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synced 2025-03-12 18:40:23 +00:00
662 lines
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662 lines
20 KiB
package qt
#include "gen_qpicture.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import (
type QPicture struct {
h *C.QPicture
func (this *QPicture) cPointer() *C.QPicture {
if this == nil {
return nil
return this.h
func (this *QPicture) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
if this == nil {
return nil
return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)
// newQPicture constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
func newQPicture(h *C.QPicture) *QPicture {
if h == nil {
return nil
var outptr_QPaintDevice *C.QPaintDevice = nil
C.QPicture_virtbase(h, &outptr_QPaintDevice)
return &QPicture{h: h,
QPaintDevice: newQPaintDevice(outptr_QPaintDevice)}
// UnsafeNewQPicture constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func UnsafeNewQPicture(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPicture {
return newQPicture((*C.QPicture)(h))
// NewQPicture constructs a new QPicture object.
func NewQPicture() *QPicture {
return newQPicture(C.QPicture_new())
// NewQPicture2 constructs a new QPicture object.
func NewQPicture2(param1 *QPicture) *QPicture {
return newQPicture(C.QPicture_new2(param1.cPointer()))
// NewQPicture3 constructs a new QPicture object.
func NewQPicture3(formatVersion int) *QPicture {
return newQPicture(C.QPicture_new3((C.int)(formatVersion)))
func (this *QPicture) IsNull() bool {
return (bool)(C.QPicture_isNull(this.h))
func (this *QPicture) DevType() int {
return (int)(C.QPicture_devType(this.h))
func (this *QPicture) Size() uint {
return (uint)(C.QPicture_size(this.h))
func (this *QPicture) Data() string {
_ret := C.QPicture_data(this.h)
return C.GoString(_ret)
func (this *QPicture) SetData(data string, size uint) {
data_Cstring := C.CString(data)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(data_Cstring))
C.QPicture_setData(this.h, data_Cstring, (C.uint)(size))
func (this *QPicture) Play(p *QPainter) bool {
return (bool)(C.QPicture_play(this.h, p.cPointer()))
func (this *QPicture) Load(dev *QIODevice) bool {
return (bool)(C.QPicture_load(this.h, dev.cPointer()))
func (this *QPicture) LoadWithFileName(fileName string) bool {
fileName_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
fileName_ms.data = C.CString(fileName)
fileName_ms.len = C.size_t(len(fileName))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_ms.data))
return (bool)(C.QPicture_loadWithFileName(this.h, fileName_ms))
func (this *QPicture) Save(dev *QIODevice) bool {
return (bool)(C.QPicture_save(this.h, dev.cPointer()))
func (this *QPicture) SaveWithFileName(fileName string) bool {
fileName_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
fileName_ms.data = C.CString(fileName)
fileName_ms.len = C.size_t(len(fileName))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_ms.data))
return (bool)(C.QPicture_saveWithFileName(this.h, fileName_ms))
func (this *QPicture) BoundingRect() *QRect {
_goptr := newQRect(C.QPicture_boundingRect(this.h))
_goptr.GoGC() // Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
return _goptr
func (this *QPicture) SetBoundingRect(r *QRect) {
C.QPicture_setBoundingRect(this.h, r.cPointer())
func (this *QPicture) OperatorAssign(p *QPicture) {
C.QPicture_operatorAssign(this.h, p.cPointer())
func (this *QPicture) Swap(other *QPicture) {
C.QPicture_swap(this.h, other.cPointer())
func (this *QPicture) Detach() {
func (this *QPicture) IsDetached() bool {
return (bool)(C.QPicture_isDetached(this.h))
func QPicture_PictureFormat(fileName string) string {
fileName_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
fileName_ms.data = C.CString(fileName)
fileName_ms.len = C.size_t(len(fileName))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_ms.data))
_ret := C.QPicture_pictureFormat(fileName_ms)
return C.GoString(_ret)
func QPicture_InputFormats() [][]byte {
var _ma C.struct_miqt_array = C.QPicture_inputFormats()
_ret := make([][]byte, int(_ma.len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer(_ma.data)) // hey ya
for i := 0; i < int(_ma.len); i++ {
var _lv_bytearray C.struct_miqt_string = _outCast[i]
_lv_ret := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(_lv_bytearray.data), C.int(int64(_lv_bytearray.len)))
_ret[i] = _lv_ret
return _ret
func QPicture_OutputFormats() [][]byte {
var _ma C.struct_miqt_array = C.QPicture_outputFormats()
_ret := make([][]byte, int(_ma.len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer(_ma.data)) // hey ya
for i := 0; i < int(_ma.len); i++ {
var _lv_bytearray C.struct_miqt_string = _outCast[i]
_lv_ret := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(_lv_bytearray.data), C.int(int64(_lv_bytearray.len)))
_ret[i] = _lv_ret
return _ret
func QPicture_InputFormatList() []string {
var _ma C.struct_miqt_array = C.QPicture_inputFormatList()
_ret := make([]string, int(_ma.len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer(_ma.data)) // hey ya
for i := 0; i < int(_ma.len); i++ {
var _lv_ms C.struct_miqt_string = _outCast[i]
_lv_ret := C.GoStringN(_lv_ms.data, C.int(int64(_lv_ms.len)))
_ret[i] = _lv_ret
return _ret
func QPicture_OutputFormatList() []string {
var _ma C.struct_miqt_array = C.QPicture_outputFormatList()
_ret := make([]string, int(_ma.len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer(_ma.data)) // hey ya
for i := 0; i < int(_ma.len); i++ {
var _lv_ms C.struct_miqt_string = _outCast[i]
_lv_ret := C.GoStringN(_lv_ms.data, C.int(int64(_lv_ms.len)))
_ret[i] = _lv_ret
return _ret
func (this *QPicture) PaintEngine() *QPaintEngine {
return newQPaintEngine(C.QPicture_paintEngine(this.h))
func (this *QPicture) Load2(dev *QIODevice, format string) bool {
format_Cstring := C.CString(format)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(format_Cstring))
return (bool)(C.QPicture_load2(this.h, dev.cPointer(), format_Cstring))
func (this *QPicture) Load22(fileName string, format string) bool {
fileName_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
fileName_ms.data = C.CString(fileName)
fileName_ms.len = C.size_t(len(fileName))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_ms.data))
format_Cstring := C.CString(format)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(format_Cstring))
return (bool)(C.QPicture_load22(this.h, fileName_ms, format_Cstring))
func (this *QPicture) Save2(dev *QIODevice, format string) bool {
format_Cstring := C.CString(format)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(format_Cstring))
return (bool)(C.QPicture_save2(this.h, dev.cPointer(), format_Cstring))
func (this *QPicture) Save22(fileName string, format string) bool {
fileName_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
fileName_ms.data = C.CString(fileName)
fileName_ms.len = C.size_t(len(fileName))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_ms.data))
format_Cstring := C.CString(format)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(format_Cstring))
return (bool)(C.QPicture_save22(this.h, fileName_ms, format_Cstring))
func (this *QPicture) callVirtualBase_DevType() int {
return (int)(C.QPicture_virtualbase_devType(unsafe.Pointer(this.h)))
func (this *QPicture) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int) {
ok := C.QPicture_override_virtual_devType(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
//export miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_devType
func miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_devType(self *C.QPicture, cb C.intptr_t) C.int {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() int) int)
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
virtualReturn := gofunc((&QPicture{h: self}).callVirtualBase_DevType)
return (C.int)(virtualReturn)
func (this *QPicture) callVirtualBase_SetData(data string, size uint) {
data_Cstring := C.CString(data)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(data_Cstring))
C.QPicture_virtualbase_setData(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), data_Cstring, (C.uint)(size))
func (this *QPicture) OnSetData(slot func(super func(data string, size uint), data string, size uint)) {
ok := C.QPicture_override_virtual_setData(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
//export miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_setData
func miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_setData(self *C.QPicture, cb C.intptr_t, data *C.const_char, size C.uint) {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(data string, size uint), data string, size uint))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
data_ret := data
slotval1 := C.GoString(data_ret)
slotval2 := (uint)(size)
gofunc((&QPicture{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SetData, slotval1, slotval2)
func (this *QPicture) callVirtualBase_PaintEngine() *QPaintEngine {
return newQPaintEngine(C.QPicture_virtualbase_paintEngine(unsafe.Pointer(this.h)))
func (this *QPicture) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *QPaintEngine) *QPaintEngine) {
ok := C.QPicture_override_virtual_paintEngine(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
//export miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_paintEngine
func miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_paintEngine(self *C.QPicture, cb C.intptr_t) *C.QPaintEngine {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() *QPaintEngine) *QPaintEngine)
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
virtualReturn := gofunc((&QPicture{h: self}).callVirtualBase_PaintEngine)
return virtualReturn.cPointer()
func (this *QPicture) callVirtualBase_Metric(m QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int {
return (int)(C.QPicture_virtualbase_metric(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), (C.int)(m)))
func (this *QPicture) OnMetric(slot func(super func(m QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, m QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int) {
ok := C.QPicture_override_virtual_metric(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
//export miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_metric
func miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_metric(self *C.QPicture, cb C.intptr_t, m C.int) C.int {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(m QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, m QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
slotval1 := (QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric)(m)
virtualReturn := gofunc((&QPicture{h: self}).callVirtualBase_Metric, slotval1)
return (C.int)(virtualReturn)
func (this *QPicture) callVirtualBase_InitPainter(painter *QPainter) {
C.QPicture_virtualbase_initPainter(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), painter.cPointer())
func (this *QPicture) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *QPainter), painter *QPainter)) {
ok := C.QPicture_override_virtual_initPainter(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
//export miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_initPainter
func miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_initPainter(self *C.QPicture, cb C.intptr_t, painter *C.QPainter) {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(painter *QPainter), painter *QPainter))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
slotval1 := newQPainter(painter)
gofunc((&QPicture{h: self}).callVirtualBase_InitPainter, slotval1)
func (this *QPicture) callVirtualBase_Redirected(offset *QPoint) *QPaintDevice {
return newQPaintDevice(C.QPicture_virtualbase_redirected(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), offset.cPointer()))
func (this *QPicture) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *QPoint) *QPaintDevice, offset *QPoint) *QPaintDevice) {
ok := C.QPicture_override_virtual_redirected(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
//export miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_redirected
func miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_redirected(self *C.QPicture, cb C.intptr_t, offset *C.QPoint) *C.QPaintDevice {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func(offset *QPoint) *QPaintDevice, offset *QPoint) *QPaintDevice)
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
// Convert all CABI parameters to Go parameters
slotval1 := newQPoint(offset)
virtualReturn := gofunc((&QPicture{h: self}).callVirtualBase_Redirected, slotval1)
return virtualReturn.cPointer()
func (this *QPicture) callVirtualBase_SharedPainter() *QPainter {
return newQPainter(C.QPicture_virtualbase_sharedPainter(unsafe.Pointer(this.h)))
func (this *QPicture) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *QPainter) *QPainter) {
ok := C.QPicture_override_virtual_sharedPainter(unsafe.Pointer(this.h), C.intptr_t(cgo.NewHandle(slot)))
if !ok {
panic("miqt: can only override virtual methods for directly constructed types")
//export miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_sharedPainter
func miqt_exec_callback_QPicture_sharedPainter(self *C.QPicture, cb C.intptr_t) *C.QPainter {
gofunc, ok := cgo.Handle(cb).Value().(func(super func() *QPainter) *QPainter)
if !ok {
panic("miqt: callback of non-callback type (heap corruption?)")
virtualReturn := gofunc((&QPicture{h: self}).callVirtualBase_SharedPainter)
return virtualReturn.cPointer()
// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QPicture) Delete() {
// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QPicture) GoGC() {
runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QPicture) {
type QPictureIO struct {
h *C.QPictureIO
func (this *QPictureIO) cPointer() *C.QPictureIO {
if this == nil {
return nil
return this.h
func (this *QPictureIO) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {
if this == nil {
return nil
return unsafe.Pointer(this.h)
// newQPictureIO constructs the type using only CGO pointers.
func newQPictureIO(h *C.QPictureIO) *QPictureIO {
if h == nil {
return nil
return &QPictureIO{h: h}
// UnsafeNewQPictureIO constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func UnsafeNewQPictureIO(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPictureIO {
return newQPictureIO((*C.QPictureIO)(h))
// NewQPictureIO constructs a new QPictureIO object.
func NewQPictureIO() *QPictureIO {
return newQPictureIO(C.QPictureIO_new())
// NewQPictureIO2 constructs a new QPictureIO object.
func NewQPictureIO2(ioDevice *QIODevice, format string) *QPictureIO {
format_Cstring := C.CString(format)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(format_Cstring))
return newQPictureIO(C.QPictureIO_new2(ioDevice.cPointer(), format_Cstring))
// NewQPictureIO3 constructs a new QPictureIO object.
func NewQPictureIO3(fileName string, format string) *QPictureIO {
fileName_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
fileName_ms.data = C.CString(fileName)
fileName_ms.len = C.size_t(len(fileName))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_ms.data))
format_Cstring := C.CString(format)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(format_Cstring))
return newQPictureIO(C.QPictureIO_new3(fileName_ms, format_Cstring))
func (this *QPictureIO) Picture() *QPicture {
return newQPicture(C.QPictureIO_picture(this.h))
func (this *QPictureIO) Status() int {
return (int)(C.QPictureIO_status(this.h))
func (this *QPictureIO) Format() string {
_ret := C.QPictureIO_format(this.h)
return C.GoString(_ret)
func (this *QPictureIO) IoDevice() *QIODevice {
return newQIODevice(C.QPictureIO_ioDevice(this.h))
func (this *QPictureIO) FileName() string {
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QPictureIO_fileName(this.h)
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
func (this *QPictureIO) Quality() int {
return (int)(C.QPictureIO_quality(this.h))
func (this *QPictureIO) Description() string {
var _ms C.struct_miqt_string = C.QPictureIO_description(this.h)
_ret := C.GoStringN(_ms.data, C.int(int64(_ms.len)))
return _ret
func (this *QPictureIO) Parameters() string {
_ret := C.QPictureIO_parameters(this.h)
return C.GoString(_ret)
func (this *QPictureIO) Gamma() float32 {
return (float32)(C.QPictureIO_gamma(this.h))
func (this *QPictureIO) SetPicture(picture *QPicture) {
C.QPictureIO_setPicture(this.h, picture.cPointer())
func (this *QPictureIO) SetStatus(status int) {
C.QPictureIO_setStatus(this.h, (C.int)(status))
func (this *QPictureIO) SetFormat(format string) {
format_Cstring := C.CString(format)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(format_Cstring))
C.QPictureIO_setFormat(this.h, format_Cstring)
func (this *QPictureIO) SetIODevice(iODevice *QIODevice) {
C.QPictureIO_setIODevice(this.h, iODevice.cPointer())
func (this *QPictureIO) SetFileName(fileName string) {
fileName_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
fileName_ms.data = C.CString(fileName)
fileName_ms.len = C.size_t(len(fileName))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_ms.data))
C.QPictureIO_setFileName(this.h, fileName_ms)
func (this *QPictureIO) SetQuality(quality int) {
C.QPictureIO_setQuality(this.h, (C.int)(quality))
func (this *QPictureIO) SetDescription(description string) {
description_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
description_ms.data = C.CString(description)
description_ms.len = C.size_t(len(description))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(description_ms.data))
C.QPictureIO_setDescription(this.h, description_ms)
func (this *QPictureIO) SetParameters(parameters string) {
parameters_Cstring := C.CString(parameters)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(parameters_Cstring))
C.QPictureIO_setParameters(this.h, parameters_Cstring)
func (this *QPictureIO) SetGamma(gamma float32) {
C.QPictureIO_setGamma(this.h, (C.float)(gamma))
func (this *QPictureIO) Read() bool {
return (bool)(C.QPictureIO_read(this.h))
func (this *QPictureIO) Write() bool {
return (bool)(C.QPictureIO_write(this.h))
func QPictureIO_PictureFormat(fileName string) []byte {
fileName_ms := C.struct_miqt_string{}
fileName_ms.data = C.CString(fileName)
fileName_ms.len = C.size_t(len(fileName))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_ms.data))
var _bytearray C.struct_miqt_string = C.QPictureIO_pictureFormat(fileName_ms)
_ret := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(_bytearray.data), C.int(int64(_bytearray.len)))
return _ret
func QPictureIO_PictureFormatWithQIODevice(param1 *QIODevice) []byte {
var _bytearray C.struct_miqt_string = C.QPictureIO_pictureFormatWithQIODevice(param1.cPointer())
_ret := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(_bytearray.data), C.int(int64(_bytearray.len)))
return _ret
func QPictureIO_InputFormats() [][]byte {
var _ma C.struct_miqt_array = C.QPictureIO_inputFormats()
_ret := make([][]byte, int(_ma.len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer(_ma.data)) // hey ya
for i := 0; i < int(_ma.len); i++ {
var _lv_bytearray C.struct_miqt_string = _outCast[i]
_lv_ret := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(_lv_bytearray.data), C.int(int64(_lv_bytearray.len)))
_ret[i] = _lv_ret
return _ret
func QPictureIO_OutputFormats() [][]byte {
var _ma C.struct_miqt_array = C.QPictureIO_outputFormats()
_ret := make([][]byte, int(_ma.len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]C.struct_miqt_string)(unsafe.Pointer(_ma.data)) // hey ya
for i := 0; i < int(_ma.len); i++ {
var _lv_bytearray C.struct_miqt_string = _outCast[i]
_lv_ret := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(_lv_bytearray.data), C.int(int64(_lv_bytearray.len)))
_ret[i] = _lv_ret
return _ret
// Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (this *QPictureIO) Delete() {
// GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted
// from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (this *QPictureIO) GoGC() {
runtime.SetFinalizer(this, func(this *QPictureIO) {