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synced 2025-03-11 18:10:22 +00:00
492 lines
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492 lines
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package qt
#cgo CFLAGS: -fPIC
#cgo pkg-config: Qt5Widgets
#include "gen_qimagereader.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import (
type QImageReader struct {
h *C.QImageReader
func (this *QImageReader) cPointer() *C.QImageReader {
if this == nil {
return nil
return this.h
func newQImageReader(h *C.QImageReader) *QImageReader {
return &QImageReader{h: h}
func newQImageReader_U(h unsafe.Pointer) *QImageReader {
return newQImageReader((*C.QImageReader)(h))
// NewQImageReader constructs a new QImageReader object.
func NewQImageReader() *QImageReader {
ret := C.QImageReader_new()
return newQImageReader(ret)
// NewQImageReader2 constructs a new QImageReader object.
func NewQImageReader2(device *QIODevice) *QImageReader {
ret := C.QImageReader_new2(device.cPointer())
return newQImageReader(ret)
// NewQImageReader3 constructs a new QImageReader object.
func NewQImageReader3(fileName string) *QImageReader {
fileName_Cstring := C.CString(fileName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_Cstring))
ret := C.QImageReader_new3(fileName_Cstring, C.ulong(len(fileName)))
return newQImageReader(ret)
// NewQImageReader4 constructs a new QImageReader object.
func NewQImageReader4(device *QIODevice, format *QByteArray) *QImageReader {
ret := C.QImageReader_new4(device.cPointer(), format.cPointer())
return newQImageReader(ret)
// NewQImageReader5 constructs a new QImageReader object.
func NewQImageReader5(fileName string, format *QByteArray) *QImageReader {
fileName_Cstring := C.CString(fileName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_Cstring))
ret := C.QImageReader_new5(fileName_Cstring, C.ulong(len(fileName)), format.cPointer())
return newQImageReader(ret)
func QImageReader_Tr(sourceText string) string {
sourceText_Cstring := C.CString(sourceText)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(sourceText_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_Tr(sourceText_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QImageReader_TrUtf8(sourceText string) string {
sourceText_Cstring := C.CString(sourceText)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(sourceText_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_TrUtf8(sourceText_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QImageReader) SetFormat(format *QByteArray) {
C.QImageReader_SetFormat(this.h, format.cPointer())
func (this *QImageReader) Format() *QByteArray {
ret := C.QImageReader_Format(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQByteArray(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QByteArray) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) SetAutoDetectImageFormat(enabled bool) {
C.QImageReader_SetAutoDetectImageFormat(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled))
func (this *QImageReader) AutoDetectImageFormat() bool {
ret := C.QImageReader_AutoDetectImageFormat(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) SetDecideFormatFromContent(ignored bool) {
C.QImageReader_SetDecideFormatFromContent(this.h, (C.bool)(ignored))
func (this *QImageReader) DecideFormatFromContent() bool {
ret := C.QImageReader_DecideFormatFromContent(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) SetDevice(device *QIODevice) {
C.QImageReader_SetDevice(this.h, device.cPointer())
func (this *QImageReader) Device() *QIODevice {
ret := C.QImageReader_Device(this.h)
return newQIODevice_U(unsafe.Pointer(ret))
func (this *QImageReader) SetFileName(fileName string) {
fileName_Cstring := C.CString(fileName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_Cstring))
C.QImageReader_SetFileName(this.h, fileName_Cstring, C.ulong(len(fileName)))
func (this *QImageReader) FileName() string {
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_FileName(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QImageReader) Size() *QSize {
ret := C.QImageReader_Size(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQSize(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QSize) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) TextKeys() []string {
var _out **C.char = nil
var _out_Lengths *C.int = nil
var _out_len C.size_t = 0
C.QImageReader_TextKeys(this.h, &_out, &_out_Lengths, &_out_len)
ret := make([]string, int(_out_len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // hey ya
_out_LengthsCast := (*[0xffff]C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(_out_Lengths))
for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ {
ret[i] = C.GoStringN(_outCast[i], _out_LengthsCast[i])
return ret
func (this *QImageReader) Text(key string) string {
key_Cstring := C.CString(key)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(key_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_Text(this.h, key_Cstring, C.ulong(len(key)), &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QImageReader) SetClipRect(rect *QRect) {
C.QImageReader_SetClipRect(this.h, rect.cPointer())
func (this *QImageReader) ClipRect() *QRect {
ret := C.QImageReader_ClipRect(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQRect(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRect) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) SetScaledSize(size *QSize) {
C.QImageReader_SetScaledSize(this.h, size.cPointer())
func (this *QImageReader) ScaledSize() *QSize {
ret := C.QImageReader_ScaledSize(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQSize(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QSize) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) SetQuality(quality int) {
C.QImageReader_SetQuality(this.h, (C.int)(quality))
func (this *QImageReader) Quality() int {
ret := C.QImageReader_Quality(this.h)
return (int)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) SetScaledClipRect(rect *QRect) {
C.QImageReader_SetScaledClipRect(this.h, rect.cPointer())
func (this *QImageReader) ScaledClipRect() *QRect {
ret := C.QImageReader_ScaledClipRect(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQRect(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRect) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) SetBackgroundColor(color *QColor) {
C.QImageReader_SetBackgroundColor(this.h, color.cPointer())
func (this *QImageReader) BackgroundColor() *QColor {
ret := C.QImageReader_BackgroundColor(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQColor(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QColor) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) SupportsAnimation() bool {
ret := C.QImageReader_SupportsAnimation(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) SetAutoTransform(enabled bool) {
C.QImageReader_SetAutoTransform(this.h, (C.bool)(enabled))
func (this *QImageReader) AutoTransform() bool {
ret := C.QImageReader_AutoTransform(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) SetGamma(gamma float32) {
C.QImageReader_SetGamma(this.h, (C.float)(gamma))
func (this *QImageReader) Gamma() float32 {
ret := C.QImageReader_Gamma(this.h)
return (float32)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) SubType() *QByteArray {
ret := C.QImageReader_SubType(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQByteArray(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QByteArray) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) SupportedSubTypes() []QByteArray {
var _out **C.QByteArray = nil
var _out_len C.size_t = 0
C.QImageReader_SupportedSubTypes(this.h, &_out, &_out_len)
ret := make([]QByteArray, int(_out_len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QByteArray)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean
for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ {
ret[i] = *newQByteArray(_outCast[i])
return ret
func (this *QImageReader) CanRead() bool {
ret := C.QImageReader_CanRead(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) Read() *QImage {
ret := C.QImageReader_Read(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQImage(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QImage) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) ReadWithImage(image *QImage) bool {
ret := C.QImageReader_ReadWithImage(this.h, image.cPointer())
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) JumpToNextImage() bool {
ret := C.QImageReader_JumpToNextImage(this.h)
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) JumpToImage(imageNumber int) bool {
ret := C.QImageReader_JumpToImage(this.h, (C.int)(imageNumber))
return (bool)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) LoopCount() int {
ret := C.QImageReader_LoopCount(this.h)
return (int)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) ImageCount() int {
ret := C.QImageReader_ImageCount(this.h)
return (int)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) NextImageDelay() int {
ret := C.QImageReader_NextImageDelay(this.h)
return (int)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) CurrentImageNumber() int {
ret := C.QImageReader_CurrentImageNumber(this.h)
return (int)(ret)
func (this *QImageReader) CurrentImageRect() *QRect {
ret := C.QImageReader_CurrentImageRect(this.h)
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQRect(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QRect) {
return ret1
func (this *QImageReader) ErrorString() string {
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_ErrorString(this.h, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QImageReader_ImageFormat(fileName string) *QByteArray {
fileName_Cstring := C.CString(fileName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fileName_Cstring))
ret := C.QImageReader_ImageFormat(fileName_Cstring, C.ulong(len(fileName)))
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQByteArray(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QByteArray) {
return ret1
func QImageReader_ImageFormatWithDevice(device *QIODevice) *QByteArray {
ret := C.QImageReader_ImageFormatWithDevice(device.cPointer())
// Qt uses pass-by-value semantics for this type. Mimic with finalizer
ret1 := newQByteArray(ret)
runtime.SetFinalizer(ret1, func(ret2 *QByteArray) {
return ret1
func QImageReader_SupportedImageFormats() []QByteArray {
var _out **C.QByteArray = nil
var _out_len C.size_t = 0
C.QImageReader_SupportedImageFormats(&_out, &_out_len)
ret := make([]QByteArray, int(_out_len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QByteArray)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean
for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ {
ret[i] = *newQByteArray(_outCast[i])
return ret
func QImageReader_SupportedMimeTypes() []QByteArray {
var _out **C.QByteArray = nil
var _out_len C.size_t = 0
C.QImageReader_SupportedMimeTypes(&_out, &_out_len)
ret := make([]QByteArray, int(_out_len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QByteArray)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean
for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ {
ret[i] = *newQByteArray(_outCast[i])
return ret
func QImageReader_ImageFormatsForMimeType(mimeType *QByteArray) []QByteArray {
var _out **C.QByteArray = nil
var _out_len C.size_t = 0
C.QImageReader_ImageFormatsForMimeType(mimeType.cPointer(), &_out, &_out_len)
ret := make([]QByteArray, int(_out_len))
_outCast := (*[0xffff]*C.QByteArray)(unsafe.Pointer(_out)) // so fresh so clean
for i := 0; i < int(_out_len); i++ {
ret[i] = *newQByteArray(_outCast[i])
return ret
func QImageReader_Tr2(sourceText string, disambiguation string) string {
sourceText_Cstring := C.CString(sourceText)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(sourceText_Cstring))
disambiguation_Cstring := C.CString(disambiguation)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(disambiguation_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_Tr2(sourceText_Cstring, disambiguation_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QImageReader_Tr3(sourceText string, disambiguation string, n int) string {
sourceText_Cstring := C.CString(sourceText)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(sourceText_Cstring))
disambiguation_Cstring := C.CString(disambiguation)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(disambiguation_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_Tr3(sourceText_Cstring, disambiguation_Cstring, (C.int)(n), &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QImageReader_TrUtf82(sourceText string, disambiguation string) string {
sourceText_Cstring := C.CString(sourceText)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(sourceText_Cstring))
disambiguation_Cstring := C.CString(disambiguation)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(disambiguation_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_TrUtf82(sourceText_Cstring, disambiguation_Cstring, &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func QImageReader_TrUtf83(sourceText string, disambiguation string, n int) string {
sourceText_Cstring := C.CString(sourceText)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(sourceText_Cstring))
disambiguation_Cstring := C.CString(disambiguation)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(disambiguation_Cstring))
var _out *C.char = nil
var _out_Strlen C.int = 0
C.QImageReader_TrUtf83(sourceText_Cstring, disambiguation_Cstring, (C.int)(n), &_out, &_out_Strlen)
ret := C.GoStringN(_out, _out_Strlen)
return ret
func (this *QImageReader) Delete() {