
111 lines
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package main
#cgo CFLAGS: -fPIC
#cgo pkg-config: Qt5Widgets
#include "binding.h"
import "C"
import (
func CArray(data []string) (C.int, **C.char) {
c_argv := (*[0xfff]*C.char)(C.malloc(C.size_t(8 /* sizeof pointer */ * len(data))))
for i, arg := range data {
c_argv[i] = C.CString(arg)
return C.int(len(data)), (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(c_argv))
type CallbackFunc func(argc C.int, args *C.void)
//export miqt_exec_callback
func miqt_exec_callback(cb C.intptr_t, argc C.int, args *C.void) {
// Our CABI for all callbacks is void(int, void*).
// Our Go ABI is CallbackFunc
// Then the Go bindings can unmarshal the arguments and C.free() them as necessary
cfunc, ok := (cgo.Handle(cb)).Value().(CallbackFunc)
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
cfunc(argc, args)
type QApplication struct {
h C.PQApplication
func NewQApplication(args []string) *QApplication {
argc, argv := CArray(args)
h := C.QApplication_new(&argc, argv)
return &QApplication{h: h}
func (this *QApplication) Exec() int {
ret := C.QApplication_exec(this.h)
return int(ret)
type QWidget struct {
h C.PQWidget
func (this *QWidget) CPointer() C.PQWidget {
if this == nil {
return nil
return this.h
func NewQWidget() *QWidget {
ret := C.QWidget_new()
return &QWidget{h: ret}
func (this *QWidget) Show() {
type QPushButton struct {
h C.PQPushButton
func NewQPushButton(label string, parent *QWidget) *QPushButton {
h := C.QPushButton_new(C.CString(label), parent.CPointer())
return &QPushButton{h: h}
func (this *QPushButton) Show() {
func (this *QPushButton) AsQWidget() *QWidget {
return &QWidget{h: C.PQWidget(this.h)} // Type cast
func (this *QPushButton) OnPressed(cb func()) {
var cbWrapper CallbackFunc = func(argc C.int, args *C.void) {
// Unmarshal arguments
// Pressed() doesn't take any, though
C.QPushButton_connect_pressed(this.h, C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(cbWrapper)))
// TODO allow disconnect'ing, or tie lifespan for handle.Delete(), ...