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#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QAbstractItemView>
#include <QCompleter>
#include <QList>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QObject>
#include <QRect>
#include <QString>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <cstring>
#include <QWidget>
#include <qcompleter.h>
#include "gen_qcompleter.h"
#include "_cgo_export.h"
QCompleter* QCompleter_new() {
return new QCompleter();
QCompleter* QCompleter_new2(QAbstractItemModel* model) {
return new QCompleter(model);
QCompleter* QCompleter_new3(struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ completions) {
QStringList completions_QList;
struct miqt_string* completions_arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(completions.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < completions.len; ++i) {
QString completions_arr_i_QString = QString::fromUtf8(completions_arr[i].data, completions_arr[i].len);
return new QCompleter(completions_QList);
QCompleter* QCompleter_new4(QObject* parent) {
return new QCompleter(parent);
QCompleter* QCompleter_new5(QAbstractItemModel* model, QObject* parent) {
return new QCompleter(model, parent);
QCompleter* QCompleter_new6(struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ completions, QObject* parent) {
QStringList completions_QList;
struct miqt_string* completions_arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(completions.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < completions.len; ++i) {
QString completions_arr_i_QString = QString::fromUtf8(completions_arr[i].data, completions_arr[i].len);
return new QCompleter(completions_QList, parent);
QMetaObject* QCompleter_MetaObject(const QCompleter* self) {
return (QMetaObject*) self->metaObject();
void* QCompleter_Metacast(QCompleter* self, const char* param1) {
return self->qt_metacast(param1);
struct miqt_string QCompleter_Tr(const char* s) {
QString _ret = QCompleter::tr(s);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
void QCompleter_SetWidget(QCompleter* self, QWidget* widget) {
QWidget* QCompleter_Widget(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->widget();
void QCompleter_SetModel(QCompleter* self, QAbstractItemModel* c) {
QAbstractItemModel* QCompleter_Model(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->model();
void QCompleter_SetCompletionMode(QCompleter* self, int mode) {
int QCompleter_CompletionMode(const QCompleter* self) {
QCompleter::CompletionMode _ret = self->completionMode();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
void QCompleter_SetFilterMode(QCompleter* self, int filterMode) {
int QCompleter_FilterMode(const QCompleter* self) {
Qt::MatchFlags _ret = self->filterMode();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
QAbstractItemView* QCompleter_Popup(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->popup();
void QCompleter_SetPopup(QCompleter* self, QAbstractItemView* popup) {
void QCompleter_SetCaseSensitivity(QCompleter* self, int caseSensitivity) {
int QCompleter_CaseSensitivity(const QCompleter* self) {
Qt::CaseSensitivity _ret = self->caseSensitivity();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
void QCompleter_SetModelSorting(QCompleter* self, int sorting) {
int QCompleter_ModelSorting(const QCompleter* self) {
QCompleter::ModelSorting _ret = self->modelSorting();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
void QCompleter_SetCompletionColumn(QCompleter* self, int column) {
int QCompleter_CompletionColumn(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->completionColumn();
void QCompleter_SetCompletionRole(QCompleter* self, int role) {
int QCompleter_CompletionRole(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->completionRole();
bool QCompleter_WrapAround(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->wrapAround();
int QCompleter_MaxVisibleItems(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->maxVisibleItems();
void QCompleter_SetMaxVisibleItems(QCompleter* self, int maxItems) {
int QCompleter_CompletionCount(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->completionCount();
bool QCompleter_SetCurrentRow(QCompleter* self, int row) {
return self->setCurrentRow(static_cast<int>(row));
int QCompleter_CurrentRow(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->currentRow();
QModelIndex* QCompleter_CurrentIndex(const QCompleter* self) {
return new QModelIndex(self->currentIndex());
struct miqt_string QCompleter_CurrentCompletion(const QCompleter* self) {
QString _ret = self->currentCompletion();
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
QAbstractItemModel* QCompleter_CompletionModel(const QCompleter* self) {
return self->completionModel();
struct miqt_string QCompleter_CompletionPrefix(const QCompleter* self) {
QString _ret = self->completionPrefix();
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
void QCompleter_SetCompletionPrefix(QCompleter* self, struct miqt_string prefix) {
QString prefix_QString = QString::fromUtf8(prefix.data, prefix.len);
void QCompleter_Complete(QCompleter* self) {
void QCompleter_SetWrapAround(QCompleter* self, bool wrap) {
struct miqt_string QCompleter_PathFromIndex(const QCompleter* self, QModelIndex* index) {
QString _ret = self->pathFromIndex(*index);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
struct miqt_array QCompleter_SplitPath(const QCompleter* self, struct miqt_string path) {
QString path_QString = QString::fromUtf8(path.data, path.len);
QStringList _ret = self->splitPath(path_QString);
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
struct miqt_string* _arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(malloc(sizeof(struct miqt_string) * _ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
QString _lv_ret = _ret[i];
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _lv_b = _lv_ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _lv_ms;
_lv_ms.len = _lv_b.length();
_lv_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_lv_ms.len));
memcpy(_lv_ms.data, _lv_b.data(), _lv_ms.len);
_arr[i] = _lv_ms;
struct miqt_array _out;
_out.len = _ret.length();
_out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr);
return _out;
void QCompleter_Activated(QCompleter* self, struct miqt_string text) {
QString text_QString = QString::fromUtf8(text.data, text.len);
void QCompleter_connect_Activated(QCompleter* self, intptr_t slot) {
QCompleter::connect(self, static_cast<void (QCompleter::*)(const QString&)>(&QCompleter::activated), self, [=](const QString& text) {
const QString text_ret = text;
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray text_b = text_ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string text_ms;
text_ms.len = text_b.length();
text_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(text_ms.len));
memcpy(text_ms.data, text_b.data(), text_ms.len);
struct miqt_string sigval1 = text_ms;
miqt_exec_callback_QCompleter_Activated(slot, sigval1);
void QCompleter_ActivatedWithIndex(QCompleter* self, QModelIndex* index) {
void QCompleter_connect_ActivatedWithIndex(QCompleter* self, intptr_t slot) {
QCompleter::connect(self, static_cast<void (QCompleter::*)(const QModelIndex&)>(&QCompleter::activated), self, [=](const QModelIndex& index) {
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
miqt_exec_callback_QCompleter_ActivatedWithIndex(slot, sigval1);
void QCompleter_Highlighted(QCompleter* self, struct miqt_string text) {
QString text_QString = QString::fromUtf8(text.data, text.len);
void QCompleter_connect_Highlighted(QCompleter* self, intptr_t slot) {
QCompleter::connect(self, static_cast<void (QCompleter::*)(const QString&)>(&QCompleter::highlighted), self, [=](const QString& text) {
const QString text_ret = text;
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray text_b = text_ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string text_ms;
text_ms.len = text_b.length();
text_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(text_ms.len));
memcpy(text_ms.data, text_b.data(), text_ms.len);
struct miqt_string sigval1 = text_ms;
miqt_exec_callback_QCompleter_Highlighted(slot, sigval1);
void QCompleter_HighlightedWithIndex(QCompleter* self, QModelIndex* index) {
void QCompleter_connect_HighlightedWithIndex(QCompleter* self, intptr_t slot) {
QCompleter::connect(self, static_cast<void (QCompleter::*)(const QModelIndex&)>(&QCompleter::highlighted), self, [=](const QModelIndex& index) {
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
miqt_exec_callback_QCompleter_HighlightedWithIndex(slot, sigval1);
struct miqt_string QCompleter_Tr2(const char* s, const char* c) {
QString _ret = QCompleter::tr(s, c);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
struct miqt_string QCompleter_Tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n) {
QString _ret = QCompleter::tr(s, c, static_cast<int>(n));
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
void QCompleter_Complete1(QCompleter* self, QRect* rect) {
void QCompleter_Delete(QCompleter* self) {
delete self;