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2177 lines
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2177 lines
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#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QChildEvent>
#include <QDirModel>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QFileIconProvider>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMetaMethod>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QObject>
#include <QSize>
#include <QString>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <cstring>
#include <QTimerEvent>
#include <QVariant>
#include <qdirmodel.h>
#include "gen_qdirmodel.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
QModelIndex* miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_index(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int, QModelIndex*);
QModelIndex* miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_parent(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
int miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_rowCount(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
int miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_columnCount(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
QVariant* miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_data(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*, int);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_setData(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*, QVariant*, int);
QVariant* miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_headerData(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int, int);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_hasChildren(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
int miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_flags(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
void miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_sort(QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int);
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_mimeTypes(const QDirModel*, intptr_t);
QMimeData* miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_mimeData(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ );
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_dropMimeData(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QMimeData*, int, int, int, QModelIndex*);
int miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_supportedDropActions(const QDirModel*, intptr_t);
QModelIndex* miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_sibling(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int, QModelIndex*);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_setHeaderData(QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int, QVariant*, int);
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_itemData(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_setItemData(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*, struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ );
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_canDropMimeData(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QMimeData*, int, int, int, QModelIndex*);
int miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_supportedDragActions(const QDirModel*, intptr_t);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_insertRows(QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int, QModelIndex*);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_insertColumns(QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int, QModelIndex*);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_removeRows(QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int, QModelIndex*);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_removeColumns(QDirModel*, intptr_t, int, int, QModelIndex*);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_moveRows(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*, int, int, QModelIndex*, int);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_moveColumns(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*, int, int, QModelIndex*, int);
void miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_fetchMore(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_canFetchMore(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
QModelIndex* miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_buddy(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_match(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*, int, QVariant*, int, int);
QSize* miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_span(const QDirModel*, intptr_t, QModelIndex*);
struct miqt_map /* of int to struct miqt_string */ miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_roleNames(const QDirModel*, intptr_t);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_submit(QDirModel*, intptr_t);
void miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_revert(QDirModel*, intptr_t);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_event(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QEvent*);
bool miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_eventFilter(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QObject*, QEvent*);
void miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_timerEvent(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QTimerEvent*);
void miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_childEvent(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QChildEvent*);
void miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_customEvent(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QEvent*);
void miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_connectNotify(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QMetaMethod*);
void miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_disconnectNotify(QDirModel*, intptr_t, QMetaMethod*);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern C */
class MiqtVirtualQDirModel final : public QDirModel {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel(const QStringList& nameFilters, QDir::Filters filters, QDir::SortFlags sort): QDirModel(nameFilters, filters, sort) {};
MiqtVirtualQDirModel(): QDirModel() {};
MiqtVirtualQDirModel(const QStringList& nameFilters, QDir::Filters filters, QDir::SortFlags sort, QObject* parent): QDirModel(nameFilters, filters, sort, parent) {};
MiqtVirtualQDirModel(QObject* parent): QDirModel(parent) {};
virtual ~MiqtVirtualQDirModel() override = default;
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__index = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const override {
if (handle__index == 0) {
return QDirModel::index(row, column, parent);
int sigval1 = row;
int sigval2 = column;
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval3 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
QModelIndex* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_index(this, handle__index, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3);
return *callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
QModelIndex* virtualbase_index(int row, int column, QModelIndex* parent) const {
return new QModelIndex(QDirModel::index(static_cast<int>(row), static_cast<int>(column), *parent));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__parent = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& child) const override {
if (handle__parent == 0) {
return QDirModel::parent(child);
const QModelIndex& child_ret = child;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&child_ret);
QModelIndex* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_parent(this, handle__parent, sigval1);
return *callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
QModelIndex* virtualbase_parent(QModelIndex* child) const {
return new QModelIndex(QDirModel::parent(*child));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__rowCount = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const override {
if (handle__rowCount == 0) {
return QDirModel::rowCount(parent);
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_rowCount(this, handle__rowCount, sigval1);
return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
int virtualbase_rowCount(QModelIndex* parent) const {
return QDirModel::rowCount(*parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__columnCount = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const override {
if (handle__columnCount == 0) {
return QDirModel::columnCount(parent);
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_columnCount(this, handle__columnCount, sigval1);
return static_cast<int>(callback_return_value);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
int virtualbase_columnCount(QModelIndex* parent) const {
return QDirModel::columnCount(*parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__data = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const override {
if (handle__data == 0) {
return QDirModel::data(index, role);
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
int sigval2 = role;
QVariant* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_data(this, handle__data, sigval1, sigval2);
return *callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
QVariant* virtualbase_data(QModelIndex* index, int role) const {
return new QVariant(QDirModel::data(*index, static_cast<int>(role)));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__setData = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role) override {
if (handle__setData == 0) {
return QDirModel::setData(index, value, role);
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
const QVariant& value_ret = value;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QVariant* sigval2 = const_cast<QVariant*>(&value_ret);
int sigval3 = role;
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_setData(this, handle__setData, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_setData(QModelIndex* index, QVariant* value, int role) {
return QDirModel::setData(*index, *value, static_cast<int>(role));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__headerData = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override {
if (handle__headerData == 0) {
return QDirModel::headerData(section, orientation, role);
int sigval1 = section;
Qt::Orientation orientation_ret = orientation;
int sigval2 = static_cast<int>(orientation_ret);
int sigval3 = role;
QVariant* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_headerData(this, handle__headerData, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3);
return *callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
QVariant* virtualbase_headerData(int section, int orientation, int role) const {
return new QVariant(QDirModel::headerData(static_cast<int>(section), static_cast<Qt::Orientation>(orientation), static_cast<int>(role)));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__hasChildren = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex& index) const override {
if (handle__hasChildren == 0) {
return QDirModel::hasChildren(index);
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_hasChildren(this, handle__hasChildren, sigval1);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_hasChildren(QModelIndex* index) const {
return QDirModel::hasChildren(*index);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__flags = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex& index) const override {
if (handle__flags == 0) {
return QDirModel::flags(index);
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_flags(this, handle__flags, sigval1);
return static_cast<Qt::ItemFlags>(callback_return_value);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
int virtualbase_flags(QModelIndex* index) const {
Qt::ItemFlags _ret = QDirModel::flags(*index);
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__sort = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) override {
if (handle__sort == 0) {
QDirModel::sort(column, order);
int sigval1 = column;
Qt::SortOrder order_ret = order;
int sigval2 = static_cast<int>(order_ret);
miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_sort(this, handle__sort, sigval1, sigval2);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
void virtualbase_sort(int column, int order) {
QDirModel::sort(static_cast<int>(column), static_cast<Qt::SortOrder>(order));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__mimeTypes = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QStringList mimeTypes() const override {
if (handle__mimeTypes == 0) {
return QDirModel::mimeTypes();
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_mimeTypes(this, handle__mimeTypes);
QStringList callback_return_value_QList;
struct miqt_string* callback_return_value_arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(callback_return_value.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < callback_return_value.len; ++i) {
QString callback_return_value_arr_i_QString = QString::fromUtf8(callback_return_value_arr[i].data, callback_return_value_arr[i].len);
return callback_return_value_QList;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ virtualbase_mimeTypes() const {
QStringList _ret = QDirModel::mimeTypes();
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
struct miqt_string* _arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(malloc(sizeof(struct miqt_string) * _ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
QString _lv_ret = _ret[i];
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _lv_b = _lv_ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _lv_ms;
_lv_ms.len = _lv_b.length();
_lv_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_lv_ms.len));
memcpy(_lv_ms.data, _lv_b.data(), _lv_ms.len);
_arr[i] = _lv_ms;
struct miqt_array _out;
_out.len = _ret.length();
_out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr);
return _out;
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__mimeData = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QMimeData* mimeData(const QModelIndexList& indexes) const override {
if (handle__mimeData == 0) {
return QDirModel::mimeData(indexes);
const QModelIndexList& indexes_ret = indexes;
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
QModelIndex** indexes_arr = static_cast<QModelIndex**>(malloc(sizeof(QModelIndex*) * indexes_ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = indexes_ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
indexes_arr[i] = new QModelIndex(indexes_ret[i]);
struct miqt_array indexes_out;
indexes_out.len = indexes_ret.length();
indexes_out.data = static_cast<void*>(indexes_arr);
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ sigval1 = indexes_out;
QMimeData* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_mimeData(this, handle__mimeData, sigval1);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
QMimeData* virtualbase_mimeData(struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ indexes) const {
QModelIndexList indexes_QList;
QModelIndex** indexes_arr = static_cast<QModelIndex**>(indexes.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < indexes.len; ++i) {
return QDirModel::mimeData(indexes_QList);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__dropMimeData = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData* data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) override {
if (handle__dropMimeData == 0) {
return QDirModel::dropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent);
QMimeData* sigval1 = (QMimeData*) data;
Qt::DropAction action_ret = action;
int sigval2 = static_cast<int>(action_ret);
int sigval3 = row;
int sigval4 = column;
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval5 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_dropMimeData(this, handle__dropMimeData, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3, sigval4, sigval5);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_dropMimeData(QMimeData* data, int action, int row, int column, QModelIndex* parent) {
return QDirModel::dropMimeData(data, static_cast<Qt::DropAction>(action), static_cast<int>(row), static_cast<int>(column), *parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__supportedDropActions = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions() const override {
if (handle__supportedDropActions == 0) {
return QDirModel::supportedDropActions();
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_supportedDropActions(this, handle__supportedDropActions);
return static_cast<Qt::DropActions>(callback_return_value);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
int virtualbase_supportedDropActions() const {
Qt::DropActions _ret = QDirModel::supportedDropActions();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__sibling = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex sibling(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& idx) const override {
if (handle__sibling == 0) {
return QDirModel::sibling(row, column, idx);
int sigval1 = row;
int sigval2 = column;
const QModelIndex& idx_ret = idx;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval3 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&idx_ret);
QModelIndex* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_sibling(this, handle__sibling, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3);
return *callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
QModelIndex* virtualbase_sibling(int row, int column, QModelIndex* idx) const {
return new QModelIndex(QDirModel::sibling(static_cast<int>(row), static_cast<int>(column), *idx));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__setHeaderData = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant& value, int role) override {
if (handle__setHeaderData == 0) {
return QDirModel::setHeaderData(section, orientation, value, role);
int sigval1 = section;
Qt::Orientation orientation_ret = orientation;
int sigval2 = static_cast<int>(orientation_ret);
const QVariant& value_ret = value;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QVariant* sigval3 = const_cast<QVariant*>(&value_ret);
int sigval4 = role;
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_setHeaderData(this, handle__setHeaderData, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3, sigval4);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_setHeaderData(int section, int orientation, QVariant* value, int role) {
return QDirModel::setHeaderData(static_cast<int>(section), static_cast<Qt::Orientation>(orientation), *value, static_cast<int>(role));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__itemData = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QMap<int, QVariant> itemData(const QModelIndex& index) const override {
if (handle__itemData == 0) {
return QDirModel::itemData(index);
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_itemData(this, handle__itemData, sigval1);
QMap<int, QVariant> callback_return_value_QMap;
int* callback_return_value_karr = static_cast<int*>(callback_return_value.keys);
QVariant** callback_return_value_varr = static_cast<QVariant**>(callback_return_value.values);
for(size_t i = 0; i < callback_return_value.len; ++i) {
callback_return_value_QMap[static_cast<int>(callback_return_value_karr[i])] = *(callback_return_value_varr[i]);
return callback_return_value_QMap;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ virtualbase_itemData(QModelIndex* index) const {
QMap<int, QVariant> _ret = QDirModel::itemData(*index);
// Convert QMap<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
int* _karr = static_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeof(int) * _ret.size()));
QVariant** _varr = static_cast<QVariant**>(malloc(sizeof(QVariant*) * _ret.size()));
int _ctr = 0;
for (auto _itr = _ret.keyValueBegin(); _itr != _ret.keyValueEnd(); ++_itr) {
_karr[_ctr] = _itr->first;
_varr[_ctr] = new QVariant(_itr->second);
struct miqt_map _out;
_out.len = _ret.size();
_out.keys = static_cast<void*>(_karr);
_out.values = static_cast<void*>(_varr);
return _out;
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__setItemData = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool setItemData(const QModelIndex& index, const QMap<int, QVariant>& roles) override {
if (handle__setItemData == 0) {
return QDirModel::setItemData(index, roles);
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
const QMap<int, QVariant>& roles_ret = roles;
// Convert QMap<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
int* roles_karr = static_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeof(int) * roles_ret.size()));
QVariant** roles_varr = static_cast<QVariant**>(malloc(sizeof(QVariant*) * roles_ret.size()));
int roles_ctr = 0;
for (auto roles_itr = roles_ret.keyValueBegin(); roles_itr != roles_ret.keyValueEnd(); ++roles_itr) {
roles_karr[roles_ctr] = roles_itr->first;
roles_varr[roles_ctr] = new QVariant(roles_itr->second);
struct miqt_map roles_out;
roles_out.len = roles_ret.size();
roles_out.keys = static_cast<void*>(roles_karr);
roles_out.values = static_cast<void*>(roles_varr);
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ sigval2 = roles_out;
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_setItemData(this, handle__setItemData, sigval1, sigval2);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_setItemData(QModelIndex* index, struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ roles) {
QMap<int, QVariant> roles_QMap;
int* roles_karr = static_cast<int*>(roles.keys);
QVariant** roles_varr = static_cast<QVariant**>(roles.values);
for(size_t i = 0; i < roles.len; ++i) {
roles_QMap[static_cast<int>(roles_karr[i])] = *(roles_varr[i]);
return QDirModel::setItemData(*index, roles_QMap);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__canDropMimeData = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool canDropMimeData(const QMimeData* data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const override {
if (handle__canDropMimeData == 0) {
return QDirModel::canDropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent);
QMimeData* sigval1 = (QMimeData*) data;
Qt::DropAction action_ret = action;
int sigval2 = static_cast<int>(action_ret);
int sigval3 = row;
int sigval4 = column;
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval5 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_canDropMimeData(this, handle__canDropMimeData, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3, sigval4, sigval5);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_canDropMimeData(QMimeData* data, int action, int row, int column, QModelIndex* parent) const {
return QDirModel::canDropMimeData(data, static_cast<Qt::DropAction>(action), static_cast<int>(row), static_cast<int>(column), *parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__supportedDragActions = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual Qt::DropActions supportedDragActions() const override {
if (handle__supportedDragActions == 0) {
return QDirModel::supportedDragActions();
int callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_supportedDragActions(this, handle__supportedDragActions);
return static_cast<Qt::DropActions>(callback_return_value);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
int virtualbase_supportedDragActions() const {
Qt::DropActions _ret = QDirModel::supportedDragActions();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__insertRows = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent) override {
if (handle__insertRows == 0) {
return QDirModel::insertRows(row, count, parent);
int sigval1 = row;
int sigval2 = count;
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval3 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_insertRows(this, handle__insertRows, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_insertRows(int row, int count, QModelIndex* parent) {
return QDirModel::insertRows(static_cast<int>(row), static_cast<int>(count), *parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__insertColumns = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool insertColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex& parent) override {
if (handle__insertColumns == 0) {
return QDirModel::insertColumns(column, count, parent);
int sigval1 = column;
int sigval2 = count;
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval3 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_insertColumns(this, handle__insertColumns, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_insertColumns(int column, int count, QModelIndex* parent) {
return QDirModel::insertColumns(static_cast<int>(column), static_cast<int>(count), *parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__removeRows = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent) override {
if (handle__removeRows == 0) {
return QDirModel::removeRows(row, count, parent);
int sigval1 = row;
int sigval2 = count;
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval3 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_removeRows(this, handle__removeRows, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_removeRows(int row, int count, QModelIndex* parent) {
return QDirModel::removeRows(static_cast<int>(row), static_cast<int>(count), *parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__removeColumns = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool removeColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex& parent) override {
if (handle__removeColumns == 0) {
return QDirModel::removeColumns(column, count, parent);
int sigval1 = column;
int sigval2 = count;
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval3 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_removeColumns(this, handle__removeColumns, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_removeColumns(int column, int count, QModelIndex* parent) {
return QDirModel::removeColumns(static_cast<int>(column), static_cast<int>(count), *parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__moveRows = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool moveRows(const QModelIndex& sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, const QModelIndex& destinationParent, int destinationChild) override {
if (handle__moveRows == 0) {
return QDirModel::moveRows(sourceParent, sourceRow, count, destinationParent, destinationChild);
const QModelIndex& sourceParent_ret = sourceParent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&sourceParent_ret);
int sigval2 = sourceRow;
int sigval3 = count;
const QModelIndex& destinationParent_ret = destinationParent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval4 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&destinationParent_ret);
int sigval5 = destinationChild;
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_moveRows(this, handle__moveRows, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3, sigval4, sigval5);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_moveRows(QModelIndex* sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, QModelIndex* destinationParent, int destinationChild) {
return QDirModel::moveRows(*sourceParent, static_cast<int>(sourceRow), static_cast<int>(count), *destinationParent, static_cast<int>(destinationChild));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__moveColumns = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool moveColumns(const QModelIndex& sourceParent, int sourceColumn, int count, const QModelIndex& destinationParent, int destinationChild) override {
if (handle__moveColumns == 0) {
return QDirModel::moveColumns(sourceParent, sourceColumn, count, destinationParent, destinationChild);
const QModelIndex& sourceParent_ret = sourceParent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&sourceParent_ret);
int sigval2 = sourceColumn;
int sigval3 = count;
const QModelIndex& destinationParent_ret = destinationParent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval4 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&destinationParent_ret);
int sigval5 = destinationChild;
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_moveColumns(this, handle__moveColumns, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3, sigval4, sigval5);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_moveColumns(QModelIndex* sourceParent, int sourceColumn, int count, QModelIndex* destinationParent, int destinationChild) {
return QDirModel::moveColumns(*sourceParent, static_cast<int>(sourceColumn), static_cast<int>(count), *destinationParent, static_cast<int>(destinationChild));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__fetchMore = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void fetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) override {
if (handle__fetchMore == 0) {
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_fetchMore(this, handle__fetchMore, sigval1);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
void virtualbase_fetchMore(QModelIndex* parent) {
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__canFetchMore = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) const override {
if (handle__canFetchMore == 0) {
return QDirModel::canFetchMore(parent);
const QModelIndex& parent_ret = parent;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&parent_ret);
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_canFetchMore(this, handle__canFetchMore, sigval1);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_canFetchMore(QModelIndex* parent) const {
return QDirModel::canFetchMore(*parent);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__buddy = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndex buddy(const QModelIndex& index) const override {
if (handle__buddy == 0) {
return QDirModel::buddy(index);
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
QModelIndex* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_buddy(this, handle__buddy, sigval1);
return *callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
QModelIndex* virtualbase_buddy(QModelIndex* index) const {
return new QModelIndex(QDirModel::buddy(*index));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__match = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QModelIndexList match(const QModelIndex& start, int role, const QVariant& value, int hits, Qt::MatchFlags flags) const override {
if (handle__match == 0) {
return QDirModel::match(start, role, value, hits, flags);
const QModelIndex& start_ret = start;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&start_ret);
int sigval2 = role;
const QVariant& value_ret = value;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QVariant* sigval3 = const_cast<QVariant*>(&value_ret);
int sigval4 = hits;
Qt::MatchFlags flags_ret = flags;
int sigval5 = static_cast<int>(flags_ret);
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_match(this, handle__match, sigval1, sigval2, sigval3, sigval4, sigval5);
QModelIndexList callback_return_value_QList;
QModelIndex** callback_return_value_arr = static_cast<QModelIndex**>(callback_return_value.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < callback_return_value.len; ++i) {
return callback_return_value_QList;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ virtualbase_match(QModelIndex* start, int role, QVariant* value, int hits, int flags) const {
QModelIndexList _ret = QDirModel::match(*start, static_cast<int>(role), *value, static_cast<int>(hits), static_cast<Qt::MatchFlags>(flags));
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
QModelIndex** _arr = static_cast<QModelIndex**>(malloc(sizeof(QModelIndex*) * _ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
_arr[i] = new QModelIndex(_ret[i]);
struct miqt_array _out;
_out.len = _ret.length();
_out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr);
return _out;
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__span = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QSize span(const QModelIndex& index) const override {
if (handle__span == 0) {
return QDirModel::span(index);
const QModelIndex& index_ret = index;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QModelIndex* sigval1 = const_cast<QModelIndex*>(&index_ret);
QSize* callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_span(this, handle__span, sigval1);
return *callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
QSize* virtualbase_span(QModelIndex* index) const {
return new QSize(QDirModel::span(*index));
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__roleNames = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override {
if (handle__roleNames == 0) {
return QDirModel::roleNames();
struct miqt_map /* of int to struct miqt_string */ callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_roleNames(this, handle__roleNames);
QHash<int, QByteArray> callback_return_value_QMap;
int* callback_return_value_karr = static_cast<int*>(callback_return_value.keys);
struct miqt_string* callback_return_value_varr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(callback_return_value.values);
for(size_t i = 0; i < callback_return_value.len; ++i) {
QByteArray callback_return_value_varr_i_QByteArray(callback_return_value_varr[i].data, callback_return_value_varr[i].len);
callback_return_value_QMap[static_cast<int>(callback_return_value_karr[i])] = callback_return_value_varr_i_QByteArray;
return callback_return_value_QMap;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
struct miqt_map /* of int to struct miqt_string */ virtualbase_roleNames() const {
QHash<int, QByteArray> _ret = QDirModel::roleNames();
// Convert QMap<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
int* _karr = static_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeof(int) * _ret.size()));
struct miqt_string* _varr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(malloc(sizeof(struct miqt_string) * _ret.size()));
int _ctr = 0;
for (auto _itr = _ret.keyValueBegin(); _itr != _ret.keyValueEnd(); ++_itr) {
_karr[_ctr] = _itr->first;
QByteArray _hashval_qb = _itr->second;
struct miqt_string _hashval_ms;
_hashval_ms.len = _hashval_qb.length();
_hashval_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_hashval_ms.len));
memcpy(_hashval_ms.data, _hashval_qb.data(), _hashval_ms.len);
_varr[_ctr] = _hashval_ms;
struct miqt_map _out;
_out.len = _ret.size();
_out.keys = static_cast<void*>(_karr);
_out.values = static_cast<void*>(_varr);
return _out;
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__submit = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool submit() override {
if (handle__submit == 0) {
return QDirModel::submit();
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_submit(this, handle__submit);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_submit() {
return QDirModel::submit();
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__revert = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void revert() override {
if (handle__revert == 0) {
miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_revert(this, handle__revert);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
void virtualbase_revert() {
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__event = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool event(QEvent* event) override {
if (handle__event == 0) {
return QDirModel::event(event);
QEvent* sigval1 = event;
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_event(this, handle__event, sigval1);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_event(QEvent* event) {
return QDirModel::event(event);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__eventFilter = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) override {
if (handle__eventFilter == 0) {
return QDirModel::eventFilter(watched, event);
QObject* sigval1 = watched;
QEvent* sigval2 = event;
bool callback_return_value = miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_eventFilter(this, handle__eventFilter, sigval1, sigval2);
return callback_return_value;
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
bool virtualbase_eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) {
return QDirModel::eventFilter(watched, event);
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__timerEvent = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event) override {
if (handle__timerEvent == 0) {
QTimerEvent* sigval1 = event;
miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_timerEvent(this, handle__timerEvent, sigval1);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
void virtualbase_timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event) {
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__childEvent = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void childEvent(QChildEvent* event) override {
if (handle__childEvent == 0) {
QChildEvent* sigval1 = event;
miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_childEvent(this, handle__childEvent, sigval1);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
void virtualbase_childEvent(QChildEvent* event) {
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__customEvent = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void customEvent(QEvent* event) override {
if (handle__customEvent == 0) {
QEvent* sigval1 = event;
miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_customEvent(this, handle__customEvent, sigval1);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
void virtualbase_customEvent(QEvent* event) {
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__connectNotify = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod& signal) override {
if (handle__connectNotify == 0) {
const QMetaMethod& signal_ret = signal;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QMetaMethod* sigval1 = const_cast<QMetaMethod*>(&signal_ret);
miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_connectNotify(this, handle__connectNotify, sigval1);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
void virtualbase_connectNotify(QMetaMethod* signal) {
// cgo.Handle value for overwritten implementation
intptr_t handle__disconnectNotify = 0;
// Subclass to allow providing a Go implementation
virtual void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod& signal) override {
if (handle__disconnectNotify == 0) {
const QMetaMethod& signal_ret = signal;
// Cast returned reference into pointer
QMetaMethod* sigval1 = const_cast<QMetaMethod*>(&signal_ret);
miqt_exec_callback_QDirModel_disconnectNotify(this, handle__disconnectNotify, sigval1);
// Wrapper to allow calling protected method
void virtualbase_disconnectNotify(QMetaMethod* signal) {
QDirModel* QDirModel_new(struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ nameFilters, int filters, int sort) {
QStringList nameFilters_QList;
struct miqt_string* nameFilters_arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(nameFilters.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < nameFilters.len; ++i) {
QString nameFilters_arr_i_QString = QString::fromUtf8(nameFilters_arr[i].data, nameFilters_arr[i].len);
return new MiqtVirtualQDirModel(nameFilters_QList, static_cast<QDir::Filters>(filters), static_cast<QDir::SortFlags>(sort));
QDirModel* QDirModel_new2() {
return new MiqtVirtualQDirModel();
QDirModel* QDirModel_new3(struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ nameFilters, int filters, int sort, QObject* parent) {
QStringList nameFilters_QList;
struct miqt_string* nameFilters_arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(nameFilters.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < nameFilters.len; ++i) {
QString nameFilters_arr_i_QString = QString::fromUtf8(nameFilters_arr[i].data, nameFilters_arr[i].len);
return new MiqtVirtualQDirModel(nameFilters_QList, static_cast<QDir::Filters>(filters), static_cast<QDir::SortFlags>(sort), parent);
QDirModel* QDirModel_new4(QObject* parent) {
return new MiqtVirtualQDirModel(parent);
void QDirModel_virtbase(QDirModel* src, QAbstractItemModel** outptr_QAbstractItemModel) {
*outptr_QAbstractItemModel = static_cast<QAbstractItemModel*>(src);
QMetaObject* QDirModel_metaObject(const QDirModel* self) {
return (QMetaObject*) self->metaObject();
void* QDirModel_metacast(QDirModel* self, const char* param1) {
return self->qt_metacast(param1);
struct miqt_string QDirModel_tr(const char* s) {
QString _ret = QDirModel::tr(s);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
struct miqt_string QDirModel_trUtf8(const char* s) {
QString _ret = QDirModel::trUtf8(s);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
QModelIndex* QDirModel_index(const QDirModel* self, int row, int column, QModelIndex* parent) {
return new QModelIndex(self->index(static_cast<int>(row), static_cast<int>(column), *parent));
QModelIndex* QDirModel_parent(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* child) {
return new QModelIndex(self->parent(*child));
int QDirModel_rowCount(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* parent) {
return self->rowCount(*parent);
int QDirModel_columnCount(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* parent) {
return self->columnCount(*parent);
QVariant* QDirModel_data(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index, int role) {
return new QVariant(self->data(*index, static_cast<int>(role)));
bool QDirModel_setData(QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index, QVariant* value, int role) {
return self->setData(*index, *value, static_cast<int>(role));
QVariant* QDirModel_headerData(const QDirModel* self, int section, int orientation, int role) {
return new QVariant(self->headerData(static_cast<int>(section), static_cast<Qt::Orientation>(orientation), static_cast<int>(role)));
bool QDirModel_hasChildren(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return self->hasChildren(*index);
int QDirModel_flags(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
Qt::ItemFlags _ret = self->flags(*index);
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
void QDirModel_sort(QDirModel* self, int column, int order) {
self->sort(static_cast<int>(column), static_cast<Qt::SortOrder>(order));
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ QDirModel_mimeTypes(const QDirModel* self) {
QStringList _ret = self->mimeTypes();
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
struct miqt_string* _arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(malloc(sizeof(struct miqt_string) * _ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
QString _lv_ret = _ret[i];
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _lv_b = _lv_ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _lv_ms;
_lv_ms.len = _lv_b.length();
_lv_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_lv_ms.len));
memcpy(_lv_ms.data, _lv_b.data(), _lv_ms.len);
_arr[i] = _lv_ms;
struct miqt_array _out;
_out.len = _ret.length();
_out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr);
return _out;
QMimeData* QDirModel_mimeData(const QDirModel* self, struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ indexes) {
QModelIndexList indexes_QList;
QModelIndex** indexes_arr = static_cast<QModelIndex**>(indexes.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < indexes.len; ++i) {
return self->mimeData(indexes_QList);
bool QDirModel_dropMimeData(QDirModel* self, QMimeData* data, int action, int row, int column, QModelIndex* parent) {
return self->dropMimeData(data, static_cast<Qt::DropAction>(action), static_cast<int>(row), static_cast<int>(column), *parent);
int QDirModel_supportedDropActions(const QDirModel* self) {
Qt::DropActions _ret = self->supportedDropActions();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
void QDirModel_setIconProvider(QDirModel* self, QFileIconProvider* provider) {
QFileIconProvider* QDirModel_iconProvider(const QDirModel* self) {
return self->iconProvider();
void QDirModel_setNameFilters(QDirModel* self, struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ filters) {
QStringList filters_QList;
struct miqt_string* filters_arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(filters.data);
for(size_t i = 0; i < filters.len; ++i) {
QString filters_arr_i_QString = QString::fromUtf8(filters_arr[i].data, filters_arr[i].len);
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ QDirModel_nameFilters(const QDirModel* self) {
QStringList _ret = self->nameFilters();
// Convert QList<> from C++ memory to manually-managed C memory
struct miqt_string* _arr = static_cast<struct miqt_string*>(malloc(sizeof(struct miqt_string) * _ret.length()));
for (size_t i = 0, e = _ret.length(); i < e; ++i) {
QString _lv_ret = _ret[i];
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _lv_b = _lv_ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _lv_ms;
_lv_ms.len = _lv_b.length();
_lv_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_lv_ms.len));
memcpy(_lv_ms.data, _lv_b.data(), _lv_ms.len);
_arr[i] = _lv_ms;
struct miqt_array _out;
_out.len = _ret.length();
_out.data = static_cast<void*>(_arr);
return _out;
void QDirModel_setFilter(QDirModel* self, int filters) {
int QDirModel_filter(const QDirModel* self) {
QDir::Filters _ret = self->filter();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
void QDirModel_setSorting(QDirModel* self, int sort) {
int QDirModel_sorting(const QDirModel* self) {
QDir::SortFlags _ret = self->sorting();
return static_cast<int>(_ret);
void QDirModel_setResolveSymlinks(QDirModel* self, bool enable) {
bool QDirModel_resolveSymlinks(const QDirModel* self) {
return self->resolveSymlinks();
void QDirModel_setReadOnly(QDirModel* self, bool enable) {
bool QDirModel_isReadOnly(const QDirModel* self) {
return self->isReadOnly();
void QDirModel_setLazyChildCount(QDirModel* self, bool enable) {
bool QDirModel_lazyChildCount(const QDirModel* self) {
return self->lazyChildCount();
QModelIndex* QDirModel_indexWithPath(const QDirModel* self, struct miqt_string path) {
QString path_QString = QString::fromUtf8(path.data, path.len);
return new QModelIndex(self->index(path_QString));
bool QDirModel_isDir(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return self->isDir(*index);
QModelIndex* QDirModel_mkdir(QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* parent, struct miqt_string name) {
QString name_QString = QString::fromUtf8(name.data, name.len);
return new QModelIndex(self->mkdir(*parent, name_QString));
bool QDirModel_rmdir(QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return self->rmdir(*index);
bool QDirModel_remove(QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return self->remove(*index);
struct miqt_string QDirModel_filePath(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
QString _ret = self->filePath(*index);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
struct miqt_string QDirModel_fileName(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
QString _ret = self->fileName(*index);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
QIcon* QDirModel_fileIcon(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return new QIcon(self->fileIcon(*index));
QFileInfo* QDirModel_fileInfo(const QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return new QFileInfo(self->fileInfo(*index));
void QDirModel_refresh(QDirModel* self) {
struct miqt_string QDirModel_tr2(const char* s, const char* c) {
QString _ret = QDirModel::tr(s, c);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
struct miqt_string QDirModel_tr3(const char* s, const char* c, int n) {
QString _ret = QDirModel::tr(s, c, static_cast<int>(n));
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
struct miqt_string QDirModel_trUtf82(const char* s, const char* c) {
QString _ret = QDirModel::trUtf8(s, c);
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
struct miqt_string QDirModel_trUtf83(const char* s, const char* c, int n) {
QString _ret = QDirModel::trUtf8(s, c, static_cast<int>(n));
// Convert QString from UTF-16 in C++ RAII memory to UTF-8 in manually-managed C memory
QByteArray _b = _ret.toUtf8();
struct miqt_string _ms;
_ms.len = _b.length();
_ms.data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(_ms.len));
memcpy(_ms.data, _b.data(), _ms.len);
return _ms;
QModelIndex* QDirModel_index2(const QDirModel* self, struct miqt_string path, int column) {
QString path_QString = QString::fromUtf8(path.data, path.len);
return new QModelIndex(self->index(path_QString, static_cast<int>(column)));
void QDirModel_refresh1(QDirModel* self, QModelIndex* parent) {
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_index(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__index = slot;
return true;
QModelIndex* QDirModel_virtualbase_index(const void* self, int row, int column, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_index(row, column, parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_parent(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__parent = slot;
return true;
QModelIndex* QDirModel_virtualbase_parent(const void* self, QModelIndex* child) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_parent(child);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_rowCount(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__rowCount = slot;
return true;
int QDirModel_virtualbase_rowCount(const void* self, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_rowCount(parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_columnCount(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__columnCount = slot;
return true;
int QDirModel_virtualbase_columnCount(const void* self, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_columnCount(parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_data(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__data = slot;
return true;
QVariant* QDirModel_virtualbase_data(const void* self, QModelIndex* index, int role) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_data(index, role);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_setData(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__setData = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_setData(void* self, QModelIndex* index, QVariant* value, int role) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_setData(index, value, role);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_headerData(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__headerData = slot;
return true;
QVariant* QDirModel_virtualbase_headerData(const void* self, int section, int orientation, int role) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_headerData(section, orientation, role);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_hasChildren(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__hasChildren = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_hasChildren(const void* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_hasChildren(index);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_flags(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__flags = slot;
return true;
int QDirModel_virtualbase_flags(const void* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_flags(index);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_sort(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__sort = slot;
return true;
void QDirModel_virtualbase_sort(void* self, int column, int order) {
( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_sort(column, order);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_mimeTypes(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__mimeTypes = slot;
return true;
struct miqt_array /* of struct miqt_string */ QDirModel_virtualbase_mimeTypes(const void* self) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_mimeTypes();
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_mimeData(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__mimeData = slot;
return true;
QMimeData* QDirModel_virtualbase_mimeData(const void* self, struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ indexes) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_mimeData(indexes);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_dropMimeData(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__dropMimeData = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_dropMimeData(void* self, QMimeData* data, int action, int row, int column, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_dropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_supportedDropActions(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__supportedDropActions = slot;
return true;
int QDirModel_virtualbase_supportedDropActions(const void* self) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_supportedDropActions();
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_sibling(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__sibling = slot;
return true;
QModelIndex* QDirModel_virtualbase_sibling(const void* self, int row, int column, QModelIndex* idx) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_sibling(row, column, idx);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_setHeaderData(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__setHeaderData = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_setHeaderData(void* self, int section, int orientation, QVariant* value, int role) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_setHeaderData(section, orientation, value, role);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_itemData(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__itemData = slot;
return true;
struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ QDirModel_virtualbase_itemData(const void* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_itemData(index);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_setItemData(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__setItemData = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_setItemData(void* self, QModelIndex* index, struct miqt_map /* of int to QVariant* */ roles) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_setItemData(index, roles);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_canDropMimeData(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__canDropMimeData = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_canDropMimeData(const void* self, QMimeData* data, int action, int row, int column, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_canDropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_supportedDragActions(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__supportedDragActions = slot;
return true;
int QDirModel_virtualbase_supportedDragActions(const void* self) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_supportedDragActions();
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_insertRows(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__insertRows = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_insertRows(void* self, int row, int count, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_insertRows(row, count, parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_insertColumns(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__insertColumns = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_insertColumns(void* self, int column, int count, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_insertColumns(column, count, parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_removeRows(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__removeRows = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_removeRows(void* self, int row, int count, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_removeRows(row, count, parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_removeColumns(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__removeColumns = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_removeColumns(void* self, int column, int count, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_removeColumns(column, count, parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_moveRows(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__moveRows = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_moveRows(void* self, QModelIndex* sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, QModelIndex* destinationParent, int destinationChild) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_moveRows(sourceParent, sourceRow, count, destinationParent, destinationChild);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_moveColumns(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__moveColumns = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_moveColumns(void* self, QModelIndex* sourceParent, int sourceColumn, int count, QModelIndex* destinationParent, int destinationChild) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_moveColumns(sourceParent, sourceColumn, count, destinationParent, destinationChild);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_fetchMore(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__fetchMore = slot;
return true;
void QDirModel_virtualbase_fetchMore(void* self, QModelIndex* parent) {
( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_fetchMore(parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_canFetchMore(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__canFetchMore = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_canFetchMore(const void* self, QModelIndex* parent) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_canFetchMore(parent);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_buddy(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__buddy = slot;
return true;
QModelIndex* QDirModel_virtualbase_buddy(const void* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_buddy(index);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_match(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__match = slot;
return true;
struct miqt_array /* of QModelIndex* */ QDirModel_virtualbase_match(const void* self, QModelIndex* start, int role, QVariant* value, int hits, int flags) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_match(start, role, value, hits, flags);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_span(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__span = slot;
return true;
QSize* QDirModel_virtualbase_span(const void* self, QModelIndex* index) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_span(index);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_roleNames(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__roleNames = slot;
return true;
struct miqt_map /* of int to struct miqt_string */ QDirModel_virtualbase_roleNames(const void* self) {
return ( (const MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_roleNames();
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_submit(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__submit = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_submit(void* self) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_submit();
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_revert(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__revert = slot;
return true;
void QDirModel_virtualbase_revert(void* self) {
( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_revert();
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_event(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__event = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_event(void* self, QEvent* event) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_event(event);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_eventFilter(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__eventFilter = slot;
return true;
bool QDirModel_virtualbase_eventFilter(void* self, QObject* watched, QEvent* event) {
return ( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_eventFilter(watched, event);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_timerEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__timerEvent = slot;
return true;
void QDirModel_virtualbase_timerEvent(void* self, QTimerEvent* event) {
( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_timerEvent(event);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_childEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__childEvent = slot;
return true;
void QDirModel_virtualbase_childEvent(void* self, QChildEvent* event) {
( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_childEvent(event);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_customEvent(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__customEvent = slot;
return true;
void QDirModel_virtualbase_customEvent(void* self, QEvent* event) {
( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_customEvent(event);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_connectNotify(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__connectNotify = slot;
return true;
void QDirModel_virtualbase_connectNotify(void* self, QMetaMethod* signal) {
( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_connectNotify(signal);
bool QDirModel_override_virtual_disconnectNotify(void* self, intptr_t slot) {
MiqtVirtualQDirModel* self_cast = dynamic_cast<MiqtVirtualQDirModel*>( (QDirModel*)(self) );
if (self_cast == nullptr) {
return false;
self_cast->handle__disconnectNotify = slot;
return true;
void QDirModel_virtualbase_disconnectNotify(void* self, QMetaMethod* signal) {
( (MiqtVirtualQDirModel*)(self) )->virtualbase_disconnectNotify(signal);
void QDirModel_delete(QDirModel* self) {
delete self;