# nmdc-telegramfrontend ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/written%20in-Go-blue.svg) A bot to synchronise chat between an DC hub and a Telegram supergroup. ## Features - Supports NMDC / NMDCS / ADC / ADCS hubs - Automatically upload photos/files/videos/audio/stickers to a Contented server for DC users - Fallback upload to thumbnail-only if exceeding declared Contented file size limit - Convert telegram quoted messages to DC quoting style - Exclude messages from multiple hub nicks (e.g. `Hub-Security` / `PtokaX` and helper bots) - Standalone binary - PM with native users - Get native userlist inside the telegram group chat - Option for length requirement on native nick - Disconnect telegram users who fail to log in to the upstream hub ## Setup Create a new telegram bot 1. Use BotFather to create a new bot 2. Use BotFather to disable its privacy mode for group chats 3. Use BotFather to add commands (that appear in the groupchat). Recommendation: `userlist - List native online users` Create a telegram group 1. Manually create a group chat and add the bot to it 2. Convert group chat to supergroup 3. Grant bot to be an administrator (including ability to add more administrators) 4. Settings > "Who can add members" > Only administrators 5. Create an invite link Handover to `nmdc-telegramfrontend` 1. Run this bot with no `-GroupChatID`, to learn the groupchat ID 2. Post a test message in the group chat, to discover the groupchat ID 3. Leave the group chat (long press on mobile, can't do it on desktop) 4. Run this bot with `-GroupChatID` for normal operation ## Usage Chat with the bot to enter/leave the synchronised channel. Sometimes the telegram invite links can take a few minutes to activate, especially if there has been unusual activity (e.g. frequent join/parts) ## Changelog 2018-06-10 1.0.1 - Send DC captions on TG photos and voice clips - Send DC message when sharing a TG contact - Fix a cosmetic issue with missing format specifier in log message - [⬇️ nmdc-telegramfrontend-1.0.1-src.tar.bz2](https://git.ivysaur.me/attachments/857a8a57-3dae-44b4-9250-8c3691b393e1) *(100.84 KiB)* - [⬇️ nmdc-telegramfrontend-1.0.1-linux64.tar.xz](https://git.ivysaur.me/attachments/86a10b0f-0ca5-4150-820c-e27451198a27) *(1.92 MiB)* 2018-06-09 1.0.0 - Initial public release - [⬇️ nmdc-telegramfrontend-1.0.0-src.tar.bz2](https://git.ivysaur.me/attachments/0d357ce3-b026-45d0-b722-8f4f0cd47be5) *(101.17 KiB)* - [⬇️ nmdc-telegramfrontend-1.0.0-linux64.tar.xz](https://git.ivysaur.me/attachments/643ad20b-814a-4883-94fa-876a4c361a83) *(1.92 MiB)* 2018-06-03 - Private beta