpServer_Listen1(QTcpServer* self, QHostAddress* address) { return self->listen(*address); } bool QTcpServer_Listen2(QTcpServer* self, QHostAddress* address, uint16_t port) { return self->listen(*address, static_cast<quint16>(port)); } bool QTcpServer_WaitForNewConnection1(QTcpServer* self, int msec) { return self->waitForNewConnection(static_cast<int>(msec)); } bool QTcpServer_WaitForNewConnection2(QTcpServer* self, int msec, bool* timedOut) { return self->waitForNewConnection(static_cast<int>(msec), timedOut); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_HasPendingConnections(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__HasPendingConnections = slot; return true; } bool QTcpServer_virtualbase_HasPendingConnections(const void* self) { return ( (const MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_HasPendingConnections(); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_NextPendingConnection(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__NextPendingConnection = slot; return true; } QTcpSocket* QTcpServer_virtualbase_NextPendingConnection(void* self) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_NextPendingConnection(); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_IncomingConnection(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__IncomingConnection = slot; return true; } void QTcpServer_virtualbase_IncomingConnection(void* self, intptr_t handle) { ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_IncomingConnection(handle); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_Event(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__Event = slot; return true; } bool QTcpServer_virtualbase_Event(void* self, QEvent* event) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_Event(event); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_EventFilter(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__EventFilter = slot; return true; } bool QTcpServer_virtualbase_EventFilter(void* self, QObject* watched, QEvent* event) { return ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_EventFilter(watched, event); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_TimerEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__TimerEvent = slot; return true; } void QTcpServer_virtualbase_TimerEvent(void* self, QTimerEvent* event) { ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_TimerEvent(event); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_ChildEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__ChildEvent = slot; return true; } void QTcpServer_virtualbase_ChildEvent(void* self, QChildEvent* event) { ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_ChildEvent(event); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_CustomEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__CustomEvent = slot; return true; } void QTcpServer_virtualbase_CustomEvent(void* self, QEvent* event) { ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_CustomEvent(event); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_ConnectNotify(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__ConnectNotify = slot; return true; } void QTcpServer_virtualbase_ConnectNotify(void* self, QMetaMethod* signal) { ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_ConnectNotify(signal); } bool QTcpServer_override_virtual_DisconnectNotify(void* self, intptr_t slot) { MiqtVirtualQTcpServer* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*>( (QTcpServer*)(self) ); if (self_cast == nullptr) { return false; } self_cast->handle__DisconnectNotify = slot; return true; } void QTcpServer_virtualbase_DisconnectNotify(void* self, QMetaMethod* signal) { ( (MiqtVirtualQTcpServer*)(self) )->virtualbase_DisconnectNotify(signal); } void QTcpServer_Delete(QTcpServer* self) { delete self; }