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synced 2025-03-04 06:49:22 +00:00
522 lines
13 KiB
522 lines
13 KiB
package qt
#cgo CFLAGS: -fPIC
#cgo pkg-config: Qt5Widgets
#include "gen_qaction.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import (
type QAction struct {
h *C.QAction
func (this *QAction) cPointer() *C.QAction {
if this == nil {
return nil
return this.h
func newQAction(h *C.QAction) *QAction {
return &QAction{h: h, QObject: newQObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(h))}
func newQAction_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAction {
return newQAction((*C.QAction)(h))
// NewQAction constructs a new QAction object.
func NewQAction() *QAction {
ret := C.QAction_new()
return newQAction(ret)
// NewQAction2 constructs a new QAction object.
func NewQAction2(text string) *QAction {
text_Cstring := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(text_Cstring))
ret := C.QAction_new2(text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)))
return newQAction(ret)
// NewQAction3 constructs a new QAction object.
func NewQAction3(icon *QIcon, text string) *QAction {
text_Cstring := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(text_Cstring))
ret := C.QAction_new3(icon.cPointer(), text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)))
return newQAction(ret)
// NewQAction4 constructs a new QAction object.
func NewQAction4(parent *QObject) *QAction {
ret := C.QAction_new4(parent.cPointer())
return newQAction(ret)
// NewQAction5 constructs a new QAction object.
func NewQAction5(text string, parent *QObject) *QAction {
text_Cstring := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(text_Cstring))
ret := C.QAction_new5(text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)), parent.cPointer())
return newQAction(ret)
// NewQAction6 constructs a new QAction object.
func NewQAction6(icon *QIcon, text string, parent *QObject) *QAction {
text_Cstring := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(text_Cstring))
ret := C.QAction_new6(icon.cPointer(), text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)), parent.cPointer())
return newQAction(ret)
func (this *QAction) MetaObject() *QMetaObject {
ret := C.QAction_MetaObject(this.h)
return newQMetaObject_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret))
func QAction_Tr(s string) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_Tr(s_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QAction_TrUtf8(s string) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_TrUtf8(s_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QAction) SetActionGroup(group *QActionGroup) {
C.QAction_SetActionGroup(this.h, group.cPointer())
func (this *QAction) ActionGroup() *QActionGroup {
ret := C.QAction_ActionGroup(this.h)
return newQActionGroup_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret))
func (this *QAction) SetIcon(icon *QIcon) {
C.QAction_SetIcon(this.h, icon.cPointer())
func (this *QAction) Icon() *QIcon {
ret := C.QAction_Icon(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQIcon(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QIcon) {
return ret1
func (this *QAction) SetText(text string) {
text_Cstring := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(text_Cstring))
C.QAction_SetText(this.h, text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)))
func (this *QAction) Text() string {
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_Text(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QAction) SetIconText(text string) {
text_Cstring := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(text_Cstring))
C.QAction_SetIconText(this.h, text_Cstring, C.ulong(len(text)))
func (this *QAction) IconText() string {
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_IconText(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QAction) SetToolTip(tip string) {
tip_Cstring := C.CString(tip)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(tip_Cstring))
C.QAction_SetToolTip(this.h, tip_Cstring, C.ulong(len(tip)))
func (this *QAction) ToolTip() string {
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_ToolTip(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QAction) SetStatusTip(statusTip string) {
statusTip_Cstring := C.CString(statusTip)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(statusTip_Cstring))
C.QAction_SetStatusTip(this.h, statusTip_Cstring, C.ulong(len(statusTip)))
func (this *QAction) StatusTip() string {
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_StatusTip(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QAction) SetWhatsThis(what string) {
what_Cstring := C.CString(what)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(what_Cstring))
C.QAction_SetWhatsThis(this.h, what_Cstring, C.ulong(len(what)))
func (this *QAction) WhatsThis() string {
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_WhatsThis(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QAction) Menu() *QMenu {
ret := C.QAction_Menu(this.h)
return newQMenu_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret))
func (this *QAction) SetMenu(menu *QMenu) {
C.QAction_SetMenu(this.h, menu.cPointer())
func (this *QAction) SetSeparator(b bool) {
C.QAction_SetSeparator(this.h, (C.bool)(b))
func (this *QAction) IsSeparator() bool {
ret := C.QAction_IsSeparator(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) SetShortcut(shortcut *QKeySequence) {
C.QAction_SetShortcut(this.h, shortcut.cPointer())
func (this *QAction) Shortcut() *QKeySequence {
ret := C.QAction_Shortcut(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQKeySequence(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QKeySequence) {
return ret1
func (this *QAction) SetShortcuts(shortcuts []QKeySequence) {
// For the C ABI, malloc a C array of raw pointers
shortcuts_CArray := (*[0xffff]*C.QKeySequence)(C.malloc(C.ulong(8 * len(shortcuts))))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(shortcuts_CArray))
for i := range shortcuts {
shortcuts_CArray[i] = shortcuts[i].cPointer()
C.QAction_SetShortcuts(this.h, &shortcuts_CArray[0], C.ulong(len(shortcuts)))
func (this *QAction) Shortcuts() []QKeySequence {
var _out **C.QKeySequence = nil
var _out_len C.size_t = 0
C.QAction_Shortcuts(this.h, &_out, &_out_len)
ret := make([]QKeySequence, int(_out_len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QKeySequence)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean
for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ {
ret[i] = *newQKeySequence(_outCast[i])
return ret
func (this *QAction) SetAutoRepeat(autoRepeat bool) {
C.QAction_SetAutoRepeat(this.h, (C.bool)(autoRepeat))
func (this *QAction) AutoRepeat() bool {
ret := C.QAction_AutoRepeat(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) SetFont(font *QFont) {
C.QAction_SetFont(this.h, font.cPointer())
func (this *QAction) Font() *QFont {
ret := C.QAction_Font(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQFont(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QFont) {
return ret1
func (this *QAction) SetCheckable(checkable bool) {
C.QAction_SetCheckable(this.h, (C.bool)(checkable))
func (this *QAction) IsCheckable() bool {
ret := C.QAction_IsCheckable(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) Data() *QVariant {
ret := C.QAction_Data(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQVariant(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QVariant) {
return ret1
func (this *QAction) SetData(varVal *QVariant) {
C.QAction_SetData(this.h, varVal.cPointer())
func (this *QAction) IsChecked() bool {
ret := C.QAction_IsChecked(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) IsEnabled() bool {
ret := C.QAction_IsEnabled(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) IsVisible() bool {
ret := C.QAction_IsVisible(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) ShowStatusText() bool {
ret := C.QAction_ShowStatusText(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) SetIconVisibleInMenu(visible bool) {
C.QAction_SetIconVisibleInMenu(this.h, (C.bool)(visible))
func (this *QAction) IsIconVisibleInMenu() bool {
ret := C.QAction_IsIconVisibleInMenu(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) SetShortcutVisibleInContextMenu(show bool) {
C.QAction_SetShortcutVisibleInContextMenu(this.h, (C.bool)(show))
func (this *QAction) IsShortcutVisibleInContextMenu() bool {
ret := C.QAction_IsShortcutVisibleInContextMenu(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) ParentWidget() *QWidget {
ret := C.QAction_ParentWidget(this.h)
return newQWidget_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret))
func (this *QAction) AssociatedWidgets() []*QWidget {
var _out **C.QWidget = nil
var _out_len C.size_t = 0
C.QAction_AssociatedWidgets(this.h, &_out, &_out_len)
ret := make([]*QWidget, int(_out_len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QWidget)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean
for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ {
ret[i] = newQWidget(_outCast[i])
return ret
func (this *QAction) AssociatedGraphicsWidgets() []*QGraphicsWidget {
var _out **C.QGraphicsWidget = nil
var _out_len C.size_t = 0
C.QAction_AssociatedGraphicsWidgets(this.h, &_out, &_out_len)
ret := make([]*QGraphicsWidget, int(_out_len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QGraphicsWidget)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean
for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ {
ret[i] = newQGraphicsWidget(_outCast[i])
return ret
func (this *QAction) Trigger() {
func (this *QAction) Hover() {
func (this *QAction) SetChecked(checked bool) {
C.QAction_SetChecked(this.h, (C.bool)(checked))
func (this *QAction) Toggle() {
func (this *QAction) SetEnabled(enabled bool) {
C.QAction_SetEnabled(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled))
func (this *QAction) SetDisabled(b bool) {
C.QAction_SetDisabled(this.h, (C.bool)(b))
func (this *QAction) SetVisible(visible bool) {
C.QAction_SetVisible(this.h, (C.bool)(visible))
func (this *QAction) Changed() {
func (this *QAction) OnChanged(slot func()) {
var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc C.int, args *C.void) {
C.QAction_connect_Changed(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper))))
func (this *QAction) Triggered() {
func (this *QAction) Hovered() {
func (this *QAction) OnHovered(slot func()) {
var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc C.int, args *C.void) {
C.QAction_connect_Hovered(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper))))
func (this *QAction) Toggled(param1 bool) {
C.QAction_Toggled(this.h, (C.bool)(param1))
func (this *QAction) OnToggled(slot func()) {
var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc C.int, args *C.void) {
C.QAction_connect_Toggled(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper))))
func QAction_Tr2(s string, c string) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
c_Cstring := C.CString(c)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_Tr2(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QAction_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
c_Cstring := C.CString(c)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_Tr3(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (C.int)(n), &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QAction_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
c_Cstring := C.CString(c)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_TrUtf82(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QAction_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string {
s_Cstring := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s_Cstring))
c_Cstring := C.CString(c)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QAction_TrUtf83(s_Cstring, c_Cstring, (C.int)(n), &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QAction) ShowStatusText1(widget *QWidget) bool {
ret := C.QAction_ShowStatusText1(this.h, widget.cPointer())
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QAction) Triggered1(checked bool) {
C.QAction_Triggered1(this.h, (C.bool)(checked))
func (this *QAction) OnTriggered1(slot func()) {
var slotWrapper miqtCallbackFunc = func(argc C.int, args *C.void) {
C.QAction_connect_Triggered1(this.h, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(cgo.NewHandle(slotWrapper))))
func (this *QAction) Delete() {